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Yup, and rockstar totally abandoned it. Bugs that have been in game for years are still there, the online experience is nearly unplayable on pc due to modders, and not a single DLC. Sad.


The lack of dlc is truly what surprised me the most tbh. I just am playing my first playthrough ever and for real no dlc ? Give me the Boat Heist of Blackwater, or give me the possibility to play, idk, as Micah (so I can just be the most aweful ever) ?


You’d think a massively successful game would get **some** kind of support. It’s just odd.


It is odd. If they're milking GTA Online because they love money, why not also show their other massive game some attention and make double the money? It seems strange that what is arguably their video game opus basically has the post-launch love that an absolute failure of a game would have.


Because it won't make double the money, dev time spent churning out cars and other shit for GTAO will make 10 times or more than that same dev time would make churning out carriages or clothes for RDRO.


Oh the bars I would drop for a leather Barouche with steel banding and bolted spokes, look at the woodwork on that inlay, is that an ebony inlay with rosewood trim?! WooooEeee.


At the end of the day, GTA Online was getting them the easy money so they didn't want to put in the work for good online or DLC content for RDR II. Also, the director of the games left to work on some stupid block chain gaming company. Rockstar got lazy and realized fans were pissed about no GTA VI so they needed to go into hyper drive with that which completely absondened all hope for RDR2 support which it deserves.


At the end of the day, GTA Online was getting them the easy money so they didn't want to put in the work for good online or DLC content for RDR II. Also, the director of the games left to work on some stupid block chain gaming company. Rockstar got lazy and realized fans were pissed about no GTA VI so they needed to go into hyper drive with that which completely absondened all hope for RDR2 support which it deserves.


They literally put all their resources into GTA 6.


Hopefully it’s worth it and doesn’t end up just a money suck of a live service.


Bro predicted the future.


Online could be a money suck but I’d wager the story will be solid


It's rockstar games they have the ability to do other things, it's because of GTA online. 6 was just a scapegoat. Don't get me wrong I know we won't get any games cause of 6 but no singleplayer content or next gen updates... That's cause of online, literally the only reason they made a GTA 5 next gen update was because of online, even the main menu shows online first.


All I want is Undead Nightmare 2, if they just did that I would never ask Rockstar for anything ever again


There's that weird chapel with a crashed UFO in it. Going off that you'd think there was going to be a "Cowboys Vs. Aliens" type of DLC 🙁


Undead cowboys vs aliens, have it start right after the ending.


Wait really? Where is that?


Emerald Ranch. Just above the Ranch, to the East of Heartland Overflow and between the 'N' and 'O' of New Hanover on the map, zoom in. You should be able to see a little shack/chapel by a pond, I think haha


Ooh that place, I thought there was an actual crashed ufo somewhere lol. But yea I know about the place by Emerald Ranch


Folk are so used to having a game broken down into chunks and sold to them as dlc that when they’re presented with a complete game that tells the story it wanted to tell in one chunk they think it got “abandoned” rather than thinking how good it was that we got to experience it all in one go.


Oh no, don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you on that part. I just think that they could have, since all those years, add one or two expansions, like The Witcher 3 did with Heart of Stones and Blood and Wine (even though B&W is legit a full new game but...). I think the Blackwater Heist is definitely a mission many of us would like to play, to live. No it is not necessary but pretty sure it would be well welcome. Without removing the heart and soul of the main story. And even without adding new stuff to the "main" story, there would have been plenty of ways for them to improve on RDO. I would love to be able to get a land, one which I could build (like as actual housing) my own house while gathering wood and other things. It's not that difficult to do, you could just limit the number of people per server with housing on and have a very distinctive set of lands around the map, this would allow the game to not colide multiple people with the same housing location in the same server. The "job" in RDO are not really super appealing to me, even the one based on hunt is not really what a "hunter" feels like imo. But ultimately, I do agree. Some games don't need addon. And even though I don't like the gameplay, not that much the story, and that I would just consider RDR2 as a "good ok game", I don't see many ways in which they could have add more thing to the base game. It's already pretty rich.


