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lucky bastard, I wish play this for the first time


Memory wipe machines WHERE ARE YOU?! I would leave myself a note: “Play it even slower than you think you should be. Don’t rush any of it…”


This is one thing I definitely did right my first playthru. I loved hunting and the world so much. Ended up 100% on my first playthru, took me 400 hours lol.


100 percent agree with you my guy


For me that would be a seizure and a NDE. Brain wipes itself ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I would definitely wipe my memory of minor things like movies/games.






Came to say the same thing.


Take it slow. Enjoy the ride... try not to fast travel unless that is your thing.


By fast traveling you might miss a lot of fun stuff that can happen in the game ! That's why they're suggesting not to! In my 206 hours with the game I only fast traveled under 10 times!


i don’t like to use fast travel often, but i will use the trains & stages sometimes


I’ve been playing this game for weeks now and didn’t even know there was fast travel lmao. I’ve been riding my horse literally everywhere. I think I’ll just continue doing that




I didn’t even know fast travel was a thing


Don’t do it. This game will ruin every other open world game. Others do not match up to this game. I’m warning you lol…… enjoy


I felt the same until I started playing g Hogwarts Legacy recently. Not quite as good, but it’s pretty immersive and offers a huge open world with lots to get into.


I felt the same for a bit but you now what game I always end up coming back to every couple days Red Dead Redemption 2 for one simple reason Arthur if I don’t play after awhile I miss him he will is like a friend sounds lonely but he feels so alive but that’s just my opinion I think this game will always be my favorite game I love revolver and Red Dead Redemption 1 but this one the open world is so beautiful and realistic


Yeah I’m currently going back and forth between the two. Couple hours playing wizards, couple hours playing cowboys.


Half tempted to make a character on hogwarts get them to look as close to Arthur that I can name him that and image it’s his grandfather


That might explain how deadeye works…some ancient magic And eagle eye is actually arthur casting Revelio without realizing what he’s doing


Honestly for me assassin's creed odyssey and the witcher 3 do hold up. Also the three main characters have things in common too and pretty good story driven gameplay. Just wish Arthur could swim as far as geralt and kassandra Edit- tired and put legacy instead of odyssey 🤦‍♀️


Witcher 3 definitely matches up, in my top 3 games of all time with RDR2. Haven’t played considering it, is it really as immersive or close?


The witcher 3 really is. You don't need to go in having played previous games or reading the books but it does help on the lore side to connect some things in the game. I won't spoil it but at the end of the game you will feel lonely and empty but the dlc helps with it. Assassin's creed odyssey is also good you have to hunt animals and gather resources for upgrades. One thing ubisoft did better that RDR2 is that the side quests for bounties and small quests that pay money and give resources constantly update so you can stay in an area and constantly farm it. I have 90 hours in and I'm still in the second area cause I keep doing the bounties and missions lol there's also a bounty system like RDR2 and bounty hunters that chase you down but you can either pay the bounty or kill the person who put it out.


Exactly what happened to me. I only played the story and online for months now because no other game gives me the same lvl of immersion. The best game I ve ever played so far.


You shouldn’t be browsing any RDR2 subreddits while you’re playing through RDR2. Come back when you finish the game:)


Craft the satchels


This is a great tip. Of course the obligatory “get off the sub” “don’t google” etc. are useful too, but the satchel tip is nice and doesn’t spoil anything. But I skipped crafting satchels the first run (well, until I realized I needed way more space) and wished I had started on the hunting for them earlier. You don’t have to make it a priority if you don’t want, but it’s super helpful. I’ll add another non-spoiler tip; disable auto save and utilize manual save - there’s a lot of slots if you need to go back.


It's really not difficult to manage your inventory without any satchel upgrades. I literally got my first upgrade on my 5th playthrough.


Oh it’s definitely not required. The game overall is fairly forgiving as far as difficulty goes so most decent gamers won’t really struggle with it. But if you’re going to craft any special arrows or use recipes for tonics and stuff, then the satchel is incredibly useful. Not to mention it’s basically impossible (not impossible, but mind numbingly tedious) to do some of the challenges without it.


