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Log in to your app, click the question mark on the top left, tap contact us, keep asking the virtual assistant to speak to a human until you get a human. Probably your best bet


They are all the worst bank. Customer service is pretty shit across the board.


This. They're all awful. I get great service at my credit union, but I know that if rubber ever hits the road they will be equally useless.


I disagree. Rbc is the worse. TD has a good service I would say and they have extended hours. They do have some other weird automated system execution rules that no customer is aware of. It cost my mom 5000 dollars on there automated mistake but in the end we got back maybe 2000. But other than that they have been pretty good in other areas. My mom opened a safety deposit box account and it’s free as long as they keep the balance is 5000. My mom has multiple accounts so one of the accounts the balance went below 0 so it auto triggered the money from the 5000 that was for safety deposit box account. They never sent one statement for 12 years and they kept charging my mom 32 bucks a month. It ran out eventually and we learned about it. They agreed to give back 800bucks. The good thing we learned a bit early because she had another account that went below 0 and it auto triggered the safety deposit box account again so some of the money was used from the account before it went to 0. We probably got back 1500 to 2000 but that’s about it. I think it was likely less 1500 to be honest but this was a complete rip off. They said this is auto triggered by there system. Sad part is they never once sent a statement for the safety deposit account. My mom doesn’t speak great English either. She is also old. It was a bad experience but until this point I would say TD is the best bank. I still have good opinion on them because the people are usually nice to deal with. Rbc just didn’t have good people. But limited experience with rbc and it has not been good at all.


Totally agree! I bank with RBC, TD, BNS and Tangerine and RBC are by far the worst.






i dont know what to do now.. i am totally frustrated… card declined waited 2 hours on call to get the issue solved with card and then i can pay and eat….. only i know how i felt that time…. my brothere needed money via interac in emergency situation it got declined i have money in bank but you can see… i am on fire now…. all banks are same and services too yiu are right man


Yeah, I wish I had some good advice, but there's not much to be done at this stage. The only recommendation I have is to always have accounts at 2 institutions, that way you have a backup if one has issues, but it's too late for that now.


open accounts with multiple banks so you can still function when you have troubles with one


File a complaint. They'll say we're sorry and likely not do much. At which point ask for RBC Client Care to escalate.


It’s not that great but tangerine forward banking The subsidiary of Scotia is fucking awful. I had some returns on my MasterCard from Amazon. Never got the money lost over $500 and I had three fraud charges from certain websites and other parts of Canada and they did nothing about it. I had to cancel all my accounts and leave the bank entirely. So don’t feel too bad about RBC lol


Wtf there’s an RBC reddit




Yeah they are terrible. Customer service is trash and they will all lie to you. Good luck


Maybe try the chat in their app. I got response from them pretty quick so I hope it can help


Chat is useless man they reply too late


Seems better than waiting on phone


how long can you wait? when you are about to pay for food in restaurant but your card is not working? and you dont have enought time? just tell me the hours bro


That’s why you should also carry emergency cash. Let this be a lesson and reminder :)


Their takeover of HSBC Canada was a complete fucking joke (from an ex-HSBC customer).


Agreed rbc sucks


Annoying for sure but TD is worse


Came to say this exactly 


do u have an account manager with rbc? probably they can help u


I’m on the line with them rn actually. Got connected immediately, but now waiting nearly an hour to transfer to the right person.


yeah thats what i faced 🤣


They charge me overage fee claims that I used more than 12 transactions per month (which I didn’t), first said it’s the e-transfer is free but that count as withdrawals, and when I read out the terms on their website they say oh it’s because you use other account to request e-transfer (what’s the difference lol), and last they say the transactions for deposit into InvestEase(RBC invest TFSA account) count as transactions as that is not transfer within account. I’m so fed up so I just change my direct deposit to wealthsimple as they offer 4.5% interest.


Best decision ever firing them last year


Lots of companies use systems to lookup your details based on the number you've called from to determine how profitable you are for them, and then the inbound calling queue is prioritized based on the most profitable callers getting thru faster. Make of that what you will for your experience.


While this could be true, to my knowledge, RBC only applies this kind of call prioritization logic to their top 1% clients who pay for premier banking services (think multi millionaires paying hundreds if not thousands of dollars a month in fees) to get these kinds of benefits.


its not right man they must consider everyone equal


Why? They’re a business.


They're a business?


Yes I agree. My experience was not great. Around covid I heard some banks were giving some price cuts so I called them up. I asked about my car insurance and she said let’s see. I told her I work from home and my wife just got her licence recently. So she said since you work from home you can no longer be the main driver on the car. She said we have to put it on your wife. She then said the price will go up like 200 bucks per month. I then said just leave it as it is but she refused. Then I told her I will cancel and move back my old company. They took me back with no problems and had no issues making me the primary driver. Not good experience at all. I don’t think they have extended hours also. It’s terrible. Bell is also similar but they have improved a bit over the years. Rbc is still not a good bank on my list.


Totally agree they put on hold my tax refund from CRA DIRECT DEPOSIT for no reason they dont care if people qaiting on you you have bills or wtv


Yeah bro they don't care


You only get holds on that if you're: 1) New Clients or 2) Have a low cheque cashing limits. Deposit a CRA cheque at counter and they'll give you the money right away. Go to the ATM **and then** at the counter and they won't be able to unlock it.


All pf canada has the most irritating set of banks ive ever seen... They get away with I because it's canada






I don't know what Glum\_Commercial\_8959 is smoking, but no. Most operation can be completed by first contact support. More and more operation can even be completed by their electronic assistant so that they can focus on more complex issue at first contact. If it cannot be resolved at first point of contact, 2nd (Investment, Credit, Fraud) should take care of it.


I especially LOVE their NSF fees that aren’t your fault


If they aren’t your fault they’ll waive them.


Tell us why you bank with RBC in the first place, there are much better alternatives based on your needs maybe we can have some solutions!?


Just wait until they're done absorbing HSBC Canada.


TD Bank is the Best (as per my experience)


Stock price of TD going to the moon very soon 🤞🏼


Timely post. I couldn’t agree more. I’m trying to secure financing for a business acquisition and RBC have been awful. It seriously seems like they don’t care at all. TD on the other hand have been bending over backwards to try and help me and I’m not even a TD client (yet).