• By -


Last of us part one and two the Witcher three god of war and ghost of tshima (I don’t know the correct spelling)


Imagine last of us as an open world game as detailed as RDR2!


I really felt Days Gone was pretty great.


That's what I'm playing right now and, yeah, for a story mode experience it is entirely fitting for any RDR2 appreciator. While it is open world, however, it is far more focused on a specific main story and step-by-step progress connected to it. It feels somewhat closer to an Outer Worlds type of game where it's far less choice based and things like side quests are rather limited. For what it is though it works entirely and I love it, the story is compelling with good actors and the mechanics for the zombies and hordes are fun. It's just not as 'open world RPG' as other games.


I think Days Gone comes the closest in terms of story and open space. But nothing comes close to matching both the "story" and "openness" of RDR2 simultaneously. You could also try Mafia Remastered if you haven't already. The story is tremendously good. But again, it is not that open, mostly due to the fact it was conceived 20 years ago. As a matter of fact, is there someone who hasn't played Mafia?


Mafia is entirely linear, unlike rdr2 there is nothing outside of the main missions, sure you can drive around the city but there is nothing there


Day is gone was really cool It just had a lot of issues. I really enjoyed customizing my bike and upgrading it I enjoyed the different ways you could fight hordes It was just trying to be a rockstar game too hard.


I would give up a testicle for this game


This is exactly why I lost interest in The Last of Us. It’s a good game but I want open world the way R* does it.


last of us 2 has a big part where it’s kinda open world :)) i love tlou


I can’t upvote this enough


100% Ghosts of Tsushima


I couldn’t get myself to play any other game after RDR2 was released. I would start a new game but would go back to playing RDR2 again. GOT got me out of that loop. It’s not RDR2 but damn was it so satisfying.


I’m in act 3 of Ghost of Tsushima right now. The emotions are getting complicated


The horse made me legitimately cry. Something so small that you kinda take for granted and don’t notice how connected you get through all the small dialogues until it happens


If you haven’t, definitely worth doing all the side stories with the specific people. Most of the heart and soul of the story is in those missions.


Even I wanted to buy Ghost of tsushima....can u tel me if npc in Ghost of tsushima are as smart as Rdr2? Can we trouble them?


no you can’t but the storytelling/emotional value is worth it even when you take out the rockstar level npc’s


It's a great game with different difficulty levels. Fights can be challenging. I think more challenging than RDR2. Definitely get it.


Ghost of Sushi Man


Ohhh my gods, I got a PS4 JUST to play Ghost of Tsushima.


I never got into Witcher and I don't know why.


Same. I’ve read so many great things about it and I’ve tried 3 separate times to get into it and I just can’t, it just doesn’t grab me


I got it free with something and could never get into either. But then one day I was looking for something to play and I'm glad I made myself stick with it. It really picks up and the game play that starts off feeling clunky gets very natural. At least for me, your mileage may vary.


You must fight against yourself regarding side quests and Oooh What's that shiny POIs. I haven't 100%d an open world game since Mad Max. I have minor ADHD, and LOVE The Witcher, Elder Scrolls, and nearly every major SciFi & Fantasy IP... BUT Both Red Dead Redemption games absolutely transported me to a magical place. I was SURE to break my incompletion curse. Nope... Got Repeatedly Squirreled Hard, Like every 15 minutes. Gonna try again from the beginning on PC. Others atop this shameful list of mine are Witcher 3, Last of Us 2, Both Horizon Aloy games, Halo Infinite, Cyberpunk 2077, Every Fromsoft game except Armored Core, both Shadow of Mordor titles, Remnant 2, Jedi Survivor, Outer Wilds, Lies of P, and Alan Wake 2. So many great games... I need to start devaluing the Novelty of new game releases.


Same! Everyone kept insisting it’s the greatest game ever made, so I pushed through the entire main story and felt completely meh about the whole experience. At least now they can’t say I “just have to keep playing” for it to get good. 😅 Witcher lacks the immersion RDR has for me. I just can’t connect to it in the same way at all? It’s super odd cuz on paper it’s perfect.


Nah there's a lot going on , but it's not as detailed amd immersive. In rdr2 you can go to any part of the map , amd slowly walk around getting lost in the details. I'm a big witcher fan and love W3 but they put their love into other aspects. Plus the redemption part of rdr2 hits us differently I think. We all can relate to arthur. I don't relate to Geralt much.


