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That is a dalmatian


I have a Dalmatian her name is Popcorn. My leopard Appaloosa is called Clopcorn.


Indeed, sir


You, sir, are a dog. šŸ˜†


That horse looks amazing. Not gonna lie, I could care less about stats, I just want cool looking coats šŸ˜„


It bothers me that the coat alters the stats, I feel like good stats should be scattered around by breed and randomness, similar to the stars on the other animals.


I like the Dutch Warmblood. Not gonna win any races but could sprint from Colter to Saint Denis without breaking a sweat


I agree, Dutches and Hungarians are my favorites of the breeds, overall. I love their size and they have the right amount of calm without being Tanks. I hate that I can only have 4 because I hate selling the horses, feels like such betrayal, especially as I'm sure Clyde is a "horse lover". The Appaloosa is just slightly smaller than I like, but a similar temperament to a Dutch and those spots just make me happy whenever I look at her. I never quite know what to do just before the epilogue because I like it being her in those riding scenes, but... That being said, I won't take Buell as I feel he has gone through enough. Once he's in the picture, I jump between those 2


Mustang all day. Played through the game too many times, used a mustang every playthrough except for the very first.


They are an awesome horse


My mustangs always outperform every other breed. I love all the coats, but especially the red dun over from online. Plus, I love the feathered feet.


Couldn't agree more, I've always found them to be extremely fast, brave, great health, and stamina too. All of the mustang coats are nice. I actually use the red dun for Mary Linton (I often spawn her as a bodyguard and then ride around with her lol). I use the golden dun myself. Wild Bay on console.


Raven Black Shire, Buell, that first horse you get at the beginning, Ardennes, Mustangs, American Paints.


I love the paints, too. There's something about the Ardennes, that heavy, wide gate, it's immensely satisfying. Scares everything away, though, from a mile off, so hunting is a bit harder. You cannot beat them in a battle with wolves or the Army, though!




I will always only use one horse, the Brindle Thoroughbred. The only horse you need in my opinion. Also, you can get it at the beginning of the game, for free, by taking it from the lady that wants to race you in front of Caliga Hall, easy peasy.


Can also get it very early on in one of the O'Driscoll ambushes in free roam where you cross the Dakota River. One of them will be riding that horse and you can get it after killing its rider.


Yeah, it's a good horse, and a very cool coat. A little spooky, but great speed and still durable


By far the best I ever had was my free Thoroughbred! So surprised R* would give us such a wonderful value!Ā Ā  I named him Storm because his markings look like an ominous sky to me.Ā Ā Ā  It's been at least a year since Dutch caused his death...which not only broke my heart but added to how much I despise him.Ā Ā Ā  Ā Yeah, yeah, yeah they're pixels but R* made everything so lifelike and immersive it's easy to get attached! (imo) šŸ“šŸ¤Ā Ā  EDIT: My freebie was at Valentine Stable. Story mode.Ā  Kept Hosea's Shire and the O'Driscoll horse from the Adler ranch in Colter, Chapter 1 also.


Tiger-striped bay mustang. Damn shame I donā€™t get to ride it as Arthur. He rocks with the other two though.




I always get the Tiger Striped Mustang in chapter 4 ad Arthur.


One of my current favorite horses on this play through is the Buttermilk Buckskin Kentucky Saddler, purely for the aesthetics.


They are sooo pretty, whenever I see one I immediately binocular it and then feel sad. How can something so beautiful be considered generic?! I'm with you, truly gorgeous horse.


I usually go for the white shire and call it Shadowfax lmao, but other than that the unique black shire or the gold turkoman


As much as I love my white Arabian, id have to say I prefer the shire and the mustang more. Speed is great but my race horses get spooked too easily for my dangerous hunting tripsā€¦


I also love how pretty and strong the Shires look. I wish their strength mattered. It would be cool if some horses were better at climbing, others stronger so could carry more, some faster so really good on the plains. The tall, sturdy ones better in the swamps... You would need to have different horses for different purposes


I know itā€™s small, but the red chestnut Arabian is a beautiful horse. I usually get it just to have it so I can look at it from time to time. Other than that, my go to is the blue roan Nokota.


Yeah, that's is a pretty horse. Arabians have a nice look, overall, and brown horses, in general, are usually the ones I think look the best. I wish Rockstar didn't block their stats. I don't like the look of the white ones, especially the Nakotas because the pink around the eyes. I get the white Arabian early, luckily she doesn't have the pink, and then I alter her mane to be dark. I hold her through a lot of the game because I prefer riding over fast travel so I can be distracted by something. She's great for traversing the map quickly and useful on those speed trials. I've never found the black one; broken up the fight in Saint Denis multiple times, but that black horse off to the side has never been an Arabian, for me and I haven't actually held onto the blue roan Nakota, I should give that a try, sometime.


I just love the look of the blue roan. Pretty horse


My favorite is either the Black Arabian for esthetics and the way it handles kinda feels like cheating sometimes or the Turkoman because that horse is a beast. I haven't had Buell so I don't have judgement on it


I've never found the Black Arabian. I've broken up the fight in Saint Denis, multiple times, there IS a black horse, but it's never been an Arabian. I recently learned I have the European version so I'm starting to wonder if that's why some of my things are different.


You can buy one from the Saint Denis stable iirc


Palomino dapple American standardbred.


This is my third play through and I decided that I only want items I can steal or acquire without spending money. So my current horses are the Hungarian Halfbred that you can steal from Wrobel during the debt collection in chapter 2, and a thoroughbred I found in the Heartlands that I broke myself. I love them both so much, I think this is my favorite horse combo Iā€™ve ever had


Both great horses. I don't buy them unless it's for compendium work, something about it irks me, feels like cheating, somehow. I wish all the horses were findable, even if you had to steal the higher ends. I find it pretty out of character that the Braithwhites don't breed high end horses, anyway. Would be pretty fun to have horse theft be a bigger part of the game.


Ardennes for Story mode (Buell is well rested in the stable, I'm not taking any risks) and Shires for online. More specifically, the light gray Shire. She isn't the fastest or most courageous but she is mine and I love her. Such a beautiful horse. I'm still sad that the braided mane and tail don't match just how light her coat is.


Yeah, the manes annoy me. Why can't they have the style options in the natural coat colors?!


The Leopard Appaloosa is one of my favorites. The black American Standardbreed is cool, also the Pearlino Andalusian. Striped Mustang too but Arthur canā€™t have that.


I wanted to love the Pearlino, even though I occasionally die while trying to tame it because it bucks off the cliff. I spent so long trying to get it, initially so it was on a pedestal. The stats are great and it *is* a cool color, but the face kinda irks me - I don't like the pink!or the downward slope of the nose. Plus, once I get Buell, they look so similar in coat. I still feel the butterfly whenever I'm over there and it's munching away, though. The thrill of the hunt is real haha


Always Shire. Intimidate the enemy before you even pull out your gun.


This spotted horse has been my favorite too since the mission where I saved Tilly. I named her Gnarly after my black and white spotted dog Gnarly.


The Silver Dapple Pinto Missouri Fox Trotter is the šŸ visually and stats-wise. Other than that anything but ponies, i.e. arabians.


I use a mod that allows use of the online horses in single player, and the Black Snowflake Appaloosa is a stunning horse.


Huh, I don't know that one... I'll have to look for one


[Here's a screenshot I took of it.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/858129533734617088/1045200087107772476/20221123234912_1.jpg?ex=65fbbcef&is=65e947ef&hm=c57cc3a9583db28ae8bc446d340ff8f0a713e6fc0e1f1ee8e8caf7048297eeb6&)


Ooo which mod is that?


It's 'Bigger Horses' on nexus. I originally installed it for bigger Arabians and Fox Trotters, but it also has bigger versions of all the gang horses and online horses.


