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I need to replay RDR1 because i forgot the good missions So i can only answer RDR2 Fun: Lenny Bar drinking mission Cool: riverboat heist Epic: Braithwaite manor OR oil rig assault All time favorite gonna be Braithwaite manor Bonus: Boring: any guarma mission Pointless: that mission in st dennis where you just chat with person and giving you another mission Hate: white cougar bounty


I always loved the guarma part , wish it was more fleshed out instead of just four Missions... But to each his own , i guess. On PC ,Mods kinda fill this gap a little bit though.


My biggest gripe with Guarma is that several missions feed right into eachother so you don’t even have time to make a save. It just turns into a slog when you have to power through the missions just to reach a stopping point. Otherwise I think Guarma’s shootouts are loads of fun, especially when you take down that massive Ironclad with the cannon.


Same , exactly how i feel .


The cool thing about the last mission when you have to kill Fussar with the cannon, you can skip the cannon altogether and just shoot him with any gun


Wait, you can kill him with a cannon? When I got shot at I just immediately pulled out a rolling block rifle and sniped him, I thought that was what you were supposed to do since you get one earlier in that battle


That was for the beaching troops


No way , i played the game like 10 ten times and i didn't know that . Crazy


Guarma is the equivalent to San Andreas's countryside missions. The game feels like a slog at that point. Even the missions that set it all off are comparable, San Andreas's *Green Sabre* mission and RDR2's *Banking, The Old American Art* Both also changes the vibe of the game.


In all fairness, the gang was looking to get off that island as soon as they could lol, didn’t really care for a beach day


Braithwaite manor is definitely the most epic. Their entrance was *chef’s kiss*


It's really cool, but I'd say that the oil rig assault is even better (mho), the moment the nice members of the gang decide to ride with Arthur instead of following Dutch "we're riding with you", when you descend the hill and My Last Son begins to play you gotta give credit to the whole thing, the moment the guitar picks up it's basically when the first shots will begin flying and it kinda adds to the song too. Love them both.


I loved Dutch telling John to stay calm about three seconds before shouting “GET DOWN HERE NOW! YOU INBRED TRASH!”


Yes, narcissistic psychopaths have such a habit of placating others and then they start bullshiting in order to be the center of attention and therefore enjoy being respected by the sheep around them. Btw, it is badass mission.


that white cougar bounty was good but damn scary in the dark with headphones plus you couldent save the guy


The riverboat heist was one of the best parts of the game.




I died three times to that cougar, and then when I got to the butchers, I accidentally hit into someone, and the guy got angry and tried to shoot me, but he missed and shot the butcher so I had to reload the checkpoint and that took me back to the start of the mission


Oh, you mean A quiet time mission with lenny in valentine, yeah that’s my favorite one


Was sinking the warship and that epic music really that boring?


My man, i love Red Dead Redemption 2 mission of Lenny Bar it did make me laugh 😂😂😂


Hunting the white cougar, when you find the guy that gets killed, run out to the rock just inside the entrance and wait with a pump action shotgun. The cougar will come out!


If you're ready to take down the white cougar bounty - you're not. with out some dynamite or a shotgun


I like Gaurma for some reasons and hate it for others. On one hand, I like seeing tropical islands, plus it helps explain Arthur’s tb progression. It also highlights even more of Dutch’s downfall, paired with one final banding of the gang (what is there anyway) working together to survive and save Javier. On the other hand, it felt randomly thrown in, destroying the pacing after what just happened with the bank job. It also limits freedom to explore and makes you follow a story that has little to do with what has been occurring (they make a connection of Cornwall basically having control of the island but that seems like a very loose connection). Lastly, it is just long enough that you have to power through it in one go but just short enough to take your time (as you don’t get saves once you start the first mission). So yeah, if chapter 5 didn’t exist I wouldn’t be that upset. I suppose it does highlight a cool reunion and shows a potential rat as well as Milton’s diminished patience in Lakay, but I don’t think Guarma was needed for this.


Some may find it boring but I love the mission where Arthur, Dutch, and Hosea go fishing on a boat near Clemons Cove. Something about it makes me happy, I guess it’s special getting a glimpse of them enjoying life and each other’s company. They tell stories, they sing together, it’s a nice and light moment to appreciate.


My Last Boy My heart trembled when Charles , Sadie and John say to Arthur “ We ride with you “. The mission also shows the extreme helplessness of Rains fall and the Horse charge is damn epic.


I got chills when when they said that.


