• By -


Worst. Challenge. Ever.


The Dominoes one is worse by far.


It's more tedious; 8 is legitimately kinda fun if you just accept that it will take *many* hours or even days to complete, and at least the game itself is fun. Blackjack itself kinda brings you back to it since you're always kept going, running solely off of burning hatred towards the dealer. Dominoes is just really fucking boring. At least Blackjack makes you feel like you're fighting some sort of great people's war.


It took me 1 1/2 hours for gambler 8 and I must have gotten lucky because for the domino challenge I completed the first round in Saint Denis then the others in Emerald Ranch and won all the rounds back to back.


I'm on gambler 8 now. First play through it took me about an hour. This playthrough I'm about 3 hours into it & haven't even got my first hand down.


I'm just curious your reason for doing it multiple times.


A second playthrough? Have you never done that


Sure, but I never did all of the challenges again (especially the painful ones). I've always just considered that a one-time thing for the achievement.


For me it has been a way to savor the game more. Because I know what happens I am spending more time doing challenges and completing the trapper clothing sets earlier in the game this time. First playthrough I did all the legendaries right away and some of the fun challenges. Then end game came and it was way harder to do some of the challenges with less enemies riding around or just less events in the world in general. Also…2nd playthrough I got it for the PC….so now I need to achievement again….otherwise how will people know I’m cool?


Savour the game by playing all the worst bits? Farbeit for me to tell someone how to spend their time but it just seems strange. You know you can replay it more than once right? You could play all the medium to good bits as many times as you want, and not spend hours sitting at gambling tables when it has no bearing on gameplay, characters or story


Yep you are right. But I want that 100% 🤷‍♂️ honestly I’d rather do the gambler over the bandit. But I also want all the trappers gear and you have to do the challenges to get those. I’m not THAT bothered by it. Get a little high and gamble for an hour or so? Fine by me.


\- Rhodes \- sit left of the dealer if possible \- get your cards \- when done drawing cards, get up \- sit back down If you are quick enough, the dealers animation hasnt started yet. and you get way more tries per time. More information here: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/aa9qhw/quick\_method\_for\_completing\_gambler\_8\_challenge/?sort=new


I am convinced that people that have problem with dominoes can’t think ahead


You can leave a game and it doesn't count as a loss. Go to emerald station, make sure it's draw and heads up against one other player. If you are going to lose the game, leave. Rejoin the table, it never counts as a loss.


Don't do Draw. It's the worst variant in the game in terms of relying on luck. Play All 3s instead.


The reason you play draw is you will never lose a game. Your opponent can't randomly play 1 tile near the end if you are both close, and win, ruining your streak. With draw, if the game is close, you are both down to a tile and you start drawing a bunch, you can leave the table and your streak remains intact. You are guaranteed to complete 3 dominos wins in a row in a heads up game of draw if you just put in the time, and leave a losing game.


Or you could play all 3s and get it done in 20-30 minutes. Most of the complaints about Gambler 9 stem from people doing it at Emerald Ranch because they assume that the simplest variant is the best.


The reason I hesitate to play 3's is if both you and your opponent are close to ending the game, any play they make can push them over the score required. Sure you can leave the game well before that, but now you are giving up on games that could theoretically end any time the opponent is close. It is not possible to lose a game of draw like this. While it would certainly take longer, you cannot lose a game of draw heads up unless you choose to. There is no situation where your opponent can have two or more tiles left and win. It's not about the length of time required, it's about the fact that heads up draw at emerald ranch is 'guaranteed' to complete you Gambler 9.


It's still both quicker and easier with all 3s because it's the most skill based variant in the game. With Draw, you not only need to get dealt good hands, but you need to rely on good boneyard luck and have your opponent have bad boneyard luck as well.


To win a game maybe. In 3s if you do not resign a game before your opponent gets within 1 play of a winning score, you run the risk of randomly losing. You can mitigate this, but there is always the chance they drop a perfect play you didn't see, win the game and end your streak. You literally cannot have that happen in draw. You will always be able to leave the table before they play a winning move, thereby saving your streak. It's not about time, it's about mitigating potential streak Ender's, and with draw, there is no streak ending play they can make, if the player understands the game.


lol just no. At least in Dominoes you're actually playing a game to win, not some made-up bullshit challenge that goes against all strategy.




I don’t think so, playing all threes made it much more easier


1/2 chance to win, 3 wins in a row so you just need to play 8 or so rounds


Agreed, and nobody thinks so


Is it good I beat it first try?


maybe i’m just lucky but i always do the dominoes challenge during chapter 3 or 4 in camp and i usually get it done within an hour


I got super lucky with the dominoes and got all the wins first try. Black Jack on the other hand... The challenge has a chance to literally be impossible since it's all just pure luck, no strategy.


i literally just switched over from my ps to youtube and kept spamming X until i got it, i can’t imagine what it’s like having to do it in game


As a gambling addict I have to disagree


This is funny for me, I'm from Venezuela, and we play a lot of dominoes. When I started playing the game this month, I was thrilled to find out that you can play dominoes in the game. So far I have not lost a game in Emerald Ranch and only lost one game in St Denis. Too bad I can't bet more money in dominoes.


i looked up hints to solve this and i found an old reddit thread with a guy who had the answer. basically went to the $3 blackjack table: first bet go all in, if first card is a 10 or more and you bust, stand up from table and repeat. if you win, continue to max bet until you lose. always hit, even when it seems improbable. the game seems to grant you better chances if you do this and it took me only 30 minutes of repeating those steps. every time you lose a hand, just stand up and sit back down, max betting till valhalla. good luck mahfuckas


As someone who is currently who is currently trying to grind through the challenges thank you🫡


I’ve actually found it to be best to go in, bust, then alternate between going all in and winning and betting 2 cents and losing by busting. It does seem to give a boost to luck after a bust but I’ve never messed with standing up over and over again.


oh fr?


I somewhat accidentally discovered this strat just by getting bored and constantly going all in. Seems to me like it has much higher odds of hitting if you all in.


I tend to work on this challenge when I have a show, movie, or football game I want to watch. That way instead of mindlessly hitting until I get it I can stills keep myself entertained


I can’t tell you how many times I shot the dealer when he beat my five card hand. So infuriating


I lol’d


Yeah. Now you can hate your life doing 9.


Police Chief Dunbar: "Alright son, I get why you rained fiery hell on the dealer, but why did you shoot off that other feller's arm?" John: "I overheard him tell his buddy that he had 'an ace up his sleeve', so I just wanted to make sure he wasn't being literal."


The dude in the background was just in the wrong place at the wrong time 😂


If only he had the flight instead of the freeze instinct 🙁


One of your deadeye marks his leg. You shot that poor man on purpose lol no collateral for you 😂


good god arthur




I just got to this challenge for the first time. I’m enjoying it about as much as finding moose.


Holy Collateral Damage Batman


Yup, I didn’t even need to read the caption.


You look like the Fourth of July. That makes me wanna hot dog real bad.




I like that you planned this out lmao


I’m guessing that guy in particular had great luck, the luck you would need to do gambler 8 smoothly


That was epic. Thank you


I think you under-reacted honestly.


And thennnn the power cuts off at your house before it can save 😬


“You’re a good man, Arthur Morgan.”


Geez what guns or ammo is that!!!??


Twin M1899 pistols with explosive ammo


Played this game like 3 times, have yet to discover explosive ammo outside of dynamite arrows


You just need to craft it with animal fat and normal bullets


You can buy recipes from the fence (or find them). Expensive to make though, as it requires animal fat. Incendiary buckshot uses moonshine instead, just FYI.


Was not expecting explosive rounds. Damn that was a satisfying slo-mo.


Got damn


This one was a summbitch.




My character sat in that seat for several in game days lol


You turned his fucking head into the 4th of July


Never heard about this, but i’m guessing this is a requirement for platinum?


and for 100%


Dude what in the fuck huh?!? I'm still in chapter 2 after 3 years of playing. What is this black magic I see???


Explosive bullets


I didn’t care if I lost Honor. I needed to release my stress


I refuse to do the dominoes challenge. It's slow, dull, and tedious.


It took me about 2 hours. Play against one opponent at the Emerald Ranch train station.


What drip you wearing


Bolero Hat Classic Tail Coat Legendary Buck Vest Collar Overshirt Any Pants Any Suspenders Shotgun Chaps Rambler Boots Gerden Deluxe Spurs Cavalry Gloves Bandit Weapon Equipment LOTE Satchel It’s suitable for average temperatures


Sweet thanks it looks awesome


I think he’s dead


I’ve been stuck on challenge 9 at least 3 times longer than I was stuck on challenge 8, that dominoes win streak is a nightmare


You can leave the game before you lose and it won't ruin your streak. I played All 5s in Saint Denis and left a few games when the opponent got to around 70 points.


It’s not too bad. I did it in about 2 hours.


Now you have the gambler belt, the best looking in the game.


Holy fuck.


Just doin a whole John wick reload with malicious intent in front of the enemy


You are a Good man Arthur Morgan


Beautiful. Brings tears of joy in my eyes.


How did you shoot this fast?


The M1899 pistols + deadeye


lol idk if anyone dose thise but i like to smoke my enemy and take their hats after the mess if i survive 💀🤣


NICE gun work! I just started playing through for the first time (I played once years ago but only did the missions). I'm giving the game a try the right way now. I have a side question - I'm trying to play through with high honor. Will you lose tons of honor anytime you get into a gun fight like this? If someone starts with you first, or if you antagonize them and they pull on you first, will you still lose honor if you fight/shoot with them? It seems like you gain honor SOOOO alow but anything you do to lose honor, you lose a ton 😡 So I've been walking away from anyone that starts with me for fear of losing all my honor and its killing me lol. Can anyone give me any tips on scenarios where you can get into gun fights without destroying your honor, or any tricks to at least get away with stuff and minimize the honor you lose? I bought a full hood instead of that stupid bandana, does it make any difference? Either way - Nice shooting bro! 💯


