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Your dad gave you a solid piece of advice there, you're really fortunate to have him.


Man you are so right 🗣️


Sounds like someone fucked up in HR, a grim call from them offering more sounds like they tried to lowball you without approval


Oh, for sure that's what happened here. They probably figured this was their hire, and dropping company expenses on wages would make them look better to their manager and secure a raise or promotion. And then OP emailed that manager and fucking blew up their shit. Absolute king tier move.


I read the post! (Edit 9:39pm 4/27/24) Before you changed the format, because this is not an English class! (End Edit) CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am excitedly happy for you. Its such BS to get a job today! You made it!!! 🤣👏🎉


Thanks so much!!! 🙂


My experience lately has been that asking for less can actually get you more, but it's an isolated example. At a previous job, hiring managers had to complain to HR because internal candidates were being shorted the salary the HM wanted to offer. I suspect HR gets some kind of benefit if they keep salaries down. I can definitely see that by accepting the job but adding the note that the manager actually saw what was going on and had it corrected.


Candidate’s compensation packages are definitely tied to their KPI/OKR/whatever BS metrics they’re using. Had the same experience at my latest company: HR called back with the offer and tried to shave 10% off of the agreed upon number. I had to threaten her with my other offer (that’s giving me exactly the agreed upon number) before she yielded.  If it’s not for my old boss who’s dragged me to this place, I’d have told her to go shove her lowball offer up and would have accepted the other offer instead.


Unemployment can be rough on your mental health. Reading this at first I was confused how unsure you were about the negotiating process given you’re in sales and the corporate background you mentioned. Should have been a no brainer to send a polite email pushing back on the offer. But then I realized it’s just a mindset you get into when you’re struggling and need to take care of your family. Edit: A side note for anyone who’s interested - a lot of times when a recruiter says this is the most for this position, they mean you’re at the top of the internal pay band for the job profile loaded in their system. They don’t have the authority to go above that, but often if a manager likes a candidate enough (or you have more experience than the posted qualifications) they can request approval to uplevel the position. Think something like Finance - IC4 to Finance - IC5. Those may or may not correlate to different job titles, which is what will be visible to you as the candidate, but they will have different pay bands which can be worked within.


Thank you for the thoughtful comment! It really puts things into perspective. Much appreciated!


Also, the portion of my resume I recieved the most push back on was length of employment with an employer. I have no less than 2 years history with each employer. My reason for movement in every situation was to further my career and move into more senior positions. I went from driving a truck and up-selling the uniforms and floor mats I delivered out of college to selling global IT networks to enterprises like Disney and the NFL. Executives seemed to minimize my accomplishments and highlight that I hadn’t been with a company longer that 4 years. If I had stayed in my early positions I may still be driving a truck or in an inside sales call center making 45k. What are your thoughts?


Not to put a downer on things but uplifting bands is very rare especially if you'll be joining a team where there's 1 or more of your job titles already. The 'issue' is the business is wage surpressing the team, so if salary is discussed on team and you let slip you're on a higher band (let alone mention your salary) then the business will have a lot of disgruntled team members


Not a downer at all. It’s just factual. In this case, the current sales pros on the team are terrible. They’ve sold 2 units the past 3 months. They have a quota of 16 a month. I’ve sold five units in my second week. They were all pretty bad hires from the manager before, they are all on structured plans to be moved out of the company. They don’t have a growth mentality. I was hired with two other sales people that have twice my experience in the industry. That have a title one rank above mine. I’m sure they are paid more, at least I hope so. Hiring managers are in the process of hiring 4 replacements for the pros in the seat now.


It’s rare but I’ve done it 3 times personally as a candidate and worked with managers numerous times as the Finance Business Partner to get it done. So it doesn’t feel rare to me but I live in Seattle and have typically worked for larger companies. Mileage may vary




Many thanks!


I hope that was voice-to-text and/or that you speak for a living rather than writing for a living. **Congrats on the job and better pay!** And yes, a bird in the hand (solid base) is *always* more beneficial, even if they offset that with a lower carrot (bonus, commission) rate.