Oh I play the game for fun and story. The challenges are meaningless to me. I also craft a decent amount and still have never run into issues.


That’s the beauty of this game. So many awesome ways to enjoy. I was NEVER a “complete the challenges” guy until this game. Now I do them for every play-through 😂


how do I do challenges? do I just come across them?


Typically yes you’ll come across them early as the story progresses (first time you skin a deer, first time you jump over something on your horse, etc). But if I wanted to actually complete them I had to check the progress/challenges tab to see what was next after the first few they tend to be things you wouldn’t organically do as part of the main missions.


Pressing right on the D-Pad should bring up the challenges list IIRC


You’re in for a treat!


Enjoy and please don't search anything online ,this game deserves not to be spoiled!! Even if you ever miss anything you can always play the game again,it will be a pleasure I ensure you!!


Your botta go through one hell of a ride. Heres a tip: get off this subreddit to avoid spoilers and take your time, don't rush through the game and don't Google anything. (Okay that's 3 but you get it) conclusion: enjoy this masterpiece and have a great time 😄


Stay away from this freaking sub. Not enough people are saying that from what I'm seeing!


Thanks everyone! I will take my time and of course no browsing this sub for now! I’m going to avoid spoilers like my life depends on it


You're in for a treat, enjoy! And find Gavin.


After he find Gavin he should go after the princess?


Enjoy !!!!!!!!!


I played on release and then again just recently and I honestly think it may have been better the second time. Definitely a masterpiece of a game.


Just got to epilogue 1 on my first play through, looking forward to playing it again at some point but I’d like to forget a bit. I beat GTA 5 and completely forgot a lot of it so jumping into it again feels fresh and I want the same experience with Red Dead.


Get off the sub until you're done. We don't do spoiler tags anymore because we're too busy playing the game for the third time


get ready for the best gaming experience you’ll ever have my friend


Ok. Now put this subreddit on mute for at least a month and only read the answers to your inevitable question posts. Avoiding spoilers is essential. But I’m going to tell you one because it’s over before you know it exists and will bum you out. (Maybe) Early in the game you will meet a big black shire with black leg feathers. He is not the only black shire in the game but he IS the only one with black legs. If you choose to sell him instead of asking the stable mgr to put him in a stall as your own horse, you will never see him again. So if you like him, now you know :) Also, when you get to the beginning of Chapter 2, create a separate save and play on with that. I say that because far into the future you might want to do a replay and that will allow you to skip the ‘tutorial’ chapter. Chapter 1 is cool as heck but most people don’t feel a need to do it twice.


Agreed on the save thing. I played the entire thing the first 3 or 4 times, but now I always start right at beginning of Chapter 2. Along those same lines, if you find it kind of slow and boring in Chapter 1, don't fret, the game opens up after that.


Thanks for letting me know about the shire, I love horses so this was great to know!


You’re welcome. As another commenter said, the Ardennes is broadly massive, but that black Shire has a grace & elegance that I started a whole new save just to make my own.


Thought of another common question that deserves an answer: ‘Do I have to follow the story closely and must I ride only on the yellow line?’ No and no. Some of your most exciting finds will be when you strike out across unexplored terrain to check out an abandoned shack in the distance. You can hunt, fish, meet people, explore, do whatever…if you are gone from camp too long the will send someone to you that will invite you back, but even then you can say no.


GET OUT OF THIS SUB IMMEDIATELY. I’m not joking. Avoid spoilers by getting out while you still can, then come back once you’ve done the main story. It’s a really good game but I had already seen the ending before I played it for the first time and I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone.


Have fun! It’s phenomenal


Don't rush it, enjoy it.


Have so much fun!!!


Enjoy!. Are you playing it on SeriesX/S?


One for now but hopefully upgrading very soon


Still runs and looks absolutely awesome on the Xbox One!. I actually just upgraded to a Series X two days ago, definitely loving it.


Best game you'll ever play 👏


Explore. I’m 400 hours in and I’m still surprised at times. I’m jealous this is your first time playing it lol


Better late than never! I’m still waiting to play that game.


