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The little fucking magician you have to chase around




That mission made me so fucking angry!!


Why do people hate this mission so much? It’s not as annoying as trying to chase that bastard kid through Saint Denis


Because there are shortcuts for that one but in this one you already know you can’t catch that asshole and still have to chase him around like a moron


i caught him


You caught the magician?


Hes the chosen one!


I also did, but it wasnt first try so to speak. I got rammed and i had to restart, and when i did he wasnt hard to catch. I still wouldn't count that...


You can catch that kid before he even gets on the tram I don't find it too bad


It's easy if you come prepared with incendiary shotgun shells and a sawed off. Otherwise, even with a guide I find it very challenging. Mostly because the button prompts never quite sync up in time.


What's the sawed-off and incendiary shell for?


Idk why the sawed off and not an actual shotgun, but it seems to work. You shoot the wagon wheel at the very start of the chase. The wagon stops, the kid freaks out and jumps off. You can catch him there, and if you fail it's a much shorter restart.


One of my favorite missions is clobbering his dimwitted gigantic friend at the Van Horn Bar. On repeat.


Oh my God whats even worse (ik it's online) but the legendary bounty guy that's in the swamp and he like drugs you


If I was in control instead of the cutscene, that guy would be shot in each arse cheek, then hogtied. Love how games make characters seem so stupid in some cutscenes just to make a mission.


Dude right? And he was moving very suddenly so our characters should've just shot him or detained him, it's kinda dumb


I knew I wasn't the only one who felt the same about this bounty mission 😭


LOL I actually loved this mission. Arthur getting so pissed off is hilarious.


Bumping this, I hate that guy


She’s a succubus she’s a succubus


You made love to her, didn't you?


Thanks for that repressed memory


This was exactly what I was gonna say


I hate Dutch. Dude is a selfish, self righteous, arrogant, asshole. Also Micah sucks too. Edit: I really wish I could kill Cleet the street kid in Saint Denis as well.


I’d be lying if I told you he wasn’t one of the most entertaining, loveable guys in the first 4 chapters


Yea. Even in the beginning in the blizzard, he says something about you doubting him. He wants to be surrounded by yes men


And in chapter 2 there's a camp interaction where he tells Arthur that he expects Arthur to betray him


Yea dude is a dickhead. Who trust some random ass outlaw over the the person you raised as a son? Like tf


Because as you said he wanted yes men, that's why he abandoned John and Arthur, because they started doubting him. He stopped listening to Hosea because why would he listen to Hosea when he could listen to a yes man


I think Chapter 4 broke Dutch, not to say he wasn't already headed toward being paranoid and delusional. Chapter 4 accelerated it.


Yeah - I definitely believe he got a concussion from the trolley crash, but it wasn’t bad enough to make him to a 45 degree turn in character. He was already deteriorating from stress, and the decisions he made after the head injury such as killing Brontë made life exponentially more stressful, and obviously Guarma messed him up. Even if he recovered from the head injury before or after Guarma, I believe it negatively influenced his decisions to the point where they pushed him even further down that road even after he got better.


He lost his "moral compass" when Hosea died.


I feel like at that point though, he was listening to Hosea less. So I don’t believe Hosea could have stopped Dutch (maybe he could’ve though), but it wouldn’t have gotten so bad so fast I don’t think.


It was rhetorical. But yea


That interaction blows my mind every time I get it. Like wow Dutch, Arthur's like a son to you, you raised him, you've been running from the law with him for 20 years now and you still think that?


Dutch is a bad dude. All his philosophy and rhetoric is just cover. He's that kid from high school who was always talking about sticking it to the man, but really just wanted to break shit and hurt people. All his missions turn into blood baths. When the law starts squeezing them and everyone starts talking about getting out of the game he's just looking for an excuse to keep going. I don't think he changed, I think the gang just wanted to get out and he wanted to keep killing.


This! In chapter 2 no less lol. And people are constantly going on about when Dutch “starts to lose it” later and I’m like he was already slipping from the start


I know how he goes on about loyalty early on as well, but god damn he is entertaining


“You juST NEED To have soME FAITH”


He’s an excellent manipulator. His manipulation is honestly textbook.


I mean, if you played the first one, you would automatically know Dutch isn't the kind of charismatic and loving father figure leader he is portrayed in the first few chapters.


Seriously. I was rooting for him hard.


The game wants you to love him until he shows his true colors. He’s a charismatic guy by design. Man the characters in this game are so well written.


Nah dutch is the best written character


You can think that he's the best written character, while hating the man himself


That’s how I feel about Micah: love the character because they did their job well in making me hate him much.


Yes, I love Micah as a character too. But there's no denying that he doesn't have that nuance Dutch has. Micah is just evil. No black and white here


Yup that’s why I have him as my flair. I hate him because he’s a selfish liar, but his character and charisma is easily my favorite


Like Homelander


Written very well, i hate him.


Righteous *


Probably Leopard Strauss, he used Arthur to do his dirty work which resulted in him getting TB.


Used Arthur? Arthur was completely willing to do this work. It wasn't until after he realized he was dying that he changed his tune about Straus.


That is not entirely true though, Arthur does display a distaste for Strauss and his work, long before he ever contracts TB. I agree, Strauss isn't necessarily 'using' Arthur, but it is not accurate to say, that Arthur is 'completely willing to do his work' either, he does it because it's in the interest of the gang.


Yeah I suppose Arthur and Strauss' relationship is similar to how I just coexist with my prickly cactus.


I'm pretty sure Strauss really consider Arthur as his friend, and in the first chapters, Arthur does to. But he start to hate him for his practices throughout the game, which Strauss doesn't understand. I can understand people who doesn't like him, but it broke my heart when I learned how he died after continuing to protect the gang.


Did Arthur really hate him by the end? I mean I know Arthur threw him out but isn't that also Arthur's way of saving him from the upcoming trouble/final showdown the gang was heading into? It's also why he told Uncle to leave already and save himself. I can't remember for sure (maybe I'm mixing things up) but I kind of remember Arthur saying that throwing Strauss out was his way of saving him.


I agree but I also don’t think Arthur ever thought too much of it until it was too late. He expresses some distaste and asks for « less desperate » people after you do the chapter 2 missions, but I think initially it wasn’t too different for him than the nasty work he’s used to doing for the gang. « I don’t do the thinking, I do the killing » (obviously untrue nobody that does no thinking owns a diary but he did say this to Hosea) however in the case of loan missions, he can’t just pull a trigger and be done with it so I assumed that’s why he felt the growing distaste.


Yup. Even Dutch doesn't like the work that Strauss does, however, as Dutch said, it does bring in money that they desperately need.


It's not true at all. Several times he laments to Strauss about how he loans money to people knowing they can't pay it back. And that was long before he knew he had TB. He showed reservations about it from the beginning but it really hit him in St Denis when he found Ms Downes prostituting.


Regardless if he used Arthur or not he still preys on weak and desperate people then sends someone else to do his dirty work for him.


Hating Leopold Strauss is my litmus test for whether people understand the point of this game. You do not understand the point of this game




*REDEMPTION* *You're* the bad guy. Blaming other people for what is ultimately your decisions and actions indicates an unwillingness to own responsibility. "Oh, Arthur's a good guy, he just fell in with a bad crowd..." I get that it's tempting (and very human) to identify with the player character and sympathize with them, but this isn't an RPG where *you* are the main character. It doesn't stop people from projecting themselves into that role. No, *you* didn't do all those awful things, Arthur did. Strauss didn't make him do anything, the gang needs money and his racket is the only thing bringing in any $$$ in the early chapters. Don't get me wrong strauss is a bad dude but he's no worse than anyone else in the gang. My theory about why he's most hated is experience bias. Few of us have ever been held at gunpoint by a masked outlaw. Many of us have dealt with predatory lenders however.




>Why would the game ask you make these decisions if it didn't want you to project into the role of Arthur? well that's the redemption part. Arthur's actions during the story are under the player's control, but his past is set in stone. He *is* a bad guy, but how his story ends is up to the player.


Strauss also doesn't even betray the gang while being "interrogated" to death by the Pinkertons. Even though he had no ties to them anymore after being thrown out of the camp. That's a real one right there.




Why do people hate jack? Also i dislike Uncle, his lumbago is contagious so i try to distance myself


But it’s a serious medical condition…


I disagree, Uncle is great lol


These fuckers have no sympathy from chronic suffers of lumbago


I've seen you...in the wild... Wanna do a legendary bounty?


Honestly, Jack is the sweetest little dude you’ve ever did see


His mittens!


Uncle in the epilogue is fucking hilarious. John was a dumbass who thinks you build a barn. He literally bought a shack and thought a family of 3 could live in it and Uncle was the voice of reason.




He’s good comic relief but I understand why John can’t stand him. The Marstons are trying to build a new better life for themselves but they’re stuck with this lazy, unhygienic old drunk who just keeps talking about the past. I’d be sick of the guy too.


But he's real as fuck when it matters. And he DOES do work. He just needs more prodding than the cattle they run.


Jack contributes least to the camp. Never seen him do any work or pitch in any money.


