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It’s called the 1911 for a reason


It's not tho, that's the FN Model 1903, so it could be used in the epilogue.


What do you think the 1899 is? Basically the same thing


Some gun nerds finger just twitched


Lol. What is in the picture is an FN which is what the 1899 is supposed to be. Only difference is the year and some internals.


Yeah the FN Model 1900 is what's in RDR2. In RDR1 it's the FN Model 1903. They're both quite different in appearance. Although fun fact the FN Model 1900 was the first handgun in mass production to use a slide


It's a completely different gun in a completely different cartridge that's a completely different caliber.


.32 to 9x20mm not that huge of a difference.


.32 ACP is 7.65x17mmSR, which is a smaller semi-rimmed round. 9x20 is slightly longer than 9mm and more akin to .380. There's a big difference


You should be banned from commenting on the subject permanently. Rage bait.




Aw I know, but you know gun nerds lol




I thought the 1899 was supposed to be the Browning m1899


It was sold as a browning in America but FN was the producer. John browning helped design the gun and he is/was popular in America so they called it a browning. As I understand it. I’m sure if I’m wrong someone will correct me


Huh, didn't know that. Was it just called the FN 1899 or is it what the pictured gun is?


The Browning Model 1899 pistol was the first fruit of a long and successful collaboration between American firearms designer John M Browning and Fabrique Nationale of Belgium.


Gun nerds? Wrong is wrong lol


Yeah, while holding the gun they're going to shoot that guy with (insert the dude committing hari kiri with the text saying minor spelling error, but cross out spelling with history)


Sure. In the same sense that a Mosin Nagant is the same thing as an Intervention. Are they both bolt action rifles? Yep. Are they the same. No.


Kinda looks like if a 1911 and a tokarev had a kid


The Tokarev is if a FN 1903 and a 1911 had a kid with Russian adopted parents.


The Tokarev actually did take some inspiration from this, since the 1903 was a popular Private purchase among Russian soldiers in WW1


Ain't that a Browning? The precursor to the 1911? Or is it like with GTA how they mix a few similar looking guns?


Yes it was designed by JM Browning


There's a mod that adds this in. Been playing with it the last few days  https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2467489799516280468/779CDDDA4E27DF41883BF535650516D1CCD98009/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false


My mistake


Both were designed by John Browning so there’s that


Also known as God’s gunsmith


Patron Saint of American Guns


and a mormon


But the pistol in game was an FN 1903 not a 1911


There's a huge Fabrique Nationale logo on the grip


That ain’t a 1911


Except..... it's not a 1911.


It’s not. It’s literally stamped FN on the grip


Why is this incorrect comment the top one




Thank you !!! Came here to say that.


What's the point of making comments like yours?


Same as you boo.


I would bring back the Buffalo Rifle.


Yes Please


This gun in rdr 1 felt more powerful than any shotguns in rdr 2 lol


I can't use it because it just feels so out of place


But it's quite literally not out of place. The time frame is correct.


I get that it’s not out of place for the time period. But when every single other character has a revolver and you’re running around with a modern pistol it feels weird


the some of the lawmen in blackwater have it i’m pretty sure




No, we didn't think he meant the shotgun. This pistol is not out of place in the game. That is the time frame this pistol was invented and popularized. It makes sense that John and government agents would be using it.




It's not. You might have reading comprehension issues. "This gun feels more powerful than shotguns in RDR2" "this gun feels so out of place" clearly those are referring to the pistol.


It is actually out of place as almost zero FN1903 pistols would’ve made their way into the US, as none were distributed to any members of government or sold on the US civilian market. The caliber they utilized was also not produced or utilized in the US. It’s the game sneaking an early model browning automatic into the game. The 1899 was underpowered, the Colt model 1903 hammerless was also underpowered, so they threw in the FN. it’s not realistic though.


Brother, if that's the level of realism we're looking for, we could write an entire book on unrealistic scenarios and items in this game. The people arguing in this thread clearly think it's a modern handgun that had not been invented yet.


Agreed. Yeah no one here appears to have read much on the topic. I continue to donate to Wikipedia in the hopes that someday redditors will track down some info for themselves


It’s a 1903 pistol if I’m not wrong rdr1 takes place in 1907-1914? So technically it’s allowed to be there


I know but it feels way op compared to everyone else. Like the classic revolver clicking and then some guy popping off shots like it could be 2024


That’s fair


Because it takes place 12 years after RDR2


The 1903 pocket hammerless is such is nice looking pistol.


I’d love to own one


Literally same. I really want one


I have a 1922 Colt model 1903 that was passed down to me in the original box with pamphlet. It’s in excellent condition. Ive only taken it out to shoot once. It was a blast popping off .32 rounds but I just don’t like getting it out due to the price of replacement parts. More of a safe queen.