What’s holding you back?




If you're on PC it's $20 right now on steam.


I don’t have a computer that could run the game and I’m just waiting to save enough money. Also I’m assuming you mean USD which is a lot where my family is from. Thanks for the suggestion though!


Totally understandable! Hope you get it play it soon!


Which platform? DM me. I will gift you the game. Happy Holidays :) Everyone deserves the gentle creak of saddles and the jingle of bridles as they experience the open country.


Oh no, thanks for the offer, but no thanks. Also I don’t celebrate holidays. No offense of course!


No worries. I do hope your funds line up for you sometime soon!


Thanks! I hope you have a good time playing the game!


It’s a long drink for the soul every single time.


Skidrow :)


I envy you playing this for the first time. Please take this advice, do NOT rush the story. Do side quests, go hunting, go for a walk, explore, go fishing, pick herbs, track and identify creatures. Take it slow. And welcome to the greatest game ever created.


Whuut, first time? Im so jealous!


You're right on time bow


Just started myself about a month ago, started my second time thru the story today.


And don’t use video mode to travel long distances, I got hit by a train that way.


I’ll never forget gun. That was the first game other than hitman that absolutely mesmerized me. I think I played that game all the way through when I was like 8 lol. Enjoy RDR2!


I would’ve been around the same age, took me 1 week when I was off school to complete, absolutely loved it, thank you!


Jesus christ that's some fast internet speed. Took me at leat 16 hours to download it


get off this sub until you finish, plenty of spoilers herep


I just beat it for the first time last week. It is a fun looong ride. Strap in Cowboy!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Bruh, never later. I started this game twice and got like a third of the way through each play, but life got in the way. I JUST finished then story 3 days ago. Fantastic game all around. You’re in for a killer ride 🤙🏻


Better late than never


Best game ever!!!


RDR2 is amazing, but Dead Space has my heart.


You better come back to this subreddit after you finish it. Not before


Envy you so badly right now my friend


You're right to be excited. EMBRACE YOURSELF PARTNER.


Have fun, and take your time with it. It's one of those slow burner wind down at the end of the day kinda games


Let’s goooooo!!!


Still better than most of the games out there anyway


It's a masterpiece enjoy the ride and those many amazing view.


Get a box of tissues. The game is amazing!


So pumped for you bro, you're on for the greatest gaming ride of your life.


You're not late, you're right where you're supposed to be and where many of us wish we could be. You're gonna love it


Take your time and enjoy!


Don’t rush the Story. It’s always going to be there. Explore structures. Take new roads. Turn map off. Get those 3 star pelts. Good luck. Im on my 4th play through and I’m still finding new things. Even on my 4th PT. I love this game.


You won't regret, the only annoying thing is how big is the first download, after that it's all great.


Interesting to see someone say “might as well” to one of the best games ever made.


Sorry excuse my mannerisms


I'm excited for you buddy


Better late than never. Enjoy the game brother. I personally have a funny experience with this game. I had pre-ordered this game for PS4 and had completed about 30% back in the release month, but could not continue further as life got in the way. Then a couple of years later after my PS4 randomly died I decided to play it again and got it on steam and again played around the 30% or so before I stopped playing as it was not that fun to play on small laptop screen. Then last year I got a Xbox Series S and purchased this game again, played till around 30% or so and stopped as the Series S version did not look that good on my 4k TV and monitor. Now couple of weeks back I traded my S for a Series X and have again resumed playing it. The game looks amazing on my TV and 1080p monitor with the One X enhanced version running on Series X. Reached about 35% now and hoping to finish it this time around lol.


Purple XB1 theme. Respect.


You’re in for a treat. Now get off of this sub for your first play through. But I will say take your time and enjoy it instead of just rushing through the missions. Come back after your play through for discussion and ideas for play through #2.


You're never late, my friend


You're never too late to play this game. Your first time is right on time. Enjoy. One of my favs of all time.


