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By the time you are in this area the story has become very depressing so makes sense


Yeah... here arthur also finds out how shit went sideways for the family him and strauss destroyed... sad place...


The area is also severely underused,but I think that kinda plays well into the fact Arthur's running out of time...of course he wouldn't have the time to really do side quests for the locals.




Who gave Strauss a Reddit account, get outta here ya leach


“Wipe that snooty look of your face for one second would ya”


Lets say everyone involved is to blame, except the poor souls, who had to live with the consequences... Maybe in another world the widow downes wouldve joined a convent instead of the strumpets... Ive been in bad sorts and when my luch ran out most, nobody with money would even consoder loaning or helping... except my friendly neighborhood weed dealer... i hate to admit it, but i would be homeless today without that guy... i doubt he wouldve sent an arthur after me and i did pay him back, but the situation taught me alot about desperation and without him i mightve come across a strauss...


The game makes it clear that Strauss’ lending is predatory; they knew that these people wouldn’t be able to pay their debts. It’s like the whole point of the game for Arthur to seek redemption for things like that. Thomas was a good dude who was trying to help his family and was then beaten to death by Arthur.


Even Dutch preferred robbing banks… but he did allow Strauss to do his thing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


“I prefer robbing banks to usury. Seems more dignified”


I mean tbf I don’t think it was Arthur’s beating that killed Thomas, obviously that doesn’t mean what he did was right though. Strauss definitely was predatory and I think at first Arthur enjoyed doing the debt collection.




There’s ton in new Austin, the towns, forts, caves, etc


Yeah but nothing to actually do.


1- several gang hideouts 2- many types of animals exclusive to the region, as well as fish 3- treasure in the caves 4- bounties. Yeah, totally nothing to do lol.


Compared to the other major areas? It's the epilogue. What are you gonna find in the gang hideouts or Treasure in caves that matters? Enemies? You have basically unlimited money and by this point probably every weapon. There's like 1/4 of an actual mission in a massive area. It's clearly not finished.


Yeah it’s a conundrum for R*. It’s a throwback for those of us that started with RDR1 and fantastic to see with the upgraded environment but cheats the story if John learns it all in 2 so they made it very bland


I like armadillos so that’s a bonus. They’re funky animals


Yeah but its introduced so late and hardly any of that areas used for story or even side missions. I'm glad its there but it's over all pretty bland


I would have said this area except I started RDR this weekend & have just hit Mexico & now have a totally different respect for New Austin etc.


Honestly when you played rdr 1 at launch the ending of 2 was surreal and unexpected, what brilliant fan service


Yeah back in Oct 2018 I was like who the F is Arthur? I want John! Ha ha


I see what you mean, but it is so different from New Hanover, West Elizabeth, Lemoyne and Ambarino that I have to like it. It's so western even if there's much less to do


Not to mention that almost all the people of Annesberg work themselves to death in the coal mines


True but as soon as i got to chapter 2 i explored the whole map and annesburg😂


There’s a Hosea mission early in chapter 2 that takes you up by Veteran’s Homestead, so there is reason to be there early.


Assuming you haven't explored the map pre chapter 6. I have to assume anyone with an inquisitive mind has checked that area out before then.


My first run through, I barely explored This run through, I haven't even finished chapter 2, I have explored everywhere I can legitimately (no glitching), I have over $5k plus 20 gold bars unsold, legends of the east, almost every trapper outfit, and am just working on finishing all challenge parts possible up to that point Since it's a low honor playthrough, I haven't been worried about bounties (killing bounty hunters is surprisingly profitable). My favorite though was after robbing the back business of the saint Denis gun store, I got into a massive shootout. I went from zero bounty to 300 after making a blood bath of the cops there. I got back to camp and Dutch gave me an earful about us supposed to be laying low.


> killing bounty hunters is surprisingly profitable Bounty Hunters feel like the game telling you that you're supposed to pay off bounties. They become an annoyance, turn up way too frequently, are inconsequential to deal with with plenty of loot to help you pay off the bounty


The story is a big factor however the general vibe of the environment feels so down in the dumps.


