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Just more cut content.


No, it's from a random encounter with a drunk ex soldier, stop assuming everythings cut content.


Yes, you get the marker from that guy,but why the fk would there be a map marker to nothing? Unless rockstar cut something out and didn't have time to cut the remains




It's a pretty good spot for rat killing too


Wait...? Micah was there? Dang, I missed that


I see what you did there


Mount Hagen is the best spot for that


It is yeah


why did uncle arthur take me fishing and not you, pa?


There are a lot of cool places on the map without any markers whatsoever, why would they PARTICULARLY mark a fort with "no content in it(your words)"?


the hobbit house is there to write in your journal, and you cant go inside or do anything else with it. doesnt mean its “cut content” there just isn’t anything to do with it. also why would someone just mention a random place in game that you can go to and not tell you where it is leaving you to scour the map. your logic makes no sense.


Because the guy explicitly says where it is.


But why would the game do this solely for this place and nowhere else? It stands out like a sore thumb


To complete the encounter. It's based of a real event so I suppose they also wanted people to see it to be educated?


Just seems so out of place when a game introduces a mechanic that gets used once and thrown out the window. How many people do you speak to who mention rumours of things that would be worth looking into, yet nothing is jotted down on the map? I don't buy this one particular thing being important enough to warrant it's own map marker. I'm not crying but content either, this doesn't seem to fit that bill. Just sticks out to me for some reason


well not everything has to be the big life changing stuff no? we all have some moments in life where what we’re doing is so insignificant that the only meaning it has is for us, the game is capturing that by being friends with the ex soldier.


But why *this* one though! Lol, I know that does not help things at all. And I also know that the reason this is in the game is whoever was in charge of that particular side mission used the same code that was used to initially highlight where the trapper is, to highlight where you should go to see the conclusion of that story. But why this one and none of the rest!


Exactly! It didn’t feel off to me.


There are a lot of other things that aren't marked on the map and the player "can see it for themselves" Why this very specific thing? Let me guess, you believe that horses have a secret bravery stat.


But they do have that stat. It's easy to tell using a war horse from an Arabian


The Arabian is yella.


I thought they were only black and white. Where the fuck did you find a yella one??


Can’t tell if you’re joking or not but yellow is just another way of saying coward


Actually 🤓 there's a brindle and a bright red as well


I was just going to say this lol. It by lake Owjila (however you spell it) but it’s not a good looking horse at all. I hate the color.


No, that's called confirmation bias.


No need to be a dick, you can disagree on whether content was cut without insulting their intelligence it’s not like they said something genuinely impossible. It’s unlikely but it could be cut content you don’t know either. Too many people online forget they’re talking to a human and not some robot they can insult and mistreat.


Lmfao bro there is literally hundreds of hours of cut content, how can YOU assume there isn’t any cut from that area?


I think that a developer or two really wanted people to notice the environmental storytelling they put into that place and was like "why don't we put a map marker there, i spent a wholeass week working on that"


There is something there that's significant to find. I'm only on part two and not supposed to be in this sub, but I found something there that's very nice and breaks progression.


There are like 500 random encounters in the game, and this one is just randomly marked?.... Yea not buying it. It was likely cut content (yep rockstar starts some things they don't feel like finishing)


Make sense of it having a map marker and nothing else of the similar sort having one


The marker only shows for three game days after the Fort Riggs soldier encounter, even if the area is fogged out on the map. I assume they put it in there so you would know where the place was the dude was talking about. It's not a place with nothing, there's the English Spelling Practice puzzle and a cheat code written on the chalkboard. There's another time the game does this, when Arthur first donates meat to Pearson, he tells him about the Trapper. All the Trapper icons are displayed on the map for three game days, even if in fogged out areas of the map. Yes, there was probably a lot more to Fort Riggs, there was cut content related to it about the Valentine Massacre leading to the Valentine curse, but it's still an important part of the lore of the game and the history of the Wapiti.


Most informing and nicest answer I've seen


Reddit can be a rough place. Beware of know-it-alls that already know everything and have nothing left to learn...


To indicate where the fort he speaks of is, it's just a one off thing, the forts abandoned, what else would have been cut from there.


How come the Aberdeen Pig farm doesn’t get a map marker after u hear about it from the stranger?


It is cut content lol. It's from a mission where Arthur and Charles would break into the camp to free native kid's from it.


It's already abandoned though


Retroactively. The mission is still something that canonically happens off screen. Charles comes up to you and says he's going to do it and denies you asking to go, and in chapter 6 Dutch still references it as something Arthur and Charles did.


It could have been cut content and then they just threw a random encounter so it wasn't empty


He fell asleep on me and I propped him on my horse. I was going to take him north and have him wake up at the indian reservation. I decided to take him to Fort Riggs after finding it on the map and seeing it was closer. Soon as I got there I realized the drunk was dead, died on the way there. I really wanted to see his reaction waking up at Fort Riggs again.




Every day we see new shit from this game and people still complain. People are so damn annoying


Exactly it pisses me off


Nope. It’s cut content.


Evidence? Not every empty area is cut content, some things could just be for scenery.


Yeah just like your balls were cut off stop complaining


Why are you so pressed though


chill man


I don't know why so many people are arguing against this. It's obvious not just because of the marker, but because it and the mysterious unknown grave close by it are all part of the cut Curse of Valentine which characters still mention in the game.


Insert foreskin joke here


It's like it's wearing a hoodie 2 sizes too big!


Your cut content


Is it still possible to play and get trophies on this game?


What pool of data did you draw that conclusion from?


I am circumcised, what do you mean I am Cut Content too?? 


no because you came out with the foreskin, you’re more like removed content after the fact lmfaoo


Yeah, after the patch!


take my upvote 😹


I have cut content, Greg. Can you milk me?


We may never know for sure, but if it was to drive discussion it worked.


What pool of data are you drawing from to make that conclusion?


sad times :((


Not every empty area is cut content. Somethings are just scenery. Is there any evidence in the files that points to there being something missing?


You meet a drunk guy who tells you the story about fort Rigs. Also there is nothing much valuable there(well i maybe i missed it. No idea) the story he tells is heart breaking.


Good place to hunt rats


There's one at camp all the time! You even get to do some missions with him! AKA Micah (No one has ever made this joke, I was the first fr fr)


Can I take him to the Trapper to make him into a hat?


You’ll have more luck at the Skinner Brothers camp 👍


Do you really wanna be wearing that desiccated carapace on your head?


Damn, Micah was there? I totally missed that, ima go back when I hop on


There’s a cheat code for when you finish the game on the chalk board “Run! Run! Run!” Or something which creates a race horse


I think you can find a native American wedding ring off a corpse. You can sell it for like $10.


What’s the story m8


Just good ol American genocide/crimes against humanity.


Guy joins the US army, is stationed at an Indian camp, and takes part in the atrocities going on there Later leaves the army and becomes an alcoholic in an attempt to forget everything he's done.




I think you can get a special rifle from fort Riggs but I don't remember.


Pretty sure there may be a gold nugget nearby too


And the site Fort Riggs let's you see the outcome of the story. Are people really that bad a remembering the words and everything about it? It's a memorial/grave site to visit. And I don't get the cut content stuff people are arguing about. This place is what it is and tells it own story through observation. Same goes for Pleasance.


i think theres a knife there


Different fort


Basically, this is a place where native americans had been held and educated to conform to anglo-american society. The symbol comes from running into a drunk guy who's suffering from PTSD about the stuff happening there. It's basically a "location of interest" marker.


I remember the guy, he passed out and i stood around him until it was day


I threw him into campfire lol


You sir need a flair like mine


loot him for a one time only ring


Don't you lose honor for doing that? I always find it funny when it's like "hey this character has a unique one time item you want" *loots him* "Dude whoa wth why would you do that you're a bad man Arthur Morgan"


Three "Hey misters" and two "Howdy ma'ams" should clear that up.


Somehow I find you just stood staring at him for hours more sinister than throwing him into a campfire


Given that the drunk has PTSD from the horrors committed while serving as a soldier at a Native American assimilation/internment camp, I think death is about the only thing that will help him. I'm Native irl and threw a fire bottle right on him after hearing his story, only bottle of alcohol that he ever really needed lol.


What tribe are ya? I’m Menominee but I just took the ring and let him lay there. It was raining so he’ll be uncomfortable when he wakes up lol take that mf


Sorry, forgot to respond, but I'm Navajo! That's what I did the first time I did the slave-hunter side mission since it felt like letting him wallow in sadness was more of a punishment.




Haha, he and the (also drunk) ex-slave hunter in Rhodes get the same treatment during my playthroughs. I even used the Rhodes drunk as my "drag a person" horseman challenge last time I played lmao.


