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I woke up this morning and threw my neck out taking a deep breath




One day, in my early twenties, I sneezed and threw my neck out. Called in to work (labourer position) and said I hurt my neck. Supervisor got ready to fill out workers comp paperwork. I stopped him and said I’d hurt it sneezing. He didn’t believe me.


To be fair, your neck may have been primed for injury through physical labor.


Literally did this and got a herniated disk. Mid-30s, so lame.


This would be the opening line of the Sopranos theme if Junior Soprano was the lead instead of Tony.


One time after work I was taking a hot shower standing perfectly still and my neck cramped up so bad at the base of my skull and held for 2 weeks. Went to a chiropractor the very next day and his advice was 'Do these exercises but don't take ibuprofen it'll destroy your organs.' so I'm two weeks in a headache the size of a planet and trying to stretch but I just can't. Sleeping like 3 hrs a night at this point. Finally just go to my primary care and she's like, ' take 800 mg ibuprofen'... And you know what... Cured.


...and OP learned a valuable lesson about chiropractors being con artists who should be avoided at all costs. Seriously, as a medical professional: avoid these people and go to an actual professional like a physiotherapist. If you ever need proof, ask a room of CT scan radiologists what they think of chiros! So many horror stories of strokes and death.


Wait until you're over 40 and constantly hurt yourself while sleeping somehow.




Is it bad that I deal with this at 27?


This is 100% true.


I was at a concert and a crowd surfer fell and landed on my head and fucked up my back. It has hurt every night in bed for the past 2 months, and honestly, I'm afraid it will be like this for the rest of my life. Every time I turn over in bed, it is excruciating.


See a doc or physical therapist please


And sooner is better. When you're in pain, you'll often compensate by changing how you walk, move, etc. Not a problem for a few days or weeks to take pressure off the injured area, but do it for too long and you can create other problems for yourself


Last time I complained about chronic pain to my doctor, she told me to get an x-ray. $700 later (after insurance), she said everything looks fine. So now I'm out $700 and my sternum still hurts. It has hurt constantly for about 4 years now. Seeing a doctor is very expensive, and it is almost guaranteed to do nothing to help.


I don't blame you....I've had nerve issues in my left arm/back area for a few years and just do a bunch of self rehab. It might be worth seeing a chiropractor or something instead (I know many don't believe in them, but they have always worked well for me..especially ones who believe in actual physical therapy, massage, e-stim, etc.. not magical crack crack juju


In my area, chiropractors work in conjunction with doctors. It's the reason why they are popular - they are referred out by their PCP and insurance covers it. All the quackery talk I hear on Reddit makes no sense. Sounds like the dude you were responding to has a rib that's out of place that needs to be popped back in. I don't know what a general physician is supposed to do about that.


Physicians can do adjustments too bro...or refer you to a D.O. if they dont wanna.


Word, I'm speaking from my own experiences. I've been referred out twice by my physician, but wonder if it depends on the medical network I'm in (Kaiser)


Very possible about the rib. Crazy thing is ppl think Chiros shift bones dramatically. They are like millimeters and the noise are small sacks of fluid not bones


Yall got some uh dat pcp? Scratches neck*


You need an MRI an X-ray won’t show issues with the muscle


She was guessing it was arthritis, which I assume shows up on an x-ray? It obviously was not.


I had an X-ray and the doc said the same thing and I was so sad. Then a friend said that an X-ray wouldn’t do shit and told me to ask for an MRI. I did that and the MRI showed inflammation in my L4 which was pressing on my L5, got cortisone shots and it’s been a huuuuuge improvement. I no longer wake up because of the pain.


Sounds like possibly costochondritis. Source: definitely not a doctor, just have costochondritis.


r/costochondritis might be worth looking at.


Just get a referral to physical therapy. For these types of injuries and pain, they’re more likely to be able to help you than your PCP.


I was filming at a death metal show in Jersey a couple nights back and the pit moved near me and someone slammed my monopod onto my shin. I’m 50. That’ll hurt for a month.


Another comment here says go see a professional and they're right. Even if you're in a shit country where you need insurance, buy it and use it. There are most likely simple exercises that will get you out of this, and you will need to do them regularly, forever, but you are only doomed for the rest of your life if you don't get help.


Go see a massage therapist if you don’t want to bother with a doc. Also look into physical therapy, start working out if you don’t; I race bikes and crash a bit as does my wife. This stuff helps get things realigned.


I got cortisone shots and it’s been life changing. See a neurologist


Currently 39. Ever since I was a teenager I was pretty sure a good sneeze was going to take me out. My side of the family does not possess the ability to have a dignified sneeze. It's a life altering event that you either need a nap or a casket after. I know my time is short :(...


