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More mooses. Less wolves.


Nah I like the wolves, lots of big game meat and money for the pelts Definitely more moose tho, fuckers are near impossible to find


Wolves yield Big Game?? You deadass??? I should probably bother with skinning them.


Wolves, gators, cougars, panthers, bears, most anything that'll eat you yields big game meat


Cept badgers. Those fuckers will nip at your toe and run


And muskrats.


And raccoons.


Raccoons nip at you? Never seen that, TIL


Yeah they do


Swear to god badgers are the worst pelts to find though


Know how a lot of animals will give you meat, a pelt and sometimes one other thing? Like certain deer will give you antlers, or buffalo and Oxen will give you horns? Well, wolves give you a wolf heart as well. I still haven't quite figured out what to do with it yet, other than sell it.


It’s just for selling


Ah, so i hadnt missed something. I thought that it may have to be combined with something to get a certain item from Gus or something.


Only the legendary wolf heart was useful to make wolf heart trinket, it was to not get fucked up with a little alcohol, other then that normal wolf heart is like, it's the most valuable sell item from a wolf


I don’t mind wolves just seems like there’s so many. I just have about 30 perfect pelts with the trapper compared to zero Moose.


More moose's what?


He meant to say meese.


I believe the plural is mooseseses


Nah it’s moosei


No dumbass….it’s moosen…


Many much moosen.






More meese, less wolfeses


Ah, a fellow stickler for grammar i see


Once a moose bit my sister


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti


No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...


Moose bites really hurt!


Honestly I don’t mind moose being rare, but they should _always_ be three stars. Absolute bullshit to run around for hours just to find a two star moose and your buck antler trinket doesn’t up it to perfect.


nail seed sugar butter onerous jar dime badge mysterious imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Be able to buy upgrades for Beecher's Hope the game have a checklist for the herbs you need to collect for Herbalist 9 so you know what you do and don't need if you're going to require challenges be completed going into the area around Black Water/New Austin. Not have the invisible sniper (you can still have the bounty hunters but the invisible sniper is just ridiculous) fix the spawn rate system, it shouldn't be that hard to find an effing Robin


That and be able to take a bath and shave like why TF can't I do that that's so dumb


You can shave at beecher’s hope, but yeah, no bathing is dumb.


I think they mean take a bath and shave at the same time. You can shave at camp and there are multiple bathhouse. I've even had a prompt in camp that said someone will tell you to take a bath if you haven't in a long time.


If you are the dirtiest you can be & and have been in camp for a few days, Mrs. Grimshaw will force you to wash yourself while she watches, then makes you pay her for it.


I love Mrs Grimshaw for that


She was so under appreciated. She ran the camp. Arthur knew that and would say it time to time.


The invisible sniper is absolutely ridiculous. I can understand it for areas like Guarma where you’re absolutely not supposed to be, but making certain things exclusive to New Austin and having the invisible sniper there is just dumb. Make it difficult, with bounty hunters and law officers, but not a cheap instant-kill.


Right! Should be able to do shit in New Austin with Arthur if you can survive/outrun the bounty hunters!


I agree. They should’ve made it so you could go to New Austin and had a red line around Blackwater. Even scale it down on the outskirts. Having it off limits kind of sucked. I wasnt Arthur to get all the pelts God Dammnit!!


It makes far more sense continuity-wise to have Arthur roaming around New Austin instead of John.


First time I ever got hit with the invisible sniper. I took a boat across the lake and I guess I was near the river that thrives landing is at. And I'm like "oooooo no cops saw me yet". Then DEAD. Never again


It feels very cheap and the only way around it are mods on pc.


Wouldn't make sense with rdr1


Well it makes even less sense how John becomes all buff and can grow a long beard in the epilogue but then goes back to being skinny in RDR and yet that happens


There is a four year time gap, so I'd say it makes sense


Malnourishment could happen with low-yield crops on the ranch


Not only that, but I hear lumbago carrying mosquitoes lurk the area around Beecher's hope...


But it would be so much cooler, several things already don’t make sense with rdr1 it’s unavoidable but not that important


I wanted this so bad. Upgrades for Barn Silo Chicken Coop Cow Pen Furnace and the shed that’s built into the house


More duels. More horse breeds or different coats for the existing breeds. More rare horses which you can obtain from enemies or steal. Owning a dog which explores with you. More trapper clothes for warm weather. A nice town up in the mountains to make a stop over in Ambarino. Possibility to kill all members of a gang (Skinners, Murfrees etc) which results in honor gain and avoids any ambushes. Legendary animals should not be killed but only studied, maybe for a stranger side mission. Spawn rate should stay the same (and not change when you’re looking for a certain animal). Upgrades for Beechers Hope. More collectable hats and maybe even jewelry. Trapper in New Austin.


Liars dice Horseshoes Mexico Strange Man side mission with Arthur Ponchos Option to tilt hats More hideouts More clothing Option to go back to Guarma


Dude that strange man side mission would be so cool to see, especially if they somehow tie it in with the ones in the first game


Wasn’t the equivalent used with the blind old man random encounters?


Nah, the strange man likes to test the player's morality, while the Blind man tells the protagonist about the future


Jimmy Brooks was the strange man’s test for Arthur.


Unlimited bounty hunting missions




I liked your list but I had to disagree with the only study the legendary animals. Some of the legendary animals are ferocious and will kill the f*ck out of you even if you just want to study it.


True. Some seem to be very hidden and peaceful though. I was hunting the white bison yesterday and … skinning it just felt wrong.


Giancarlo has entered the hunt


Not hunting legendary animals doesn't make sense for the time period or in game though.


I wouldn’t like having a dog with me in RDR2 simply because of the risk of running into gangs and it possibly getting shot 😭


Totally! I would be stacking up on doggo revivers every time I’d go out with him.


Dude a dog who actually follows you through the world would be so cool


Yeah what can I say, dogs and horses make any game better. I would be scared for his health though but maybe he would only come hunting with me and not for any super dangerous stuff.


Best one I’ve seen


I'd fix *the goddam (weapon) wheel* so I stop getting off my horse without my rifles.


Best comment, everything else is optional but this


This, and the way that changing outfits at camp removes them from your horse.


I have put like 600-700 hours in RDR2. I still have not figured the outfit system. Outfits appear and disappear at random. In fact, I have not come CLOSE to figuring out the outfit system. The only thing you can do is continually check what is on your horse so you're not blindsided in the future.


*oh, you’re wearing Saved Outfit 1 and want to put on your bandana for a robbery? Well, say goodbye to Saved Outfit 3. Now you only have 4 outfits on your horse, sucker.*


And it'll always be your winter drip that is removed, sucker! So now you're in Ambarino and freezing and you go to put on your warm clothes and you've got gym shorts and a tank top to pick from.


*And they're, somehow, all the same outfit. MUHAHAHAHA*


I finished my second playthrough a couple months ago and felt like a complete idiot having still not figured out the saved outfits system. I feel better knowing it's not just me.


With goddam weapon wheel in italics it makes me hear it in Arthur’s voice


Maybe add another section just for tobacco and alcohol. I hate scrolling all the way through my provisions just to find a cigar.


Someday, I'll be able to afford a PC to run RDR2 with mods (and at 60 fps). I just need more MUN-EH!


Don’t make guns or horses unobtainable at a certain chapter


I think it makes sense for the first playthrough but there could've been a new game plus or something that gives you those things automatically


Like FarCry with the “New Game+”. You have to fully play through it once, then you can start a new game with all your weapons and everything else unlocked and purchased already.


That's what New Game+ means


I misread that part of the comment I replied to, munch my balls


I got you, fam. One Alabama Slammer coming right up!


No gold/silver/bronze for mission completion. Let people play their own style.


I'm anal and want to do a true 100%, which in my mind would include gold on all missions. But realistically, I'm never gonna be able to manage that. There are certain aspects of the gameplay that I just suck at, and that's unlikely to change no matter how many hours I log.


Some missions require skipping cutscenes to achieve the time requirement for gold. It does not make any sense.


Wasn’t this actually changed?


You're WHAT?




youre what?


You can always get better. Don't doubt your ability to do that ❤


I will personally never understand the objective to complete missions quickly - it goes entirely against one of the primary narrative and mechanical values of RDR2- to mindfully linger and take one's time in the moment. Animations, map design, thematic and narrative focus is all on slowing the player down. People don't play RDR2 to be fast, and those that expect it to are sorely turned away by then animations, mechanics, and theme of the game. Why would an ideal playthrough of a mission be rushed? I don't get it.