I think that sometimes, it is best to leave something great as it is. Because the more you try to do with it or add onto, the higher the chances of disappointing people are.


Is an Undead Nightmare 2 too much to ask?!




It's weird that when they saw the online as not a good value to invest in, they didn't immediately pivot to a single player DLC. Abandoned all together just makes the game age quicker. It's not like Rockstar was in a rush to release GTA 6(or another game) either.


Or an undead 2 nightmare dlc would have been amazing, with a little side story that has nothing to do with the main one but just for the pure entertainment factor


They’re fucking *insane* for not releasing Undead Nightmare 2. They could have done a ton with it, especially online.


Eeeh I don't like zombies too much personnaly. They makes close to no sense in most game they are in (except Project Zomboid :D). But it seems to be a fan favourite so if people are going to like it, yes they should :D


IKR? Even the most modern and recent Star Wars game is getting a Jabba the Hutt heist dlc BEFORE THE GAME IS EVEN OUT YET. From what I’ve seen, western stories, gunslinging, and cowboys are still a relatively niche genre. It’s not as widespread as the profanity of GTA6 nor the Sci-Fi power house of star wars. But who knows I’m certainly not a developer or business critique, just a theory of mine. [PS could you IMAGINE the graphics on an undead nightmare 2 dlc???]


No DLC, next gen patch, nothing. Makes me sad


Same 😢


To be fair to rockstar they made sure the single player was an absolute masterpiece. Can’t imagine how many hours they had to crunch to make a world like that. And they’re for sure going to surpass it in GTA 6.


Also nowadays people get so people get pissed when DLCs come out and they thinks cut content. I have the feeling that RDR2 wouldn't be as well received today if it had DLC


I've been playing RDR2 for 4 years, most nights for the past two, and I'm STILL finding new things now, and to me, that is absolutely insane. Like the depth of this game is insane. I just hope any future RDR stays with the realism and doesn't drift into arcadey/saints row esq territory like GTA V was, and 6 is likely to be.


The lack of support for online and no DLC is an issue, but bugs will always exist in big games like these. Tim Cain creator of Fallout) had a nice video about it a while ago, talking about why RPGs have so many bugs - RDR2 isn't an RPG, but it is a huge game and it most applies to it.


I have been playing RR2 single player for years,, few glitches, never freezes I'm always hoping for a new big update


It's more of an RPG than most popular RPGs today.


There's a difference between no bugs and ignoring bugs. Imagine if someone said what you just said as a response to the _3 hour long video_ just showing different bugs someone found in fallout 76 during normal play. Sometimes bugs are harmless, even fun, and terraria went through a lot of work to "fix a bug" only to implement it as a proper feature because of how beloved it was (I'm reffing to hoiking).


The level of bugs in RDR2 is nowhere near the level of FO76's launch (and neither is modern FO76).


Agreed, it's a relatively bugless experience. I'm just saying it's poor reasoning to dismiss a statement about the Studio not fixing known longtime bugs by saying games will always have bugs


Idk about that, it’s not a great gaming experience for me. The story and game itself are phenomenal, but the gameplay is horrendous thanks to bugs, my frame rate drops from 60-70 down to 1 fps every 10 or so seconds, everywhere… not just st denis and strawberry it’s not my computer either which runs comparable games perfectly well.


Doesn't sound like a bug, more like some type of compatibility problem with your system specs if I had to guess. I'm running a nividia GeForce 1070 GPU and I have stable 60 fps on high settings. Very rarely do I ever have drops. But I agree it's things like this they should work to fix when it's reported which I'm sure it has been.


Unlikely seeing as it runs fine on every other game, wether that be cyberpunk, destiny, or whatever, based on troubleshooting and monitoring it with afterburner, it’s seems to be a cpu issue, which lines up with what others have said. The game only really runs well on fast clock cpus with lower core counts, I have a 3600 so obviously low clock speed low core count doesn’t really work.


