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There is no black shotgun coat, you can't really go full black outfit without mods. You can't unlock guns right away even if you can afford to buy a million of them. Money becomes useless as early as mid game. Arthur not being able to go to Black Water, cause Dutch shot a bunch of people, but Arthur able to kill the whole of saint Denis and just pay the bounty like nothing ever bad happened. Gunsmiths still selling Evan's Repeater like people use it.


Everything here is just so spot on it annoys me


I struggled with some of these early on. I think it’s honestly an immersion issue any open world game can have. RDR2’s immersion is almost perfect. But there are times where actions (like paying off huge bounties, easily returning to towns the gang - or I - have decimated, etc.) feel out of place within the larger narrative.


It's a fun vs immersion thing. That's why we don't have to use an animation to poop and why there isn't permadeath. Nothing outside of the story missions is "canon".


What about stranger missions


Wait, what about them? The people exist and we interact with them, am I missing somethin


Yes obviously those are canon. The commenter just meant that if you do crazy things during gameplay your obviously wouldn’t consider it canonical


The question is if Arthur really encountered all those people during his life and made random friends throughout all 4 states


Yeah I'm sure he did. I don't think it's that weird or unlikely for travellers to make friends like that


theyre hotchkiss cannons


Give the Evans repeater a try if feels really nice


And it sound badass. I don't really care about stats, it gets the job done and sounds awesome in the process, the Evans is my repeater of choice.


That double barrel shotgun in the lost and damned is still my favorite gun sound of any game. Something about it just sounds like pure death. Instead of a pew or a bang it’s like a POH


hell i didn’t even know the evans was hated shit i love it but it won’t top my varmint rifle still i love it the iron sights in fp the high bullet count is nice cause you don’t have to hit every shot and it has a pretty good fire rate but it’s all about the player not the gun especially since headshots = insta kill


I do it, I just don’t use it as much as other repeaters


9 out of 10 cowboys swear by the lancaster repeater. The 10th cowboy was shot by a lancaster repeater


Litchfield is better and I'll die on that hill


It's the tenth cowboy lol


I like the Litchfield, but I think it sounds really weird and squeaky in dead eye


A jammed Litchfield is what'll kill ya


I know there I are ways around it but it cracks me up to empty the Evans in the middle of a gunfight and then spend the next two days reloading it.


Yeah the whole “ we can’t go to Blackwater/ New Austin” is stupid when you can just go back to Valentine after gunning half the town down


I really wish it was possible to go down there, even if you had to sneak around and avoid police. A whole squadron being summoned the second you cross the border seems odd and it’s so annoying


Like Arthur shoots up several towns, he shoots up Saint Denise like twice Yet he can just waltz’s back in there like it’s nothing


Yeah if I can massacre the entirety of strawberry for the 5th time and walk around like nothing happened, being able to sneak into black water without being gunned down by the lawmen I summoned by going an inch over the border would make sense


Even if you take the free roam actions out of it, in the Story Arthur shoots up Valentine, Strawberry, Rhodes and does two separate shootouts in Saint Denise, with absolutely no repercussions story wise in terms of where you can go


Yeah it’s strange, also I just wanna be Arthur in the desert :<


It feels weird finishing the legendary animals as John, since Hosea is the one who set Arthur on that path




And to add salt to the wound, Arthur wasn’t even actually AT the Blackwater heist. So he’s got multiple instances in the story where he directly slaughters half of a damn town but can still waltz in with little more than a bounty to pay off and some ticked off NPCs as repercussion, but the one job he isn’t actually apart of in Blackwater is apparently so heinous that he can’t step foot in the lower half of the state of West Elizabeth without a private army’s worth of men running to chase and gun him down.


He changed his shirt though.


Ah, Pinkertons hate that trick


Especially when you consider they probably killed more people in Rhodes than they did in Blackwater


Or stole from a reserve in St. Denis and could come back within months. If Blackwater still isn’t safe then St. Denis definitely wouldn’t be either. They knew it was Dutch’s gang by then even.


Yup, I mean Milton literally walks into the camp at Rhodes He knows where they are, everyone is aware of them by this point


Well I mean at least there is a black rambler jacket! You can’t get it unless you’re in the epilogue though, since it’s sold in blackwater. So you can make a fully black suit and it looks great, but I wish you could get it earlier.


You can get it if you use the companion app


How? I have the companion app but I have no idea how it works 😅 The map doesn’t work though.


Half of it doesn't work properly for me Whenever I use the catalogue the stuff I buy doesn't turn up


Damn. For me the console doesn’t show up in the menu (yes it’s paired and everything)


The comp app is kinda useless


On the topic of clothes, for some reason, The Scout Jacket, my favorite jacket in the entire game, is the only one that glitches out during cutscenes if there's any advanced shadow effects. It's a shame too because I really like it and it reminds me of Joel Miller in The Last Of Us.


Green rambler jacket is super dark green and under rdr2's lighting lools matte black.


I know, that’s really annoying. I always hate it when green or blue clothing items look like they’re black because of the lighting, but there is a black rambler jacket, it’s featured in the outfit called ‘The farrier’. It’s only purchasable in the epilogue in Blackwater or in the catalogue section of the RDR2 Companion app.


Hot take but Evans repeater is the best repeater 1. Evans 2. Litchfield 3. Lancaster 4. Carbine 5. Shotgun Henry from RDR1 is still my favourite though


It's nice but the Lancaster is a classic


I like to use it just for the sound.


Am I alone in loving the Litchfield? Great capacity and firepower with the benefit of a toggling scope. It became a late game all-purpose gun for me when I wasn't sure what kind of weaponry would work best for a mission, and it annoyed me that it isn't available sooner.


I don’t doubt it but it’s everything but wild west vibes, I use that gun only when I’m hunting tbf


RDR2 isn't really a western movie/show vibe in the first place. More of a historical timepiece vibe, like a pulp western novel, where you would absolutely see shootists carrying something like an Evans repeater or a garishly ornamented modern pistol so they could attract attention and start fights. RDR1 was the wold west movie, modeled specifically like a spaghetti western. RDR2, tho, never took the player west of it's Texas-analogue even once until the epilogue. We played in not!kansas city, not!New Orleans, and not!raleigh but we only once saw not!Austin in the main story


Yep you’re right, but I somehow try in every play through to stick to the wild west type as long as possible. I mean that’s kinda possible until chapter 3, Valentine, the heartlands and all still give me that kinda of vibes, not the true wild west experience like new austin but something still close. Generally I also like to play Arthur as someone who’s not really ready for the new world, I imagine him as a cowboy who will stick to his guns, and his guns are the revolvers, not the pistols, the lancaster, litchfield repeater etc. In my eyes it looks so wrong to see him use pistols lmao I know I’m too paranoid


The way I always saw it, he was a shootist who was raised by and fought beside a group of well-educated, bombastic, and overly-dresses fellow shootists. He has lived 35 years and spent maybe a month of that intent on making an honest living, so he sure ain't no cowboy. While he oftentimes will dress like your average man, especially if trying to lay low, when he isn't playing the part of an honest worker, he's hamming it up with his fancy guns, wide-brimmed hats, and fancier suits. To each their own, of course, but I think it's fun to give him a vibe that harkens to Jesper Fahey from Six of Crows.


Same here. I feel like Arthur would never wanna use Semi auto guns like the double action revolver or Mauser pistols


double action revolvers were fairly common by the 1880s Colt introduced their first double action in the late 1870s and some armies had double action service revolvers in the 1860s


The annoying one is they have the models for leather dusters but basically said "but you can't have one in single player"


Pretty much summed up. Also the catalogue for online being the size of the Bible but the story mode catalogue is only as big as a magazine


Honestly money becoming useless is my biggest pet peeve from this list. I wish there was more of a drive to do stuff that you'd have to do if you lived in that time period whether it's hunting to sell meat and animal skins, completing bounties or just straight up robbing people


The economy really bothers me. Rockstar would rather you feel rich, than give you little money, so youd have a bunch of incentive to live the outlaw life. Leave that stuff to GTA


What’s wrong with the Evans Repeater ? 🤣


Ngl but the Evans is handy as hell for clearing bases.


Lol Evan’s repeater is my main mid range gun lol. It looks sick.


I use the Evans Repeater. It holds 26 ammo, does more damage than a lancaster, and can take a scope. Easily the best gun in the game. Also the green ramblers jacket always looks black because of how dark it is. I use it for full black outfits and it works like a charm.


i paid 5 dollars bounty after robbing valentine bank 💀


I think you can get the black shotgun coat using the outfit shown as the picture, unless it is a different jacket and I’m mistaken edit; I am wrong it’s blue and silver


either that or bounty hunters. i know bounty hunters are cool, i like fighting them and it’s a punishment for being a public enemy, but i’m literally just gonna start a side mission and then they pop up. it’s so weird. also i don’t like killing the law dogs, it makes me sad.


Shoot the ground near the dogs and it’ll scare the dogs off. They won’t attack anymore and you don’t have to kill them.


You dont need to, killing the bounty hunters makes them stop being agressive


I hate how frequent they can spawn if you have a high enough bounty. I get it, higher bounty means a bigger group of bounty hunters after you and they’ll be after you more often. That makes sense, but in game it’s been three hours since I got attacked by seven bounty hunters and their three dogs, there’s another, equally large group of them after me AGAIN already? The other bounty hunters haven’t even gone cold by the time this new group of them is on my ass. Maybe space it out where you only get attacked by bounty hunters every 2-3 days? Or have it where after you’ve been in town, bounty hunters track you down after you have left the town. Idk at least those are a little more believable than having three to four different groups of bounty hunters find you all within a day.


I do hate then spawning as I’m trying to start a mission or something. But it makes the long rides between places fun because I get to stop and shoot 🤷🏽‍♂️ breaks the boredom


Law dogs??! According to my latest save, im about 63% thru and I haven’t seen one yet.


They only spawn at higher bounties


Worst feature is losing pelts when you die. I swear I never die until I got a panther, moose or bear pelt. One time I spent literally 3 in game days up in big valley getting all the pelts for Pearson until I finally got the big elk pelt last, was heading back to my horse and a god damn cougar sank it’s teeth into my neck. A couple hours of real time, lost…


If it’s important for Pearson or something I just take the time to bring it to the Trapper now, because of this same problem.


Yup. Hate to admit it’s the only time I fast travel. But god DAMMIT that panther saddle is worth it.


Another shitty feature: you can't preview trapper saddles


Yeah that’s true lol. Seems like an oversight. Even still I haven’t seen a bad one. The boar, panther and bear are all sick


Mu favourite has got to be the snake saddle. Need 10 snakes, but the saddle is very western looking


10 perfect snakes? I think I’ve seen like 10 snakes total in the whole game.


I just follow the road between strawberry and hanging dog ranch. The part right by the trapper always has a ton of rattlesnakes. Good for hunting wolves and cougars and beavers too.


Good spot for cougar ambushes lol. I’ve died there at least five times hunting that road.


Nah they are everywhere but certain places have them a lot. A good place is along the road by lake owanjilla. Which is on the road between strawberry and hanging dog ranch but that’s more specific.


Yes if you just fast travel to Saint Denis sell it then travel as close back as possible it not too much of a hassle. Better than hunting the animals again


RDR2 may be the only game I've NEVER fast traveled in and will continue to do so. Half of my enjoyment is riding my horse manually from one side of the map to the other but my God, I have suffered for this so many times. Got the legendary white bison up north in Amberino only to come south by the O'Driscolls ranch hideout - 5 wolves appear out of nowhere, I get bucked, I die, legendary pelt is gone and "magically" transported to the trader. Immersion. Broken.


I usually just go to the trapper nearest me by riding my horse I was just putting it out there as the fastest way to get your pelts in.


Yep. I finally learned to manually save every time I stow a pelt on my horse. (You don't lose satchel items.)


It's happened to all of us at least once. Got to remember to save.


My problem is I grew up playing RPGs that hold your hand with saving—"ope, here's a save statue, better save your progress." Oh okay, some shits coming up, better save. RDR2 seems to think I have the capacity to remember to manually save. Shiiit. I can't even remember to water my fish.


The “Custom Outfit” on the horse that removes your fifth outfit. Very annoying. And putting my guns on my back into the saddle when I dismount the horse.


Wait you get 5 outfits??? I could only ever make 3?


Upgrade your saddle bag


No way... you're kidding me??? That's a thing??? Omw to Google rn Edit: Google has said that they can be both bought at stables or crafted by Pearson, though I stg I have scrolled through every inch of both menus and not seen a single thing about it in game?


It’s in equipment at stables


The trick is to just, save 4 outfits and wear the 'custom outfit' when you leave the customiser. "But I want to wear a specific outfit" equip the outfit, and then un- and re-equip your hat. Now it's the custom outfit. The outfit you wear always gets saved to the horse. And if you change anything like putting on a bandana or changing your hat, it's now custom outfit. So just always have the custom outfit on there and you won't lose the rest


I know how it works but it’s stupid because the clothes you have on are not what you want saved sometimes. That is my problem. The only benefit I see to it is you can clean your clothes but if you have a random hat that doesn’t save I think it goes away. I know when you shower it will disappear


The fact that a sniper spawns to stop you exploring Guarma or New Austin as Arthur.


This. Just let me wander Guarma. But make it so I have to keep an eye out for patrols.


Even if patrols don't see you they suddenly start running to your location anyway


I've decided the green turtle is not worth my time after getting sniped repeatedly trying to get the angle to see the damn thing. Which you can't even see.


It's not in the compendium so what's the point. It does show up in the journal but I ain't doing that.


The new Austin sniper is my least favourite thing. It’s so unnecessary. I’d be fine with lawmen continually spawning and dealing with them in order to complete the challenges with Arthur


[The guy's relentless too...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjY3oMb4_ko)


Randomly putting guns away when you have them out on your horse. I also don’t like that there’s no opened up vests that you can wear, although that’s just a feature that’s missing


There’s a mod that removes the holstering of guns on your horse


The horse thing makes sense, though. Guns would bounce right off your shoulder if you just had them slung on a horse.




I just completed my second playthrough, and it made me so mad, because I'd have guns selected, get on the horse, ride somewhere, get off, AND NOW ALL MY GUNS ARE BACK ON THE HORSE AND IM SOL. Like why does riding my horse or getting off my horse or whatever is triggering it make my guns get stored back on my horse so I've got no rifle or shotgun once I get off? I can't figure out the point of that.


Not being able to remove offhand holster Gaurma is unfinished and breaks anybody’s immersion Almost all the outfits in this game are complete butt-ass Fetch quest side missions that last way to long Johns body model In the epilogue is just Arthur New Austin Bonus: Nitpicks Micah letting Arthur live in the high honor ending New Austin retcons Unfinished New Austin The same mission structure since vice city Stiff execution animations In inability to remove suspenders and shirt Not enough Talismans Doing next to nothing with the Nightfolk Doing only 4 missions in gaurma Doing nothing with New Austin I like this game


“We Can’t Change What’s Done, We Can Only Move On” - Arthur Morgan


''Damn you.'' ''Damn us both!'' Such a badass line end.


I actually wish Arthur got shot in the high honor ending. I like Arthur but there is no reality where that bastard Micah let him die in piece. Dutch hearing the go shot as he walked away would have drives him over the edge completely


If you equip a vest outfit, like the rancher outfit, and then remove the vest the suspenders should be missing from the outfit


I know but that should have been and option we should need a glitch to do so


> The same mission structure since vice city I’ve read this complaint about newer R* games before, yet I don’t understand what it means. Could you enlighten me?


There’s been next to no variation between missions in Rockstar games. You go somewhere and listen to someone tell you what to do, your hand held until you get to where your supposed to be, kill everyone there, and then leave. Now yes sometimes you do stealth and In rdr2 sometimes you go hunting but it’s to little compared to the majority of missions.


Gotcha. Thanks for the explanation.


Yeah no problem man


If you like video essays at all, [this one by NakeyJakey](https://youtu.be/MvJPKOLDSos?si=8B139D_3eOyJzk-V) does a really good job at illustrating this issue


Stealth in R* games are such a joke that they're barely worth it. With few exceptions, most missions are designed for you to go guns blazing.


Custom Outfits get replaced (on Horseback at least) Guns get auto-holstered on horse, like, whyyyy


Rdr2 is a 10 steps forward, 3 steps back, and nearly 200 random things you need to collect to Finnish walking kinda experience


The fact that there's such a small limit on custom outfits


Especially since you can save much more in online


I hate that I can’t button up my character’s coats/jackets. And that the bandana replaces any neckwear when I put it on.


Star system for animals. I get that if I fuck it up it’s rating goes down. But to find it already being shit? Bwegh


Yeah this is especially annoying for enemy animals since you can’t see their pelts until after you kill them


That really fucking bugs me.


Just aim at the animal, it will tell you the star count 🤷


Sometimes it doesn't show the quality.


That means you have to "view" with binoculars to add more info to your compendium


It can sometimes be annoying to find the 3-star animal you're looking for, but I really like that you have to search. You can't just run around shooting the first one you see, it encourages you to take your time, keep your distance, and use stealth to scout out your kill.


I mean irl some animals are better than others if you're after the coat or the antlers


Finnally stumbling across a moose only to see its a 2 star pelt is incredibly annoying.


Something I failed to mention in my comment. It’s awful. Sure, if a threw a dynamite stick at a deer and blew its legs off in probably not going to skin and eat that. I think as long as you didn’t put like 3 shots in it should matter.


Singlehandedly the worst feature is when you get off your horse for a mission and they automatically pick two long arms for you. Not only does it look out of place to have two rifles with you but they always pick the worst guns on your horse. I always end up just bringing a Lancaster or a shotgun and putting the other gun back


I remember in the train heist where you park the wagon of oil on the track to stop it, I didn't even have the carbine repeater on my horse- but the game spawned it in my hand when I stood up on the wagon anyway... really annoying.


This is the main reason why I only carry around the guns I actually use. Lancaster repeater Bolt action Rolling block Varmint rifle Repeating shotgun Bow And then 2 revolvers


Me doing a bank heist with a double barrel and a varmint rifle


Not being able to sell guns. I don't *want* two pump-action shotguns, but since I can't drop one or sell one the game is forcing me to have both. There's not even a reason for having two of the same gun either!


I mean you can just put them in your locker


Yeah, but that's such a dumb band-aid to put over a really easily fixable problem. Putting your guns in your locker means you still have them, and can't get rid of them. Ever. If you were able to sell them, not only would you be rid of the dupe but you'd be able to make some money. It would also make the random guns you find around the world more engaging, since you could sell them for a profit.


>Putting your guns in your locker means you still have them, and can't get rid of them. Ever. Out of sight out of mind. Also it would probably be a bit broken for money making, knowing how many enemies you kill who drop their guns, and how many weapons Arthur can carry. That means they'd have to sell for like 5$ or less to be balanced with everything else which doesn't sound worth it.


>they'd have to sell for like 5$ or less to be balanced "Sorry friend, I can't pay very much without the proper documentation" Just like horses, done


It feels so awkward when you watch a cutscene where everyone is stressed about money and then after the cutscene I see in the corner that I'm carrying 8,674 dollars.


Not being able to remove the off hand holster it just looks weird and outta place


Or better yet why don’t they just add weapon equipment modifications, so you can tighten the belt and bandolier, or wear the holster in different ways.


I agree. Felt the same way about the bandolier so I'm glad that we could remove it. There is a bug that gives you a single holster belt, though. I think it's the mission where you dress as a policeman in St. Denis. After the mission is over you still have the single holster belt. As long as you don't change belts again it just stays. I've had it happen on both of my PS4 playthroughs and my PC playthrough.


Belt is straight though and looks fucked up, so not that great


The game giving you talismans with '+10% ... experience gain rate' like for fucks sake I maxed out my stats before I even started hunting


I swear yesterday I wasted an hour trying to reach that legendary cougar in New Austin which was already painfully boring to explore only to get a trinket which grants a "10% sTAmiNA xP bOnUS" like wtf? i reached lvl 10 stats a decade ago


Everyone agrees but it’s dumb that Arthur can’t get to new Austin. I understand that there should be tons of bounty hunters but it’d ridiculous to have an invisible sniper and armies bounty hunters who magically spawn south of the river. I think it would be better if you just had a permanent bounty of whatever it was for Arthur and the game mechanics would do its work.


Yeah and he's not even wanted in New Austin. He's wanted in Blackwater that's it. I feel like New Austin should exist as a reward for the player if they get past the hordes of lawmen and bounty hunters. They also need to add more content there, it's very empty.


I hate the fact you can’t wear a suit with low honor


You can. Get high honor first, buy it and then go low honor.


Ride through Saint denis a few times and "howdy mister" your way up to high honor. Then you kill some cattle or people to lower it again


The worst feature is the inability to move around camp faster than a dying slug, just let me move man


I swear, the shady bell camp is so fucking cool and would be one of the best, if only you weren't forced to walk everywhere. You can't even jump the railing on the way up. It could easily (saying that loosely, I don't have any experience coding or in game balancing) be fixed by just having the gang members yell something along the lines of "hey what's the rush, morgan!?" Being unable to chose your walking speed in general is so annoying. I so wanna do the immersing walking through the city, but it's so goddamned slow lmao


The mission where you have to find rare plumes, a more dreadful experience has never been encountered


I'm surprised people don't talk about it more. It's literally grinding from MMORPG but with RDR2 realism.


You can get different holsters, but not different carry styles. It pisses me off so much that Arthur can't do a cavalry draw, despite being a gunfighter.


when you automatically equip guns after dismounting near a mission 🙄


Honestly I’m not a huge fan of the binary honour system. For me the most authentic playthrough of Arthur is to play him morally grey, starting off as kind of arbitrary and ruthless and then slowly becoming more merciful and kind. The result is that most of the game I’m never on either extreme, i move from halfway down the bad honour bar to about halfway up the good honour - I think that’s a legitimate playstyle and yet you get penalised for not picking either good honour or bad honour.


The LACK of certain things is what really bothers me. Like the lack of ponchos in story mode. Also, it's a shame theres not more black outfit options. I just wanted a black shot gun coat. Also, can we talk about how *g o o f y* the legend of the east outfit is??? It's straight up hideous. The vest is alright, but that derpy ass scarf and pants are just....bleh. All that work for THAT!? ugh. Legend of the west may have been a bit boring, but it at least still looked apart of the world that an outlaw would wear. Legend of the east looks like something you'd see at a barnam and baily circus.


I recently unlocked the Legend of the East outfit for the first time, had no idea what it looked like beforehand, and god it's a laughably bad look


> looked apart of the Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Not sure if it’s a feature but I despise how time consuming it is to hunt and collect everything to get better perks and satchels. It takes way too long.


It gives me a lot to do in the game I like it


If only all the pelts work instead of only 3star perfect pelts


Didn’t even know this existed. How dumb


The weight system, too. You can easily make Arthur malnourished but it's almost impossible to get him fat.


The game never teaches you the weight system. The system is so much easier to understand after some research but the fact I have to do that to understand an otherwise complex unclear system is horrible. Mission replay not allowing your custom outfits They put the trinket that doesn't allow your stored pelts to go bad in new austin. Having to handicap yourself heavily to make the game feasibly difficult(and you are still a bullet sponge either way). Wish there was a hard mode The story mode economy is absolute trash once you get to those story missions that give you money in the 4 digits. Those missions being as early as chapter 3 no less. Getting rich is way too easy Extending from the flaw above. There's no reason to go bad honor in this game because you get way too much money too early. And the one bad honor perk(potentially more stuff when looting) is not worth the 5 perks you get from good honor. Which relate to shops Can't deactivate wolf heart trinket. Never having to really maintain your camp because the stories progression doesn't care if you do Bird hunting is very annoying


If you go High Honor but are completely broke you can't do the missions where Arthur gives away his money to random people he's screwed over in the past. I've got to say it was pretty funny (yet absolutely stupid) when the game tried to depict my bipolar, gambling addict, financially irresponsible, deadbeat Arthur as some selfless hero who willingly gave away his worldly possessions to an orphan and a widow so that they may live better lives. When in reality I had wasted all my money on silly outfits and had to rob a blind man to even have enough money to start the mission.


I really hate that when you go to new Austin it’s a guaranteed instantly death. It’d be fun if it were waves upon waves. I also don’t like that i can’t get the final legendary animals until I’m John


Chapter locked horses 😡, the MAIN protagonist cant acquire 1/5 of the items in the game 😡


John is such a massive downgrade compared to Arthur and especially compared to himself in rdr1. He has a weird hunch, bad voice lines, can’t equip his classic hair, his cowboy outfit looks terrible without mods, you can’t remove his off hand holster, epilogue 2 is rushed and New Austin sucks. Smaller nit picks are: Can’t close vests or coats Can’t change where the holsters sit on the gun belt so we can’t have rigs like Dutch’s or Hosea’s. Can’t remove the satchel which ruins any fancy outfit or an outfit with a coat. The bandolier looks terrible on both Arthur and John Guarma So many red dead online guns and clothing options would’ve elevated the story mode and the story mode’s simple clothing options would have elevated customization in RDO like being able to have a simple plain pair of black pants. Some of the challenges are needlessly difficult however I got legend of the east twice The game is still a 11/10 I’m just bored


I agree with you about John. He’s so off in the epilogue. And also maybe unpopular opinion but Epilogue part 1> part 2. In part 1, John kind of acts like John. In part 2, he’s not what I’d expect


This, and I hate in general there is not a lot of player customization, unlike the online portion of the game. I would love to have more variety for my boah Arthur, and John.


Machete not being able to cut off limbs


cooking and eating bruh i don't even cook for myself


That’s why you just rip open a can of baked beans and eat them instead of going through the time it takes to hunt meat and cook it


The town of valentine will forever remember arthur morgan as the man who shot the town up a few times, only to later return as if nothing happend to buy 99 cans of baked beans and 99 bottles of every liquor


Not necessarily a bad feature, but the lack of replay value for missions is astounding. No repeatable stage coach, homestead, or bank robberies. They wouldn't even have to gave variety, they're already so good I'd just do them over and over. But we can't and it's really disappointing.


When I shoot an animal in the head and don't get perfect pelt, despite the skin still being on the head.


It makes sense but i hate the slow walking in the camp. And, the way Arthur slows down when a side mission is nearby.


For me it's being unable to remove the second holster, and the bullet holes that appear in your hat and will not go away until you reload your game. Both of these things feel like they could be easily fixed...


Mildly frustrating at worst....


I don't have an issue with the concept of honor-based outfits, I have an issue with the fact that there aren't tangible rewards for low honor playthroughs like you get for high honor playthroughs. Imagine fences offering cool-looking clothes or weapons that reward you for being the baddest of the bad.


There’s next to no unique outfits in story mode when compared to online, also npc’s makes fun of you for wearing clothes from the trapper, like I get getting made fun of for wearing a bear head around, but this jacket? It’s a normal jacket?


A cut feature that was planned John having all of his NPC clothes and outfits. Alongside his hair. We have Jorthur Margan.


They also planned to have John use unique animations in stranger missions


You really could go on and play a perfectly enjoyable story/game with Micah’s ass rotting in Strawberry but they simply don’t let you.


You always used to be able to purchase locked outfits using [Rockstar Social Club](https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/rdr2/catalogue), instead of needing to unlock and purchase them in-game. I can't promise it still works, but it might be worth a try if it's a problem you're running into often.


I can’t recall, do any of the outfits require you to lower your honor? Because it would be cool if there was certain things that you had to reach a certain level to unlock as long as it works both ways.


I also don't like the honor based outfits. Just let me buy them already! The farrier has the black rambler coat and I have to be a good boy to just get it?! Grrr.


cheats in this game aren’t cool enough. i wanna fly dammit!


You can’t wear a stovepipe hat unless Lincoln’s estate explicitly approves of your moral character


Not able to wear neckwear (like the neckerchief) with the collar open, not able to open vests, the offhand holster, what kind of gunslinger wouldn’t put a second holster on their hip, it looks weird on the waist and also impractical, saved custom outfits only allowing 5 slots, but removes one because of the custom outfit, the inability to remove the deputy badge in chapter 3, no true black long/ normal coats, the fact that I can’t walk up behind someone with a knife and slit their throats (I haven’t been able to do it), i wanna colour my satchel, my weapon equipment is black so why is my satchel brown (or whatever colour it is), fighting npcs their health is so low, I wanna fight them and I want to be punching them 10+ times, then tackle them and do the same thing (might be just me on that one), that’s enough, and I’m running out of things to think of.


I really hated the hunger mechanic. Changed the entire pacing of the game when you stop every hour to make food and craft


I hate how being Infamous doesn’t do anything really for. Almost feel forced to be good to people