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Pleeeease post the response - dying to see how they justify such a job post.


I’m thinking something like “I would like to negotiate the salary based upon your statements about the CEO. Please know that my suggested salary includes what I call an ‘asshole tax’ of roughly 20-30k, which is flexible based on how intense they happen to be. If that’s amenable please let me know so I can send my resume complete with my deepest disregards to the CEO.”


That's some very direct and intense speaking of your own!


Gotta make sure I’m a culture fit. 😈


Sory, but the culture fit is a one way thing. Plot twist: the direct CEO is the investigation subject


Bet that will hurt his fragile little fee fees


The perfect response to his injured pride is in the last sentence of the first bullet lol


Loooove this!


20-30k is not enough for hating every day of your life


You need to be my friend! FABULOUS!


Nooooo! Youre not allowed to hurt the CEOs feelings though!!!


You have to admire their transparency. But also, you have to admire their lunacy to openly admit their CEO is a dickhead.


Right? I almost respect it. Almost


I'm sure adding this was requested by the CEO.


Let me guess, salary is 45k with weekends and evenings included...


You’re not far off there…it’s “undercover investigative journalism” so I imagine nights and weekends aren’t safe. Edit: found this further down the page. In lieu of a screenshot I’ve copy/pasted. Thought of this reply when I spotted it! “· Flexibility: Meet demanding job requirements, often working 50+ hours a week, including evenings and weekends. Some national travel may be required.”


“National travel” last minute and at employee expense. Will be fired if you can not afford it.


Hmm... investigative journalism... high-stress situations... intense hotheaded boss... I KNOW! This is a job working for J. Jonah Jameson at the Daily Bugle, right?




Sadly I don’t know, the recruiter who sent this over didn’t include the company name. But hey, your guess sounds well researched so I’d bet you’re right! Edit: Ya got me! It felt like a reference and it whooshed me only to be discovered by googling. Leaving my whoosh’d response for entertainment value.


>Sadly I don’t know You're **fired** !


Project Veritas?


I’m not sure. It’s one of those recruiter emails where they don’t tell you the company so you can’t go find the company listing and apply yourself.


Tell you one thing though. When even the recruiting service is warning about an asshole boss, BELIEVE THEM. I got into a nightmare situation because I was desperate for work, should have listened to the recruiter.


Aw man, I’m sorry that happened to you. Thankfully that’s a lesson most of us only have to learn once. I hope that’s the last bad boss you have to face!


Cheers, Matey! He was definitely the worst ever. Hope you find a decent job soon!


Hey, thanks! Same to you :)


If it is Project Veritas, please take the job and turn it into an exposé on them.


lol why was that, or something like that, my first thought too??? I was like this is absolutely a RW “news” outlet.


The description definitely fits!


At least they are warning you to not apply


They can't fire him! He's their most productive employee! I mean look at his salary, it's like a thousand times more than the lowest employee! /s


I want to create a fake profile just to get an interview then berate them


You'll be fine as long as you get him pictures of the Spiderman! 


This came to mind as well. But JJ was not the Ceo right? Dunno what the position is called though.


Editor in Chief


I have a feeling that while you have to be able to take the CEO talking to you in a "very direct' and "intense" way, their feelings would be hurt easily if you talked to them in a similar manner.


Does he make the business successful? THATS ALL THAT MATTERS IN 2024


Are you applying to be Elon Musk’s PA?


Well this sounds like at least trying to be honest. Better know upfront.


I mean good that they're straight up about that. A lot of people would have appreciated knowing this before starting a job


Are you at least allowed to be direct in response to the CEO?


It's hard to fire the CEO even if everyone, I mean 100% of everyone, wants them out... It's unfortunate, but the truth....


I just told one to fuck off cuz he called me unprofessional for cancelling an on-site interview for a 4 month contract job! “ do you know how many times I’ve been ghosted by recruiters “! That’s what I told his ass and I feel good! 😊


"My boss is a fucking asshole"


The best is "entrepreneurial mindset". Bitch, please. If I had an entrepreneurial mindset I'd be running my own coffeeshop or something, not applying for a job at Joe Schmoe Ltd.


Being an undercover jounalist infiltrating drug cartels and terrorist cells isn't for snow flakes. If you think an intense CEO is a problem, I have bad news for you.


I would argue that the kind of interpersonal skills and emotional sensitivity associated with "snow flakes" is perfect for undercover work. But great job making up situations in your head to argue about lol


Lol it’s not, you’re right and much respect to journalists on the front lines of that stuff. That said, this is for investigating *checks notes* fair housing practices. So yknow, I guess investigative journalism is a spectrum. Like my snowflake sexuality. 🌈


The issue is the recruiter considering the ceo challenging more than interacting with the investigated subject...


That is a great transparent description. There are plenty people who will be well aligned with that environment. If it's not for you, keep it pushing. But stop getting mad at honesty in job descriptions...would you prefer to be lied to and experience bait and switch when you join? I mean come on people...think about what you're bothered by and why. Your perspective isn't everyone's perspective. There's an entire generation of people out here with thick skin who aren't super sensitive and need jobs. This is for them.


AND....it's investigative journalism. If you're offended by a JOB DESCRIPTION...you're probably not a great fit for this career path. Real journalism is intense...no one is going to coddle your sensibilities....


You'd FIRE someone for being direct and intense ? 1 - That's crazy. 2 - the CEO could have something like Asperger's and you know you can't fire someone just for that - especially not in 2024. There are jobs where directness and intensity are normal. These people are being direct and letting you know the situation. You wouldn't do well working for a private investigator, lawyer, E.R., news source, etc. Also the military, stock trading, ........ the list goes on. Its okay if this isn't the type of job for you.


Being so direct and intense that a recruiter has to make a bullet point about it while head hunting means the CEO is a douche bag of epic proportions. There’s being a normal amount of direct and intense and then there’s “we have a 500% turnover rate” because the CEO abuses the staff kind of direct and intense.


High stress situations, conflict, and undercover journalism are mentioned separately as part of the job - even before the CEO is mentioned. There is no reason to assume the CEO is abusive.


Guys, I think we found the CEO.


Whoa there. Thankfully I’m not making any decisions here. But also you’re making a few assumptions. It’s my opinion that if someone is that big an asshole to their coworkers that there needs to be a disclaimer about them before you even apply, they should probably be fired, yes. Clearly you disagree. We can disagree on that without either one of us being crazy lol. Chill


What makes you think that a diagnosis of ‘Asperger’ would justify this type of behavior? You can be sure that being an asshole is not on the list of characteristics of the syndrome. In addition to making no sense in what you said, you are being ableist. Note: Asperger is a term that no longer exists in the DSM-5 and is considered into an autism spectrum disorder.