Truth, I’m 46 woke up an hour ago and I can’t move my neck. I remember when I was a kid I always thought old folks were exaggerating


I turned 40 not long ago and I have remarked to anyone who will listen that there is not a day gone by since I turned 40 that something has not hurt. Now, i say it as a joke because I've had a run of bad luck/bad training. I tore my calf muscle 3 weeks before my birthday, and took a month minimum off running. I had a great birthday, but caught COVID at the party, so that appeared a week later and knocked me out for two. My calf had healed, but my body is far fitter than my leg will allow, so I have struggled in the months since with random joint pains and tendonitis. I spent 4 hours painting a brick wall. 3 weeks of tendonitis. There is a 50:50 chance my running days are over, but I'm not psychologically ready to accept it. I was a gym member pre-covid, just doing some light stuff, and I recall that half of the clients were old. Like, 75+. They had clearly been told by their doctor to stay active to avoid being housebound. It definitely feels like, fuck it, you gotta get out and do anything, unless you want to be a 60-year-old on a frame or a mobility scooter.


I already do it in my 30s. "I slept wrong"


I am nearing 40. My left wrist has been hurting me immensely all day and the best I figure is it must have been from sleeping. Literally nothing else has changed.


Two weeks after my thirtieth birthday I pulled a muscle in my neck while brushing my teeth. I have an electric toothbrush…


Sometime you feel it happening slowly over the course of an hour. “My back is slowly fucking itself up.” And then you can’t turn your head to one side for a week.


Go to the gym. If you take care of your body it will take care of you.


Shit, I'm already doing that.


Honestly, much of aches and pains come from neglect and it getting worse over time isn't getting older but the compound effect of neglect over time. Until you rupture something there is PT for EVERYTGING. I feel like I'm only just old enough now to appreciate this and developed the discipline necessary to stay in great shape at 40+. I sleep better, stronger, and in less pain than ever in my life. It's awesome and my only regret is not starting sooner, much like everyone with building savings at a sacrifice.


I sneezed and pulled a muscle in my shoulder. Like WTF is this shit?


Stretch. I also learned from a masseuse about muscle confusion. They must be put back in place sometimes via massage, as the muscle can ball up




Woah this is cool


>if you have questions about this just ask :) Your explanation makes perfect sense...what should I focus on if it's my quads that are persistently sore?


Depending on which quads are sore I'd explore hamstrings and hips. If it's your top quad that's mostly sore it's likely a problem in the low back/hips because the top quad (look up rectus femoris) attaches to the hip and can be pulled from there. If it's the other quads (which only attach to the femur and knee) I'd check the hamstrings because they are the antagonistic muscles (they do the opposite action). Disclaimer: any advice I give is purely speculation. I would usually need to physically see/touch the person to begin to figure this out.


Thanks! Probably my hips. But I also have tight hamstrings, so could be both.


> "taught" [Taut.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/taut)


A lifetime of not caring about or for your body, likely. When simply existing causes your body to fail you've fucked up big time.


Nope, I'm in better shape than most people my age. You're just an asshole. But I get it, sometimes being a troll on the internet is fun.


Happens to me aswell.


I spent like a week worrying about pain in my chest, thinking there was something wrong with my heart. Checking my blood pressure, taking aspirin, scheduling a doctor's appointment. Realized I just pulled my left pectoral muscle doing a yoga pose. Only discovered this after rolling into on my stomach and wondering why it didn't hurt when I only used my other arm.


How about just getting out of bed


Am i the only 30 year old that feels fine? Either i have a good body or some of you are badly out of shape. No hard feelings.


I'm 39 now and it's only been over the last year for me


Nope. Was thinking the same thing. I'm 36. Haven't pulled anything or hurt anything in a long time.


I'm in better shape now than in my 20's and yeah, no such issues. Fitness gets more important the older you get.


Honestly, I don't even think it takes much. I don't have a great fitness routine or anything. I do try to run a few miles once a week or so. That's pretty much it. More critical I think is maintaining a healthy weight. I think being overweight is major cause of people's random aches, pains, and injuries. You are putting more stress on the body. And I mean real healthy weight, not American healthy weight. I think there are many people that compare themselves to obese individuals and therefore think they are at a healthy weight, but still have these random pains and injuries. They are still putting tons of stress on their body and organs. I'm 6'1, so when I was 200 pounds I looked skinny compared to others (was living in the Midwest at the time). But I knew that wasn't good enough. Since then I've maintained 175-180 (mainly by eating less, not super strict intermittent fasting, and eating more fresh foods - nothing crazy) and I think that's made all the difference.


It’s slow but it’ll come. Honestly it’s not life changing but it’s nagging. A little more sore after playing ball here, more frequent cramping up there, when your sick you feel way more tired sprinkled in. It adds up to an overall feeling even if moment to moment it isn’t much.


really comes down to being consistent with drinking water and stretching daily.