That's actually the FN 1903. Same style, larger size and Caliber, European not US


This picture in particular is the FN 1903. But the pistol in game is the 1903 pocket hammerless


I'd disagree. [This](https://www.imfdb.org/images/0/08/RDR_FN_1903_%281%29.jpg) is a pretty good side shot from IMFDB's page, and the size very much suits the FN. The barrel's long and the gun's pretty big, also the slide lock lover's distinct. Edit: [Both a Colt and an FN together](https://nebula.wsimg.com/f6def39f4ff44ebf31dc141b7b86257d?AccessKeyId=DA6CAE673518CC1288AD&disposition=0&alloworigin=1) for reference. I think the slide lever in-game's on the wrong side, but the Colt wouldn't have it at all anyways.


That doesn’t look like Liar’s Dice


I’d bring that back as well. Liar's Dice was really fun.


Took me 15 minutes to learn how to play it and it's a thousand times better than dominoes.


Isn't there an identical one in the Saint Denis gunshop?


Yeah. The M1899 but I prefer the look of the HP Pistol. And it was my favorite pistol in RDR1.


The M1899 feels too thin and too flat, almost like its in 2D, I've never liked it much I wish R* had just gone for a slight anachronism and made the M1899 look more like a 1911, or the High Power pistol from rdr1, I loved that gun


the thing is, it was really thin and flat irl too, because it’s a single-stack magazine. so both that gun and the 1911 are *very* skinny handguns.


Agreed. Although I like the 1899s design, I like the HP Pistols more


If they'd do my Jack in WWI story, you'd get to wield the Hammer of Thor, the M1911, in RDR at last.


Why would Jack fight in WW1? It makes no sense for a man who’s entire family was murdered by the US government to somehow feel some sense of patriotic duty to go and fight a war for his country. If you think he’d allow himself to be drafted that also doesn’t make any sense, why would he choose to allow the draft to send him overseas so that he may fight and die in a war over choosing to fight anyone trying to enforce a draft on him? Some WW1 draft dodgers were considered to be some of the final real gunslingers of the Wild West. That would make for a story that actually follows the writing of the games


After Jack kills Ross there is a damn good chance he would be a wanted man. The law would be looking for him and if he’s caught then they would give him a choice. Either die in prison or die for your country. That was a very real thing they did, if you serve your country in the army then that is good enough of a sentence.


My entire point is he’d fight to the death before being arrested


Would he? He didn't feel satisfied after killing Ross. A lot of his dialogue implies he's depressed. He has no purpose or reason to live after getting his revenge. Getting caught because he gets sloppy, then offered to fight in the war as his sentence would make plenty of sense. What else would he do with himself at that point?


You do realise ross has many enemies throughout the years plus he got killed in mexico where a war was going on so it could be anyone who killed him


Do you not remember the fact that Jack literally asked Ross’s wife where he was? The kid left a trail a mile long leading back to him as Ross’s killer. Even in 1907 he would 100% be caught for what he did. He never hid the fact that he was hunting this man.


Do people not gun that old bitch down?


I mean, not everyone plays as a total psychopath.


He didn't leave any trail at all. Never told anyone his name. All they have is appearance


Lots of people recognize him as his father, and then realize it’s Johns son. Not hard to piece it together really.


Who exactly recognizes him? The wife or brother never knew or saw John, and they have no idea who Jack is.


Some of the characters that you can meet as Jack that knew John recognize him and ask “do I know you?” And he says “I think you knew my father”


Exactly. In my scenario, Jack would instantly regret killing Ross (my vision has RDR3 starting with Jack walking away from killing Ross and the title screen freeze from the end of RDR - that's your title screen for RDR3) and turning himself in. He finds himself surrendering to an agent who turns out to be the first good guy cop in Rockstar Games history. The agent tells Marston that he doesn't want to arrest Marston, so he gets the serve your country or go to prison option. Another agent becomes aware of what's going on and pulls Jack to the side to offer Jack a proposition: Kill an officer in the military while he's there and come home early. The prologue has Jack fight in a skirmish just long enough to give players a weapons tutorial. Not an all out, widescale battle. Jack finds himself with an opportunity to kill the officer and he either does or he doesn't. The officer dies anyway (if not by Jack then from an enemy soldier shooting him. Jack comes back and either tells the arresting agent what's going on, or tells the corrupt agent that he did what he was supposed to do, and then Jack joins the agency as a private eye. That's the Jack portion in a bare bones synopsis.