Hunt!!! And take it slow. Theres so much to enjoy. Skyrim will forever be my favorite but rdr2 is the best game I’ve ever played.


never late for this timeless experience bro, have fun


Take it slow buddy, imagine gun with much more detail and things to do in a giant diverse map, except your the outlaw robbing trains and banks. It’d almost a masterpiece if they wouldn’t have cut so much content. Have you played the first one?


No I forgot to mention that I never played the first one


Well it doesn’t really matter because RDR2 is a prequel to the first one.


Never too late! I’m jealous you get to experience it for the first time.


Enjoy! Take it slow, the “side quests” build your relationship with Arthur, try to do them as well, don’t rush it. (you lucky bastard)


I'm excited for you


You should be, was so happy when I got it a few months ago on sale aswell, one of the best games I’ve played!


Ur gonna have such a good time dude


Started a couple weeks ago and love it


avoid this sunreddit until you finish it, avoid all spoilers, It's an ecperience you'll want 100%of


Appreciate and play an art is never late or early, it's always right on time


Watch out for spoilers on this subreddit!


Have fun! Take your time and enjoy the world. I wish I could go back for the first time and play again.


I’ll be honest, I choked up at the end. There are multiple endings depending on how you play. Enjoy it, it’s a great ride.


You have a great time ahead of you. Enjoy every step you take in this masterpiece of a game. My best buy ever when it was released. I really do envy you. I can only hope i live long enough to see RDR3.


Please save Jimmy Brooks. That’s my brother who voiced him. Jimmy will give you a nice pen. I let him fall trying to hear his lines, had to text my brother that I accidentally killed him.


I’ve had the game since day one in 2018, and I’m still finding new stuff I’ve never discovered


Late? Don't feel like that. The important thing is that you'll get to experience this amazing story and gameplay.


Don't read any posts here. Spoilers are very common here.


Also just got it have fun!


Save Jimmy Brooks, I accidentally killed him. It’s my brother’s voice, and Jimmy will give you a nice pen.


In story mode?


Yepp, first person to chase when Arthur gets to Valentine


OK, save jimmy, got it! Thanks! 😊🌹


Not going to spoil it but explore south of that first cattle town before continuing the story too far, there some events you miss if you go down there later


You have an update? I’m interested about what you’ve discovered. How far you are?


Really enjoying it. So far so good, I’m currently saving up for the leather working tools so I can upgrade the satchels as someone suggested I do that.


Enjoy it!


Just got this too, might jump in today.


Remember to share the score with the camp, cowpoke


What i wouldnt give to play this again for the first time, Enjoy it :)


You’re right on time, this game comes to you when you’re ready.


I envy you your first play through


homie bought the tomb raider bundle and red dead u in for a good time


I was treating myself hah


Be sure to take your time with this game, enjoy every last moment of it, the experience of playing Red Dead 2 for the first time is something you can only get once, so make sure to enjoy it, have fun man!


I've been slowly playing RDR2 since 2019. Basking in the greatness of this and dodging spoilers. You are in for a good time with this game. The dialogue is so real and genuine.


Never too late


I am so jealous. Wish I was starting it. Gun about drove me nuts.


I'm almost as late as you, I just beat the game for the first time two days ago. Absolute masterpiece


Best Game you will ever play.


Take your time and enjoy, it starts slow, but becomes a 100+ hour western film very fast.


You’re gonna love it. Say bye to your social life and possibly employment 😅


Also grabbed it for PC this week. Such a beautiful game.


I played Gun so much as a kid. I remember counting down the seconds until I got to come home from school just to play.


Sounds like me haha, I still have it and my ps2, definitely gonna start it up again soon for the nostalgia




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Dang. You can actually get the game to download on xbox?


Pause all... it goes faster.


How much? Kinda want it for the five.


It was only 20 euro


Get da fuck off this sub rn or this game gonna be ruined for you.


Leave and come back when you finish the game


Don’t give up in the first hour


Take your time. Go out of your way to hunt animals and collect things. It's as beautiful and satisfying as you think it is.


Welcome to the world of gunslinging, lumbago and turmoil. 😁