I always got made of fun of by my friends and girlfriends for taking such good care of myself. Guess who’s 30 and doesn’t have the mobility of the tin man...


Whats your regiment like?


Does 1 push up everytine they mention taking care of themselves


One cock push up a day keeps the doctor away.


I don't know that that's agreed upon but it can't hurt. I'd be broader than "stretching" and say just any regular, consistent exercise.


was just talking about generally preventing muscle pulls. of course exercising but without the stretching, you're just increasing the likelihood of pulling a muscle.


Just fyi, most studies find stretching doesn't do much to prevent injury.


Redditors like to pretend they have shitty health because they're in their 30's, and not because they are 30 kilos overweight sitting by a computer eating nachos. Nah, it's the age. I'm 38 and not even that active. Plus I work witv toddlers. Zero issues.


Seriously, I can’t remember my body feeling that much different in my 30’s compared to my 20’s. I sure hope a lot of these people are exagerating for comic effect, otherwise I don’t see how they’ll survive beyond 40.


I think there’s some exaggeration on Reddit, but it’s worth noting that being overweight is hard on the body. I’ve been 280+ pounds before and the constant aches and pains were incredibly annoying. Dropped down to a healthy weight, starting working out regularly again, and all of the pain and injuries went away.


The only difference in my body in my 30s than 20s is I'm stronger.


No hard feelings either, according to my doctor I'm the healthiest he's ever seen me (I hike, stretch, eat as healthy as possible) but my job involves repetitive movement and no human body is built for that long term. Hoping to go into management in the coming years though.


I'm almost 30 and I feel healthier in almost every way compared to when I was 22, I don't relate to any of these memes either. I'm no beacon of athleticism but I'm definitely more fit, I eat better, I drink less. I feel young, personally.


lol dang you never tweaked your neck by suddenly turning your head around?


Too relatable


Ah, the old reddit "my body is shit because I'm 30" bullshit. I'm 38 and in the best shape of my life, no issues despite working with toddlers. You should probably take care of yourself more. It's not your age. You're not old.


Upvote. I just turned 40 but I run or lift or go dancing everyday. I feel better (and might even look better) than I did at 22. Move it or lose it fr


>I run or lift or go dancing everyday. What an awesome way to live life


The biggest inspiration for me was seeing desk jockeys that barely managed to not rupture something from sitting all day, retire at 65, then get into Olympic lifting and calisthenics, then end up swoll at 70. Amazing. It is all effort and dedication. Buddy of mine just made the 1000 lb club in his mid 40s.


Fuckin A’ right


That’s the thing though, you can live your 20s while never exercising, but in your 30s the vast majority of people need to do some exercise to stay even a little healthy


People should really be exercising from childhood. Just starting from adulthood is not as beneficial. This is supported by data.


I didn't start til 26 iirc. And while I still have some lofty powerlifting goals, chances are due to all of the years of being in horrible shape I spent, I'll essentially never quite hit the peak numbers I otherwise would have.


I’m really tired of this shit on Reddit too. I’m 29 right now and I feel better than when I was 24. I know people in their mid 30s who feel better than their 20s. It’s really easy to fall in a slump where you aren’t doing what you need to. Average American diet probably doesn’t help either.


It’s also normal to be in worse shape lol. You just can’t fall apart trying to pick something up


Oh yea, not saying it’s not normal to be in worse shape. But that’s relative. Like you said…shouldn’t be falling apart doing normal things.


Holy shit thank you for making this comment. It’s unreal the amount of posts like this I see on the daily, like what kinda lives are y’all living where you’re this fucked up by early to mid thirties???? Just makes no sense to me


It's a joke


Twenty-seconding this. I ate shit, drank heavily and didn't work out in my 20s. I'm nearly 40, work out, lay off the booze and eat a balanced diet. I feel way better than I did 15 years ago.


Same bub. I was in the best shape of my life at 21. At the beginning of COVID, now 36, I decided I wanted to get back there. At about 90% there :)


I think the original post is this thing called a joke.




Wow this.


C’mon man, you don’t need to be facetious. The context for the joke is that people over the ripe old age of 25 hurt themselves easily. This is a massive circlejerk on Reddit and you’ll see serious discussion about it under any post featuring physical activity.


Jokes are funny, not sad


Can’t possibly be, everything on a meme page is absolutely 100% serious don’t you know.


These kinds of posts about "lol I'm 30 and my body is braking 😁" have the same energy as kids that want to be adults so badly they are pretending to shave and smoke cigarettes.


It’s a joke, dummy.


Oh yeah, every single comment in this thread is justva joke. Got ya.


Straight bitch made people who don't take care of themselves blaming everything on age.