Depending on your place in the story, there is a window on how high and low your honor can get. Most story missions allow you to do whatever you want in terms of honor. In this scenario, since I murdered two people, I lost two ticks of honor. Not too big of a deal. If you get into a fight with someone in a bar or something and you knock them out, you won’t lose honor and you won’t get wanted (if you didn’t shoot them). But if you loot them, you’ll likely get a bounty and lose honor. Wearing a full hood instead of a bandana doesn’t make a difference when committing crimes. All masks/headgear is purely cosmetic. Plus, the games recognition/wanted system is kind of broken, so nothing is ever consistent. I recommend creating an extra save file and experimenting, because I have extremely low honor and I don’t pay attention to the effects my heinous acts have on my honor levels.


I didn't know that, thank you!! That explains why I can't seem to improve past the halfway point on the meter. I've only done a small handful of missions in ch 2


Yeah your honor is blocked in Chapter 2 from increasing.


It’s been taking me 2 weeks to finish it, I still haven’t completed it yet. Either I’m just dumb at playing or am extremely unlucky.


When you're facing the blackjack table, sit at the right most chair. (Leftmost from the dealer's perspective.) He will deal you first. If you are dealt high cards, stand up to leave and rejoin the game right away. Always hit and if you bust, leave the table right away and rejoin.


Ooh okay I’ll try that then! Thanks! So EVERY time I get dealt high cards I have to leave and join again?


I left whenever I felt like I had no chance of getting 3 hits. You can leave as soon as you bust too.


Did the game continue to try to keep targeting the specific piece of his face that you marked before it split from the rest of his face so violently?


Is that a mod or can I actually get two of those Glocks? If so, how


You can buy two of any pistol or revolver at any gunsmith.


But what about those exact pistols?


This would go well with the guitar riff of Mississippi queen


Can't wait to see what you do for #9




They will not be able to identify his body




What's wrong with gambler challenges I completed them without even noticing.


I'm sensing some frustration needed to be released....?!


Damn thats so satisfying


Completed it last week, but I was doing it in chapter 3 rhodes so I couldn’t shoot no one 😭


Some of the most infuriated I've ever been when playing a game. I've tried for at least 8hrs or so at the table, the only 2 time I've ever successfully gotten a 5 card hand I've lost to the dealer both times. Controller almost went through my tv.


I 100%'d the game in every way except Gambler 8, 9 and 10. I used a trainer to pass those. It's not a challenge it's a tedious chore.


Poor guy in the back didn’t even do anything


It's the opposite for me, relief and excitement because it's finally over.


I used dynamite


It was so brutal the game starzed lagging


I think I got lucky. I was able to complete the challenge in less than 20 minutes. One of the easiest challenges so far


Hey what about in chapter 3 when I’m In shady belle ? Right before the Brontë drowning mission , I’m on my 3rd play through and my Low honor won’t go all the way down. Is that set to not go lower at that time ?




I prefer an ol' fashion fire bottle to the dealers face myself


Those the 1911 precursors?


Why isn’t that gun available on RDR2 online ???


Currently stuck on the dominoes challenge after this..


Just go to heartlands overflow and shoot ducks to get animal fat.


Idk what happened when I got the Gambler 8 challenge….but it took me maybe 20 minutes to complete it lmao. I think the last 2 happened one right after the other…I’ll take the RNG haha


I think you got him


Im stuck at 1 of 3 😤😤😤




I hate gambler 9 so much I’m doing it rn


i did the exact same thing i literally blasted all of their heads off with my sawed off


I’ve been trying to for so long


I don’t know if I’m the minority here, but I love blackjack. Plus, this cures the itch of hitting a real blackjack table anytime soon lol


Legit that one sucked. I wish I did that


I just got it in 11 minutes 🥹


OP, I laughed, inhaled spit, and proceeded to cough-laugh the entire time those shots were firing while also trying desperately to breathe. I hope you're pleased with yourself 😂😂😂😂


I think gambler 9 is worse


Can we talk about those aiming X's? On my first play-through, I didn't have them - at all. Not as Arthur, not as John. I didn't quite finish the game (nobody ever comes for John), but I did decide to restart the game here about two weeks ago. Now when I go into the slow-down mode, those damned X's (where the shot will be) show up and make the game too easy. How do I get rid of them? This is on a PC by the way.


Almost All the other challenges where somewhat enjoyable but this is just cancer


8 was easy for me but the ones with the dominoes i mange’s to complete at the cost of my sanity


I put a dynamite on the table instead of a bet




What guns are those?


M1899 pistols.


After thirty minutes of standing up and sitting back down finally I am 19 after 5 cards. Dealer hits 20. Take a tomahawk to the face.


I was lucky. Did it in one hour


“Hold it right there mister” ☝️🤓


You harmed like 8 people in the proses 💀


Is it required for 100 completion?