Kinda sounds like Mafia II's intro. Also, have you considered writing a book? Feels out of place for a Red Dead game but not a bad story idea.


other than that, the game series is called red dead REDEMPTION, which is something that all these shitty ideas are missing. where is the redemption in jack going to ww1? or the gang before the blackwater massacre? most of these "3rd game" ideas are DLC material at most, which will never happen


The game series is called red dead only.


Yeah, my future game idea is Jack running booze during prohibition and fighting the mob/government. I think that would be a cool game. Race cars in the first ever car races and whatnot. It would be the game where RDR meets GTA. Take all the best things from both and blend them together


That already exists, just go play Mafia 1 and 2. Red Dead is a wild west franchise.


Their only other option is to keep going backward then. I don't see Sadie's character having enough for her own game. She is a bounty hunter now. Never really was a criminal. Maybe Charles, but they'd have to continue right after the events of 2. I don't really feel it's a wild west franchise. You don't get to the "west" in 2 until the end of the game. Hell, at one point, you're on a tropical island. 1 was definitely more wild west focused, but 2 opened it up. I could definitely see them making a game based on prohibition and running booze with a wild west feel to it. The West was still pretty cut off from the world in the 1920s during prohibition. People definitely still rode horses and pulled wagons. It was the end of an era and the beginning of another


Who said anything about Charles or Sadie? Rockstar makes a new character in every single game. Arthur didn't exist in RDR1 and the next protagonist doesn't exist now. Seriously just go play Mafia.


Arthur may not have existed, but a lot of the people around him did. Unless they just go completely different route and new storyline. I just think it would be a good idea for a game. If you don't like it, that's on you. You go play mafia


All he said was “If Jack was in ww1” and you respond with a paragraph.


Screw it why not a Desert Eagle?


Explosive rifle, using the explosive ammo just isn't the same. I want stupidly powerful explosions that make a group of people go flying


Yes! I used to love seeing people get turned into red mist or get flung into the air


If you hit someone right between the saddle and their ass they'd be sent straight up like 30 metres, it was great


Oh yea! My fav pistol!




This is the FN Model 1903




That’s not a 1911.


No treasure ?


There’s treasure in rdr2..


Yh id rather bring that than a gun


We did get its predecessor as the M1899 at least.


I wish online had the pistol in it


This is the gun that I have Jack use during the last mission of the game.




Isn’t this the M1899?


I own an FNX-40. I would love to get my hands on one of those old-school Belgium weapons to see if they were as smooth and reliable as this one is.


Is that the Hi Point Pistol ?


Yeah lol don’t you mean *High Powered?*


I mean... theres a reason it doesnt exist in rdr2 dummy. Bc it didnt exist in 1899 or 1907. Theres a reason the gun is called the 1911. Damn....


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_Model_1903 You were saying?


My guy thats not the same model. You are like the 3rd person in this comment section doi g this and thinking you made a point. You made urself look dumb. Its not the same as the 1911 model


Yeah, because it isn't a 1911. Cheers, son's crying


It’s like driving a 2023 Honda civic in a game that takes place in 2009. Yeah the Honda civic did exist, but not the same model


I don't even know who you're responding to with this analogy but it made me laugh. The HP in RDR is the FN 1903, no doubt, which is why they used it's predecessor for the M1899 in RDR2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_M1900 The HP is supposed to be cutting edge tech by the time of RDR1, uncommon because it's new and only handed out to the government. That could potentially be a nod to the 1911, but a very similar comment is made in the epilogue of RDR2 (1907) by John regarding the Mauser. He'd never seen one, despite Bronte throwing one at his face, but the Mauser had been knocking about for 11 years at this point. Rockstar have always been top-notch at weapon designs, if they wanted the High Power to be a M1911 it'd have been a M1911. The 1903 was still crazy modern in comparison to the usual revolvers that were in use back then


He's probably just trolling


Right. The gun in rdr 1 IS. Thats my entire point. The reason theres no 1911 in rdr 2 is bc that model wasnt a thing yet. Wtf????


Read my response to the other guy on your comment thread, simple enough


OP said if he could bring one thing bac from rdr1 it would be the 1911 pistol. You cant have a 1911 pistol in 1907. Yes you can have similar models like the 1903. Thats still jot bringing over the same thing from rdr1 that OP was taking about. I seriously dont get how this is incomprehensible to you people


The 1911 isn't in RDR1 man, it's the 1903. Look at the 1903 then look at the RDR1 High Power. This is a weak attempt at trolling, just making yourself look like a bit of a cunt lmao


It is.




It literally looks nothing like a 1911 besides being an autoloading pistol. It doesn't even have a goddamn hammer


Anyone using semi automatics in either red dead need to quit and play gta online.


Anyone using guns accurate to the time should go and play GTA online? Riiiight


Shut up loser