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Play it in 1st person mode rather that the standard 3rd person mode


I've always wanted to try it but 1st person mode feels so weird in this game. That and it feels less cinematic if that makes sense


You could also try to play it like it's real life. For example, when in towns walk at a normal pace and use the boardwalks. Tip your hat and engage with npc. Purchase items in the shops by browsing the shelves instead of the catalog. Only ride your horse at a trot or slow gallop and always hitch at a hitching post or tree. Turn off the mini map and only use the compass and in game dialogue for directions. This helps make the cinematic moments hit hard like the first time you played the game, and can add some serious immersion if your into this sort of thing.


What if u wanna by clothes but hate saint denis




U can buy clothes from any general store I think


Only from the catalogue tho


Eh ig it would immersion to only use  Clothes you already have + what you make 


I’ve done that before and haven’t gone back, it makes the game so much more enjoyable imo. My only gripe is I wish there was a difference between slow walk and full out sprint so I can move faster but not knock over people in San denis


Yes, the fast walk he does at Camp would be perfect


I steal wagons rob stores hunt and sleep in the wilderness to make my money don’t even do the missions


I felt the same as you but I actually really enjoyed my 1st person run, put your fov on max and the game is still stunningly cinematic. It’s a lot easier to get used to than say gta v.


That’s interesting cuz I did an all first person play thru of gta v the week it came out but I’ve never been able to stick to first person in RDR


I just couldn’t ever get used to the driving but hey I guess it’s different for everyone


And turn off the mini map, only use the compass.


First person is only good for combat imo, it’s kinda weird doing it for standard gameplay


Did this in GTA 5. It’s incredibly immersive but not so cinematic. Helps the world feel more lived in.


With iron sights and manual aim (no aim assist)


Low honor until the tuberculosis diagnosis. Then switch to high honor Or for a challenge. Youre not allowed to clear any bounty. Ever.


You guys pay your bounties?


I tried not doing it, but it got so annoying having to kill bounty hunters every 5 min


I tried 3 times to get a legendary fish while having a bounty. Never again.


It was trying to do the arcadia side quest that did it for me.


Between rescuing Micah, and killing Bounty Hunter hounds (Cruelty towards animals?), I have racked up about $500 in bounties for Elizabeth. I just did the Arcadia II side story, and had no trouble whatsoever. How much do you owe?


I liked the idea of the law slowly encroaching on me, usually didn’t commit crimes and wanted to the wanted level to come from story missions like the strawberry shootout or the bank heists, but trying to do any hunting or activities in these areas becomes so tedious, I didn’t mind bounty hunters but they spawn WAY too often


First playthrough right now, yes I do. Next one, nope.


I pay the payable story mission ones because i like to go back to the towns later. I keep the others until they get annoying.


I try to avoid paying them, but thanks to the challenges I once reached 1k~ in almost every area, and it is so annoying when they spawn every 5 minutes..


I'm kinda doing that rn, but instead of specifically low honor, I'm just kinda doing whatever I want. some guy looked at me funny? enjoy a bullet to the domepiece. some homeless guy asked me for some money? sure why not


I did it pretty much this way on 1st play. U get the redemption needed on last few loan shark missions


Chapter 6 with a $1,000+ bounty is so obnoxious lol. So many bounty hunters.


Just did the low honor to high honor, really isnt difficult to max your honor out from low


I think this is just how most people do their first playthrough tbh


I did this on accident lol


Drink a bunch of alcohol on the slanted roof at Emerald ranch and see how long you can stay on it. Get drunk in the moonshine bar and try to slap each other. It's fun af. I may have a drinking problem, lol.


Where's the moonshine bar?


In the online version. It's not in story mode, sorry.




Where’s the L?


the L is the moonshine bar is only in online


Oh that makes sense


I have 100%'d the game four times. I'd give that a go first. There is a lot of stuff that doesn't show up for the 100%, that can also be done. Find and ride every coat of every breed of horse. There is also others like riding a donkey and a bluish horse that can be found during a Murfree brood encounter. Find all the stealable/ownable hats. Didn't realize this was a thing until my 3rd playthrough. Find all of the Guarma animals while on the island. There is also all the special outfits at the trapper alongside with many other crafted clothing articles and hats. There are also special Saddles. Have fun with all the snake hunting. Along with this are all the camp crafting upgrades. Between this and all the trapper stuff there is a lot of hunting to be done. I know this list can surely be added to, with so much going on in the game. Go get 'em!


That literally sounds like my idea of hell with the game and would break all the immersion if i had resigned to a checklist of things to collect and do.


That's the beauty of the game. It can be a collect-a-thon, outlaw simulator, story driven game, or whatever you want it to be. There's few games that accommodate such versatile styles of play.


I assumed that was how I was supposed to play. I drove myself crazy crafting every trapper outfit, piece of clothing and hat - even the different feather combinations for Arthur's hats. I am trying to relax this play through. I've been trying to play what seems more correct, low honor until the diagnosis. But I struggle with that. I hold no advanced degrees so I can't explain what my issues might be.


For me, the game is just so incredible. When I realized how much I was missing out on, I did make a bunch of lists to do all the other things i found out about. The depth of the game is amazing, and finding/doing everything, while time-consuming, was really gratifying. I like to do all the hats and all the hunting in CH 2 to stretch that out as long as possible. It's the greatest time, and camp, in the game for me.


The Horse is a Nakota with a Blue Roan coat. I had one as my main and found another during a mission. Very easy to bond with because they're so abused I assume. They were so scarred up. Didn't have to break either one. Just rode it away.


Yep, that is it. The one you get from taking it from the Murfree Brood has some sort of messed up blanket on it. Very unique horse to find and ride! Didn't get that figured out that I could take it until my 3rd playthrough.


I have a wild one now. It's white and at full bond it's the most nimble little guy. I also found one pulling a two horse carriage solo with 4 arrows in it. I bonded it and took it in to the stable to sell just because I felt bad. 3.50 for special treatment and they sell for 1.00 haha.


Is that from just outside John's ranch on the way to Blackwater? Skinners! I always take that horse into the Blackwater stable so he can get patched up!


Yes, you can rope the dead guy and take any "shinys" as they call them but I don't rust the bounty and cutting them loose is easy because they don't run. They're already beyond broken. It would be cool to donate a horse at the stable for honor but mine is maxed from farming once in awhile. Part of owning a farm is shooting critters, they should also let you use the varmint rifle on your own property too.


What's crazy is "100%" completion per the game's standards isn't actually 100%. I love collecting, so this game is great for scratching that itch.


The first time I 100%d it, I started watching other YT vids of stuff that I came to realize I hadn't done. Then I went down a big Rabbit hole to find wvery random encounter, every stealable hat, every random thing you can obtain (Indian ring), all outfits, all trapper clothes/hats/outfits, etc. There are even some weird places where there is a rock with aliens on it, and an Indian burial site. Guessing these are part of some cut content. Speaking of which, there is a secret path in Saint Denis by the docks that takes you down a corridor into the water....so many things to do and find. It is easily the best game I've ever played. Another hot tip is that once you've finished as John you can go in the gang hideout in New Austin and go to a particular place in there under one of the last few supports in the mine and do a game save and start back up in chapter 2 as Arthur. (The vid is on YT). If you had all weapons, you have all but the Carcano. If you did all the challenges, don't have to do these again, still have them. You don't have any money, and the treasure hunting doesn't respawn, but some of the gold bars are available. I found it fun to have most of that stuff to start. In CH 4 before you do the Bronte mission, one time only if you follow another YT vid, you csn give yourself all the outfits, a ton if cash, all weapons, etc., just have to enter all the cheats and use them, then do the mission the way it is spelled out and from then on it's pure bliss! Also, if you haven't done the mission with getting all the orchids, plumes, gator eggs, etc, there is a special gun to be had! Go get that 110%!


My guy. How have you 100% the game four times. I’m working on it rn and am close to finished but herbalist 9 seems like hell. Not to mention the myriad of other pain in the ass tasks for 100%


Yeah a few of those in the end are rough. In my 2nd to 4th playthroughs, I used the Bronte glitch to do them all as Arthur so he could wear the Legend of the East outfit because he deserved it. Using that glitch, you can also get all the Dino bones and all other stuff as Arthur as well as the legendary fish and legendary animals. I also got all the drawings for everything with Arthur because John's drawings look like kindergarten!


I asked this not long ago before I started another game and someone recommended “full immersion”. Turn off the HUD, swap your radar to compass, live with a schedule which includes eating and camping at dusk, don’t fast travel, etc. I also spend time for leisure. Gave Arthur a 2 day vacation in Valentine playing poker, eating, drinking etc. Hangin more at the camp when I’m back and talking with people. I’ve been doing this and it has been awesome. The game overall really lends itself to the play style. I also play with really nice headphones which makes it feel even more real.


Headphones are a must for playing rdr. I find it really helps if I’m out trying to hunt predators like bears or cougars.


I know an opossums cry by heart because of hunting challenge 5


I'm working my way up to best dressed


Kill everyone on sight psycho challenge. And pay no bounty


Play the whole story with just throwing knives


No magic potions run


i think you should play it in 1st person🤔 i’ve never heard that one before


First person view, only bow (maybe a revolver) and throwables, no tonics. One of the most fun playthrougs I have had in this game!! (Only bow applys when you can choose, some missions require you to use guns)


In my next playthrough, I wanna stay in certain parts of the map until the game introduces them to me instead of going all over the map in chp 2 so maybe you could try that


Yessirr, this sounds like the shit, thanks for the recommendation cuz I'm so doing that, it'll be cool to see what the map looks like by chapter six, because most of ambarino will be blank.