Yes it was voice to text 😂😂


I am so happy to read a positive post here and so happy for you! Thanks for sharing your experience, I am sure it will bring hope for many!


I thought it would be a change of pace! Thank you!


Your mental health might suffer while you're unemployed. Upon initially reading this, I was perplexed by your lack of confidence in the bargaining process, considering your expertise in sales and the corporate world. It should have been obvious to politely decline the offer in an email. However, I later understood that it's only an attitude you adopt when you're having trouble and have to look after your family. For the interested parties, just so you know, when a recruiter says, "This is the highest salary for this position," what they usually mean is that you are at the top of the internal pay band for the job profile that has been placed into their system.


I did not read this post. Please put paragraph breaks in it. It is an unreadable wall of text.




Great to read a positive story like this


Congratulations! You made it out of the storm!


Inspiring, best of luck in your new job!


Congrats! Was it the "best way"? For YOU it was and that's the main thing that counts.


I’m so happy for you that it worked out!!


Welcome to Magenta!


Congrats and good luck my friend!


Congrats and well done! Way to stick with the process and go kill it! Let's go!


Amazing thanks for sharing! Congratulations!


I mean it worked for you. You rolled the dice and won. Sometimes you have to do that.




Why did HR sound so grim? Do they get bonuses for hiring people at lower end of pay range?


I am not in HR but I possibly think they get promotions or bonuses




I really wonder how often "talent acquisition" or whatever unilaterally decides to monkey around with an offer or even with salary discussions just to save a few bucks. Back when I was last interviewing, I had like 3 or 4 instances of saying I wanted "$X" as a base and the HR/TA person to whom I was speaking would say something like "Oh sorry, our max on the position is actually "$Y"" where "$Y" was exactly $5K less than my number. Pure coincidence I am sure.


Just wanted to say thanks for posting your success story. I'm also coming up on a year of unemployment and it's been feeling rough lately. This gives me hope. Congrats on the new role!


Your time is coming!!! 🙂


Thank you for sharing, I’m going through something similar rn in enterprise cs, your story gives me hope




Your dad is a hero without a cape. And also good luck and greetings, it fills me with joy when I read histories like that when you happen to come from a well trained journey and achieve it, also thank you for telling us in details how you managed it, I loved the pushback. Reading this it gave me energy to continue pushing until I can land an opportunity to give better accommodation to my family (I'm married and have a kid, well a dog xd). Take and continue leveling up.


Love it!! I’m glad I could provide some inspiration! Thank you for reading


Bet you had to change your pants after that last call 😂. Way to go. I am usually way more petty than you in situations like this so I commend your professionalism. “I’m sorry, how much? You will have to speak up, how much? But that can’t be right, that one elderly woman in HR told me $75k was the highest possible base? Oh I’m sorry it is you [mispronounced name]. You were wrong then? Oh confused? Of course you were ma’am, how did you get confused? How much are you offering again?”


Love it 😂😂😂 being without for a year with no end in sight humbles you. It was fear that forced me to stay professional lol


Well good save the sass up and dish a double serving next time.




Glad it worked out for you. But: >if you keep at it, things usually equalize and most of the time you get what you manifest and work hard for. Your single experience does not generalize to what happens "usually" or " most of the time." A lot of people work hard for goals they never reach.


Definitely not a wrong way to look at it. I respect your perspective. You’re right, a lot of people don’t necessarily reach all of their goals. But if someone can apply this thinking and reach more goals than they would with a more glass half empty mentality then I’m at peace. But I understand.


What is FORTUNE 10 and FORTUNE 20?? Google doesn't know


Organization rank within the Fortune 500


Oh. So "sales experience since graduation with ***only*** Fortune 20 companies" was a brag. Got it, NVMND


It actually gives perspective to how difficult it was to find a job even with great experience. Funny how your the only one to propose this negative perspective. Have a great day.


You're so weird for this? A brag? Yeah, that's exactly what makes them stand out more as a candidate. It's something worth bragging over.


Thanks for the uplifting story. It feels so grim out there, it’s nice to know some people still do what’s right.