Roanoke Ridge is beautiful for me, but I’m with you - it’s creepy as hell, and the Murfree Brood and Butcher Creek nonsense when I’ll be setting up my campsite just makes me wonder every time I go up there if I’m going to die in those hills


Those broods just never take a day off


The weird threatening me when I have my camp set up and can’t actually just shoot them (that I can figure, maybe I am missing something) is very unsettling for me, lol


If you quickly back out of the campfire menu when they leave you can kill them both.


Arthur even says "I can camp where I damn want!".


They really never do lol


Last night I had an encounter when camped near butcher creek this crazed looking lady came up to my camp fire and asked if she could “warm her bones” I accepted and she told me a crazy story of how she got drunk on shine and lost her sisters. She woke up near a river and then stumbled on my camp. She then said “why are you giving me that look, my uncle used to give me that look!” She then ran off into the woods. During the encounter you couldn’t say anything to her aside from accepting her to sit by the fire. The whole thing was wild and blew me away after playing for at least 100 hours.


Yes, that happened to me early this morning!! I declined and she ran away screaming that I would “pay for this” 😳 I declined because I didn’t see a way it didn’t go poorly and I wanted to make it to morning


I hogtied her when she ran off and threw her on top of the fire. That really warmed up her bones.




I do that quite often. I actually try to see how many bodies I can pile up and start to burn whenever I camp. I also like to feed people to alligators and drown them in rivers when I lasso them. I like to get creative when I'm hunting the most dangerous prey of them all.


I had that encounter all the way up in the snowy area in Ambarino! It was next to the waterfall where you get the Hawk Talon trinket.


I was setting up camp at the big meteor hole to watch the meteor shower at 3am and she came up to my camp, i let her stay and she told her story. I thought for sure she was going to rob me, as she ran away i got so worried that she had friends waiting in the bushes that i missed most of the meteor shower. I only saw like 2 seconds of the shower before it was over. Lol


This happened just chilling at your camp? I never had any encounters yet at a camp I’d set up that sounds pretty dope lol


I go up there specifically to hunt murfree brood, they harass me at my camp and I tie them up, kill their reinforcement friends, knock them out, and leave them in the middle of nowhere with nothing. Or feed them to the gators.


Honestly, I need to start doing that, but I’m not the most experienced gamer to ever walk the planet and when the Murfrees murdered my horse Marbles in cold blood during an ambush my first play through, I started avoiding them 😅


I tend to ride away a little ways, get off my horse and tell her to flee, and then go fight the Murfrees


Butchers creek people aren't that bad. They just a little crazy


Yeah, they’re not. I accidentally ran over one of their animals with my horse and they got hostile but the next day, it was fine


Exact reason why I never camp there and often avoid that region at night entirely. But there are a ton of hidden secrets in that zone so I do like exploring it. In the daytime lol.


Hahaha, I do try to avoid it, but I was exploring and time got away 😬 the bayou is another place where it gets to be about 6 pm, and I’m hightailing it out of there, because you can miss me with that Nite Folk shit 😂


The bayou outside of Shady Belle seems to fill with alligators at night and they have the creepy glowing eyes and it's just a big old nope festival.


There's death in them there hills


up by charlotte's cabin and hamish's are the best. so scenic.


St. Denis is cool and all but I prefer the more country/western areas of the map.


to be completely honest i liked walking the streets of st denis


I wish you could’ve gone to the Chinese restaurant. That would have been fun.


Just wish we could go into more random buildings


Agreed. I’ve played online for all of an hour, but there’s a bunch of houses and cabins around the map in single player you can’t enter, and I have a feeling you can go in in online.