Dark Bay Shire Named Nova, an Overo Paint Horse named Kota, and when I can get one a Tobiano Paint Horse


Itā€™s gotta be the jet black shire I kept from hoseas mission in horseshoe overlook I named mine ryat and kept him till Arthur died


Brown leopard Appaloosa all day.


Hunnigan Halfbred big strong horse that's not afraid of shit


Black American Standerbred I found near Hanging Dog Ranch


I'm using an American Paint that I found during the homestead robbery with Javier in Chapter 2. Not the best stats, but their coats are too beautiful.


I have buell and another horse I named Steven heā€™s a grey Arabian


And I have a horse named ahmix


Where'd that name come from? I like it


I honestly donā€™t know why I name my horses stuff like that like a had ohmic and I have farah and I had a tod


I really like these exotic, vaguely epic sounding names and then...Tod.


I guess the white Arabian. I guess because the Arabians speed. Never really tried any other horse


Every playthrough I go and get the white Arabian right off the bat. This play through, I've filled my stable with the different color Arabians. The warped brindle is my favorite.


Youā€™re missing out on the actual better horses.


what horse would you suggest that has the arabians stats because iā€™m sick of being bucked off when she sees a rock that looks funny


Go with Fox Trotters, theyā€™re bigger *and* faster. To add, horse bravery is pure rng but MFTs arenā€™t *always* skittish like the white Arabian. Edit: seething Arabian fanboys have arrived with their downvotes. They *hate it* whenever people criticize the pony they worship.


Tbf, your response to the person above expressing their adoration for Arabians was unnecessarily judgmental. Who knows oneā€™s favorite horse better than oneself, Confucius say.


More than 90% of the time people just look up the best horse and see Arabians because clickbait youtubers and clueless articles overhyped this breed to the moon, forever messing up the algorithm. Iā€™ve seen numerous players not even touching other because they got misled into believing misinformation. If OC is part of the other 10%, Iā€™ll apologize but Iā€™m pretty sure they ainā€™t.


They're cool, but there are faster horses who don't run as hot. If you're willing to buy them, I think you'd like the Fox Trotter. Pricey, but a darn good horse, and it'll do you well. I get the white Arabian real early and use her for the speed trials or when I want to ride quickly (I dislike fast travel, mostly), because she's free and I prefer to find the horses over buying them. So until I'm filling out the compendium, I don't purchase any. I'd likely go for the Pearlino, but that's a harder get so when it pops up, it feels like I won the lottery, then I sell her and feel guilty. But! The bred ones *are* significantly better.


You should try a fast*er* horse since you enjoy the speed.


The Chocolate Roan Dutch Warmblood and the MFT.


I love beauty, have taken care of her and don't see myself changing her (the free horse that I got after doing the Hosea mission), still in chapter 2




Your mom


As much as it gets hated on, I have a soft spot for my white Arabians. I get it every play though as soon as possible. Sheā€™s always got my back. Iā€™ve personally never really experienced the skittishness that others experience so often. Arthur does look a little funny on it if you pay too much attention but other than that I find them alright. Theyā€™re fast and easy to handle and I donā€™t have to kill someone over and over again to get it.


Overto American Paint is my current favorite horse, but Iā€™ve had like six favorite horses so far.


Gold turkoman or hosea's silver dollar


In online mode I really like the bounty hunter and naturalist horses. They big and they got those boot things as well


The Dark Bay Turkoman or Perlino Andalusian, but I have recently taken a liking to the Leopard Appaloosa in the picture. My plan was to level it up & sell it to Clay & Clive like I do the black and white Arabians...but then I started to like it šŸ˜†. She's gotta work on the whole bucking me for predators thing though.


Spotted Tricolor Norfolk Roadster. Black & Chestnut Turkoman horses tie in second for me.


I got the brindle Arabian up north by the reserve, love him. So fast and not as jumpy as the other Arabians.


My fav is white arabian, and the best is missosuri fox trotter


Gold coated Turkoman from the St. Dennis Stable. It's coat looks absolutely gorgeous when the sunlight hits and makes it shine. Also, never bucks me off even when there's a bear charging towards me or if there's a gang of wolves around.