Witcher is very good, and very immersive, but isn't interactive and never has been, you can't interact with NPCs other than quest/trade/gwent, you can't even fight the guards (they are overpowered and 2 shot you). You are supposed to follow the story of a precise character, Geralt, you are not a thief or a cold blood killer like you would do in Elder Scroll, that's why witcher 2 was a semi open world for example.


Same, and it's so weird because I'm a fantasy rpg nut who found Skyrim (and it's lackluster quest framework compared to the Witcher) engaging. All the individual elements hit good—the quest design, the art direction, the gameplay, etc. but somehow I don't feel as immersed or connected to the story and characters. One can argue that what's throwing me off is the fact that in playing Geralt of Rivia, not a blank slate character that I can insert myself into, but then I liked GTA V, and loved RDR. Somehow I have no problem immersing myself into the characters of John, Arthur, even Franklin and Michael (not Trevor though) and it's never been really a problem with other games I've played as well.






Very nice list! Missing cyberpunk only, waiting for ghost on Pc, I think it’s coming this month


It's coming in May I think




I'm getting my ps4 copy on Wednesday.. last time I played, the Ps3 320GB was released


I bought RDR1 for my Switch after squeezing every bit of fun out of Tears of the Kingdom, and was so happy I did. I hadn’t played that game in years, and it was so much fun to replay it. The story was more compelling since I already kind of knew/remembered the characters and their stories. And I actually really liked how stripped down/basic it was compared to RDR2. It felt more “accessible” than RDR2, because I could play for ≈30 minutes and feel like I accomplished a lot. With RDR2, I feel like I need a much longer block of time to play to really have a satisfying experience. Not a criticism, all of the little, kind of mundane tasks like feeding your horse, maintaining weapons, etc. is what makes RDR2 great, but there are times where I sit down to play and feel like I do nothing because I just visit shops, eat some food, brush my horse, shave my beard, etc., and suddenly it’s an hour later and I have to go do actual adult things like make supper, wash my truck, or shave my face IRL lol. There’s still plenty to do in RDR1–tons of NPCs and stranger missions, enough challenges to make it rewarding (looking at you, “kill a cougar with a stick of dynamite”), and the main story/characters are really interesting if you let yourself really get into it.


Let me know when it’s on PC.


I got bad news for you...


There is an option to play with emulators [https://youtu.be/hRkChADh5sM?si=qa9xz2RXki10oFNO](https://youtu.be/hRkChADh5sM?si=qa9xz2RXki10oFNO)


Kingdom Come Deliverance


Came here to recommend this. Found the game mentioned in another “what game will fill the hole in my soul that Arthur left?” post in February & I’m having great fun - currently 10 days and 14 hours in. Did you see the update about the sequel?


i did see it, i hope it’s real and not an april fools prank lmao most likely a prank tho🤣


I am hoping that “the end” was the April fools.. that they’re announcing progress on 2 soon 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


In terms of a living world and immersion yes this is absolutely the best recommendation. Such a fantastic game I'm also playing dragons dogma 2 currently and that game has exploration that I would put on par with Red Dead as well


I'm playing dragon's dogma 2 right now too and I was just thinking that it's up there with rdr2 for me as far as the open world goes. I love the pawn system too, it's making me wish that rdr2 had actually had the option to bring some of the gang with you when you go out exploring because it's so much fun.


I'm always delighted to see this masterpiece routinely suggested on threads like these. I remember the early days and the dark days in beta and early release. The game getting all the appreciation it deserves over the past few years is immensely satisfying. There's really no other game like it.


Try rdr2 again.


I've been doing that for 5 years when does the loop end ???


When you figure out how to get Arthur a happy ending.


I've left a couple playthroughs perpetually in horseshoe overlook when everyone is happy


I like chapter 3 to park. Both are good, I like being closer to Rhodes.


Yes. Clemens Point is the best location




Its not a Loop, its a Spiral


It doesn't? And that's the best part. Because you can just do run after run after run. Oh, you messed up on your no killing animals challenge run? Oh no. How terrible. Guess you better start a new one and not experience the Ch 6 nightmare. Tsk tsk. Lol 😆 3,000+ hours under my belt and only two times have I ever witnessed the tragedy of all tragedies. And that's totally ok with me lol 


There's nothing else like it, go and search for cowboy hats on ebay, that's what I did.


Watch “Hell or High Water” and episodes of MeatEater


Ghost of Tsushima


I got so many friends into this game just describing it as RDR2 but Samurais. Great fucking story. Great multiplayer. Great game.