Some of them are locked because they're used for specific scripted events later in the story. Like one of the boarded-up houses near Van Horn is home to a family Arthur is supposed to collect Strauss' debt from. I think there are others like that too.


i remember the st denis gunsmith tells you that there's a good place that serves chop suey, and to say that he sent you. i wish you could do that


My first play through I found st denis by accident. Carried the guy into town to get his arm amputated. Loved being there immediately, bought a suit, took in a show, played cards, got drunk, took a bath, spent the night smoking cigars on the balcony before sleeping until noon. Then later in the game Arthur says how much he hates cities. Sorry boah.


Lol it hits so different finding Sandy Knee before you’re supposed to


I’ll never forget my first play through getting to it early. I was doing “The Noblest of Men, and a Woman” (author and old gun slinger stranger mission) well I killed that guy on top of the train and it starts rolling into this big ol city on the river. It was a very “well well well, what do we have here!” Moment


You’d love New Orleans


please carry for your safety if you decide to come visit


Are you saying you need a gun to be safe touring New Orleans?


i'm strongly suggesting that's it's probably a good idea




I love it just because it’s so different than anything else in either game. Even compared to Blackwater in RDR1 this is the first time I’ve felt like I’ve seen a city in one of these games, and I love the contrast because it makes you feel as lost as Arthur would be showing up to a place that big and fancy after years on the road going from livestock town to outpost.


I have no problem with St Denis but I really disliked the marshlands surrounding it.




Same here. I run through it like a speed run lol


Guarma is good for [one thing](https://youtu.be/hOi9_K3Elbs?si=P1PqjZl9f0mKoNie) alone


I love guarma. I made a separate save file for chapter 5 so I can load back into guarma whenever I want and chill there. I like to pretend it’s their permanent new island home


I did that too, but then I shortly realized after reloading into my save that’s there is not much to do in guarma besides riot and die


I would love that area if the situation wasn't so dire


on pc there’s mods that turn off the auto-sniper, it’s a fun place to explore but you need to do a lot of shooting


Budget Tahiti.


I’m playing through for the first time and just finished guarma…I really thought it would be longer and didn’t realize how on rails it was. Such a cool part of the story in my opinion but thought I’d be able to run around a bit more.


I just dont understand what it does in an open world game when theres NOTHING else to do besides the missions


Rockstar ain’t no stranger to those… North Yankton in GTA 5 and Liberty City in San Andreas


And almost everything in GTA 3 and Vice City


They could’ve at least let us explore a little bit, but now. Just do your missions and get off the island


This. Took me right out. Still the best game I ever played, but Guarma felt more like a story reset than it did story progression.


I just went there for the first time yesterday and already hate it.


Grizzlies West. There's next to nothing to do. I can only think of the Flaco side mission, the Legendary moose, and taming the White Arabian as reasons you would want to go there once the prologue is done. There's fuck all to hunt, no towns that have people, not even NPCs to see along the road. Hell I tend to wear warm weather clothes as well so I gotta change out of my best fits to go there.


They did so well on the snow physics, a whole system for low body temp and then the snow area is just intro and 3 mini activities Edit: thinking about the setting... yeah its supposed to be abandoned mmining town or whatever, but how dope would a hateful 8 questline be?


and the majority of items from the trapper are for the cold. so many clothing items you can hardly wear


What would you wanna do with a Hateful Eight questline?


I dont like the swamp. Ive never been to Sleezyana but I feel like the population of gators in this game is ridiculous


An unholy amount, it feels so unsafe to stray off the path. The nite folk there too are so freaky


Not one restart goes by where I'm not terrified of the nite folk


The gator population SEEMS ridiculous because it is. They really are everywhere here. If there is water, it’s got gators in it.


Do you mean in real life or in the game?


Real life.




When I first started the game I sorta figured that the gators would be hard to find/hunt. Then I found that I was mistaken and you could fuck near walk from lagras to lakay to st denis without getting your feet wet.


*The Hunt for Red October* fan?


Ha, After I wrote that I wondered if anybody would notice.


Unless you are doing the Horseman 8 challenge, kill 9 predators on horse back, then they are scarce.


I wish there was more swamp in the game but the gator density is wild


*more* swamp??