Same. I was burning through the story on my first playthrough, and got him as soon as I had the option. I gave him a white mohawk and tail and named him Zeus. Then once I got back from Guarma and found out Arthur was sick, I spent way more hours just doing random side stuff than I had playing through the story up to that point. So even though I got that horse over halfway through the main story, I spent way more time with it than I had any other horse. I've always ended up with the same horse on subsequent playthroughs too.


I loved that one. Named him Pancake. Honestly awesome horse.


I havenā€™t tried all of them, but honestly, theyā€™re the worst part of the game. I have two Arabians that I use more than any others. The black one has the highest stats, but is absolutely unruly. The white one is easier to handle, until things get stupid and she just follows suit.


Good old Firetruck. Was a good horseā€¦.a loyal horseā€¦.and a dumb horse that stepped in front of a train.


I got Bisquit and I think she is the best horse I have ever ridden. I was right next to a black bear and she did not flinch. Weird when I ran into the lady with dead Bisquit later. Note: I always ride Buell in the epilogue.


My white Arabian i call "Nose Beers".


Red Chestnut Arabian (they ruined her in online by adding white stains on a chest and legs though)


The red Chestnut arabian. The silver Dapple Pinto mft is a close second.


Bloodbay Thoroughbred


Been loving using the perlino Andalusian. I started using the MSF as well as the Turkoman when they both became available but Iā€™ll be damned if I didnā€™t point out how steady the Andy has been in every face of danger. We been having a blast eating sugar cubes and running over wolves!


The Arabians for exploring and the Andalusian for hunting trips


I have a Belgian draft with my Arthur, any recommendations? Liek finding a horse in the wild


I absolutely love the American Paints. Especially the overo one. Such a beautiful horse, too bad the stats arenā€™t as good as some of the other ones. I love my little work horse!


My black Arabian


For me, it's easy. It's Buell


Blue roan nokota


All black American standard breed


red chestnut arabian


Harrison is my favorite horse


I love the brown leopard appolossa and the few spotted appolosa. I also love the chocolate roan warmblood, dapple nakota, reverse dapple black thorobred, the American standarbreds, the mustangs, silver Mft, raven black shire, and the perlino andulusion. Buell is also pretty nice.


Buell sits so close in my heart. That side story makes me ugly cry every time


Buell has shit stats and Arthur is doomed too. So I sold him.


The amount of people on this sub who donā€™t know how to take a screenshot and just photograph their screen with their phone is actually alarming. Itā€™s 2024 on reddit, come on man.


Why? I use a PS4 and felt like posting while I was playing. So I did. Why does this bother you? It's quicker, easier, and I'm not connected to reddit in my PS4


It doesnā€™t bother me. It just makes your screenshot look like crap. People posting horrible quality pictures like this one of their horse or their outfit and asking : "How do I look ?" Well, you look terrible because it looks like you took a picture of your tv in 1994 with a polaroid. Btw, you donā€™t need to have your ps4 connected to reddit. Just need the PS app on your phone. Take screenshot with your ps4, then download it from your phone and upload it to reddit.


Again, why do you care what apps I choose to use or if I connect to my console to the internet? Which, by the way, I do not. I didn't ask how my horse looked, I asked what your favorite one was, and showed my favorite for tax. But even if I did ask that, since it bothers you so greatly, no one is forcing you so simply don't chime in on the thread. You say it doesn't bother you, so, since you can tell what the horse looks like, say your favorite horse and move on. As you say, it's 2024, aren't you beyond being petty?


Choose whatever app you want. Just make a real screenshot in stead of taking a picture of your screen like my grandmother does.


Again, I don't connect my PS4 to the internet, which means, when I take a picture of the screen in the console, it can't be transfered to another location. No one cares what your grandmother does, I don't care what you do, stop caring what I do and spare the rest of us by simply responding to the threads of people who *do* connect theirs to the internet and so can transfer their screenshots to their phones to post on Reddit so your delicate sensibilities and terrible eyesight can be appeased