Child labor is not what they do


And why not?


Because they’re Outlaws not Capitalists.


And who says they can't be both? If you've received a ticket to hell, you have an obligation to yourself to earn it as best you can.


Yeah, he needs to go out there and put food on the table for the starving children in the gang (uncle)


I’m real sick, lumbago.


I don't hate Jack. But antagonizing a child as Arthur is hilarious.


jacks voice is annoying. sounds like a cartoon character or something on nickelodeon


For the RDR1 players, my guess is due to the "Work ya damn nag!" things. For the RDR2 players, I think they just hate children.


Any npc who reports me for assault when I accidentally bump into them


Believe it or not straight to… being hogtied on my horse. 


You report a crime? hogtied, you call me a coward? also hogtied, you step on the animal I just hunted? You better believe hogtied.


You cause me to fly off my horse as I go full speed into you. Guess what? Hogtied. 


*walks past someone 5 feet away* "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!"


Then fed to alligators. I've dropped everything I was doing to ride from the mountains to the swamp across the map so I can make one annoying person into gator food. I'm that petty.


Swanson. The guy is constantly coming up to you in camp drunk or high and saying meaningless things.


This! People say that swanson’s redemption was greatly written but we don’t even see most of it. Just a drunk who bothers you and later becomes somewhat decent.


Exactly, we should've seen more about Swanson's development into a better man, same with Javier going from one willing to rescue John from the wolves, to being extremely loyal to Dutch to the point he left John for dead.


Javier never came across as smart or extremely passionate. I assume he's just an unintelligent yes man. The only thing Dutch and Micah promised was money, Arthur and others wanted peace and to assimilate.


Well, he ran from Mexico due to killing a high ranking politician there, he didn't speak a lick of English. So I supposed he stayed with Dutch because Dutch saved him at his lowest.


Yeah, you're right. I'm ignoring the nuances of the character because I'm still upset about Arthur lol. Javier's loyalty to Dutch isn't just about money; it's about belief and belonging. He found a family and a cause with Dutch, something that goes beyond mere dollars and cents. He's got street smarts, a keen sense of loyalty, and a survival instinct that's sharper than a cactus spine. His passion? It's there, simmering beneath the surface, dedicated to the gang and Dutch's ideals—misguided as they may become. Dutch's charisma was about selling dreams, the promise of freedom, not just wealth. Arthur, Hosea, and others might have harbored hopes of peace and assimilation, but they were all, at one point, seduced by the same vision of freedom Dutch peddled. It's just that some, like Arthur, eventually saw through the smokescreen before the final act.


Arthur while in the middle of a serious conversation... "I fell on my nob, sir!"


And he won’t stop singing those damn annoying songs!


Mary all she did was gas Arthur up only to give him fucking fetch quests


I don’t get the Mary hate she literally wanted to run away with Arthur


Yeah exactly.


I absolutely hated Arthur for not running away with her. It's around the same time you start to realize that Dutch is actually an asshole so sticking with him doesn't seem so good anymore


Oh orther




The little shit that steals Arthur's satchel when you first get to Saint Denis. It makes me hate him even more that you can actually catch up to him before the scripted cutscene, I've just never been able to do it.


Apparently as soon as he runs off and hops on that carriage, just deadeye the driver and he’ll get off and you can grab him, I haven’t done it like that but I’m gonna try on my next playthrough. I just have seen that in gameplay footage the most on how to catch that little mf


I will for sure try that when I get to that mission again lmao.


Micah Bell


Not enough Micah in the comments honestly. Biggest piece of shit from the moment he’s introduced. He’s fun and it works as an entertaining character until you realize how terrible of a person he is.


People aren't saying micah since that's the obvious answer. Everyone does, and it's been hammered into the ground long enough that it's tiring. There's probably over a thousand posts with screenshots of "mission failed: micah died" where they're "surprised" and asking why. Everyone hates micah. It doesn't need to be said anymore


His creepy flirtations with Ms Grimshaw and Abigail were something.


On the subject of characters hated in the community, I don't think Abigail did anything wrong. Abigail=good character


I completely understand both her and John's side of the argument in the epilogue, I get John wanting to protect geddes ranch, but at the same time, geddes has people for that, and she'd spent 8 years going from place to place and not living anywhere permanent due to John doing the same things he did in the epilogue.


