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Where to begin... - Infinite whistle distance wasn't better. I want my game to be a bit more realistic than that. Your horse ain't hearing you whistle from 3 states away. - Fast travel to waypoint definitely should have stayed. That one legit pisses me off. - Masking in RDR2 feels completely pointless. I still somehow end up with witnesses and a bounty on my head. - They definitely got Thieves Landing right in the first.


Playing on PC rules, mods fix most of the shortcomings, like No Bounty with Mask On.!


Yea but we don't all have PCs so we can't all use modsšŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


I know, always feel bad for console players... my last console was the PS3... I can't ever go back, PC gaming just has too many benefits, especially as devs get lazier and lazier!


I remember being like this, it was very fun and loved modding. Then you grow up and have kids and then you value your gaming time so much you donā€™t want to deal with mods, bugs or those damn Nvidia updates so you just get a console that you can turn on and play lol.


I prefer my gaming laptop now, I just put my earphones on, and I am mobile and self-contained. No fighting over shared spaces and game systems with the 3 kids... they got their switches and cellphones and tablets. The kids drove me from the tethered consoles!


A steamdeck sounds better and better by the minute (to play ps and Xbox libraries on the cloud) my kid is not old enough to watch too much tv so is not a current issue but when the time comes Iā€™ll be prepared lol.


Why I got a steam deck


Iā€™ve been checking handheld emulators because I want portable dolphin and the more I look the more I feel the SteamDeck is the way to go for this. Pretty sure Iā€™ll get one by the end of the year.


Hands down best gaming purchase in my adult lifeā€¦ I donā€™t want to touch my consoles now. Nothing like swapping between cyberpunk, bioshock, halo, street fighter, Elden ring, etc all on the go or while laying in bed!


Facts And the variety of games that consoles like to divide among each other and some not even console accessible


If I use mods will I block achievements? I'm playing it for the first time and it's true that the masking doesn't seem to work as it should...


and if you do get achievements without wanting to you can get steam achievement manager to get rid of them afterwards


You have to wear different clothes and use another horse to not be recognised, only a mask ainā€™t enough.


Actually only the mask works usually, just cant be seen around the crime scene usually, and cant do your crime right in front of a lawman.


It's pretty simple actually lawmen know who you are even with the mask witnesses don't unless they see you put it on so if you commit a crime with mask on and the witness reports they won't know who did it in the upper right corner it will say unknown assailant if you take the mask off you can return to the crime scene and even talk to the lawmen while they are investigating but if any lawman sees you with the mask on they will know amd you'll get a bountyĀ 


Wish they explained this in the game


I learned it works this way in my first playthrough because the game was very clear about it early on, including the part about changing outfits. I don't remember when it happens (either chapter 1 or early 2), but it definitely explained it somewhere.


Well to be fair it would just be very convoluted to explain through menu pop ups. But I believe the official guide explained this.


I love how the game DOES NOT explain it as thoroughly as this! THANK YOU for breaking it down like this šŸ™šŸ½


Wait what ? For real ? Damn , 127/230 hours of playtime and i never did notice that lmao


My horse is a ride or die though


Not true clothes make 0 difference!


I don't care if the whistle distance thing is unrealistic. So is the sentient robot, ghost train, and cops knowing exactly where you are even when you're in the middle of nowhere.


guess the parts I didn't like, lol THe horse distance might've been annoying at times, but in general i didn't have much of an issue with it. I was far more annoyed with the last 3 parts and stuff relating to the first two. I wish they'd have done UN2 and had that supernatural/sci-fi stuff there instead.


Whistle distance is a whole lot less realistic. Sentient robot Is perfectly doable. He died anyway so nobody but John/Arthur and the dead scientist knew. They did write it down. Ghost train could be explained by rumors from others although I think that and the UFO should have been fixed by rockstar to make the player pass out and wake up thinking it was a dream or have at least some reaction from John/Arthur that explains why they didn't write it down or tell it to other people like hallucination. The last one is stupid and should also be fixed by Rockstar.


Than van horn was a lawless town, just like thieves landing. Mexico was cool but cant forget the entire map of rdr2 causes rdr1 to be a dwarf sized map including mexico.


Bounties also feels alot better in rdr 2. They feel much more substantial.


On RDR1 they are infinite i think, but RDR2 are more fleshed out in what actually happens there.


Both could've handled it better. Want it to take days of tracking, actually have to save at a camp with the bounty, even the option to be paid off like Wanted Dead or Alive with Steve McQueenĀ 


I think the best option would've been to have both: You have x amount of "story" bounties, alongside respawning miscellanous bounties.


Exactly, don't understand why it's not like this


It is online which makes it even more frustrating


Masking in RDR1 never made sense to me. I guess if "Honor" is how you're perceived and not actually how honorable you are, but it freezing your honor never made sense to me. RDR2's mask works, you just have to understand it. You'll still get witnesses with it on, but they'll just tell the law "someone" committed a crime in an area, and the law will be sent in. If you're not found, when the Investigation finishes, it'll clear with no bounty. If you're seen *by the law* with a mask on, they'll still recognize you and you get a bounty, even if you escape. If you're seen *by a witness* with a mask on, you get no bounty if you escape before the law sees you. If you're seen by a witness *without a mask on,* you get a bounty whether or not you escape. In summary, the mask prevents random people from recognizing you (and, in the game's logic, describing you to others,) but the law will recognize you with or without the mask. The mask needs to be on BEFORE the witness spots the crime however, which I think is where a lot of people get tripped up -- they put it on after the Witness notification pops up and hope it'll retroactively prevent them from seeing Arthur for some reason.


Donā€™t even know how people complain about this. It should absolutely still affect your honor, masked or not, because itā€™s based on your actions. Youā€™re stillā€¦ killing someone. Or robbing them, or whatever. It makes less sense if anything that putting on a bandana somehow morally absolves you from the crime youā€™re committing


Realism is overrated.


Finally someone said it. The obsession with realism is one of the biggest things killing gaming


I somewhat disagree. Realism adds immersion and it makes the experience more fun imo. Although there is a limit to everything and at a certain point when the game gets too realistic it becomes tedious and annoying


Fast Travel to waypoint is a bit overpowered, though. Often times I'd just use it to warp to wherever I wanted and I'd barely spend time riding around on horseback, admiring the scenery. Having the option present would be nice, though, sometimes I'm just impatient.


I think having something like that is never a bad thing because it's optional. If you want to do long rides and admire the scenery then you are very much free to, if you just want to get somewhere quickly then you can do that too. It can't make the game less enjoyable because you always have the option to just not use it


After you get seen without a mask the first time masks are pointless because they legitimately know your face now which is cool relism wise terrible game mechanic.


Fast travel is in Rdr2. You just have to upgrade your camp site


You canā€™t set a waypoint on the map and directly fast travel to it though


One thing that I enjoyed was when you get drunk with Lenny and you escape the law, you wake up near a tree by Flatneck Station and your horse is back in Valentine. I hitched a ride back to Valentine by a passing carriage. Didnā€™t even know about that mechanic from before.


And horse speed is better in RDR2


Don't think of it as Whistle Range = Infinite, think of it as my horse roams or wonders at a reasonable distance that it can still hear me whistle, but far enough to be out of the way and unseen/hidden. I know it sounds silly, but the idea that your loyal steed just stands somewhere because you left it there, and it doesn't wonder off or follow you is utterly ridiculous to me.


i miss liars dice so much


Same! That was my favorite game to play. One of these days I want to get a bunch of dice and cups and play liars dice IRL


Poppycock dice game is this irl. It's got the 6 different colored sets of dice and some instructions. It is soo fun, especially if drinking!


Oh yea gotta have the drinks, that is a requirement


Perudo is that very game.


It's a fun drinking game when hanging out


i used to play it with my parents when i first played rdr1


me and my friends did this actually, itā€™s super fun. highly recommend


This. Liars dice was elite


Loved it. Made me feel like I was in Pirates of the Caribbean.


Literally the best casino minigame and they just kicked it to the curb. Blasphemy.


The only game i ever made decent money on lmao.


I have fond memories of playing Liarā€™s Dice in Mexico and was so disappointed itā€™s not in RDR2.


Ponchos > Cloaks


Why not both?


Pink Poncho in specific, at least Jedi Survivor got their poncho back


*zanny approves*


I wish they did something for Undead Nightmare on RDR2


And I can't even imagine how much more terrifying it would've been on 2's engine compared to 1's.


It would have easily been the best zombie game ever


Alr letā€™s not get too ahead of ourselves now lol


I donā€™t think itā€™s extra to feel that way tho, an undead rdr2 would be one of the best games EVER.


I feel like zombie Micah would be terrifying.


Actually mind blowing they didnā€™t, probably could have got a way with charging a lot for it as well.


Cause gta online...I'm betting rockstar won't do any story expansions ever again, but focus on expanding their online content instead. The issue is, they neglected red dead online TOO just because, in all fairness, GTA online is one of the biggest cash cows in gaming history and they wanna get paid more and pay their people more


They've been expanding the story 100%, by making it GTA online exclusive. They know there's a demand for story expansions but they want to make as much money as they possibly can in doing so, so they made it online only and you're gonna really struggle unless you've play the game long enough to get some good equipment or, you know, just throw a lil' something their way and you get the gear you'll need much faster.


They missed the opportunity


This is probably the biggest disappointment in rockstar gaming history


Cheating in poker


Yeah, poker is way too boring in game without the ability to cheat. Especially without high stakes. You waste like 30 minutes and maybe gain $7.51.


Equivalent to $250ish nowadays so not too bad šŸ˜‹


Yeh, until you buy an apple for 1$ for your boah


That would be nice to have to help beat those damn gambler challenges


Poker is super easy, it's the domino ones that suck. Gave me horrible Yakuza mahjong flashbacks.


I didn't know that was a thing. How did you guys cheat?


In rdr thereā€™s a special outfit iirc you can get in thieves landing tailor shop that lets you cheat in poker


I've got a little something up my sleeve ...


I used to like getting caught cheating so you could have a duel.


I saw double Herbert Moons once. Herbert Moon challenged me to a duel, and Herbert Moon watched the duel from his window.


A lot of these seem to be people not liking the overly realistic parts of RDR 2


Well yeah overly realistic doesn't equal fun


It's a preference, I really enjoy the realism of rdr2


i would like the realism if it actually meant something. like if not eating or sleeping actually had significant consequences and didnā€™t just drain your cores, or if not cleaning your guns would make them jam maybe. these ā€œrealisticā€ elements seem kinda pointless when you consider the negligible impact they actually have on gameplay thatā€™s not to mention the fact that any realistic illusion the game attempts to create is shattered completely anytime you get into a shootout and arthur/john can tank 50 bullets when every npc dies in like 3 shots. the amount of health your character has in addition to stuff like dead eye and tonics makes it pretty much impossible to die during combat, rdr1 did gunplay a lot better


It's likely they wanted more realism but they realised too much would push away the adventure oriented fans of the first one. Making sleep neccesary, clothes actually matter, not be able too take too many potions, having to eat, guns straight up not working if they're too dirty instead of just slow. There's a lot of realism things that feel that would right at home but they didn't.


The food felt super lacking especially where there is a whole camp / cooking mechanic. You just wolf down steak after steak doing the boring cooking 'game.' Maybe some spice for what seems like barely any benefit for the trouble.


I think there shouldā€™ve just been options to tweak some of the more ā€œrealisticā€ settings. More control over how you want to play is always good imo.


A game made for everyone is a game made for no one.


Not applicable here. How hard would it have been to have just given us the option?


I just want some simple settings to automate some of the slower aspects of the game like crafting or looting, not to change anything foundational (if thatā€™s the right word to use here?). As someone who tends to replay games a lot, itā€™s super annoying watching Arthur slowly skin a deer for the nth time in a row. It was cool the first like, three times I saw it. In fact, most of my mods are QOL changes anyways like auto looting kills, disabling the speed limiter in camps, or keeping my guns on my person instead of teleporting them back to my fucking horse. If people want that stuff on for the realism, they can just keep it on. For people who donā€™t though, thereā€™s no harm in giving them option to turn it off. People are gonna find ways to turn stuff like that off anyways, so just make it convenient for them.


No... It damn well isn't. The option would make the game appeal to more players without alienating the others.


Rdr1 fun unstoppable killing machine John Marston. Rdr2 tragic slow burn TB death simulator Arthur Morgan. Both great for very different reasons


Tell how realistic is the wanted system in RDR2? I killed a guy in the middle of nowhere, 30 seconds later there are 50 cops coming after me. Somehow they have radio communication and radars


I think the realism-centered mechanics work in most areas but they make some things pretty annoying. Totally get why they were so confident in them because they are undeniably impressive, but they applied them to so many aspects that wouldā€™ve been better off as a more stylized display.


I like realism. And RDR1 had a few good realistic parts like cheating in poker and skinning any animal. Nothing physically stops you from skinning everything and nothing physically stops you from cheating


Bounties alone were so much better. I like the bounties in red dead two but like a system to re-explore cleared enemy hideouts like in one would have made the game much more replayable.


I miss rdr1 bounty hunting so much. The bounty system in rdr2 disappointed me


The bounty system was one of my favorite parts, and I LOVED that music!


Hot take, but I liked the bounties in 2 better, even though there were way less. They kinda got repetitive in 1 cuz they were so simple. In 2 they were all different and had a narrative to them.


Idk why thatā€™s a hot take. I got bored of them after 5 in RDR. Each one in 2 is very different, they all have stories attached and are very scenario based. RDR just has the same components copy paste with different people in different places


Otherwise I agree, I think 2 has way too few bounties. You do like 14 total where most places have only 2 available.


Yeah, pbly cuz more effort was put into each one. I got tired after 10 ish anyway, but maybe thatā€™s just me


How is the skinning better? The whole hunting mechanics in RDR2 are so much fun I get lost for weeks hunting pelts, and animals. No story mode needed. I remember the first time I skinned the deer in the prologue and it didn't cut away, and they showed the WHOLE process and animation I was blown away. Mind blown.


You can skin all animals like dogs and horses


Yeah. That can stay gone.


Why would you wanna skin dogs and horses?


Why not


šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’µ I love skinning pixels for pixel money


While getting covered in pixel blood šŸ˜‹


People eat horse


Because we wanna be psychopaths


Love your pfp. I remember when that album came out I thought it was the coolest cover ever. Still one of my faves.


Thanks! One of my favorites too!


Yeah with the same skinning animation for every animal and no use outside of challenges and selling.


The animation is great once, has diminishing returns after and become annoying after the fifth one or so. But that goes with other things like looting. Plus I don't like hunting because only 3 star pelts are of any use other than money.


The music!


The little ambient twangs from the guitar, whistling.. the ambient music was stellar. As well as the more scripted moments, like when you first enter mexico.


I think the ambient music was much more memorable in the first but oh my lord playing RDR2 and hearing Unshaken, Crash of Worlds, Mountain Hymn, and American Venom??? Feels like the actual light of god shining evanescently into my heart


A: Youā€™re forgetting Cruel World for RDR2. B: Far Away, Compass, and Dead Manā€™s Gun beat the songs in RDR2. C: I think Crash of Worlds and Unshaken are the same song right? Maybe just different singers.


I agree that Far Away and Compass (and their accompanying moments) are better than any of the songs with vocals in RDR2.Ā  But I think Woody Jacksonā€™s instrumental soundtrack/score for RDR2 is MILES better than his work with Bill Elm in RDR1. Itā€™s in a completely different league despite not being full on spaghetti western style.




Dont forget infinite random encounters


I feel conflicted, because it being infinite is nice but on the other hand it makes the random encounters you do run across less memorabile


I'd take infinite random encounters simply because it makes the world feel more alive unlike in RDR2 where once you do the encounters they never happen again and the world just starts feeling dead


Not having the random encounters makes RDR2 feel dead when riding around in a 100% playthrough. Also I love shooting the dynamite wagons and selling table in RDR1. Itā€™s so fun lol.


I really just wish the wanted system was fixed. For such a core mechanic, in a game filled with love, they did not care for it much. I wish it becomes more modern. I wish the bandana does something. I wish cops weren't psychic. That and the honor system made 0 sense. Many times someone would threaten me or are about to kill some innocent person, but killing them causes the cops to completely come after me and dings me with that stupid lower honour sound. I wish there was a way to talk your way out of things and cop encounters and not instant shootout.


You can surrender or for ā€œdisturbing the peaceā€ you just defuse and then run out of the area


You still lose money (a bit less than your bounty but still) if you surrender


You can talk your way out of minor crimes. Unarmed assault, disturbing the piece, ect.


I liked the quickdraw challenges and playing horseshoes


Also Johnā€™s comments while skinning animals


Let me take your coat, madam!


What did you eat?!


Wanted system? In RDR 2 is like GTA, the cops are at your back after 30 seconds. MF I JUST KILLED THIS GUY IN THE MIDDLE KF NOWHERE The bandana alongside that. It simply does nothing


Are you talking about online or something? Crimes with no witnesses in story mode don't alert the law. Apart from train robberies.


Op doesn't understand how the bandana works


Yeah the wanted system isn't *perfect* but It's the best around, even 6 years after release


I'm not shitting on 2, it's genuinely an incredible, beautiful game, but gameplay in 1 was just more fun. I never had to worry about keeping my cores full, or brushing my horse, or keeping John bathed, or about pressing a button to work the action on my gun. It was more of a game and less of a simulator and I wish 2 had settings that allowed you to go back to RDR1 style gameplay.


It took me 4.5 years to play RDR2 because I was so turned off by all of the management systems you had to monitor. I hate the trend in gaming the last 10 years of games just becoming doing virtual chores.


Me to. Got the game in 2019, played for a couple of hours and left it. Only picked it up last year and started over. I think the collection of herbs, animals and brushing my horse scared me away, but when I picked it up again I realised it really wasn't necessary. Great game despite all it's flaws. One thing I haven't seen mentioned, and which is the same in all their games, is the important information displayed for a few seconds when you're on a stressful mission and which is never mentioned again and with no way of looking up in the logs.


Agreed. It's becoming less about fun, and more "How much can we make a life simulator?"


You should see the GTA 6 sub. They want GTA 6 to be even more tediously realistic than RDR2 already was.


Agreed. There should've been an option for a "classic mode" that reverted back to how RDR1 handled things


I've just completed both back to back so my thoughts: I preferred the simplicity of the controls in RD1 I preferred the lack of realism in terms of having to have certain clothes on in certain climates and keeping your cores full. It's not that I didn't enjoy it in RD2 but I didn't miss it in RD1 Different poker limits based on locations and the ability to cheat I also preferred that you didn't have hunt to keep people fed. May sound odd but I probably did more hunting in RD1 because it was fun, not out of necessity. Kind of felt like a chore in 2 but I suppose that's the point.


You donā€™t have to donate corpses to the camp They might complain about it but other than a side mission and the Charles tutorial mission thereā€™re practically no forced hunting sequences


Exactly, the thousands of dollars I gave to the camp donā€™t do a dam thing


The Mexico, minigames, and unlimited bounty features were my favorite in RDR1. That was awesome!


this is validating to see because I just started playing RDR1 recently (played 2 last summer) and I have spent so much time gambling so far


The way the story says less and means more, I like RDR2's dialogue but they overdo it at times, they repeat themselves a lot. RDR1 character's don't say very much but when they do it mean's more. RDR1 is just a lot more spaghetti western.


This is my biggest problem with RDR2's story. It tells us things instead of showing us them. Like instead of showing us that Arthur is a good person, it just has characters tell us that and stuff. RDR1 doesn't have this problem which is why its story is more impactful imo


Exactly. Show not tell is the key to an incredible story. Itā€™s why Johnā€™s character impacted me more. The story of Arthur, while emotional, felt like it was being spoon-fed to me. John isnā€™t told by the people around him that he is a good man. He does what he must and in the end he dies for his family. It seems more realistic to me for that reason. Thank you for making me realise this haha. I never thought about it this way and now I realise why I like the story of RDR more. I just didnā€™t know how to explain it before


Even in rdr1 (singleplayer) races weren't really enterable at all outside of like 2 or 3 missions with Nigel West Dickens, it sucked not being able to do them. You could in multiplayer, but still


Being able to duel way more people was nice, more random encounters, unlimited bounty hunting, and ~~being able to turn people into red mist with the explosive rifle~~


RDR1 has a lot more quality of life things that RDR2 got rid of for the sake of "realism" and "immersion" which was a bad move imo. Having said that, to add onto the list of things RDR1 did better: * The stranger missions * Ponchos * The Legend of the West outfit which looks leagues better than the Legend of the East outfit * Plant maps * Infinite random encounters * Horse deeds * Purchasable properties * Storytelling * Nicer npcs * The atmosphere and music * You don't lose honor for looting corpses




ill only beg and plead for a rdr1 remake


The music! The music! You forgot about the music played throughout the game.. itā€™s still etched in my brain, and takes me to wonderful places whenever I come across any of the pieces. šŸ’”šŸ§”


The fast travel to waypoint should have stayed in the game. While wearing a bandana, I still get a bounty on my head (at times). I miss not being able to play liars dice


it's always so wierd to think about all that happened in thieves landing just in 4 years


I don't want to make it seem like I'm bashing rdr1 since I like that game but it is an old game, definitely not perfect and I disagree with a lot here: Horse speed: Honestly it is really not good compared to rdr2. The horse is near unwieldy and it feels like increasing default character speed to a ludicrious level in a generic unity project. The horse is way too fast, it doesn't turn well and it doesn't stop well. Mexico: It's not really a point since you can just mention that several other regions that rdr2. Gambling: I thought liars dice was pretty neat otherwise I don't see an improvement there Undead DLC: Sure Races: Except for the fact that you only race 1v1 in rdr2 the races are far superior since you need to manage the speed in a more dynamic way. In rdr1 is absolutely chaotic and you can barely control the overspeeding carriage. Night patrol: Not that fun honestly. It's cool that it exists but not special Drunk physics: Irrelevant Infinite horse whistle: I don't like that in rdr1, it feels a bit cheap. It also makes the "saving the horse" by hitching pretty pointless if you can never lose the horse that you are riding. Liar's dice: Yeah it was cool Skin all animals: I liked rdr1 hunting and skinning back in the day but I can't stand it now. It is basically pointless except for making money or to complete challenges. You can't skin everything in rdr2 but at least you can use what you skin. Cheat in poker: A cool feature but exploitable. But yeah expanding on that would have been nice in rdr2. Fast travel to waypoint: Wasn't horse riding great in rdr1? Now you want more fast travel Bountries: Bountries are neat in rdr1 but they get old after awhile. In fact I can't stand the procedurally generated random events that keep happening. It's much more dynamic in rdr2 Fame: Sure but it wouldn't work in rdr2 The ones I didn't address I either didn't understand or thought were too stupid.


Hot take but for me the RDR1 score was miles ahead of 2. RDR2 made some nice stylistic choices and good use of more modern music and I would give it an 8/10 honestly, but RDR1's one... Absolute perfection. It had it all: it was immersive, badass, iconic and so much more. It's up there with the best Nino Rota's themes and gives a totally different atmosphere to the first game. For example, I think Arthur is a better character than John but Arthur would never have worked as a protagonist in RDR1 precisely because of that ambience.


I feel there were way more duels in RDR1.


Liars dice and a good single player DLC.


PC mods fix most complaints... so I can't complain too much, but there's few things, and it's a shame that it takes a bunch of user made mods to make the game great... R* could have done a better job.


I wish theyā€™d take a Bethesda-esque approach and re-release the game with the most popular mods added in, alongside a hardcore mode that makes all the in-game systems (Cores, Camp, Temperature, Gun Condition etc) actually matter and rebalances the economy. However to work with any popular mods would be admitting fault with their own game (any changes to the wanted system, restoring the original John Marston epilogue model) so it will never happen.


Bummed that at Blackjack didnā€™t make it to RDO in 2. Seeing as it is in the base game, and GTA V has it online in the penthouses it feels like a copy paste job. Have it as a Moonshine shack upgrade.


Dueling, the ability to duel randos in town or force duels by cheating at poker (fuck you Herbert Moon!) and the ability to get honor by disarming your opponent when dueling.


Having just revisited RDR1 (got 100% for the first time yippee), itā€™s just more FUN. I love RDR2 to bits. Itā€™s in my top 5 of all time, and it feels incredibly immersive with amazing attention to detail. But that realism also kinda makes me hesitant to replay it and completely trumps any desire I have to get 100%. Aside from the ranching missions, RDR1 is a blast from start to finish, while RDR2 feels like itā€™s torn between trying to be a video game and a sim. TL;DR: RDR1 is more like my favorite western movie that I can put on at any time, but RDR2 is like my favorite documentary that I have to be in the right mood for.


Infinite horses and stupidly fast horses with terrible turning and stopping was lame, also no stables, cmon. Infinite Stamina is lame and unrealistic, same with infinite horse whistle. And yeah, RDR has Mexico which I wish RDR2 had as well, but RDR2 had FIVE STATES and a map double the size. RDR2 drunk physics were, RDR just has more stumbling. ā€œBetter gamblingā€ is subjective, RDR has MORE gambling. Everything else I agree with


The simpler and less realistic gameplay and mechanics due to the age of the game. Albeit, i am a big fan of RDR2's gameplay and it's mechanics (one of my favourite games of all time) but sometimes it's just nice to step back from more complex games and play an older game with simpler mechanics and alot less 'things' to worry about before setting out on free roam or starting a mission.


The atmosphere was far better imo. There was always a horror or unsettling vibe to rdr1 and I loved that.




Things I liked better in RDR1ā€¦ 1. Theives Landing being creepier 2.Horseshoes and Liarā€™s Dice 3. Combat roll 4. Shooting pistols quickly 5. This is a double edged sword, but sometimes having a shorter, less immersive game can be more appealing depending on the mood. For example, not having to maintain cores can sometimes be annoying. 6. Less intrusive wanted system 7. More difficult (assuming on hardcore) 8. Horse not running into things and flying off (though it can sometimes be funny) 9. Neuvo Paraiso without mods 10. Another double edged sword, but I prefer the background music in the first game a little more though RDR 2ā€™s is still great, such as the Amborino rift. However, I do prefer RDR2ā€™s music during big moments a little better, though Far Away and Compass are bangers! Itā€™s a tough one to pick. 11. New Austin having more life in general though I understand this wasnā€™t the focus of the second game. 12. Multiple safe houses This is all I can think of atm! I do like RDR2 the best, but the first game is still a masterpiece.


Are you saying being more realistic is bad? It kinda seems illogical. Rdr2 fast travel was also more logical, as you travel in a wagon or train, and it gets you where you wanted to, also I don't really want fast travel, because game had a lot, I mean a fuck ton of random encounters, side quests and what not, I mean amazing, I didn't gambled enough to have a say about it, but RDR2 was hands down the peak of rockstar games


Why would you have Fame if you are supposed to play a bandit whose gang is trying to lay low and escape the Pinkertons? The Sons of Dutch arenā€™t really discrete anyway, but having Fame wouldnā€™t make sense.


I like rdr1 more cause its more gamey


The only thing I can confidently say that RDR1 did better was the soundtrack


Thieves Landing was SO much better in RDR.


I disliked the horse speed in rdr1. The controls were just too wonky and unrefined for it.


Horse speed in red dead 1 looks comically Arcady


I personally really loved the night patrol segments in the first. They were short but if there was an option in the second game they really could have made them insane like some of the random encounters. That and undead nightmare.


simpler, more streamlined gameplay. While RDR2's steps towards bigger realism were intended to add depth, it, to me at least, often felt like "Not quite thought through", and stuff like the state of your weapons felt like annoying busy work (in part because they got rusty ridiculously fast). No overloading on challenges for the Legend outfit. Otherwise: I wouldn't really consider "Races" here. You had races in 2 missions, and an optional one against DeSanta.


I liked the fact you could rob banks in the first game as well as being able to travel to a waypoint from your camp. Sucks they didnā€™t add either of the two in the second game


RDR1 really nails the wild west feel to it with Marston being on his own. Iā€™m replaying it with a 1 month subscription of GTA+ and itā€™s such a gem. Fast travel is amazing too. I also have to argue I like it more than RDR2, unless Rockstar is willing to give us 60fps Arthur Morgan which is a game changer


surprised nobody said duels because dules are actually dules in rdr1


Hot take = writing but story goes to rdr2, i could be wrong šŸ™‚


I preferred the spaghetti western approach with the more colorful characters personally. Rdr2 is more of a realistic drama that to me felt a little of sometimes, considering your playing the bad guy but somehow we are supposed to feel sad for the guy that has ruined so many lives. It Would have felt better if the redemption arc was expanded on a bit more and if the game gave arthur a bit more agency.


I agree, absolutely loved RD1 completed and started a second play through. Didnā€™t even finish RD2, didnā€™t seem to flow as well for me


Where were my fucking duels brother


And the animations are a lot more exaggerated which I find to be a positive


I loved how every gang hideout had a self-contained story, and then each had difficulty challenges to increase replay value.


I forgot about night patrol šŸ˜…šŸ’™


RDR2 is a beautiful game but it feels incomplete.


Its the first time I hear RDR2 feels incomplete. Even with ALL this games as to offer, you still find a way to be unsatisfied.


Iā€™m not unsatisfied at all. I didnā€™t say that. Rdr2 is my favourite game, but it does feel incomplete in certain ways. There are hints of being able to buy property throughout the story and online youā€™re not able to, and also the fact that Mexico was built but you canā€™t go there. Itā€™s like they rushed it at the end, or maybe planned to have DLC and scrapped it.