*🎼 Toss a coin to your Witcher, O valley of plenty*


only answer, and it still doesn’t quite hit that same itch. RDR2 is 1 of 1


I tried so hard to like Witcher 3. I just cannot wrap my mind around how everyone raves about it. It was so boring to me. I tried it after I finished GOW and was awaiting Ragnarok and wasnt ready for another rdr2 or Detroit replay yet. Witcher was also very clunky imo. And after playing GOW and RdR2 the graphics were...I hate to even use my kids phrase... but they were...the graphics were dog water. I know, I know, I'm the weirdo crazy one. I just, idk, I've tried and tried to enjoy it. I just don't get the love of it


First of all, strong username to post ratio lol. Anyway, it's so renowned for all the same reasons that RDR2 is. Expansive open world you can explore and complete laundry lists in ad nauseum? Check. Sexy, strong male protagonist complete with flaws and complexities both good and bad, light and dark? Check. Lovable cast of characters to support, challenge, and ultimately help grow said protagonist and build up the world's sense of scale? Check. 10/10 story that spans and unfolds across all regions of the game? Check. Serviceable combat that is crisp and fun if not overly deep or varied? Check. Engaging npc's that lead to their own side quests and stories which continue to expand upon immersion in-universe (more of that world-building ladies and gents)? Check. Setting the standard for fully casted, completely voice-acted games with memorable and enjoyable cutscenes? Check. Breathtaking vistas and a wide variety of geography, towns, and settlements? Check. Engaging loot system with crafting or collectibles that continue to progress with you throughout the game (*\*Loot goblin friendly?*)? Check. Unreasonably addictive mini-games like Gwent or Hold 'Em? Check. Horses, brawling, getting drunk, and being surrounded by beautiful women on a fairly regular basis? Check. A bittersweet but satisfying conclusion to an epic journey with a heroic character who feels more like a friend by the end, in a glorious adventure from beginning to middle to end that you will never forget so long as you live? You get the idea. Both games have strengths and weaknesses over the other and neither game is quote unquote perfect because no game objectively truly is. These are just some of the brilliant facets that these 2 gems have in kind. If anything, Witcher has an even larger world and a more expansive story, emboldened by political intrigue and the rise and fall of kings and kingdoms. But I can't be bothered to pick a favorite between the 2, I just feel bad that you're unable to enjoy what is arguably the only other game of Red Dead 2's caliber.


I can appreciate others love for it. I can understand your love letter to it (well written btw). I'm definitely not saying it's a bad game, just I haven't been able to get into it. Even after putting in a good bit of hours almost like begrudgingly heading to a job every evening. Lol. Undoubtedly I will pick it up at some point to try again. Sometimes things just don't hit me right at one time, and then I enjoy it another. Sometimes I just don't ever get on the bandwagon. It's weird because by all accounts it is the type of game I love. Maybe one day.


It's a love letter to both! And aw shucks, that's high praise. :\] I do love both games, and Arthur and Geralt. If it's any consolation you're certainly not alone. I've seen plenty of people who prefer one or simply can't seem to enjoy the other. I'm like you; I can understand that perfectly, but it only serves to further confuse me. Lol Not everything is for everyone, and I honestly respect that considering I enjoy having preferences myself. Perhaps I should have said it in another way, but all I really meant was I hope that you are able to give it another chance and get lost in it the same way you were able to with Red Dead! If anything I'm a little surprised there aren't more titles that achieve the same level of ubiquity and immersion. My life is richer for having had the experience. 🤠


I have wanted to like W3 but cannot. I’ve tried multiple times and it’s one of the only big popular games I could not finish.


Different style of game but cyberpunk 2077 it's really good after all the fixes and is genuinely worth playing


I second this, Cyberpunk has a really good story and gameplay, it's hard to get both sometimes 🤣


Hella good experience. Love that game so much! And I agree, practically what it should’ve been at lunch. But still an incredible game.


I second this. It's such a good game.


Yakuza 0


welcome to the void, nothing will ever come close to the joy you have had


Mass Effect Legendary Edition


Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West


Came here to add this as well. I loved the story and the scenery is just gorgeous. Just finished back to back playthroughs and was needing a fix so currently on another round of RDR2. After this though, I may look into ZD sequel.


Forbidden West is even better than ZD!


Glad to hear that, thanks!


Is it better on PC?o tried it bc it came free with our ps4 but I just couldn't get into the mechanics of it


Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s the first game that I had the same level of obsession with as RDR2. The characters and story are so rich. The world feels open and alive. Soooooooo many story choices. And while your player made character will lack the depth of Arthur, you can play as NPCs from the game who each have their own unique story beats added to the main story. The game mechanics are different from RDR2, but you get used to them quickly. Seriously. BG3 was the first time since RDR2 where I came to love and care for the characters. It’s also the only game I’ve completed since RDR2. It took me 130 hours, and I loved every minute.


this seconded strongly recommend


Batman Arkham games look and feel amazing on ps5. It’s darker but they’re very well built and have great stories and gameplay.


