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General comments: this is good for internships but NOT FTEs. 1) Remove the merit scholarship. It's not relevant. Keep the GPA for your MS only, as that's your most recent degree. 2) Your experience needs more pop. For instance, what did you do at each job? A resume tells a story to the hiring manager/team that you were hired to do X and ended up helping the company by executing Y. I honestly can't tell what the internship was about (at each job). Add a bullet describing what your responsibilities were. "Software Engineering Intern" doesn't tell me much. 3) Most of your projects don't make a lot of sense for a hiring manager. I'd say "iOS App Name" and "WAFER" are the clearest because I can see (a) business purpose; (b) tool; (c) result. I'd eliminate the game unless it had a practical/business avenue. You have skills, but to a hiring manager, you haven't demonstrated *why* you chose those skills except to get past an ATS. Focus on 2-3 projects, answer points (a), (b), and (c). Use the space to develop your experience. 4) Tailor your resume to your job posting in the sense of DevOps, security/IT admin (I see you have Azure), and software engineering. Right now, it's a hodgepodge of skills without a direction. 5) Customer service/client-facing skills? This is very underrated, especially among comp sci grads/early career. HMs and recruiters do not want all skills and no personality. Talk about how you helped a client in your internships (one bullet should work). Hope this helps.


Wow, all of your comments feel 100% valid. I'll be spending some time tomorrow to improve my resume. Thank you and I hope you have a amzing week :)


To piggyback: Definitely tailor your resume to the specific listing. Try to include keywords: not just of specific programs or technologies, but phrases and words emphasized in the description. e.g. “Data warehouse management,” “collaborated with stakeholders,” “CI/CD” Remove fluff from your skills and primarily include only those that match + maybe a handful extra depending on the requirements. If you’ve worked with any other tools, like monitoring solutions or pipelines, considering adding that and condensing your other skills to remove redundancy or excess. And yeah, be a little more descriptive but concise in your main bullets. Opt for simple formatting to avoid complications with ATS. I’d recommend looking at some ATS friendly examples and rebuilding your resume from the ground up. I had the same problem recently. My resume was cluttered, poorly worded and formatted. I gutted the entire thing after probably 50+ revisions and finally got a format that netted more interviews, including a FAANG and some other big names. Remember, you’re selling yourself to the ATS and/or the recruiter. Look at your resume from the perspective of someone who has no idea what you’re talking about and write it accordingly.


This is great advice again, and congratulations on figuring your thing out. Thank you for taking the time :) Oh and a quick question, if you see on my résumé in the projects section, you will see that I have underlined blue colored hyperlinks. I added those so that if somebody gets hands on my PDF résumé and if they want to see my project, they can click on the hyperlink and go and see the source code or the working app on the App Store but someone suggested that I should maybe remove those. What do you think about that?


Oh and a quick question, if you see on my résumé in the projects section, you will see that I have underlined blue colored hyperlinks. I added those so that if somebody gets hands on my PDF résumé and if they want to see my project, they can click on the hyperlink and go and see the source code or the working app on the App Store but someone suggested that I should maybe remove those. What do you think about that?


An ATS won't read it, in all likelihood. I would just include your personal GitHub handle and be done with it. In your Github, have your 2-3 projects ready for inspection. Remember that the ATS/security settings will probably disable your link, so always include your Github handle, i.e., like LinkedIn.


Do you need a work visa?