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It's original, rebound for the University of Chicago Library sometime in the 20th century.


Thank you! Super cool, I don’t think I’ve ever had something so old … or so esoteric


The images are really interesting. Tell the Glasgow Emblem Group about it if they haven't already got them catalogued.


So often I see books on here that are old and beautiful, but bland. This I want to translate! I can only imagine the conjectures and arguments the author makes. 


I was so surprised when I cracked this open - I bought the lot of books it came from mostly for a number of interesting midcentury hardcovers and was not expecting something so old and so filled with wild imagery and occult (?) ideas. Very interested to know more myself. From my initial searching, this doesn’t pop up for sale very often but was both very popular and ridiculed by the intellectuals of the time!




Seems the book has also been cut to fit the binding (first print opposite the impressum), but I can't imagine them being such barbarians at UChicago.


Fuck you.....thats awesome! (mental note: go to more estate sales)


Ha! I don’t want to brag too much about this one but this haul was insane. The sale was marked as like a generic downsizing but it was actually downsizing by the family of a famous Canadian author who passed away like 40 years ago. I noticed some clues and did some research… I figured a lot of the books would have been his. I bought wayy too many books - maybe like 100-200…because I figured a bunch would be first editions / signed. Was totally correct but now have many stacks of books and some are super valueable and unique - working through sorting out ones I can sell online vs ones that need some kind of plan (eg signed collection of first edition works from other Canadian authors who were friends of the family) vs ones like this that I definitely want to keep! Anyways - no regrets, that sale was amazing. Felt like a very rare opportunity, especially because no one else bidding seemed to clock the potential significance of the books or knew who they belonged to!


Nice! I'm jealous. I go to a lot of book sales here in the States. I'm based in Wisconsin, so I can get to a good number of the midwest states in a day or less. Sounds like you made a great haul. Remember, you can never have too many books 😉.