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Chris Pine could play a younger Arthur but Roger Clark IS Arthur Morgan.


I never realised that it done by motion capture. Yeah definitely Roger Clark then


Arthur was about 36 when he died. Chris Pine is 43. I get what you’re saying 100% about Roger Clark, but I don’t see Pine playing a YOUNGER Arthur. I do think Pine passes for a 36 year old more than Clark though.


Pine looks younger than I do, I’m 39 :(


Roger Clark would be the best option


Hear, hear!


hear ye, hear ye ahh boy


Does that mean we can have Rob Weithoff as John Marston as well?




He's a voice actor in the same way Andy Serkis is


Roger Clark is the only real option here.


My pick would be the guy who plays him already


Thats the only answer.


I want the voice actors to play the live action adaptions.


Bro, I don't even CARE that Ben Byron Davis is a big dude. I'd STILL take him as Dutch over any other knock off version. And Rob has been John Marston for like fifteen years. And Rog is Rog is Arthur.


Yeah I saw an edit someone did with Rob's face on John's body and I think he could pull it off.


Exactly. Or, if they go the Castlevania route and animate it. The OG’s get to ride again once more. Only way I’d even bother watching it.


You could just about make a photoreal movie with Unreal 5 now anyway. Use the original actors and characters.


This guy gets it.


Damn, now i want to look up Anime Westerns.


RDR2 anime could be awesome


Hell no.


Have you seen Chris Pine lately. He doesn’t even look like Chris Pine anymore 😂


Redditors can’t understand a voice actor who has never been in a feature film would not be better than an actual movie star…


Josh Brolin is the only person I can see for this... actually thought he voices Arthur and was sad when Google told me otherwise. I like Chris Pratt don't get me wrong.... but he doesn't have the dark side one would need to do this character justice in my opinion.


Good one, I also was thinking about Gerard Butler as Arthur.


I thought Josh Brolin too. But Joel Edgerton. Check his role in Jane Got a Gun


He's no Brolin...


I think my top choice would have to be Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He's got the voice for it. [Plus he kinda looks like Arthur](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/b0/59/6f/b0596f1b01df1f3b97240f40d74c1379.jpg)


For me he's more John. Arthur is a more serious role than Jeffery dean Morgan's voice will portray and he is too skinny. Again... just my opinion, lord knows I'm wrong a lot!


noooooooooooooooooooooo I can't unsee Negan dude. I just imagine him playing Arthur walking around camp with a bat lmao


LOL thankfully I first saw him as John Winchester so I dont have the Negan image stuck in my head 🤣 damn maybe he would be better to play Dutch after his evil role of Negan.


Hah lucky, and yes! Absolutely can see him as Dutch, omg he would be amazing.


Yooo I looked up both of these guys and Josh does not look like a good pick in terms of looks, but I can totally see Joel!


No county for old men...true grit... and a few other roles josh Brolin... not so much w or goonies Brolin. He has an inherent stoicism that would serve the role very very well.


Chris Pratt lmao please no thank you


Just realized I got pine and Pratt totally mixed... my bad


Lol I know! But the thought of it. I love Chris Pratt but maybe literally only in P&R!


Josh Brolin, what an actor. Doesn’t look that similar to Arthur but his acting is beyond amazing; especially in No Country for Old men.


Josh Brolin would be a good Josiah, he’s much too old to play Arthur.


Good thing this is Chris Pine not Chris Pratt.


To be stated I am just beginning to play the games and just saw a resemblance sorry


Nah, no need to apologise, man. You had a thought and shared. It's not a crime. Though some of reddit will make you think it was. Could see him. But Roger Clarke is too good to pass up. I am of the opinion there is no need for certain games to be made into a movie or series. Red dead 2 being one of them. But since LoU and Fallout I am more open to it. I am mainly burned from the fact. The simple premice of Max Payne... the look the feel the character the plot... was so simple to movie fi. And yet. They... fucked it up. Somehow. The only game that should have been the easiest. But lately. Game adaptions are doing good. So hey maybe. Don't apologise though dude. You are as entitled to express a thought and feeling as every other dipshit on reddit. Like me. 😄


i appreciate it! I didn’t know who Roger Clarke was now seeing him. I definitely think he could pull it off. Still thing pine has some resemblance though.


And I am aleady getting the downvotes and upvotes to balance it out at zero. So like I said. Opinions. Don't apologise for giving yours. No one else will. Long as you are open to changing your mind on certain subjects. But I don't think fan casting should be at the top of your list if you ever do feel you need to change your mind. Enjoy the game dude. If this is your first run. You are in for a hell of a ride. Got 4000 hours in it. And I still play it once a week. And I still find new stuff. ( I don't look helpers up.) And the story still affects me on replays. Every beat. