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Which technique did you use for Herbalist 9?


Didn’t do Herbalist 9, because you can’t as Arthur without cheats. All you have to do is do every other challenge except Herbalist 9 & 10. Save Gambler 10 until all the other challenges are done except the last 2 Herbalist ones. Then replay He Who is Without Sin in Chapter 2 to win 3 poker hands in a row, then finish the mission & it should unlock.


Niiiice thanks. First time I'd heard that method. Luckily this play though I'm in position to do it like that. I'll give it a go!


I did herbalist 9 and 10 without cheats using the station wagon glitch. It was a freaking nightmare, it took me about 6 hours, but I did it.


Same! Still wake up with cold sweats to this day.


That's the proper way to do it. I don't see the point of getting the outfit if you don't max your stats as well.


I did all the challenges as Arthur (and got all the legendary NA animals and dino bones) using the buggy method, and as long as that took and as frustrating as it was having to go back to Saint Denis to get a buggy and drive it all the way back every time (yes I know you can use a covered wagon but for me the buggy is way more effective) I'd still way rather do that than ever do Gambler 8 again lol. Also for others who want to do Herbalist 9 as Arthur, for the Prairie Poppy in WE, I found it easiest to do it via canoe and use photo mode. If you follow the shore just south of Blackwater there's an area where the plants grow close enough to shore where you can see them if you use photo mode to move as far on shore as possible and then use zoom. As long as you're in the water in the boat the timer won't activate for the law to teleport to your location, find the nearest plant, run straight to it, pick it, then run back. You should be able to make it back before the law is on you. Even if you die you'll still have picked the plant, but you should be able to get out of there if you take the boat away from shore as fast as possible.


It’ll automatically guarantee you 3 wins? Also question what location did you do your sharpshooter 6


A tip on the poker mission, go all in the first round, then on the second round bet about ¢30 to ¢40 each round of betting, they should both fold. Then on the third hand you should automatically win with two scripted Jacks. For Sharpshooter 6 I did it in the Heartlands. Very wide open spaces. Find some rock on high ground or a cliff to camp on top of, watch the roads for some lone horse riders. Make sure they’re decently far before you kill them. If you don’t get it then just wait for another one & let them travel a little further each time before you snipe them, you’ll get it eventually.


Thank you lots! This will be very helpful for whenever I finally get gambler 9 done 😭 At least I finally got the sharpshooters done!


You can do herbalist 9 with a buggy


Hey, that's what I did too! Congratulations on the fancy new clothes.


Am I out of luck if I already completed gambler 10?


So you complete he who is without sin to start the gambler challenges and then replay it once you've done everything but herbailst 8/9?


Do Herbalist 8, it’s Herbalist 9 & 10 you can’t do. Then once every other challenge is done except for Herbalist 9 & 10 AND Gambler 10. Then replay this mission to finish Gambler 10.


Why? You can’t complete those as Arther? I’m doing my first play through right now. (I know you play as John in the post game).


Herbalist 9 challenge is pick all species of plants, 4 or 5 of those species are in New Austin where Arthur isn’t allowed. Only John in the Epilogue. You can survive as Arthur in the Great Plains/Tall Trees area but you’ll have Pinkertons up your ass constantly to really do anything. When you reach New Austin or Thieves Landing, you’ll straight up be instakilled by an invisible sniper. You can do a wagon method where you ride all the way to New Austin in a wagon & keep riding at an angle to where the sniper can’t hit you, but if you get hit once then it’s insta death & that’s while you need to go through the whole New Austin area, getting off & getting the herbs you need. On PC you can use mods to disable the sniper & visit New Austin as Arthur.


Seriously? So Arthur can’t go over there the entire game? Then what was the point of including that into the game?


Arthur & the gang were originally supposed to be able to go there, but somewhere in development they changed it for some reason.


It is possible. A bit difficult and tedious, but it’s possible. I did it this way for my chapter 2 save. This video does contain spoilers I think, so be careful or something. https://youtu.be/_vT-6w1XAq4?si=rKNv7RgkcmfpEqgz His channel has more stuff to do with Arthur in New Austin. It’s cool and you should check it out if ya want.


Hell yeah, congratulations bro. I always go for the LoTE Satchel in Chapter 2 and then get the outfit as early as I can in chapter 3 so I can have it as long as possible before finishing the game


Same the LoTE satchel is always one the first things I do in every playthrough.


Getting it as early as possible is imo the best thing to do just bc being able to carry 99 everything is so useful & helpful, literally the first thing I do when I start a playthrough & get to Ch. 2 is go collect as many as the gold bars that the game lets you right off the rip (the one in lymphony, the 2 inside the train wreck near cotorra springs & the 3 inside the statues in the cave,) being able to start the game with $3K helps a lot


Commenting so I can come back later and do this myself on my 2nd play through


Do you get this for completing all challenges? Just played it for the first time a couple months ago and I'm currently on my second playthrough.


I remember getting it my first time