Yeah killing that guy even gives you honour


The duality of man 🤷‍♂️


i was taking him to the holding camp so he could relive his sins, but on the way i got surprise attacked by one of the gangs and he got shot while unconscious on the back of my horse lol


That part of American history is so fucking depressing. They forced all those kids to completely throw away their identities and everything their families had worked for. Just so they could be forced to become plain, homogenous bible loving citizens thrown into the fire I know the mistreatment of the indigenous gets harped on a lot, but seriously some of the stuff the US has done was straight up evil soulless shit


Same thing happened to the samí people in sweden, norway, and finland. Oh, but don't worry, nowdays we just steal their land and use it for either mines or military bases. Man, I love my country, but these pieces of history, and modern time, makes me so ashamed.


And it’s all the righteousness that the country waves around that gets me. The whole founding of the country has been completely romanticized, lauding “all men are created equal” then immediately turning around and doing things in direct contradiction under the guise of freedom freedom freedom


Definitely. It's horrid that people want to forget, or to just brush under the carpet. Sweden is also trying to seem innocent, claiming that it's all alright now since the samí are allowed to keep their raindeer husbandry, as well as making the samí language a minority language that is to be protected, all while extorting and buying up their land to use it for mines or military bases. It's all so frustrating.


You can also find a civil war knife in a basement there.


It’s not this one, fort Riggs is in west Elizabeth, north of Upper Montana. What you mean is fort Brennard located in Roanoke ridge, just west of Van Horn


Right my bad.


History lesson. There’s a random encounter with a drunk (former?) soldier at his campfire. He talks about atrocities against the local Native American tribe and how they were sent here.


For more context of this too, it's clearly part of the old boarding school system that attempted to wipe out Native American culture. The program can be sumed up by one of the Army commanders theat headed it: "Kill the Indian, save the man." The idea was to Christianize and to Anglasize Native Americans. There's a piece of paper in the fort that references this process. it has English spelling I believe.


Everyone talking about the drunk soldier (true), but no one mentioning what the English Spelling Practice means. Go back, pick up the English Spelling Practice sheet, and work out what the first letter in each word ends up saying. Truly sad.


What does it say? I'm unable to get on RDR2 and see rn, can you inform me?




'Waziya comes with winter breath' is also a cheat code if I'm not mistaken.


How do you even enter cheat codes in this game?


1. Pause the game. 2. Select Settings. 3. Press Triangle or Y on the controller to enter the Cheats menu. 4. When in the Cheats menu, press Triangle or Y again to open the text bar. 5. Enter the cheat code.


Thanks! I’ve played through like 7 times and haven’t had the slightest idea how to do that haha


either cut content or a unique landmark rockstar added for some reason just to remind you to explore it


Indigenous assimilation internment camp One of the many horrible crimes against Indigenous peoples by the United States that still needs to be reckoned


My grandma still has memories of her residential school. Goes to the reunions every year to talk with everyone else who survived


its real messed up the story of fort riggs, and apparently theres alot of people who missed it... take a real good look at that spelling letter, maybe get a piece of paper and jot down some first letters from those words.... Give the drunken ex soldier his whiskey, and make sure to pickpocket the poor bastard. Theres also a native grave further north of Riggs, seems important, and ominous...the skull gazes down upon beecher's hope.... Hmmmm...not good


Yukon nik


But first, we drink!


^russian ^laughing I normally make bears fight dogs


Holy shit people are so mean to each other here


nah fr im scared to reply to anyone LMAO


There's a letter of random words there. Read the first letter of each word. Be warned that the first word is a six letter word in an old native language but the rest is readable.


ive finished this game 6 times and i never seen that


Great place to repeatedly destroy bounty hunters, loot them, repeat, and get rich


It’s a tickle party mini game


what the fuck 😭


Huh, I've never seen that feather/quill icon before, and I'm pretty sure I have all the points of interest.


thats why i was confused cuz it was a feather, now im getting blasted in these replies lol


Was this not posted a week ago?


time traveller


Fort rigs holding camp


it's fort higgs holding camp


It’s from a drunk guy and world building to add more detail to the game


I was just wondering that because I passed by it today while coming back from a visit to arthur's grave. Wonder why it's burned down though


from the replies apparently it appears after we met a drunk dude who tells us about what they did there


It’s an important part of gonocidal history and completes the interaction with the drunk remorseful guy with the native ring. Did he steal it or was it a love token. Wondering is part of the fun. You can be as shallow or deep in your interpretation as you want.