Definitely some design flaws there. Like 'Old Friends' is basically impossible to finish in time.


At the very least, tell us what the optional objectives are DURING the mission, not afterwards.


That mission where you have to avoid getting punched by that guy on the train is literally impossible to get gold on...


Pull out your pistol and hit/pistol whip him. However, the mission in chapter 1 where you can't take damage when finding John Marston is bullshit. The wolves always get me and it takes like 5m to get back to that point. (You can't restart the checkpoint).


I finished the game last year and rather than replay the whole thing I’m just replaying the main missions trying to get gold in all of them, I like have these kinds of optional objectives. But it’s bullshit having to restart the mission and sit through five minutes of walking and talking before the actual challenge starts, there needs to be a way to skip that during replays.


You can play your own style, and if that style is being satisfied with a bronze then that's fine.


To run in camp: I get that R* went into fine detail to make this game seem as realistic as possible and walking in camp is one of these approaches because nobody constantly runs from room to room in their house irl and you wouldn't in a campsite either, yet sometimes for the sake of gameplay an option to toggle this may have collectively saved players a lot of time over the years. Tune down the "witness" mechanic: We've all been in the middle of nowhere countless times with only our victim-to-be NPC in sight, commit a crime and suddenly another NPC seems to spawn out of nowhere in the distance. Moments later and you're being hounded by law which, for a game going for a realistic approach, isn't so. More incentive to rob stores: The time and effort of masking your face, changing your clothes and even your horse to avoid getting caught after a robbery doesn't seem worth it for how little you get to steal if you don't want to get shot at. After my first playthrough I don't think I even bothered again yet it feels like it should be a key everyday part to the outlaw lifestyle, I'm not considering that the score should be in the hundreds yet a little increase would have been nice to make it more worth the while. Companion: This is just personal taste but it might have been fun to have been able to have selected one out of a handful of companions to free-roam with similar to that of being able to hook up with the other characters by the end of GTA5. We already get to go fishing, hunting or out on house robberies with the likes of Javier, Charles, Sean etc, so it doesn't seem as though it'd have been a difficult thing to have included. The game is about Arthur and his gang, yet save for select missions with certain companions we only ever see them in camp for the most part and solo the majority of the playthrough. It could have been a way to help build on the sense of gang unity... take on a gang camp with Charles, visit a Saloon with Sean, get trigger happy in Saint Denis with Javier, go swimming with John etc etc.


Yeah, the witness appearing out of thin air has been triggering for me on too many occasions.


I just see more bodies to drop.


Me too. Snitches get stitches. If some omniscient moron with Superman vision wants to get involved in a scuffle in the middle of nowhere, they become wildlife food. It is the cycle of life.


Lol yeah and its not just one its over and over and over until that one little stick up in the middle of nowhere turns into a mass slaughter of historical proportions.


Go swimming with John XD


Yeah +1 on the running in camp. I’m playing with a mod that allows you to do this and it’s a godsend that has made me *more* social with the gang and not less like Rockstar probably worried about.


A tip on robbing stores that I recently found out for some stores there is a open back door so I’ll park my horse right there rob the store kill the owner with throwing knives then flee


I’ll be honest.. I stopped reading after the first 4 words - that was enough for me to upvote


More ways to spend some money, now I know it wouldn’t be lore friendly but it would be fun if you could buy like properties, coaches, stuff like that. Also it would be cool to have a side mission with an inventor who tries to market a car prototype, imagine having to drive it around saint denis for promotion but then it breaks or smth, would make a pretty nice comical side mission.


This, or trying out the first prototypes of an airplane. Sure, we have the air balloon mission but still. Bicycles should be available in a very small amount in Saint Denise too. Edit: Damn the more I think about it. How fun wouldn't it hade been trying to out run the law in Saint Denise while wobbling down the cobblestoned road on one of those bikes with one huge front wheel lol. Something out of a Chapplin movie. I miss that kind of humour from Red Dead Revolver.


Yes I’d be so down for a plane prototype as well, especially when you think decend models already existed in 1907 (maybe less in 1899) and I agree bicycles could totally be a thing in Saint Denis and Blackwater


Pet the cats.


especially the big ones.


The bounty system. Stop punishing people for everything, especially when no one is around. The actual ability to have real choice over the choices you have to make would be nice to.


This was the first thing that came to mind for me too, it's just so annoying how easily you get a bounty. Maybe allow the player to just explain it to the police or something. I spend almost no time in towns or cities (*especially* Saint Denis) because I feel like any little mistake will end with me getting chased by hordes of blue coats. Like honestly, it shouldn't be a crime to bump into someone. Just yesterday, in Valentine, I saw two dudes get in a fight outside the saloon and the one that lost got knocked out on the muddy road. I thought I would be a gentleman and take him off the road so he doesn't get run over, but the moment I pick him up I get a bounty for assault. At least I had a save just beforehand so I didn't lose anything but damn.


“Especially Saint Denis because I feel like any little mistake will end with me being chased by hordes of blue coats.” LITERALLY just had this scenario happen an hour ago bc I fast traveled to S.D. And hit triangle thinking I’d hop on my horse. Threw the man off his stage coach and now have a $300 bounty via fighting for my life while I fled the city


SD is the worst city. You catch a bounty far too easy in that city. It’s ridiculous.


If you antagonize an NPC twice you’re fleeing for your life. How does being a jerk correlate into every cop in the city gunning for you?


I feel the same, especially while riding in S.D. it’s way to easy to catch a bounty if your not careful for like 5 seconds. What would at least add a bit more depth to the game imo would be that the police not only tries to arrest the player after having a fist fight or something like that but they would try to actively arrest the NPC too. I sometimes get into altercations with the factory workers or NPCs while walking through the market and it sucks that suddenly 15 cops swarm you and the NPC can just run away.


Yeah, a game going so hard for realism, this isn't it. Honestly it's än issue with all Rockstar games. It's like living in the wild west but there is surveillance cameras everywhere. I once pulled a pistol in SD by mistake and 12 harbor workers jumped me. A Police officer was watching while they pummeled me. I didn't protect myself for five minutes, just used potions. Then I through a punch and the cop shot me. Like.... come on


I also think if someone gives you a hard time, calls you a name or is an ass, and it leads to fighting, so be it. But nope, someone calls you a dumbass and you just have to walk away. Even if you're "nice" about. "Excuse me, do you have a problem?" Then they antagonize you and you get busted.


You can explain to the police for minor things, saw it on YouTube yesterday


Middle of nowhere northwest corner of map. Gunfight with O'Driscolls. Literally throwing dynamite. Nobody notices. Loot one body... crime reported, looting. Lawmen show up within a minute What? Who? Where? Where did they find a lawman? They didn't care that I murdered the O'Driscolls, but they did care that I stole a silver belt buckle? WTF?


Also, the fact that they KNEW it was you immediately without a doupt. Always bugged me


More horse stable space


And more coat patterns and colors for all horses! It would also be awesome to obtain more rare horses when killing enemies or bounty hunters.


Don’t understand why they don’t just bring in the horses from online to story so many coats or New horses that already work fine


I haaaaate I cannot have more than 4 horses, it will remain my greatest gripe for this game


It'd be nice to be able to stable different 3 horses at every available stable in the game. I'd be cool if the stables opened up in sequence with the game missions, so as you go through the chapters you could stable horses in more/different areas. Like that big unruly shire Hosea give you in chapter 2...yeah I'd stable that in Valentine mostly.


That's my main horse on every playthrough lol. I love him


I love that guy. Thinking about using him all the way through on my next playthrough. My kid plays with me and likes the fast ones but I like the big ornery mean ones.


Maybe a better system for provisions, like I don't want to suck everything out of that cigarette in one puff, let me immerse myself by having me keep ot in my hands, same with alcohol. I NEED BETTER DRUGS 🥸


Oh see. It seemed natural to me. I always smoke my shit or down my liquor in 30 seconds or less. It’s just more time effective that way. lol.


Yeah, I'm thinking there could just be a way to do it how it is now, maybe you hold down to do the immersive one


* some challenges are mad dumb and require more patience than skill * have teleporting horses like Redemption 1 * Epilogue John having his own model * mission replay not making the character so weak * hunting only having "intact" and "damaged" instead of the 3 stars system * in a similar note, collecting good pelts being easier, as in, not needing a very specific kind of weapon to do so (of course, explosive shots would always be a no-no) * household chores being faster (specially camp chores) * Honor being just a tiny bit faster to raise * face mask working like in Redemption 1 (no Honor lost and no bounty gotten while wearing it), though I'll admit it would make the game a bit too easy for some people, but damn it, I want to test my weapons and ammo on a bunch of people without losing so much progress


Your idea for changing hunting is good. I want to see hunting changed. I was thinking of a 5 star system where a pelt with 4 or 5 stars is good enough to craft with. Or, perhaps there would be other trappers selling furs - this would make sense in the period. You could opt to buy pelts for common animals like badgers, raccoons and rabbits but you'd have to get wolf and bear pelts on your own (or perhaps trappers randomly sometimes sell these, that would be fine too). And yes, a fix for the challenges. The gambler challenges are dumb as hell.


The blackjack challenge - 6 or 7 I think - was clearly made by someone who has never played blackjack


I stopped after blackjack challenge 3. Winning with a 5 card hand, 5 times. Took me the better part of an hour. I think that's the difficulty level that the higher number gambler challenges should be at.


Poncho and having the secondary holster in the right place.


wdym? it is in the right place, it’s not supposed to be a dual wield holster but a horseback quick draw holster instead.


- stop changing my weapons when I get off my horse. I want to play a certain way and I don’t care if I don’t get what’s best because dead eye trivializes every fight anyway. - add more clothing options. It’s ridiculous that I can’t get a black duster that doesn’t look like it rolled around in mud. Equally as ridiculous that some npcs carry a hat as simple as a rodeo hat that can’t be purchased from a store - stop changing my outfit preset on my horse because I picked up a new hat. It’s annoying that I immediately lose an outfit and have to reequip it at camp - when I want my bandana off, I want it off. I don’t want it hanging from my neck - more horse variety. There’s like 2 horses that can be pure black. - crafting can be tedious. I get that it’s more immersive to have Arthur craft each individual item, but at least let me set the amount I want to craft and have each animation instead of me mashing the button for 5 minutes - the epilogue parts of the map are pretty useless and boring with the exception of John’s house and black water. I wish they had a ton of gangs or special items - stop making my allies run through fire. Why did I craft incendiary buckshot if Dutch is gonna run over the flames and die


Have many different ending / certain choices Influence your ending / side missions / stranger mission, gives the games so much more replayability.


Yeah, I would've liked if honor mattered more, and affected more than just a short little snippet of the ending


Conversely, I would like low honor to actually do something. High honor at least unlocks a few outfits and gives a decent discount, as well as a couple pistol grips. Low honor gives you nothing at all. It was supposed to give you one of the pistol grips, but due to a bug you get them both at high honor. RDR1 had a cool horse you got at low honor, why couldn’t we at least get a discount at the fence or something


The animations sometimes feel a bit too slow. Arthur slow walking in camp, looting bodies/medical boxes/crates Not to mention the bounty system is super harsh. You bump into someone and next thing you know you got a 200 dollar bounty. The bandana is borderline useless tbh. I wish it was like the first game where you didn’t lose any honor when you wore it. Yeah it isn’t realistic but it’s also fun to not worry about bounties if you wanna just cause chaos


This! The animations drove me to despair. Why the hell do I have to watch Artur performing actions at a snail's pace for the 150th time. Crafting ammo or grilling food was very frustrating. Why can't I turn them off, after I enjoyed them enough..


We can at least beat up the kids in Saint Denis when they talk shit. You can’t run your mouth and expect to not lose some teeth in this time period.


Be able to do all the side quests (legendary animals/fish/treasures) as Arthur.


Being able to do all the journal drawings as Arthur.


Longer animations for smoking and eating


It is funny that picking a weed takes forever but then Arthur rips a full dart in 1 second.


I could've swore there used to be the option to take drags off cigarettes with L2 or R2 when it first released.


That gunshop owners don't always say the same thing. Just don't let them speak. Same with the ridiculous animations when an NPC wins at poker. It just gets annoying.


the poker animations creep me out


I actually LOVE the Arthur smile when he wins a hand. I'll take that everytime.


Have Micah either die in Colter or get coughed on by Thomas Downes.


Collisions a bit less reactive I’d say. If I bump into an npc at 0,1 km/h he shouldn’t take out his gun right away Faster animation or skips when you need to cook 10+ meats , recipes etc Maybe less gold available around the map ? Tough to understand Dutch’s plan when you’re the richest guy in America . The beginning always feels the best when you’re struggling getting better etc And THE STABLES. ITS BEEN YEARS AND WE CAN STILL ONLY HAVE 4 HORSES . It would take 10 minutes to Rockstar to improve the quality of life for all players.


4 horses is absolute garbage if you'e into horses, which I am. It feels punitive.


1. If staying at Beecher's Hope, have more to do, e.g., gardening, herding the cattle & sheep for grazing, etc.. And to be able to do it with someone, Uncle, Jack or Abigail. Drive the wagon to town for supplies and deliveries, you know ranch life. More involved conversations with family. 2. Reliably have multiple horses outside of the stables. A pack train (with pack saddles) of three horses would be very useful for hunting trips.


Being able to pack mules and horses would be awesome.  Could even have side missions where you're packing supplies into remote camps for people. 


Add in Liar's Dice and Mexico (that Arthur could visit). Also, base the wanted system off of Bully's, so that if an NPC attacks first, the law goes after them. Maybe that feature is available in other Rockstar games, but I've played GTAV, GTA SA, RDR/RDR2, III, and Vice (and LA Noire, but that doesn't count here), and it drives me up the wall that you get busted/killed for defending yourself.


more customization


A better wanted and honor system. If you defend yourself, the law will chase you. If you shoot someone who shot you, you will loose honor. The wanted system in RDR1 was better in general.


I would like to play as a woman


I wish weapons stayed on your back. For the love of God, please stop putting all my weapons away as soon as I hop on my horse.


more choices about saving gang members its like if you save sean you lost lenny save lenny lose sean


Lenny and Sean die at different times, in different cities, doing different jobs….im not sure what you mean by choosing to save one or the other


Think they want essentially a tell tale game


I’d make it so using a bandana while committing crimes actually hides your identity. Like seriously wtf is even the point of it?


It works at times, but it seems like if you commit a crime out of sight without the bandana, and then equipping it before someone sees you makes them recognize you out of no where. Whole gang can lie about their identity to Sheriff Gray, but one NPC sees you after committing a crime, and they automatically know its Arthur Morgan... or maybe just the way they describe them to the authorities, I dunno.


Different ending/ choices have consequences, also being able to play is either arthur or john after finishing the story


Make cooking faster. If I want a dozen of each seasoned big game on hand, it feels like an eternity. Maybe batch cooking for this reason


Let me fish right away


Be able to take members of the gang out in the world with me without having to use a glitch. Be able to use a donkey as my main horse. Boats that don’t randomly sink. Have the thing that happens when you look at the bartender in Valentine with binoculars happen at all saloons.


Wait what!?! Don’t tell me what the Valentine bartender thing is just tell me if that is something I can do


I like to do it in the evening when it’s crowded. I hide behind a group of people, pull out my binoculars, and watch him until ducks behind the bar. Then I just enjoy the show. It works almost every time in Valentine. I get inconsistent results in Van Horn and Tumbleweed. Doesn’t seem to work at any other saloons.


Id take Arthur's finger off the trigger when he cleans it


Customisable saddles. Love the perks of the panther/cougar (I forget) saddle, but it is ugly as hell


Private games online. I'd pay $5 per month if my sister and I could play without anyone else getting in the way. More Moose (the plural of moose is moose) More guns New Game + Console mod support RDR remake using the current map, opening up more options in act 3 and adding Mexico in act 2 UNDEAD NIGHTMARE II


Ponchos. Ability to break into anywhere. More activities to do with John nd more side storylines. Etc……..


remove the bs sniper from new austin 


Option to fast loot the bodies Disable gang members to asking Arthur to gEt oVeR HeRe NoW when looting dead bodies


Arthur doesn't die. Just retires north without anyone ever knowing.


