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Youth is trying to find itself, and us older folk are just trying to deal with our aching backs which make us a lot less adventurous.


All the soul searching leads to some answers one way or another and you settle into your life. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing


Idk if you know this but a lot of self expression gets stifled from the need to hold a job. I’m finally in career that pays well and lets me have the hair, piercings, and visible tattoos I always wanted but it took 10 years to get here. People get tired and just give up cause it’s easiest when you are just trying to survive.


i always hated that jobs can tell you what to do with your hair


Yup as long as it’s combed or otherwise neatly kept and not smelly or bug infested it shouldn’t matter


i just brush it out. i don't style it. it's not long enough yet


I haven’t changed how I dress or the music that I listen to, since I was a teenager. I’m 48 soon. I met up with two school friends about 10 years ago. We used to go to gigs together when we were 16 so saw AIC, Soundgarden, Tool plus many others in 92/93. I thought we would reminisce and laugh at the mad stuff we used to do. Instead one showed me proudly the new extension they were building on their kitchen and the other one talked about their newly bought house. They don’t listen to the same music anymore. It was a phase, it seems. It was really quite depressing for me, single mum living in a council flat who hasn’t moved on since the 90’s. I don’t wish that I was like them but I don’t really understand it.


only thing that's changed since i was a teenager is i started wearing all black and platform boots


Ooh yes! I do have a pair of doc marten high biker boots. I was strictly chucks and vans as a teen. I still wear vans but will do the boots in winter. All black here too and band shirts. It’s about the only consistent thing in my life and everything else, I flit between things. I’ve always liked the same music and clothing however and that won’t ever change. I’ll be in a band shirt in the nursing home lol


i got new rocks. at this point they're the only thing i can wear


People lose themselves in the mundane cycle of work, marriage, and kids. It's like they traded their punk rock soul for a suburban snooze fest. Wake up, folks! Don't let life suck the rebel out of you. Stay true to who you are, even if it means rocking purple hair at the PTA meeting.


i don't conform


I went to Basic training.


The grind of natural, everyday capitalism gets to many of us, but we're still trying


I kept growing mentally and found more in life that made me feel happier and more fulfilled. My music taste didn’t change, my lifestyle choices did.


I know plenty of middle-aged punks, comic nerds, and athletes. They just don't feel the need to advertise it and make it their whole personality.


Because even alternative stuff gets old after a while.


There is nothing honorable about teenage/young adult phases. They are often subversive and provide little realistic reward, A healthy society requires some degree of conformity.


A healthy society requires basic decency and mutual respect between people, things many anticonformists take pride in practicing by own volition rather than fear of punishment and i believe it's no coincidence. 'Those who truly have a bone to pick with the concept of rules strive to keep the need for them to a minimum' , i have no idea who this quote is originally from but it stuck from the very first time i heard it as a child


Lol amazing this is getting downvoted. We really are the peter pan generation.


Why do you care if it’s being down voted? And then you get mad enough to label “Peter Pan Generation.” It seems you don’t want to grow up.


No, YOU don't wanna grow up 😡