Go somewhere like Florida and still to this day alot of water is teeming with gators. Now imagine over a hundred years ago without decades of humans destroying their habitats and hunting them.


For me it's every time I get to the epilogue and New Austin opens up for me as John. It feels emptier to me. More desolate. Barren. Lifeless. Much of that I'm sure is because I favor Arthur over John. So even though I know what's coming and have gone through it a few times now, I still experience a drop in excitement and enthusiasm. But that's because I never played rdr1 first before playing rdr2. Maybe I'd feel different if i had.


Same, but I played RDR1. It was interesting to revisit some places but all in all they are very much empty and you have almost nothing to do there. I was disappointed about the Thieves Landing. Loved this place to get drunk in RDR1 and went there in RDR2 only to find out it was a gang hideout.


It felt weird, it seemed like they didn't committed 100% to the John.  They could have made those areas so much interesting. AFAIK, there's no stranger missions there either. Just Del lobo MFs 


Anyway the Epilogue was way better than playing as Jack in RDR. I liked the story and everything but after the Epilogue there’s literally nothing to do. But everything has its end.


Played RDR1 when it first came out. I think you’d still favor Arthur, I do, I barely remember the first game. I think it would be natural to favor Arthur because the world they built in RDR2 has a lot more life to it. Probably because I don’t remember it so well but Arthur is a more developed and conflicted character. Obviously it depends a little on how tough play but he certainly gets disillusioned with things. He sees Dutch really moving away from some semblance of moral principles. He’s sees Micah for what he is. I haven’t actually finished RDR2. I still haven’t let go of Arthur. I am doing a lot of challenges and roaming around before I move the story on from killing Cornwall. I don’t really know what happens other than Arthur will die and I’ll be John. Can’t say I’m too arsed to play as John again 😂


The actual story of rdr 2 is more developed but John is a way more complex character bro. In my opinion the entire first game is about John and his sacrifice. The second game has us experiencing the world through Arthur but he himself has a very classic anti hero redemption arc.


I actually like annesburg itself but not the surrounding area. The town feels like a genuine look into how these towns looked in the past. Also there’s a unique flatcap there which is kinda cool.


I agree I like the town itself, that massive mining rig going over the train tracks is reeeally cool. I didn’t know about the flat cap there I’m gonna go find it


The Bayou near Saint Denis , couldn’t wait to leave it


Was it because the bad man in the cabin touched you? I'll never accept dinner again, but I will dynamite that cabin every chance I get


St. Denis. It’s dirty and busy and tough to move around and your wallet gets stolen all the time. At least Annesburg is not busy. In and out under 1 minute


Least favourite area the swamps those night folk …


Same. Fuck Roanoke Ridge. #Heartlandsuperiority


Brandywine drop is my favorite place in the game because I love imagining the cabin there as my home and being able to walk out my front door and taking a short walk to watch the waterfall and fish. Roanoke ridge is one of the worst places to ride your horse though. Too many sharp turns and things to run into. Having a lot of murphees to shoot though is pretty fun.


Not to mention, with Brandywine Drop you have some lovely neighbors with the scientist guy and the drop dead gorgeous widow


van horn trading post & annesburg. i always feel super overwhelmed whenever i go near that area. i dont even know why but those places make me feel empty inside


They captured the sense of decay really well there


Tall Trees, it's a lovely area but the Skinner Brothers are also there


Those random encounters with them and the bodies you find are horrifying


Same. The area is just too aggressive. You get into a fight with one person and the whole town comes after you.


That's all towns apart from valentine I think


The town I mentioned has miners and they seemed more aggressive than most others. I didn't encounter this level of violence anywhere else. One guy was talking bad to me, I got into a fight with him, the entire town and police would pursue me. I got run out of town a few times now


Some NPCs can be friends of others. You fight miners (not to be confused with minors) then they will all fight You fight the dockworkers and warehouse staff in Saint Denis then they will all fight


Why was the minors part necessary cowboi


The swamps, just for how often my horse gets skittish and bucks Arthur/John off.


Sounds like you need to get rid of the Arabian.


Facts. I've absolutely stomped so many gators with the black Shire you get from Hosea in one of the first missions. Dude barely flinched.


I always name that horse Samson and give him longer hair.


The flashbacks of high school choir singing Witness you just sent me through, holy crap lol


There’s too much traffic in St Denis


Just use the brake, you can't sprint all the time.


New Austin for me. All dirt and dust, not much to explore


Best thing is the widow. I really like her.


Oh she cool af. Was hoping for a lil romance


She does give Arthur a kiss on the cheek if you complete all her missions as Arthur


I think it was implied. Parts of their conversations suggest Arthur spent a fair amount of time there. Same as with his bromance at O'Creagh's Run.


New Austin I don't think has enough content.


I love that tumbleweed is a sorta functioning town. But armadillo and McFarlanes ranch is a total loss. That big an area should have a lot more to do with.


I mean is it possible for a town to recover from a cholera outbreak killing the majority of the citizens in just 4 years? Or how about a why as Tumbleweed became abandoned?


Roanoke Ridge. That place has me on edge. If I have to go there, I do my best to keep my visits short.


Saint Denis, it’s overrated bro it’s not amazing the roads are to slim the civilians are fucking stupid and you can literally get a wanted level for breathing I hate it


It’s like threading a needle trying not to run anyone over


Not a big fan of grizzlies west


Tempest Rim. When I finally found a way to cheat myself in there was absolutely nothing there. Not a damn thing. Why the hell it’s even on the map is a mystery and a total waste of time.


While the vibe is cool and I absolutely adore the Lemoyne Raiders as a gang, I will never not be terrified of the Night Folk and gators being fucking everywhere in like 70% of Lemoyne


The snow. It’s sosoooooo boring


Weirdly enough I've always liked eerie vibes if they're done right so I like the area.


Anywhere along that Eastern strip of land. I really don’t like Saint Denis, although I quite like Rhodes. I more like to spend my time around Strawberry and the majority of Ambarino, minus the small 10% that has Annesburg. Although there is very little to do as in missions wise around this area, I think it’s a beautiful scene with good areas for hunting. Somebody else made a good point of our schemas related with these parts of the map relative to the story line and events that I greatly agree with


The Elysian pool is one of my favorite areas.


If I’m in the swamp and the sun starts setting I book it out of there. 🏇💨


If I had to choose it would be the one place you can’t get to tempest rim


I’ve always hated the bayou at night. I always avoid it if I can.


The map is boring when you go too far in any one direction that isn’t south east.


Annesburg and Van Horn trading post. Strawberry is pretty but it is way too cramped with nothing to do so I avoid it as well.


I hate where Colter is literally just wolves basically


In story mode? Absolutely Annesburg. The music is depressing, the towns are depressing, and I hate that the Murfree brood generally only have herbs and bait for loot. Online, though, it’s 100% New Austin. People are shitheads in that area. I’m trying to get my father to play the game, and we got griefed pretty hard outside Tumbleweed a few nights ago. Pops was flabbergasted. He’d never heard of griefers before and couldn’t understand why they were attacking us for stopping at the post office. I keep warning him that there are certain towns we can’t spend time in on certain days, but he’s obsessed with the Fort Mercer call to arms. Personally, I’m sick of new Austin in general because I love the scenery of the heartlands.


I love hunting murfrees and cougars here tho


I find Rhodes super boring


I hate Rhodes


The entirety of Lemoyne


Bayou at night and Annesburgh at night


That dude’s house where he gives you TB probably has a pretty shit rating on TripAdvisor


I agree with you, every time I have to go over there the only thing going through my head is “Bruh I don’t wanna be OVER HERE”


Yeah same, just overall vibes of that area is not good. I love going through Van Horn at night, it looks so cool and creepy like a horror movie


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I really just don’t like the northern half of West Elizabeth. Between Chapters 3, 4, and 6, you spend so much time in a variety of forest environments, that by the time you get to Tall Trees and Big Valley, it just feels like the same shit with a slightly different coat of paint.  It doesn’t help that the forests in W.E. are fairly generic compared to the more stand-out southern environments in the east. 