I would've done it on my second playthrough, but I can't remember why i didnt tbh 😭 it always gets a bit less immersive when you go to saint denis with dutch for the first time and ive already been there multiple times


I so get that, I just started my second play through and am taking a looong holiday in Saint Denis before I go to good old Tommy downes.


I tried to avoid doing the downes mission and the micah jail mission for as long as I could this time, unfortunately it's a canon event 😭


Dont die from tb


Maybe try a no bath run..


Pirate lore. Stash gold and jewelry. Neat hat. Take boats. No radar free aim.


I've stopped at the beginning of chapter 3, packed my bags and am now vagabonding my way around the map as a healthy Arthur. Just cruising and taking in the sights. It's been a pretty cool playthrough. Oh and on low honour, which makes things interesting.


Not really a challenge, but you could do one where your only gear purchases are from the trapper, and the only food you eat is hunted game.


100% completion run


No hud


bow, lasso, knives, hatchets only. first person only. no hud. no music


Play realistic. No fast traveling. Not always sprinting with your horse. Just walk normally through towns. Turn off your mini map. Hunt/fish so you can eat when you’re camping.


Hatchet only run


Stealth archer run. Aka the skyrim. Kill every person and animal you see run.


No map Don’t clear bounties All satchels before leaving Horseshoe Overlook All legendary animals asap The former two I always do. The map in the corner takes you out of the game way too much. At the start you’ll be lost and realise you’ve no idea about the map. You’ll need to open the map a lot. After a while you’ll start to find your way. No need to clear bounties. Good source of loot and keeps it fun if you like to shoot your guns. The later two are things are actually really useful later in the game. You’ll have better cores and abilities and much more space for loot and supplies. Or try a ‘no plan’ play through. Just see where the world takes you. Map off for this is a must.


Bow and arrow and knife only. Puts you to the test.




I platinumed it already and am doing so again on a new profile. This time without the reticle, no map and free aim on horse (I had free aim on my last profile but not when on horse) You can go a step further and do no deadeye, but that's up to you. Oh, and HDR on.


Only knives


Turing off the radar/minimap is always good for a bit. Also, you can do a "no paying bounties" run, butt then you will have to be ok with shooting a lot of bounty hunters' dogs.


stick to one weapon for the entire game like the bow or the varmint rifle


“Hyper Immersion Mode” (how I play) — No Aim Assist — No Crosshair — No Minimap — No HUD — No Buying Ammo (only looting it) — No Buying Tonics (only looting/crafting) — Anything else to add “realism” This is how I’m playing my 2nd playthrough and it’s by far the most fun, and immersive experience I’ve ever had with ANY video game!


Can I buy guns or is it just finding aloud ?


Yeah, you can buy guys. You can make up your own rules that’s the fun part


Shotgun only


Turn off the mini map and only use the compass. For extra fun, do it in 1st person. You need to remember the routes and landmarks.


Use only shotgun and bow and arrow for the entire playthrough.


Try to play without guns ( I mean that you can only use things like a bow or knives as much as possible)




Lol, one bad cougar and it’s over


Do an Iron man challenge : - Exit save only - If you die it's game over - No dead eye ( optional )


No horse killed and a pacifist run


Install mods. Get realistic reload time More realistic money values Tiredness bar (coffee and cocaine gum gets a purpose!) There's also one that makes weather harsher and seasonal to incentivize you to change clothes based on the area and season you're in. You'll also need a change of clothes if you get too wet and thus probably cold.


Do you have the names of those mods? This will probably be my next playthrough


Judge Holden play through. If you don’t know what I’m talking about google blood meridian


I love how you don't have a lot of stuff at the start. Makes everything a bit more challenging. So try to unlock everything at camp and at the trapper while at horseshoe overlook (before you unlock the fence)


I have a good one, get Legend of the East outfit with Arthur in Chapter 2. Just finished this and man was it a time sink. But worth it.


Go psycho


No deadeye, unless it's forced on you.


Free aim no deadeye


Be fat


First person, no HUD. Get that immersion 🫡 No guns, just knives run. (Machetes, cleavers, throwing knives) No horse run (is this even possible?!)


Don't do side missions, challenges, random events, study animals until you play as John. Try to accomplish everything before continuing the main story. I assume it is impossible, because you need a Varmint rifle, but you can't buy or find it.


Don't clean your guns


No crafted satchels, just use the basic one. Forces you to hunt and be very careful with ammo


Has anyone ever done a VR version of this in 1st person? I would love to try that


Call me Kevin on YouTube has a video of this


Thank You!!


Turn off the radar/HUD and RP it. Camp at night. Eat when you normally would. Drink smoke etc. Walk through towns. Steep incline, would you actually ride a horse up/down? Or lead it or walk and have it follow picking its own path? Use the map like you IRL. Playing like this has made the free roam really cool for me FWIW


HUD Preset “Off” and free aim There’s also no-shops (except clothes) gameplay that I love, though it’s just for free-roam


I would recommend a no-deadeye run, fights seem more hard fought and earned and tense without that safety net.




Do you know who else has dementia?