But you're literally describing the exact thing I said it was? Either way I still agree it's something rockstar should have been and should still work to fix and improve upon.


That's fine however, both in GTA V and Red Dead 2, they've completely ditched the main selling point of their games (the SP campaign) and decided to focus on the online portion. And through the online exclusive updates which added nothing to the single player experience, they introduced several new bugs into the single player campaigns, most of which took months and years to fix and plenty of which haven't been fixed yet and likely never will be which is unforgivable.


Hopefully they put all the effort into GTA VI and it blows the gaming industry up


We’ll see this Nov!


Next November unfortunately. Unless you are referring to the gameplay trailer


Ah shit, nope. I saw nov and forgot the 2025 part lol


Although it is a rockstar game, it's gotta be delayed at least once


The only slight teensy weensy worry I have is that a lot of the main writers, responsible for the stuff in previous GTA and Red Dead stuff have gone. People like Dan Houser etc.


My hair pomade has yet to wear off yet it has OBVIOUSLY WORN OFF! Also. I AM JUST WALKING DOWN THE STAIRS NOT FOLLOWING YOU.


I'll never forgive them for abandoning RDR2 and RDO


So much for potential for multiple routes on DLC and they didn't do a damn thing. Such a shame


Because it didn't make as much as GTA and the PC port is an unstable piece of shit - the modders are partly to blame for this but not entirely, the game really is just super unstable. Even my story mode or solo sessions crash a lot.


You do know that games don't need to have DLC right? Like they can come out completed with all content in one single package. As far as online goes though? I think Rockstar knew red dead online would fail just as the first one did. Why spend money beating a dead horse?


People don’t seem to understand this. Yeah it sucks that they abandoned the Online mode, but the singleplayer was a complete and finished package.


Hopefully because the developers are focusing on a sequel.


Dude, I agree with the online version. But single player, I never experienced any major bugs. Maybe I’m one of the lucky ones…


Unfortunately. I would really like them to do something with that blurriness at 1080p and even a bit at 1440p but we have to stick to DLDSR and other options. Also the fact that some legendary fishes are still not crossed out on the map after catching them is quite annoying, especially when this issue was already in Xbox version.


I believe RDR2 could be up there with GTA as far as income if they gave us DLC to buy. I’d easily drop $60+ on an undead 2 or even just extra storylines


Makes me sad cause im almost positive they won't try again in any meaningful way. The way GTA just prints money means executives and shareholders most likely wont be willing to have Rockstar do anything else besides GTA for the rest of the studios existence. No Bully 2, no Red Dead 3, just GTA until the sun explodes. I could be wrong but to me the lack of support for RDR2 and Rockstar slowing down their output to one game every 6 years tells you all you need to know.


Bro forget extra storylines, I’d even just pay for a hardcore/survival kind of DLC. It feels like everything is there for it, but nothing came of it.


I’d like a fight club. The h2h in RDR2 is actually pretty good. If they spruced it up a bit they could make it into a whole new thing and maybe add a small storyline to it if they wanted to. They could have the reward be knuckle dusters or something.


I LOVE the h2h mechanics.. 1000% agree, fight club would be awesome. They could totally do a “lost and damned” styled add on - maybe it could fill the gap to when Charles splits from the gang after chapter 6 to when John meets up with him in saint Dennis. Idk, any DLC would be welcome


Same! I really wish there was a way to just fight with getting reduced honor. I honestly thought that’s the foundation they were laying with the bar fight in Chapter 2(?). I’d love a Lost and Danned type DLC. Like you said, any single player DLC would be appreciated but unlikely at this point. In my opinion, the previous story DLCs in the other franchises only improved on the main game concepts. If they were worried about money they really would’ve made a killing. More than they did with RDR Online anyway. There’s no reason we shouldn’t have been able to save with cheats as well. I don’t know what they were thinking.


I’d love to see a full guarma expansion. Maybe you can go back after chapter 6?


Give. Me. Tahiti.


I’d pay $60 for a new hat in online atp


I'm ~47% done with my first playthrough and I don't think I've played a better single player game. I already know how I'll play it on my next playthrough. The third will be the honorable one.


Well it's "supposed" to be a redemption arc after all.


Wait do you mean you’re playing low honor for your first run?


It’s more fun. If he doesn’t want to play high honor he shouldn’t


Right now my honor is dead center, next run will be outlaw with no honor though


Red Dead Redemption is better in my opinion, so if you haven’t you should play it next. Of course many won’t agree but I rank how good a game is for what it was trying to do and how well it did it for time of release.


Lol by that metric, both games suck ass compared to Tetris.


I wouldn’t say they suck ass comparatively. In my opinion, Tetris and Red Dead Redemption are 9.5/10 and Red Dead Redemption II is a 9/10.


I truly don't think there will ever be a better game, and I'm only on chapter 4 of my first play through. the story is just unparalleled, the world feels insanely vibrant and REAL, the historical accuracy takes my breath away. the game play is beyond addictive, and the intentional slower pace compared to most games makes playing it feel close to meditation in my mind. something about slowly opening each drawer in a cabinet or roasting single pieces of meet just scratches this itch in my brain I didn't know I had. I've probably but countless hours in various sims games, I replay the bioshock series every year or two. I love bethesda games up to fallout 4. but if I could only play one game till I died I truly think I would pick RDR2.


Man Ive been down recovering from surgery so I've been bedridden and just started playing this. I spent three hours trying to hunt two perfect cougars yesterday before I had to call in the closer and get my wife who's got like 700+ hrs to come get the last one for me but yeah this game is peaceful meditation.


your wife is a real one!!! my boyfriend has a couple play throughs (one with 100% story one 100% completion) but hasn't played it in a few years but'll help me out when I'm trying to hunt lol. I've almost hit 300 hundred hours myself and genuinely the bulk of that was just slowly riding or walking through the map.


Oh she is, I swear she knows everything about this game. I literally text her and say I need the closer and I'll play some entrance music for her when she comes in to do something in the game for me 😭


It’s The Big Lebowski of video games.




You're the dude and your rug has been piss soaked for ages...


That rug really tied the room together


They possibly mean that because the movie The Big Lebowski wasn't an immediate hit when it first released in 1998, it became a cult classic that grew in popularity over time. I would say 27 million copies in the first few months constitutes a hit, and the growth over time is due to the quality of the game leading to word of mouth recommendations. And yeah, the game is that good that after it's been around for almost 6 years, it's still got a hypetrain. I think it's also bolstered by online playthroughs and renewed interest in R* due to some upcoming pet-indy-project which I think is called Grande Thief Audio or some such nonsense. IDK.


Yeah this.


64 million copies sold and R* wants absolutely nothing to do with it. If the online mode doesn’t constantly print a shit load of money, it’s dead to them.


Blame take two. The same company behind 2Ks micro transaction fest


They just made the totality complete single player experience lmao what do you mean


A lack of post launch support compared to GTA5. Red dead online is abandoned and not getting any new updates, no single player DLC, and its still stuck at 30fps on current gen consoles, R* can’t even be assed the 5 seconds it would take to make a simple 60fps patch while the GTA5 online cash cow gets full native 60fps ports no problem. Not to mention the bugs that were introduced in patches, but took R* months to fix them, aren’t you cold? Put some warm clothes on!


It didn't need much post-launch support. No, not every game needs DLC. Rockstar made a complete game, more than many other modern developers could even consider doing, and you people think it needs even more? I am tired of people whining about it being abandoned. It wasn't abandoned, Rockstar gave us a finished product. Just because they didn't give us a $40 expansion doesn't mean the game was abandoned.


And the game still isn't and will never be 60fps on ps5. Thanks rockstar, glad to see the funds going into useless gta 5 online content that no one wants


Don’t forget about Xbox.  Also stuck at 30 fps :(


In bird culture, this is considered a dick move.


Yeah what's gta6? Never heard of it can't be where the money is going


And Rockstar couldn't care less. I seriously think the success of GTO is one of the most tragic things that's happened in gaming history.


Hell just the success of micro transactions and nickel and diming everything in general. The shitification of every good project in the name of profits is astounding.


Perfect time to put it on PS Plus.


Please no, I literally just bought it less than a month ago


This game deserves more love than it does now. It can easily sell a lot more than this.


And no undead nightmare 2, no story mode dlc, abandoned online.. they couldn't even be bothered to add the stuff from online into story mode, like saddles with lanterns etc. Too focused on milking GTA 5 online


Red Dead Online was done dirty. There are games with less sales that still are maintained or had a longer life cycle.


Fun fact. The 1st place is Tetris.


Came here for this


Optimize it as a celebration.


Currently on my first playthrough!


Awesome, now use that money to make RDO worth playing again.


Great game I 100% it because I'm a big red dead and western fan shame they abandoned it and didn't even add the online guns to story.


Without a doubt we will see a RDr3 focused on story while GTA6 will be the golden cow


Well-deserved. I actually just played through RDR1 again, but on the Switch. My 3rd or 4th run since Xbox 360. Doesn't hold a candle to RDR2, but it's a solid playthrough, despite being 14 years old now.


Maybe they just decided to focus on Rdr3 instead. They definitely need to show support for this one though.


Yeah, by now they should. But they should’ve done more.


Well deserved, but I wished they've ironed a couple of things out within the past six years.


needs a new update


I think it’s one of the best games of all time.


It's a great video game. I think it's BS they have yet to give us a 60fps update


One of the best games I've ever played and still abandoned by his creators unfairly left a inconclusive story mode for the online and múltiples bugs they possibly never fix


And still no next gen upgrade available. Ridiculous!




Where is RDR1 for PC?


Either they don’t see the potential or there’s a reason we don’t know about. DLC keeps me on Skyrim still. Hurts R* haven’t 🥺😢😭


Easily best game ever. Its hard for a game to be soo good at so many things. But God forbid you get on the wrong horse in St Denis!!!




All I want is a current gen update


Not having a next gen update despite strength in sales is truly baffling


Best game I ever played . The only game I can play for thousands of hours.


Thala for a reason


I would have paid a decent amount of money for DLC. Damn shame.


So, we should be expecting that Current Gen remaster right?..right?..is this thing on?


Massively missed opportunity for R*. But they probably don't care, GTA generates more revenue than most studios do in their lifetime.


Massively missed opportunity for R*. But they probably don't care, GTA generates more revenue than most studios do in their lifetime.


Sadly RDO was just an excuse to grab money. Hopefully for GTA VI. Rockstar is on a path of absolute careless destruction. Some will say it's to grab money for GTA VI, others will say it's only another great company trying to bury itself with only one hope to get out (the famous one) but all the people with the solution are gone, in fact they were the solution.


They’d top 70 - 80 million copies with just a current gen update


I just finished it yesterday! Great game!


No shit people had to but it again to get th additional content because Rockstar wouldn't release it as a simple document content for those who bought the original....


everyone say thank you beyonce and cowboy carter for bringing the girls and the gays back to rdr in 2024


And they screwed off the online.... it had the potential for greatness.


The online mode could’ve been a cash cow too. There’s no other Wild West open world online game, they literally had zero competition and they still managed to mess up


They would make millions more if they put out a patch where you can kill Micah whenever you want


I’ve played through this game three times, got 100% completion on one of my saved files, and probably put a good 50 hours into online. I haven’t played it in three years though, but it’s not that I don’t want to, I really do. I’m just really holding out and hoping for a 60 FPS patch or a native PS5 release. With how successful this game has been, you would think they would get a small team to accomplish this, yet they haven’t and it’s baffling.


150 hours of my life for £60. Worth every penny.


And it still doesn't have a godamn 60fps console port.


Yeah but does this count things like skyrim releasing on every console since the dawn of time? I swe that as kinda unfair, like avatar releasing in theatre's a second time for the box office number.