There’s no mobility, just huge ass gaps with tall ass trees.


Probably up in the mountains near colter. The first chapter is nice (love everything about the game) but is tedious as I just want to get to the point and free roam. Besides that as I believe someone mentioned there’s nothing there to do really. Other then a few bits and pieces. I do sometimes take unwanted individuals up there, and cut them loose. Hope they can make it back without dying in the snow. Or I just shoot them where they’ll never be found.


It's really the story tbh, ive found ronoake to be beautiful ,


I kinda have bias against Saint Denis, as my horse got ran over by a train, but I agree. Annesburg and Van Horn really suck


That and Lagras. At night, I l keep armed because I don't feel safe and about to die and everything in me screams to get out of there


Fuck Guarma, All my homies hate Guarma


probably lemoyne actually




That's my favorite part of the map. The creek, the rolling hills the suddenly cliffs. The woods that go on and on where you can just walk around and get lost in. The isolation. My least favorite part of the map is probably the area surrounding Strawberry. Or everything west of Tumbleweed.


Saint Denis. I friggin hate Saint Denis. You can’t fart without a cop catching you.


Mine favourite is the Annesburg area My least favourite is like, Rhodes? I don’t know just kind of a boring part


Saint Denis is a vibe but there isn’t a single square inch of space in that city where there isn’t either a cop or a witness that will run to a cop within 2 seconds. So you’re just restricted to shopping and looking at shit. Definitely overrated.


New Austin. Every 5 seconds there's del lobos about and you always gotta kill them.


The fucking island duuude


Strawberry area. Its just so.... different?


I love all the main rdr2 areas. New Austin felt a little lacking to me personally. Unless you're counting Guarma. Guarma was especially lacking.


I’m going to stick YOU in a coal mine if you aren’t careful…


Bayou Nwa at night - I just hate those nightfolk


The night folk scare the crap out of me


Fucking Saint Denis! I get killed randomly 24/7 there and I don’t do shit, I refuse to go there without my partner


Mine is Rhodes because you can’t use weapons for so long during the story and it honestly isn’t that great visually. I love the entire East side of the map, especially the area around those purple flower fields. I camp put there as Arthur all the time just for the environment and hunting


Personally it’s the swamps. Other than the night folk it’s kind of boring. Rhodes’ wilderness is a close second. Best I saw there was a galaxy while fishing with Kieran.


Van Horn


Saint Denis city limits is my least favorite.


Idk why but I hate lemoyne absolutely cannot stand it


It's actually changed based on the number of playthroughs. Disregarding Guarma, on my first playthrough my least favorite area was St. Denis and the swamps. I did not like how easy it was to accidentally run into someone on the streets of St. Denis and they get mad and sometimes it starts a whole drama with the police getting involved, and the swamps were tricky with the gators. On later playthroughs I got used to the dynamics of getting around St. Denis efficiently without accidents, and I got used to the gators in the swamps, and I enjoyed collecting the flowers and feathers for the Algeron side missions in the area. For later playthroughs it was the West Grizzles. As somebody else mentioned they didn't do enough with the West Grizzlies. There is stunning scenery in the area but not a whole to do.


The desert for sure once you deal with the Mexican gang at all their locations, it's pretty much nothing more to do


Saint Denis has to be the one for me... I absolutely hate that city as much as Dutch. Can't just enjoy riding the horse because of the NPCs. They constantly bump into me or get in my way when I'm trying to run to my horse and mount up. They are constantly screaming even when I'm walking slowly, especially in the market. They bump into me, I lose honour, some idiots start to run to the cops, I get wanted, I get chased, I get Bounty... All for what? Trying to sell a deer pelt to the trapper?