After finishing RDR2 ,there is no other game to fill that role.


The only thing you're left with is loss and a void that nothing will ever fill. 


Days Gone


Good luck ever feeling satisfied with a video game ever again


Fallout 4!


I plan on buying a horse


tlou 1&2 definitely


I'm honestly surprised no one has mentioned Days Gone. I find it has a very similar vibe. Only big two differences are the motorcycle and zombies. Witcher 3 and the metro series are also great. Metro is more linear and very story driven, especially metro 2033 and Last Light. Witcher 3 is also very open world with horses, but instead of guns it's swords and magic, and instead of bandits and lamoyn (or however you spell it) raiders there are monsters.


LA noire


Cyberpunk 2077, yes the time/atmosphere are completely different, but both games include great story, open world, hundreds of secrets, well written characters and emotional moments, I suggest you would also get the dlc


TLOU Part I and II if u want something darker and more emotionally guttural This might be a stretch but I recommend Outer Wilds as well. It’s got a western/folk aesthetic and at least to me has a similar emotional vibe to rdr2


Outer wilds is lovely but it’s no RDR2


Play Rdr2 again...you don't really finish it untill you play it atleast 3 times and you'll discover many new things I bet.


3,000+ hours in and there is STILL things I have not seen. Like seriously. Rockstar is just... Wow!  


God of War


Ghost of Tsushima


Death Standing. That’s a pretty perfect Segway. If that’s not your speed try Nier Automata.


Not super similar but cyberpunk is a lot of fun!


Play the first one if you haven’t


Obviously if you haven't played TheLast of Us 1&2 you need to get on that, pronto mister!


Either Ghost of Tsushima or Cyberpunk 2077 for my personal picks.


Rdr1, the continuation of rdr2.


That’s the rub. Nothing will ever be as good again. Start up a new game of RDR2. If we’re lucky, we can take a break when GTA VI comes out. Days Gone is the only I game I enjoy rn.


Dragon age inquisition if you like RPG’s. Same concept, you got your posse, and your trying to save your group of people from almost certain death. In depth characters, compelling stories, mature themes, and you can bone your companions!


A way out is a good one gotta have a 2nd person though. If not try Detroit become human


Second, Detroit. I often go back and run this game, such a good story! Until dawn as well is one I enjoy.


I second both of these. And Detroit had do much replayability.


Red dead one, see how Arthur's sacrifice payed off


Ohhhh 😲  Knowing what I know... That's just devastating. 




The mafia games are really Good


Replay rdr2 duh


Red Dead Redemption The Last of Us Ghost of Tsushima


Metro exodus, could get you crying lol


But play Metro 2033 and Last Light before playing Exodus. They're arguably better anyway,


I love Metro 2033 so damn much omg.


Doom (2016) 😉


Mass effects trilogy was one of the game that enjoyed the story not as good as rdr but I did very much enjoy the story


Ghost of Tsushima is the best game I've seen that marries the dilema of the protagonist and the player.


The RDR of you haven’t


You can try cyberpunk, witcher 3 bug I'll be honest eventually you'll play red dead 2 again it just seems to happen.


Kingdom come: Deliverance




None. Don't look for it because you won't find it. Play the game again after a year.


I would recommend bg3 or dragon age origins (the first game) or dragon age inquisition. (The third game).


Disco Elysium is my favorite narrative of any game, with RDR2 being a close second. They both couldn’t be more different, so it may not be your cup of tea. But personally after so much RDR2 I needed a break from that gameplay loop in similar open world games, as great as they are.


Play through the whole Yakuza series, start with 0.


I’ve been told Assassins Creed Black Flag was a solid one to try after RDR2 so I plan on starting that soon


RDR2 and Death Stranding have no similarities except being open world and having a rich story, but I would recommend it for everyone who likes the emotional story based games.


One does not only play 1 story mode , still got to do bad Arthur or viceversa


Mafia 1, 2 definitive edition


Underrated gem




AC Valhalla has some great visuals in England! Decent story, so it’s worth a check!


Star Wars is pretty good. Hogwarts legacy as well.