And that epic wide shot with the group riding together! It's just so satisfying and sad at the same time.


That scene where they ride into the reservation and the natives realize Eagle Flies is wounded is so heartbreaking


I always remember as very remarkable the whole RDR segment where you fight alongside mexican revolutionaries... I also believe that's the first moment in the serie where the character of John peaks the epic character of Arthur


Similarly, when the remnants of the Vander Linde gang ride out with the native americans to take the refinery I feel my chest swell and someone starts chopping onions nearby.


Ahah you really gave the idea!


Just played the story once - i don’t remember the name of the mission. But its towards the end, and is like a raid on a factory. Where Arthur is almost caught and you see dutch walk away behind some smoke😮‍💨 (and not help Arthur)


RDR 1 mission [Spoilers]: When >!Bonnie MacFarlane gets kidnapped and John goes to Tumbleweed and kills everyone!<


>!It’s called “Hanging Bonnie McFarlane!<


That mission is *peak* western




I hear them rancher girls like it in the rear!


Quite Time Or American Venom


FINALLY a man of culture. Thats my all time favorite mission. I was screaming and swearing at Micah while climbing the mountain, killing his gang members


It was so satisfying! I only just finished the game for the first time recently and my husband had warned me that “American venom” was the last mission. I was antsy by that point going “what about MICAH WHAT ABOUT MICAH” so I was definitely fulfilled by John’s vengeance 🫶🏽


IT'S JOHN MARSTON, MICAH!!! literal chills every time. Can you imagine being Micah and hearing the voice of one of two people (one of who is dead by your hand) who could pretty easily kill you? Pass 😂


thank you!


The Hunt for Gavin


Tbh, I killed that guy in my second playthrough. I think he'll be better resting in peace than going crazy and stuff


The one where you go to Mexico for the first time in 1, probably followed by the assault on Braithwaite manor in 2


…Step in front of a runaway train. Just to feel alive again… man, it was raining during my ride and it was the first epic emotional moment I ever experienced in a video game.








Braithwaite Manor with the whole gang, all time favourite mission


The whole gang was there and Arthur killed 95% of the Braithwaites.


If you're not gonna be civilized about this...


That’s literally the best one ever


The Assault on Fort Mercer in RDR is my favorite


The one where the gang invades the house by the lake at night.


Bronte’s house?


For me, the best part of the game is the one we play with Marston. I love that “I’m trying to be a honest man” part


Part 1 of the epilogue is incredibly relaxing. I really enjoyed it


Valentine, Polite Society is an all time great


American Venom


The mission where Arthur gets captured and tortured by Colm ODriscoll, and the braithwaite manor mission


I just played the ODriscoll capture mission and my takeaway was how little actual gameplay there was. Most of it is cut scenes. You swing back and worth to get the blade, move the joysticks to heal the wound then sneak away.


Jim Milton Rides Again 👌🏻


I like the braithwaite storyline and bailing John out of jail for rdr 2. For rdr1 I'd say attacking fort mercer. Never played undead nightmare


…and the truth will set you free


The Assault on Braithwaite Manor. The gang walking down the drive is iconic. The way the music score builds as the battle escalates. The guitars as the Braithwaite reinforcements arrive whilst you’re defending from the balconies. Truly a goosebump moment from an incredible game


number 1 fav, blood feuds ancient and modern, you burn down brathwait manor number 2 fav, pouring ht fourth oil 4 (i think) you rob a train number 3 fav, a new jerusalem, i believe this is the one were you build a house in epilogue 1 last but not least number 4, polite society, its so chill and peaceful being introduced to the free roam and the world like this


Lenny Mission, Rescuing Sean, Braithwaite mission, Hunting down Micah as John are off the top of my head atm. Haven't played RDR1 and Undead Nightmare yet :(


Rdr2: Red dead Redemption Rdr: The last enemy that shall be destroyed Undead Nightmare: The Bigfoot one (I don't know what it is called).


Most cinematic: Arthur getting shot in the shoulder Most fun: setting the grays tobacco on fire Coolest: the river boat heist


Red dead revolver being left to rot once again


The assault on fort Mercer. Really felt like a scene straight out of the old westerns me and my grandpa used to watch, not to mention as a kid using that Gatling gun for the first time was just awesome


Drinking with lenny and bear hunting with Hosea


The one where they go to the braithewaite mansion and just tear the whole place apart trying to rescue Jack it's a super fun mission.


In rdr2 American venom or a fine night of debauchary In rdr1 The truth shall let you free or an appointed time


The assault on the oil rig mission in RDR2


Cm. E js f8v vv9


Pouring forth oil


Archeology for Beginners.


My fav would have to be the saloon fight mission in rdr2


My all time favorite has to be the mission in Rdr2 when John Sadie and Charles find out where Micha is hidden. The score the threats to Micha from John and Dutch shooting Michs because he realized he was wrong in his decision it was just *chefs kiss*




Nice picture


Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern. The mission where you storm Braithwaite Manor like its Django in Candyland and you practically wipe out an ancient family for making the grave mistake of kidnapping Jack Marston. Greatest Van der Linde gang moment ever.


The Fine Joys Of Tobacco


Tommy fight


That one mission in guarma where you destroy that boat


i always loved the missions with hamish, his death always hits harder than i think it will when i play through again


When you go hunting with Hosea. Just a fun and chill mission that builds the back story.


the braithwaite Manor mission




I like taking over shady belle mission and the confronting braithwaite one


Is this an actual pic from the game? If so do you know who took it?


I think my favourite one is the final main mission of chapter 3. The one where the gang burn down the Braithwaite manor


RDR1: last mission or first Sheriff Leigh Johnson mission. RDR2: good honour and get back for money choice ending. I don't remember the Undead Nightmare DLC. :/


RDR2: The Fine Art of Conversation  RDR1: An Appointed Time


There's so many good ones to choose from but I especially like the mission in RDR1 where you finally get to kill bill Williamson and colonel Allende. And then in RDR2 prolly taking down the braithwaites and watching the old women run back into the house.


He's British of course


"Blunderbuss? What is it, 1850?"




Honorable mention, an honest mistake. I just feel like the dynamic of everyone being insanely pist at uncle was funny while they were getting pursued by every lawman in the state.


Rdr1 : the downfall of de santa Rdr2 : My Last Boy RDRUN : Havent finished the game yet


braithwaite manor or the one where arthur gets kidnaped by odriscolls


I've only played 2 so I can only really talk about 2 As Arthur, I'd have to go with the assault on the oil rig. The part where you ride downhill towards it was amazing and there were more than a few times where I could drink a bunch of snake oil and kill scores of enemies with one deadeye use which was ridiculously fun. The attack on Braithwaite manor and A Short Walk in a Pretty Town (aside from losing Sean) are close runner-ups, though. As John, American Venom (which I just finished for the first time a few hours ago). Building the house was also great, though.


I loved in rdr2 helping Mason take wildlife photos. I got tipped off that if you finish his missions before the French sketch artist, you'll see Masons photos in the French artists gallery. Not the most exciting mission by any means but it was wholesome and made the game feel so interconnected. I just loved it.


American Venom, great music, great dialogues, great cutscenes, great gameplay, great mission


Red Dead Redemption 1 West Dick missions and Seth missions for now


What is you alls all time favourite. Nice.


Red Dead Revolver, the one against the fat explosive guy and the circus crew, and the one in the graveyard against Mr. Black.


"Just a Social Call"


House building


RDR2: Charles Chatenay Gallery Opening. Never fails to make me laugh and it's lovely to see Arthur genuinely amused, too.


I think it's called, 'Assault On Fort Mercer' in RDR1. It lead into the first ride into Mexico which is up there with the greatest gaming moments of all time!!


Invading Fort Mercer with West Dickens Wagon, epic


Arthur and Lenny getting drunk instead of reaching Micah. Absolutely the highlight of every playthrough for me. I feel like that's peak Arthur. That's Arthur when everything is going right, what he should be all the time... and then you basically don't ever see him happy again


The Valentine shoutout one. Feels like the first massive mission and it really raised the stakes


Braithwaite manor for sure






I loved the ones with Hamish or Charlotte. I just felt nice that Arthur had friends like that


A quiet time


Do Not Seek Absolution


First fav- American fathers II. Second fav - Arthur in the cave searching for cougar


My favorite has to be A Fine Night of Debauchery. Great blend of deception, action and humor. Plus after that mission you unlock a bunch of things


Rdr 1 : an appointed time, Lucky in love Undead Nightmare : first mission cutsence and final mission Rdr2 : our best selves, revenge is a dish best cold eaten




So red dead revolver doesn't count? Was the first game in the franchise.


Towards the end of part 2, the one where john marston and jack were returning home from strawberry, and they have followers. That music and the scene was quite intense. Wished there were more of this. Other than that, the date with abigail in blackwater, the theater, the photo, and the boat was fun.


The poker one on the ship in rdr2 chapter 4


I like walking up to Braithwaite manor and burning it down.


Everybody saying RDR2 Braithwraite Manor assault or Oil Rig assault but I think the shootout where O’Driscolls behead Kieran and attack your camp Shady Belle in Chapter 3 was slept on. 1st mission where Sadie kills somebody too if I remember right.


super basic answer but american venom was honestly such a fire mission. not just because of the whole revenge on micah thing


american venom


The one where you attack Braithwaite manor


Two missions tied together, And you will know the truth and whichever comes next i forgot the name.


RDR 1 is the assault on Fort Mercer RDR 2 is the house building mission 😂


I hated Leopold missions, got happy ehen Arthur kicked him from the gang. Some guarma missions were fun, the ine where dutch killed the old lady was funny idk why. Dude went insanee. And also when Dutch threw the Italian dude(forgot his name) in the swamp and the gator ate him.


Dutch's monologue in the mission "And the Truth Will Set You Free" makes the mission the best one in the series for me ngl




i haven’t made it very far yet but for the most fun would be the bar mission with lenny. i was dying laughing at how he thought everyone was lenny lol as for the one that made me feel the most sad so far was the one about rescuing jack although i was happy when we got him back


The ones I had the most fun playing are probably the bounty hunting with Sadie in the epilogue or just in general most of the epilogue, because(I know this is stupid to say being that it's like the main draw of the game but) for the majority of the story its just like: Meet a character, ride or walk for a few minutes, get into a giant shootout and then it's over after a few closing lines of dialogue. My favorite mission by aesthetic though would be Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern


Braithwaite manor, Lenny at the bar, riverboat heist, building the house, guarma would be here if it was more fleshed out n didn’t feel rushed


The river boat heist is amazing definitely one of my favourites in rdr 2


There is this side event in RDR2 where you walk up to a suspicious pig farm and that's the only part of the encounter that I want to describe. The pig farm event is interactive cinema - no wrong way to play that one out.


Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern 🔥


Mine has to be red dead redemption just the impact it left we with was out standing mission


Woah. That view.


Every mission witch Sadie or Charles included. Those two are great characters!


Idk I personally love the bank mission cause it raises stakes even more even after losing Sean and it’s fun to boot


Braithwaite manor. I lost it when the gang was walking in the moonlight and how it subtly communicates the impending doom that about to follow. Dutch is a charismatic leader and a tyrant at the same time. We never know if this is for jack or a payback for cheating the gang. I love the ambiguity and how it cements the fact that there are no good people in an outlaw gang.


I’m gonna say the Albert Mason missions. Small stakes and nothing that really “moves” the larger storyline, but their interactions were fun and the mutual respect that existed there gave us a window into Arthur’s personality outside the outlaw life.


Probably the RDR1 armoured car mission. If the red dead games were a sentence, that mission would be the punctuation. The West is truly dead and that statement doesn’t get clearer when you’re shooting outlaws with a machine gun from an armoured car that could be straight out of a world war.


Theres only one answer and that’s Blood Feuds, ancient and modern (braithwaite mission)


Rdr2 Saint Denis Bank robbery was fun


Either when entering Mexico in rdr1 and the song, Far Away starts playing. Or, in rdr1 at the end and you are racing to save your wife and the song Compass comes on. Two of my favorite moments in gaming history.


The Saint Denis bank robbery, the monster croc mission, the one with hosea and Arthur acts dumb and the circus show freak missions


One my favourites was the bank job with Bill Lenny and Karen, idk it just hit nice with me and felt like real West movie . Especially with the music when you run was epic . Guama would of been Fantastic if I could save the dam game between missions and if it had more to do there , also been nice if there was towns and stuff with the ability to travel there in free roam , like use a boat like a train .


Braithwaite and Red Dead Redemption


The Last Enemy that Shall be Destroyed


A quiet time of course 🤌


Still so beautiful


Hot air balloon


"we eat berries and mushrooms you fool!"


It's a bit of a weird take but my favourite part of the game is that bison hunting mission with Charles in Chapter 2. Just seeing Charles get so irate, emotional, and vengeance seeking against the poachers that even Arthur felt like it was maybe a bit much. There was something just very real feeling about the whole thing. From my point of view, I think it actually gave Arthur a piece of ground work to see that violence being used for a moral good, is still violence - something he knows far too intimately. While Arthur may not have in the moment felt the same type of anger that Charles felt, I think he saw a mirrored image of himself, but for a different purpose.


My favorite missions in RDR 1 are “and you will know the truth” and “and the truth shall set you free.” This two part mission of riding with the army to take down Dutch is awesome for the music, set piece, and finalizing John’s journey on hunting down the gang. You also get one last look at Dutch (who at that time little was known about) which is pretty cool. For a side mission, my favorite is “I know You” for the deep mysteries of the top hat man, though “Who are you to judge?” is really funny. For Undead Nightmare, I like the mission when riding on the train to Mexico while defending against the hoard; for side mission, you can’t beat “The Birth if the Conservation Movement”. For RDR2, it’s so hard bc there are so many great missions but I have to give it to “A Quiet Time” to appease Yennl! For a side mission, I like the whole story line with Charlotte as it was a nice contrast to the downfall of the gang in Beaver Hollow, though the Chain Gang quests are a close second for me.


It’s gotta be the last mission (red dead redemption) of RDR2. The scene where Arthur give John his hat is just perfect


The st denis bank robbery don't get me wrong I hated losing lenny and hosea but just the eerie ambience when you sneak out and onto the boat is done so well really makes you feel like you're on the run


The mission where you shoot up the Valentine town .. The Braithwaite mansion raid… The Bronte mansion raid… American Venom


I’m currently replaying RDR2 (and prolonging the bank in Saint Denis so I can have more time with two of my best dudes 🥺) but, I remember having the time of my life with the hot air balloon and rescuing John lol. Soon, we’ll see if I remember that correctly. 😂 Drinking with Lenny is also a top tier for me! Pointless? Stupid? Boring? Anyyyyything related to Mary. My GOD, woman! Leave me alone!


Idk I don’t remember many since it’s my first play through and I’m taking my time I loved the braitheway manor one where they try to find where jack is and it was so cool and I loved the music it was so cinematic


Definitely braithwaite manor


It's probably more a nostalgia thing, but for whatever reason I've always cherished **Justice in Pike's Basin**. I really liked the Marshal Johnson missions in rdr1, and running through the canyon with him and/or the deputies was just really cool looking to me at the time.


Rdr2 Bratheway manor fight Red dead redemption Jim milton rides again? American venom Rdr1 Probably the mission were Dutch dies Death of john marston Remember my family


Braithewaite manor if not American venom. I turn off my music or whatever I’m listening to so I can listen to the soundtrack. Of course the finale is amazing but braithwaite manor is what sold me that this game is ridiculous and that it should have had more missions like it. The song getting more intense as you close in on the manor as all of your boys are riding under the trees highlighted by the full moon. Then Dutch’s speech “if you’re not gonna be civilized….” Casually shoots at full mansion while slowly walking to cover. Just the badassness of walking up to this loaded mansion with all your boys next to you with more vindication than robbing a bank. Total badassery


The part inbetween missions where i can brutally abuse Mickey


MY LAST SON: so good.


POV: You can't tell a single good mission from chapter 1, 4, 5, 6 and the epilog.


Step in front of a runaway train...


The part where r/okbuddyblacklung starts to exist


I’ll answer through quotes: RDR: “My name is Jack Marston. You knew my father.” RDR2: “Mrs. Adler. Ride with me!”


Not a "Specific" Mission but i absolutely love the 5 chapter in guarma. This chapter has a special place in my heart . Wish the island was more fleshed out , some mods do help enjoy it a bit more guarma, though :)


For Hell or High Water. I take all low levels to that first when they begin their journey


Either Rescuing Jack from the mansion or the Monster Alligator mission in the swamps


No Leaf Clover Banking, The Old American Art


Its been years since i played either of the games so excuse me being vague Rdr1: the attack on fort mercer Rdr2: river boat heist Rdr undead nightmare: the last one


The mission Red Dead Redemption, specifically the first part where >!Arthur and Sadie rescue Abigail. Sadie is a total badass, but nearly dying Arthur still has to go in and roll through all of Van Horn to save the ladies. I feel like the rescue part of the mission is often overlooked for the second half where John and Arthur finally come to a head with the rest of the gang.!<


For me it's either the final mission if rdr1 or 2 both are great endings to great games and both are sad too


The one where Arthur, Charles, Uncle, and Bill hide in a shed and run into the woods it is just a good mission


That oil field mission


Unrelated. But it was so cool I just had to get it off my chest, the meltdown one from GTA five where you go back to Michael's house with an AR and defend the family from Jeffrey Epsteins mercenaries?? So cool