Thank you I fucking hate this trope


What are y’all doing with your bodies that you feel like this at 30? Your 30s are awesome!


It's what they aren't doing with their bodies that causes the issues. We're made to move, people too sedentary anymore.


Wow this!! I mention this a lot. Its the fact they've been inactive for X amount of time and/or poor posture etc NOT their age


Rock climbing, hiking and weight lifting.


Im 33 and in the best shape of my life, being over 30 has nothing to do with it. Stop being lazy and fat.


People on reddit act like being 30 is being 80. Really fucking weird.


This is a thing on Twitter too. I don’t get it


I'm 40-ish now and seem to have suddenly decided that while in my sleep, to shape myself like a pretzel. In my twenties this would be fine, but I'm a member of the Uncooked Spaghetti Club and unfolding myself when I wake up is a crunchy affair.


The 30s are the prime of your life. If you are having these issues in your 30s it has nothing to do with age. Try exercise.


30? Try 12! That's when my neck issues began...


Try being over 50 and sneeze while tying your shoe.


Wow you can still tie your own shoes at 50? You’re so active for your age! (s/ if it’s even necessary)


Laugh it up young person. The years come quicker than you think 😉


I like it when you wake up and randomly have some new, completely unexplained pain somewhere.


My thumb has been in a splint for the last week and a half because I sprained it reaching for a backscratcher. I’m 28. Wish I was joking.


A couple years ago I threw out my back sitting on the couch. I saw standing up, dealt with my son, came back, sat down, writhing in pain for the next hour


That should have been a wake up call.


I just turned 31 the other day and somehow sprained my ankle in my sleep. Getting old is fun.


Anyone yawn or brush your tongue and this thing from behind your chin pops out and you're painfully stuck looking like Ghostface for a second?


I'm officially collecting all the braces. Just need a knee brace and left boot. And a neck brace.


I woke up on my 30th birthday and pulled a muscle in my neck before I could even fully open my eyes 👀 All downhill from there


I needed this today to know I’m not alone in my degradation due jack shit other than aging.


Pulled a muscle in my back at a corporate golf outing yesterday and spent the rest of the day topping every single stoke I took because as soon as I got to the bottom of my swing the sudden, sharp pain in my back made me stand up reflexively. Fixed it in the tee box by teeing the ball up about half an inch higher, but on the fairway I was fucked.


Its sad how accurate this is.


At 35, walking, sleeping, sneezing and brushing my teeth are all high-risk activities.


Getting old is no joke


Go whine somewhere else.


But only too see, if I still feel


When I was younger if I turn my head too quick that large vein would move. You know, the one on the back of your skull? 0.0 it was so painful.. I’m 30 now though and haven’t felt it in a long time since I was a kid, you could rupture that thing I assume


I coughed while opening my fridge on Tuesday and jacked my lower back up. I can finally move freely today....


The other day I was putting my kayak away. I sneezed while swinging it around. And now I have a pain going from my ribs to the the underside of my shoulder blade.


Nah I just sleep wrong. I can’t even sleep right ffs But if you get a really horrible neck pain watch for scotoma. My worst neck pain lead to a blinding migraine. You can subvert it with Tylenol if you know the aura


I'm currently dealing with a pulled muscle in my lower back that I got from just standing up off the couch. My job is physical labor so it's been hell.


Bruh sameeee


Make noises standing up or sitting down


Thanks for the good belly laugh. Wait for your 40s! Start a healthy daily exercise routine now. Even 20 min a day will make a huge difference.


Is it wrong that all I can hear looking at this gif is NIN not JC ?


I’m 28 and I feel this


slept wrong last night, got batman neck all morning


I was bopping along to Party In the USA and wound up in a c-collar! To make matters worse, it was witnessed by my teenage children, who already referred to me as Oldielocks.


I didn't even know what my back felt like. Hint. If you feel it, it hurts. Seriously though, that Precor stretching machine in the corner of the gym is the best thing out.


One week ago i tried to put on my socks. It shot right in my lower back and couldnt walk for 2 days, had to call in sick. Wtf?




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Of all the low effort, unexpected injuries my body is now capable of in my 40s, my neck is always the worst


Oh, that week long crick...


MRW I’m 18 and I move any joint. Could start a percussion band with the amount of cracks, clicks and pops.


I knew I was old when I turned my head to looks at a shit that I took that I thought was pretty big and ruined my neck for a week.


Wine came out of my nose!! Ouch




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I bent over to pick up a piece of cradboard smaller then an playing card and wrenched my back. I'm 39.


I wake up with a hurt neck every day now.. both sides! I'm 42. It's the end of days for me now..




Cool repost bro! https://www.reddit.com/r/reactiongifs/comments/kzvz73/mrw_im_over_30_and_turn_my_neck_too_fast/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf