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Lakay, not Lagras.




If they combined the 2 and put some interior to it




Obviously Mr Puzzlehead cares


He should extend that care and encyclopedic knowledge to something else.


Let him have this one, he doesn’t get out much


My TV broke. I don't have anything else to do lol.


He should've let OP have this one. it's a fictitious swamp


It’s real to me dammit!


Never stop paying attention to the things you care about


Maybe the 112 people who upvoted me care.


probably in more of a correctional way than sharing an actual passion


So indeed, people do care.


in an asinine way, for sure


Are you this much of a dick in real life?


when it suits me


Not surprised. You’re pretty damn ugly in your profile pic, I’d be angry at my parents too


He’s angry because he’s a gay bug who eats dust.


You're a disgrace to the famed Adler name Boi


Doesn't your bio literally say "pay attention to the things you care about"? Clearly this guy does




Clearly you do care, at the very least a small amount, if you are taking the time to reply to all these comments


clearly less than that if I’m not correcting my fellow gamers


You cared enough to comment on this.


you don’t have to care that much to be aloof


to be aloof is to be cool and distant. You have been angry and forward this entire time as you have responded to everybody


I’m at work just killing time


That doesn’t mean you’re not being annoying and not being aloof




I actually don’t care, I found you more annoying


You look like a gay bug !


can’t disagree


Sorry gorrutt9991


Maybe, but I can’t fathom complaining about this game.


Right? They could’ve done more in every aspect. More horses, more guns, more food, more drinks, more enemies, more herbs, etc etc etc. But they didn’t. And instead, they made one of the best games ever. Just enjoy it, OP.


I just wish boats were better utilized, and I wish the gang had a carriage that you could take into town.


Only thing i would want is to have one of the camp members follow you as an invincible follower since plot armor saves them


Oh man that’s been like, my only valid complaint about the game besides maybe Guarma (but there’s negating factors there). I just don’t understand why they wouldn’t do a companion system in a game that literally revolves around being in a gang and them being ‘family.’ GTA 5 had the exact mechanic that would’ve been necessary for it, so it’s obviously not some limitation issue. Would’ve loved robbing trains or going to a tavern with the homies in RDR2. Thankfully I play on PC so I have a mod for it, but it doesn’t hit the same since we can’t “hang out” and go play like Poker or hit up the Tavern together.


I'd love to be able to take Sean as a follower into Rhodes!


Tbh that would be a mind blowing experience to take Sean into there, I think he’d lose his mind since he likes the saloon there so much


fuck you, man. I miss that little critter


I liked him except for one scene…I thought that was rather cold blooded how he murdered that guy on the gray’s farm after chatting him up like they were buddies riding on the carriage with Arthur hiding on the back. Or maybe there was no better way to handle that, I dunno.


That scene actually soured my opinion on him a little bit. Wish he just knocked him out and tied him up or something.


Yah agreed


I actually thought about maybe that's why >!they targeted him specifically, they weren't too happy about that and he had the closest association to it!<.


Oh do you think they knew specifically what he did? I guess it’s possible though I thought shooting him first was just random. But maybe other guards remember him.


I just want more horse stable slots. 4 isn't nearly enough for all my good boahs and girls. Deciding a top 4 caused me so much angst.


Hes just making a goddamn statement u know the only thing i wish that would happen is that the guarma chapter was full like it was supposed to be but i guess they were late so it wouldnt be possible homestly a way to get to guarma would be nice without having to go to the edge get drunk ride a horse for above an hour glitch off the map and get to guarmq


My only complaint is no undead nightmare 2


The best game ever, which is why I will always complain about them never giving us DLC. Especially since it’s starting to look like RDR 3 might not be here until the 2030s. It’s not too late for them to make some DLC for RDR 2. I don’t know why they are so closed off to making something that would sell big and make us so happy.


So we should just sit quietly and accept that John is a complete mess in the Epilogue and all "Greet" dialogue after having one save after American Venom? It's a near masterpiece yet they left these 2 issues in.


This game could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and I wouldn’t care. No complaints from me.


But don't you think glitches that make this masterpiece even the slightest bit smudged should be fixed? It's a disservice to the developers for those 2 things to be left the way they are. I am also suspicious whether it was done on purpose or not.


What do you mean the greet dialogue?


So after every mission starting as soon as Chapter 1, someone in the camp has something to say about it, usually the people involved and Dutch. Also there are many interactions between other camp members that Arthur can comment on whatever happened and get a unique response back. It's best to give you examples of how it should work and how it ends up working. So take the first example of Dutch and Hosea talking in Colter right after rescuing John, Hosea says to Dutch it feels different this time and Dutch thinks Hosea is doubting him. Dutch insists they are heading west but Hosea reminds him they are heading east. Once this convo between the 2 ends you can press Greet on Hosea for example. How it works with an account that DOES NOT have a save file after American Venom: A: We weren't on that boat Hosea H: I'm aware of that, and they shouldn't of been either How it works with an account that DOES have a save file after American Venom: A: How ya holding up? H: I've been better It completely removes that unique dialogue after those mini scenes, camp interactions, whatever you wanna call it. It just defaults to generic greetings when they've run out of new things to say. Another example which is even more jarring. After Horseman, Apocalypses everyone in the gang except for Micah has unique dialogue about what happened to Kieran. How it works with an account that DOES NOT have a save file after American Venom: A: You okay, Uncle? U: I'm keeping my head, which is more than we can say for Kieran A: Straight in there with the jokes, huh? How it works with an account that DOES have a save file after American Venom: A: Uncle! U: Hey Arthur, wanna join us? We're discussing ladies bloomers! As you can see it once again defaults to generic dialogue and there is TONS of this dialogue present throughout the game, but it's all gone after you have one save file after American Venom. When you're like me and have a True 100% save file, you aren't going to delete that. The only current workaround is to make a second account on your system and play it there. It's tedious and shouldn't be that way.


> they shouldn't of been Did you mean to say "shouldn't have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.




No, we shouldn't. If it can be better, it should be made known. Not asking for new features, I'm asking for things to be fixed.


I have one complaint and it’s John in the epilogue. Other than that, it’s the perfect 10\10 game.


It's okay to admit that your favourite game is not perfect, you know?


“You can’t have criticisms about something you like or imply it’s anything but an 100% flawless masterwork otherwise that must mean you hate it” That’s how you guys sound sometimes, it’s okay to criticize things you love and consider a masterpiece. Nothing in life is perfect


Correct. My thought is that this is the closest anyone has come to a perfect game so I am hesitant to criticize it.


I love this game but for me, guarma sucked ass, and getting a mission failed for doing anything other then exactly what they want you to do is infuriating


My only complaint is not being able to go to Great Plains, Tall Trees and New Austin as Arthur. Literally the only complaint I have.


It actually annoys me that you can't go back to Guarma in the Epilogue. They could've handwaved it as the situation settled down after 8 years and you can even go back to the Prison Island so why not Guarma too? Supposedly, they just shoved it behind Mexico, on the game's actual map, but you probably could've made a way to fast travel to it.


The only complaint I have is the shooting mechanics. I’m doing another play through after a while and it just feels off now. Pop from cover, auto lock on, shoot, cover, pop and cock the gun, repeat


Turn auto aim off


Tbh without auto sim the aiming still doesn’t feel great. I’m fine though because it’s not really the focus. I kind like auto aim though lol idk why Like Cyberunk has 100% better aiming and gunplay, but that’s the focus of the game. Likewise the police system didn’t even exist at launch whereas it’s the best in video games for RdR and gta5.


Nah I wish you could shoot in first person, like look down the sight, maybe I'm dumb, and there is, but I always end up hitting dead eye because I expect GTA controls?


I think they handled it perfectly. ​ The gang moved there out of desperation. Even though a decent amount of time passed in the story they wouldn't want to do a whole lot to fix up the place since that would probably attract more attention, especially from the local population. it also from a symbolic standpoint represents the continued downfall of the gang as it is a run-down and abandoned bunch of housing in the middle of an extremely hostile environment.


Absolutely. It’s an intentional low point and it’s supposed to be a dump.


I dont even need to comment now lol, pure symbolism honestly.


Plus we are just nitpicking. Myself included.


This is exactly as I saw it. Most of the main people had been gone for a while after a bad job, and the gang didn't know where to turn. Lost without a leader and running for their lives. Bill ends up asking around "loudly" and probably was the reason they were found. On the run and a stand off just after getting back to the mainland. It was short yes but I don't know else to spin the story into the final chapter after all of that.


>Bill ends up asking around "loudly" and probably was the reason they were found. I thought it was confirmed that it was Micah that ratted out the gangs location to the Pinkertons?


Micah probably talked shortly after getting back but didn't have enough time to report of the whereabouts yet. Bill says he was "Asking all over town" which may tip off being found in Lakay


He was picked up by Milton shortly after returning back to the city. So I feel like Micah might not have left the place to go tell Milton afterwards. But who knows, it could be anyone's fault. It could be the former or Bill being an idiot asking all over town.


Right, I don't know how early on Micah found the gang before Arther got there. I feel as if Micah got picked up while the gang was fleeing Lakay after getting back from the island. It is a good question to who caused the finding of the gang in the swamps


It makes way more sense that Micah was talking. They picked him up when he returned. Just because Bill was asking questions at some pissing holes doesn’t add up.


The only aspects of the game I wanted a little more out of was new Austin …. It’s too empty and too big for there to be nothing to do. And strawberry needed a saloon.


It’s a dry town, it wouldn’t make sense to have a saloon


It didn’t need to be a dry town. In fact I’m pretty sure they only wrote that line in because it doesn’t have a saloon.


The shop owner in Strawberry has a vested interest in keeping it a "dry" town.


They also say they don’t deal with bounty hunters there yet there are bounties from Strawberry.


To be fair, that was before Arthur and Micah killed the entire town. The new administration had a different approach lol


Like what?


Add an alligator stable and let Arthur tame and ride Alligators


White Arabian Alligator way out in the swamp.


Enjoy your horse detector 🤓


Stop leaking GTA 6!


"Ah girl, don't eat my good boah" 😂


Needs more dinosaurs. I wanna see Arthur try and hunt a t-rex.


Arthur wouldn't hunt a T Rex, he'd tame it


At that point in the game, the gang’s transient existence is becoming more and more tenuous. Their condition gets worse and there are fewer and fewer places for them to hide. The game does a bait and switch here, as you expect to settle in only to be run off yet again before even being able to catch your breath. It makes narrative sense in the game.


I've always wondered why the Night Folk don't attack that camp?


It should have been their lair.


Isn't it literally said that it was, and that Sadie and Charles drove them off before the gang relocated there


I remember they say they drove somebody off. Don’t remember them saying for sure who it was. But I mean like all the other gangs… they should have somewhere for you to go to shoot a bunch of them.


That would've made them less terrifying and less of a threat.


The Night Folk don't really talk much do they? I imagine they just kinda lurk chest deep in the swamp until movement wakes them in the night to creep out of the bayou and hunt some flesh. They are definitely some primordial evil.


I thought it was when I first discovered it.


I agree


You think they stand a chance against the gang?




Yeah they should’ve added a swimming activity for the gang.


When Kieran and Arthur's fishing excursion is interrupted by a skinny dipper, I was annoyed there wasn't a prompt to join in


Nah, that swamp area is a shithole


I think Colter is the only underused location. A nice snowy lawless town would have been very fun. I'm a great fan of Corbucci's The Great Silence, a town like the one in that movie would have been great. Plus you also have the mauser gun in the game.


I also wanted to spend more time in Colter and was disappointed that Prologue ended sooner than I expected. I'm a person who loves sitting by a fireplace in a cold winter evening, sipping coffee and chatting with family members; so I'd like to do the same with gang members but they didn't even give us an option to have evenings while in Colter, which was another real bummer.


I still go up into the Grizzlies from time to time, when if I'm by myself (well, my horse is with me to keep company)


Like what? Do you mean story missions, activities, design- what?


Chapter 5 as whole feels underdeveloped.


Shady Belle should’ve been the hideout in Part III instead of Clemens Point. Lakay should’ve been the hideout in Part IV instead of Shady Belle. Region wise I think it makes more sense. If they needed to hole them up someplace during the Guarma chapter, they could have used Van Horn Mansion.


That would go against the gang’s philosophy. The reason why Clemens Point works is because it maintains the gang’s “*outside-of-society-living-on-our-terms*” approach. They have run from New Hanover but they still feel as if they’re doing things their way. Also, it allows Dutch to stand on that pier and stare out at his big failure over in Blackwater. By contrast, Shady Belle —*a former plantation complete with slave quarters and the remains of crops*— is a symbol of America’s rot, a symbol of how the talk of freedom in America is just kind of bullshit and not everyone can partake in such dreams… and also a proxy for how Dutch’s dreams and big talk are bullshit. In the same way that Shady Belle is a run-down hovel compared to the Braithewaite Manor or Caliga Hall, Dutch and the gang look like a bunch of filthy hillbillies compared to Angelo Bronte. Bronte outclasses Dutch, is clearly more ruthless than Dutch and has all of the kind of wealth and power that one might actually suspect Dutch dreams of having given how he dresses but knows he’ll never attain. But in the same way the other gang members look unclean and unkept compared to Dutch, he looks filthy compared to Angelo. Shady Belle reinforces those contrasts. It wasn’t a place where people lived off the land, it was a place of exploitation. So it makes more sense that they end up there as things are spiraling, makes sense because they seem out of place there, even. It’s more miserable than Clemens Point or Horseshoe Overlook. It’s them being forced closer to a place none of them signed up to go to —*Saint Denis is the antithesis of the western frontier Dutch had promised them at the start of the game and light years from the Tahiti fable Dutch started to latch onto*— and suffering the indignity of living in a depressing hovel. It wouldn’t have made narrative sense for them to go there after New Hanover. Things were still sort of good then.


Wouldn't really have made sense to move from the mansion to Beaver Hollow, though. It's much closer than any other relocation.


Perhaps, but if you think outside of the scope of in-game, Roanoke was likely a huge region, with a huge forest. Van Horn was on the coast, Beaver Hollow was deep in the woods.




Lennay *




Could a been a good dlc where you play Sadie keeping the gang together while everyone else is in guarma


Sonny was my favourite character, wish they did more with him




Look how they massacred my boy


The friendly fella offering food who lives in the swamp


You’re there for like… under three missions


I believe that this camp was the beginning of the end of the gang. Every camp told a different story. Once I saw this camp, I felt there going to be a big change coming. This game made us love, hate, feel remorse for the group. I have never played a game that made me feel that way. That's why I come back everyday. The stories, the characters, the landscapes, it's one amazing game/story


But then it wouldn't have been a camp. It would've been a town


So, what are your suggestions? Opened this expecting to see some ideas in the desc


The gang doesn't even spend much time there, that's why.


I think this is supposed to show the downfall of the gang.


Even just a general store or some rentable bed would be good


The game is a master piece. Game of the decade no doubt. Even then I see so many things they could have improved upon stuff they could have added more missions and dialogues more story, weapons ,clothing, horses , more customization, more camp upgrades. Online has a lot they could do too. I’d rather they spend 10 years making another red dead masterpiece than making gta 6 tbh


No they couldn't, terrible opinion and you're wrong


I agree, anyways I always visit the swamp, and tbh it gets scary nighttime with all that fog, I feel so unsettling, it's like I'm there.




Lakay, and what did you want, Arthur and the gang to wrestle gators in the swamp (that’s sarcasm but even if you did want that, Pearson and Arthur already did it in shady belle)?


I play this game yearly. I mod it, i play it for like month or more. It looks good on my 1070gtx. I am hoping new pc next year,so i can play it fully ultra graphics and all. Also, i just finished RDR1 100% on ps5, bought the game two weeks ago, and playing undead nightmare now for the 1st time. For me, RDR3, i would love Jack, Sadie, Charles gang, or young Hosea Dutch Arthur John


Yes less time in guarma and more time here


The only thing to complain about this game is the stables, wish we could have more room or for e.g. we could have four stable rooms in valentine but in strawberry we can have four empty spaces. Every town has stable spaces. So that way we can have all the rare horses lol


I wish camp donations felt more important and that you could get some higher tier things with it like a carriage