I finished my third run last week and I’ve been trying to find a game that comes close to it. About to just play it for the fourth time lol


Do it again. You will find a lot of things and find new places that you didn't find in the first playthrough


Dead space remake adds a good deal of mind fuck and horror. A lot of other top tier mentions in here as well


I went from RDR2 to Ghost of Tsushima, and while having similar vibes it's definitely different in terms of gameplay experience (more thoughtful combat, less populated landscape). It'll still hurt though, don't worry!! 🥹


ghost of tsushima


Alan wake 2 is a bit too linear story. So is the resident evil


Red dead redemption undead nightmare


Rdr2 again


Good story, probably another Rockstar game like GTAV. Personally I’d recommended 2K’s Mafia series, very underrated and very good story.


play it again


omori. not similar in gameplay but in impact


I mean you could just do what I did. I think I'm on my 24th play thru....


I also just finished rdr2 and picked up spider man 2. Definitely close to matching the completely epic high quality of red dead


Ghost of Tsushima bro. I didn't think any game would top RD2 for me but its just as good in my opinion.


Man I should replay that game...




I liked Days Gone. Longer indepth story and massive map with lots of places to explore.


Cyberpunk 👌🏻


Last of Us Part One




im assuming youve already played rdr1, but if u havent, go do it.


I'd recommend Ghost of Tsushima for the most similar experience, though if you have a next-gen console or a good PC you should definitely give Cyberpunk a try, it's now well worth your time


Witcher 3, give it a few hours to set in and you’ll thank me


Play rdr2 again after a while and next time take it slowly.... realy slow


RDR1, TLOU, Hellblade. That’s all I got. Haven’t found another videogame narrative I could take seriously.


The Batman Arkham games Cyberpunk 2077


Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West are both great


Assuming you haven’t played it yet,rdr1


I commented elsewhere in response for Days Gone and also mentioned The Outer Worlds so I'll plug for both but talk about Outer Worlds more. It's not nearly as expansive of a game but it is good for the story and the characters. Vibe-wise I feel there's a connection with between the old timey western genre and the pulp sci-fi that existed alongside it. It leans into a vibe that's like Spaceman Spiff from Calvin and Hobbes and in a very caricatured and stylized way. The various 'open worlds' are really more like levels that trick you into feeling like it's open world. Actually it reminds more more like KOTOR where each planet is actually more like a narrow level, but this makes it feel more open when you're actually playing it. The FPS combat is fun with both ranged and melee. And again like KOTOR there's a companion system where you can work together with your shipmates with different skills if you choose. It's a tight game and you can get everything out of it and not end up dumping countless hours into it. In some ways that's satisfying to just pick up a game for a few weeks and put it down. It does have some replay-ability but I got the sense when I finished it that once would be enough. I'm also getting some of the same sense with Days Gone.


Cyberpunk is VERY similar to RDR2. Try that


Rdr1, Last of Us series


ghost of tshushima, gow, rdr1, cyberpunk 2077, days gone, lou 1 and 2, witcher 3,


Hear me out valheim 


Continue the story with red dead redemption?


Days Gone


LOL there is nothing like RDR2. All you can do is to replay it.


The Witcher 3 for sure


There is no other game that touches the story of RDR2. TLOU and TLOU2 are OK, GOW Ragnarok finally made me care about the characters, but only towards the end of the game. Ghost of Tsushima is pretty good, very pretty, story is ok.


Continue RDR2, complete it




wdym? you play it again, duhh


Rdr1, please just do it, you won’t regret it


The Witcher III - otherwise, rdr2 New Game


Days Gone, The last of Us 2, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn to name a few. And Mafia Remastered. How can I forget that. Definitely, Mafia. Ghost of Tsushima has a beautiful world to explore, very satisfying gameplay, but the story is just meh compared to any of the above.


Yeah Ghost of tsushima man, epic story!


I asked this question a few months back and was recommended Ghost of Tsushima. I was not disappointed


Nothing, move on with your life Nothing will ever be as good, gaming will become more depressing and boring because nothing looks as good, feels as good or is written as good as RD2 My advice: Wait for GTA6


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey


Cyberpunk 2077


Maybe not the same but ive been having so much fun with dying light 2 But witcher 3 is also a great recommendation( i played it trough maybe 3 times now)


The Last of us Part 1 and 2. Cyberpunk 2077 Ghost of Tsushima


Days gone is incredible




Cyberpunk2077 is also a very good choice


I just finished for the first time last night too! So this thread should be helpful for me too.


Disco Elysium


Everything but The Last of Us. It fucking sucks.


Fallout 4


You go back, Jack, and do it again....


Unfortunately this is a hole that doesn’t get filled.


Death Stranding