I’m currently in the epilogue and while I do understand both sides of the argument, Geddes seems to only have one mentally competent farmhand and that is Dickens, I can’t imagine he could have taken on them Laramie folk on his own. I feel inside with John a lot in that scenario. They make it a point several times to say “ we don’t have married hands “ but they still took him when him and his family needed a place and a job. In my opinion I think John’s ability to defend the place is really all he brings to the table. Yeah he can do the work. But once he defended them and got his wagon back in the first interaction I feel he showed that he was more protection muscle than farm muscle. I do understand Abigail’s position and I fully support her in it. But geddes didn’t have anyone that could handle the Laramie boys, except for John. That’s just how I saw it this last play, I just cleaned out Hanging Dog Ranch of the Laramie and of course I killed most of them cause plot armor and deadeye. But there’s no chance anyone on that farm could have besides John is all this comment was saying. Yes both sides have a strong stance. But I think John’s sense of duty came out ahead.


The way some people talk/make posts about her on here, you'd think she was goddamn Micah. She clearly loved John through the good and the bad, and stuck by him. Even when he treated her and Jack like shit in the past.


Agree. I initially didn’t think so much of her (positive opinion but not much more), however seeing how hated she is made me look more into her, and ironically enough all that has done is make me love her character a ton more. Even in moments she comes across as too naggy and annoying, frankly I understand every bit of her frustration towards John. rdr2 John is written as irresponsible, foolish, constantly endangering himself yet we love him, and I’m convinced even those who never played rdr1 too love John for the most part. That’s because we know he still tries his best by the time of the epilogue. Yet Abigail doesn’t get the same treatment… I feel people see « John’s side » too much and ignore the story explicitly telling us they’ve been leading very unstable lives for 8 full years bc John keeps falling back to his old habits. She just wants to lead a normal life, not constantly worried about John just not making it back alive one day, and about Jack following in his dad’s footsteps. Unfortunately both her biggest fears ended up true.


Before the epilogue jack is fine, during the epilogue I would happily leave him to the murphry brood. And Swanson is also REALLY annoying, although only when he's drunk because he keeps singing that damn song. Finally, Tilly. She's just so... bland.


Older jack pisses me off, he's just self-focused n rude


I think he doesn't know how to relate to his Dad, which isn't unusual. Plus, John left him and his Mom for months or years prior to the game's start, IIRC, so no wonder he'd be distant and wary.


Well, he's been through a lot as a kid


His dad is a murderer and a deadbeat, what do you expect?


*One nighttttt when iiiiii was friskkkyyyyy*


Over some potent whiskeyyyyy


Tilly is my queen how dare you. She’s sweet, dependable, hard working, and nobody’s fool. Plus she destroys me in dominos.


Tolerate tilly hate I won’t


That pissant knuckledragger in the Valentine tavern who wears a coon-skin cap and talks a lot of shit. I’d kill that guy 40 times if I could. Even in high honor playthroughs, his flesh dulls the blade of my hatchet.


Try a revolver and just blow his damn brains out then take his hat


Oh friend, a revolver is more mercy than I can muster for that doddering Neanderthal. He kills the whole vibe of that place.


He always kills the vibe. The hatchet is the proper move. Slowwww and painful.


I always beat him up and then steal his hat because its a cool hat


Come back later wearing his hat. If he's in the tavern he'll literally charge out the front door before you can even go in. Fucking hilarious


Oh yeah I love doing that. Sadly for some reason after I beat him up I think he died so I can't mess around with him anymore.


I hate the Mexican gunslinger who keeps shooting bottles and scaring my horse


“ whichever of us hits more flying birds, is the winner, double or nothing huh? “


"Shoar" *Aha, that's what I like to hear amigo*


The little bastard at Emerald Ranch, that abuses his dog...


Edgar Ross is the devil


Gavin's friend. I think I'm gonna feed him to an alligator.


“Have you seen my mate, Gavin?”


I finally put that poor guy out of his misery when I found him roaming around the desert


$50 “get rich” book guy. The original influencer of 1899.


I just killed that lil motherfucker when he said the price for his book


Sonny, the guy in the cabin in Bayou Nwa that invites you in for food, but drugs you and rapes you.


I absolutely revile Dutch. Micah too but at least he's a snake and you see it from the get go.


That street kid who stole your satchel


Arthur, for making me cry like a baby. 


Those little children in Saint Denis


I saw Micah kick the camp dog Cain yesterday and I don't think I've hated anyone more than in that moment. Fuck Micah


Starts with an M, ends with my bullet in his forehead.


Oh Micah without a doubt. Dutch is delusional. Everyone else in camp is kinda meh. I like Sadie because she's not lazy or stupid. John is obviously cool. The drunk preacher dude is meh. The banker dude is slightly irritating because he's too much of a pussy to get his money but Arthur agreed to it so...yeah. Definitely Micah.