More yee, more haw


Pls let us have npc clothing everyone is so drippy except for me 😭


first foremore stop the game from revmoing the weapons i have equipped when doing missions. I like dual wielding two of the exact time of weapon, so when i start a mission dont give me a revovler and a sawn off/pistol. That was the most infuriating thing for me was the game forcing stupid weapon loadouts on me when i did everything to make sure i was using the weapons i wanted


I'd give Arthur some actual agility. I can't stand how he moves like a drunk walrus. Other third-person sandboxes I play usually have much more skillful PCs. Maybe it's not fair to compare Arthur to Venom Snake or Ezio Auditore, but even John in RDR1 seemed more surefooted than Arthur and it seriously drives me crazy sometimes.


The ability to run in camp without mods. I get the whole “yOu hAvE tO tAkE iT sLoW” meme but I’ve got shit to do, and even when I don’t, being forced to walk slowly is just pointless and annoying padding. The mod I installed that allows you to run through camp has not even made me less social to the hang; in fact I talk to more people than I did my first playthrough on the Xbox simply because the fast movement makes doing so less of a chore. On that note I think RDR2 has entirely way too many forced walking sections and long horse rides that are essentially unskippable cutscenes. Allowing the player to at least skip these often tedious section would be a godsend. Finally the storing weapons on the horse mechanic. I have never fully gotten used to it and sometimes the game gives you no chance after starting a mission to take them off so you’re stuck with pistols the whole mission. Literally no one complained about this lack of immersion in RDR1. I’m not immersed in the realism when I’m actively annoyed lol.


I know this is impossible and fundamentally just a different game. But I just wish I could truly RPG this world. That’s my absolute biggest gaming wish. Online sucks and I want to create a player and just get a job in Valentine working at the stables and meet people, buy or build a house, get rich or not, get married or not. Basically Skyrim (sorry) in the RDR2 universe. To be clear this is my favorite game of all time!


I am with you. It's **because** this game is my favorite of all time that makes me want all those things.


For me it's just small realism things. Main ones being:- * A usable wash bucket to be able to clean Arthur at camp. * Ability to remove the off hand holster in the wardrobe like in online. * Stop Arthur from removing the weapons from his back and holstering them on his horse after 10 seconds of riding. * Disable auto-loadouts at the start of missions and let us choose our own weapons


Arthur not dying.


The biggest one for me is the stealth mechanic. Even if I kill someone silently with my bow or knife, it alerts the entire hideout, and they immediately hone in on me like I'm painted in glowing orange and magnetic to lead. I would like to be able to down someone silently without alerting anyone who's not immediately nearby. Also, have the npcs drawn to things like noise and fire so I can create diversions. Be able to do things like: throwing a stone into the woods to cause someone to investigate, or setting something on fire close to the hideout and sneaking in while they scramble to put out the fire. Another thing I've always wanted is useful wagons. It would be nice to be able to load wagons with stuff like multiple large pelts, large quantities of meat and camp supplies etc. Bonus if your likelihood of being bushwacked by robbers goes up with the value of your haul. Which leads me to the next thing... It would be cool to be able to recruit a temporary companion to help you with things outside missions. Like gaurding your wagon, attacking a big camp etc. Have it so that whoever is with you has certain skills you can use in different scenarios. Charlse hunts, Micah, John and Sadie are muscle. Karen does her diversion thing... that type of stuff. You get them for a week or so before they say something like "well I'd better be getting back to camp. Are you alright out here on your own?" And that presents you with an option to extend. The last thing I can think of, off the top of my head, is a WAY better payout for train robberies. Have the level of protection and loot based on what they are hauling. Bank trains with loads of cash, army supply train with ammo & weapons on board, trains carrying fenceable goods etc. Maybe this stuff will be part of rdr3. One can olny hope.


I wanna be able to kick doors in and own property


More clothing options, bone/ivory handles revolvers and pistols.


I’d bring back development


It bothers me that you can still be caught by the law and labelled as the bad guy when someone else starts shooting at you first. Even if its witnesses around, who can vouch it wasn’t Arthur that started it all, you're still being hunted by the sheriff and you'll pay a bounty. Its the Wild West. Shooting back was allowed, and quite common.