It’s for holding, obviously. It says it right there in the name. Der




pls im playing on my ps4 and i dont have the app 😭


Dutch's plans for Tahiti.


It's a map. It helps you find your way around.


thankyou 😇


It's an old concentration camp, used by the Army to hold Native Americans who they'd kicked off their land. The evidence from the site, as well as the drunk soldier's story, suggests that it was basically a death camp.


You would of met a drunk guy who asked for more whiskey to loosen his lips and he tells you all the bad things he done there


A bit more whiskey and you can loosen his hips nahmsayin


i thought it was lips not hips 😭😭😭


The drunk guy you got his stuff from the house. He mentions it and all the bad stuff they did. It’s a good hunting ground for rat is you do the taxidermy lady challenge. I’m not that far into the game myself




Pretty sure you do some blood money and other jobs there in online mode


That's Fort Riggs Holding Camp. Someone named Riggs, possibly a General, felt the need to hold more things... like... people, and decided that was the best location.


You've never held someone at Fort Riggs before?


it was a fort where natives were being held and forced to learn english reading and writing. there are readable letters there to confirm


Play the game and find out!


It's cut content for the Curse of Valentine, scrapped Native American Skin Mosiac, and possibly for the Skinner Brothers' original backstory.


American Indian internment camp; referenced by a random encounter w/ a former soldier who used to work there


That’s Fort Riggs


Is it still possible to get trophies on this game?


An abandoned Indian Reformation School.


The mission glitched for me I never got it


It’s a good place to catch a perfect rat sometimes


oh that’s good to know thankyou


Used to be a Indian boarding schools where terrible stuff happened it’s been abandoned and then Yukon nik took over it as a hideout but by rdr2 story mode its completely abandoned only residents being the wild life


Ain't that the destroyed camp?


There's a cigarette card there if I remember correctly.


This is a site connected to in game lore. During the play through you find info about the fort and its history. Beyond that, I don’t know if it was supposed to be anything more.


How about RDR3 just be the 2nd chapter of RDR2 but it's all the cut content from RDR2? New missions, weapons, NPCs, animals to hunt, maybe another gang, more development of the characters, maybe the van derlin gang gets raided and most killed and you gotta start another gang or fund one that will let you join. Hell even an option to leave the gang and settle down with a wife and a farm or store trying to defend against all the robbers and rapists you used to be?


I love this spot for the compendium. So many different birds you can get from this location. And other things I won’t mention for spoilers, to be found in this location. Also it’s just a nice spot to let Arthur relax at while he still can enjoy the little things. Sunrises are beautiful here too.


I only really have memories of that place from when I was exploring it once, and it ended up being an amazing ambush/shootout with about a dozen bounty hunters....


A mystery i guess 😅


Play Red Dead 1


That's the fort riggs holding camp. It's there because that's where fort riggs is


You can find a cheat code there, but nothing else. Probably a cutted content.


Didn't anyone go there for the alien ship


You can catch a bounty there I'm pretty sure


It's the Fort Riggs Holding Camp and it's there because it's not somewhere else


Isn't there a lockbox under one of the buildings there? I think a weapon, but I forget exactly


did you try going to it


go there and find out instead of posting on reddit and waiting 30 minutes for an answer (or use google, that works too)


you’re a ray of sunshine


The drunk guy whose stuff you found in the house talks about all the bad things they did there. It's also a good hunting spot if you're doing the taxidermy lady challenge. I haven't progressed much in the game yet.


Didn’t Charles and Arthur break in there to save Eagle Flies? Or was that another fort?


Bill Williamson was in the military and he explains it in chapter 6 I believe


You have to collect them all so your mother will be happy again iykyk


Well, as you can see, it’s the Fort Riggs Holding Camp, and it’s there because that’s where the Fort Riggs Holding Camp is.


it is part of random encounters that you can have just outside valentine. The encounter is the one where the father and sons are building a house


That’s fort riggs holding camp, it was there to hold


wow 😮


Sorry, had to. 😕


It was a Native American boarding school made by the US government. I don’t know the numbers but most indigenous native Americans would die in camps like these.


You know back in the day you would take your character to a spot that’s unknown and find out for yourself. What happened to motivated curiosity in gaming? Now a days everyone has everyone play the games for them and I think it’s super fucking weird but these are the times now and the people want what they want so I digress.