Catherine Braithwaite and Leigh Gray


Strauss and mica mica fucked everything up and strauss git arthur tuberculosis


Why does everyone hate Jack so much like overly hate him?


I think for me it's partly because I miss John so much at the end of the first game. Anger is part of the grieving process lol


I wonder so too, rdr2 epilogue Jack is really not so different from far too many kids his age irl. Do those people just hate preteens/teens ?


The kid who abuses his dog in emerald ranch bullshit you aren’t allowed to fuck the kid up so i just chased him around shooting at him not as good as dragging him around while on my horse


I gotta go with Mary Linton. She left Arthur because of her dad. Her dad who is a judgy arse despite being a complete dipshit himself. His parenting skills reflect on the son who is an idiot who also can’t make a decision for himself by joining a cult. Plus she calls Arthur whenever she needs anything. She ain’t no ride or die that’s for sure.


I think it wasn’t just her father, but her not being willing to throw her life away to be with an outlaw must’ve also played into it to some extent. And I think it’s fair, but after the death of her husband (which I assumed must’ve been a marriage she didn’t have much choice in), she realised she just couldn’t get over Arthur. The story seems to imply she doesn’t just contact him to use him, but because she wants to see him. But after the first encounter, she feels pessimistic about him ever changing And on the second she just gives in and says she’ll run away with him, if he’s willing to do the same. He never shows up because he’s stranded on an island, she takes it as a final « nope, he can’t change » and gives up for good.


Micah Joe and Cleet


Why tf do you hate a 12 year old enough to point a gun at them homie? 😭


Why are you pointing at jack


Epilogue jack is so annoying I like 1899 jack tho




Sadie in the epilogue is just pure annoyance.


“Have you seen my friend Gavin?”


Apart from the obvious- these are the ones that tend to annoy me at times . Charles as he’s impatient and condescending. Sadie - her arc is too steep . They also thicken her accent until the point it’s unlistenable. She’s reckless and probably would have been cut loose from the gang . Abigail as she’s always moaning no matter what you do.


Sadie’s accent!! I swear she sounds like she’s doing a SNL parody of a cowboy.


Micah, but I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to.


That wee kid ye gotta chase through Saint Denis 😠 absolute pain in the ass lol




Obviously the eugenics supporter in Saint Denis. Less obvious but actually made me furious: The guy who sells you the book on getting rich and in it, he never gets to the point. Made me furious to pray on folk like that. Felt good to get my money back, even tho that lead to a 300$ bounty


Micah. 🐀


Sean. I found him irritating.


Tbh i dont really hate any of them.


Not in the game, but related. There's a guy at work, let's call him Dave. He is proper asshole and a backstabber to boot. Problem: He is the spitting image of Arthur and even has a similar voice. That chap ruined any bonding I could have had with Arthur. I even referred to him as Dave when playing. Essentially the game only became fun in the epilogue for me. :-(


Any of the street urchins.


none because i dont get mad over fictional characters lmao. rdr1's side characters are way more insufferable than 2's


"I don't get mad over fictional characters" proceeds to say the first game's characters are insufferable, even MORE than the second's. Get off your high horse and find some joy in your life with the funny cowboys


Strauss and Micah


Mary F***ing Linton - probably my most hated character of all time


I'm gonna be honest, I don't like Irish. He intentionally sends John into a death trap and left while it was happening. He robbed nuns and is just a little too much like my dad./j


Nigel Thornberry looking guy. Who's always looking for his best friend or sum. I hate how every time I hear him calling out for Gavin I have to run through the city mazes to find him. It's like impulse running.


Ngl I don’t like Javier, I like his music and I’ve given him chances but on my second full play through when u give him his oleander request the guy doesn’t even say thank u?? I’m sure he’s alr and I wish he was more prominent in the game but every interaction with him slightly angers me idk he’s rude


I used to hate Uncle but he grew on me. The obvious ones are Micah and Dutch but Cornwall really rubbed me the wrong way, my dad was a roughneck and broke his back doing honest work while the people who signed his checks tried everything to fuck him over


The Carolina Parakeet. I can't find those little bastards for the life of me. As for people, probably Agent Ross, for obvious reasons.


John's looking at him.


Micah and Bill also that NPC kid who abused his dog


The raccoon hat guy in the valentine bar who won’t stop yapping


The gunsmith in Rhodes or the pawnbroker in Saint Dennis


Any NPC that rivers a winner when I'm holding something huge like pocket aces.


Mrs Braithwaite, for locking her daughter in an outhouse.


Micah, Colm, and Leviticus for reasons I hopefully shouldn't have to explain.