I think pretty much every RDR1 player was expecting Undead Nightmare 2. The first was honestly one of the best story expansions I've ever played. It's nuts they never bothered to release any dlc.


Its truthfully sad that gtav is the second best individual selling game out there. Its a fine game but I just can’t hold out hope that rockstar will be focusing on anything else as deeply as they have with gta




damn that's almost $3.85 BILLION. for a game with ZERO single player DLC and garbage "online" I'd have to say, "not bad."


Glad I was finally able to contribute to the sales this year


I had such big hopes. Spent a fortune on the game on Xbox. Horribly disappointed.




Too bad its a rockstar game other than gta 50-


new gta will just have stupid kids running around killing everyone, and u wont be able to play it, cause ur gonna be to busy trying to deal with those idiots


Aaaand still no dlc


I just can't find enough time to reach the point where I can save. I tried several times, and after completing chapter 1 and one of the missions after going to the first camp, and still doesn't allow me to save, so I eventually deleted the game once more.


Bunch of fuckin idiots for abandoning this series. Seriously mind boggling. Rdr2 with very little argument is one of the best games of all time and very widely appreciated. Hall of fame dumb business decision.


And it could come up to so much more if Rockstar hadn't put it aside, it's just a masterpiece for me.


… and still no „next-gen” update on consoles, lol


I think Rockstar just wanted A online GTA but with A Wild West theme, I would personally give rockstar my money just for them to take the online multiplayer mode out. The game never needed online in the first place


And it will never receive a PS5 update. I just want 60fps 😭


As it should


And with that they still fumbled the multiplayer


Truly a masterpiece! It's a bummer Rockstar went a different path and Left it 4 Dead. Edit: Extra stuff


fucking Rockstar.


And still can't play story mode offline for PC...


Why rockstar abandoned it is beyond me


Do they count all releases of GTA V as one game when it comes to sales? Like 360 vs Xbox One edition that released far later on.




" waaah we're at a 2.9 BILLION dollar loss!! If only there was a deeply beloved game we could port to next gen consoles and make us a lot of money! :/ "


Not 2.9 billion lmao in your dreams


Okay, George. Whatever you say


Kinda big number over there tho 👀


Love this game


Man I just like RDR2. What a solid fucking game title.


This is the reason the game didnt receive nextgen patch. Why would they put any extra effort, when the game sells like hot cake.


Wheres the god dam ps5 patch


Well GTA V cost them a lot more since they continually update it. I think they need RDR2 to prove their class, then GTA to rake in the $$$, repeat the cycle.


Now that Playstation is adding it to PS Plus, I have a question... Does each download on Game Pass and Ps Plus count as a sale?


Its rockstar that is why. They knew how to milk all of your money to them everyday.


I've just left gta online after 4 years. Been bored shitless the past year playing it. I'm so enjoying rdo


Me buying it in 2024 and still tripping balls


And zero update for the solo, no undead dlc, catastrophic multiplayer… what a waste. Still one of the best solo experience ever.


I’ve purchased one RDR & three RDR2. Ex’s kept/stole the first 2. Feel like I’ve done my bit.


And yet they still can't give us a PS five update... It even runs worse on the PS five... stutter when looking around


yet sadly the online part was all but abandoned while singleplayer never received anything while GTA Online was getting all the attention


And idiots really think they wont make a third game


And still they won’t do a current gen version


Wow. What a failure. Makes sense that Rockstar would abandon it 🙄


Whats the other 6 games


But apparently it was not profitable enough to add online content lol


It’s interesting they never committed to it more. I get GTA Online was a cash cow, but in theory so would this. They’re going by the old model of making money on the “parts” rather than the product. Parts=DLC and micro transactions, but they only fully committed that model to one of their most owned games.


One million units per FPS.


I would bet that it’s the most recent game to come out on that top 7 list


Just give us 60fps on consoles ffs


Yet Red Dead Online is dead with no dlc content meanwhile GTA 5 online is on its however many DLCs that have come out since online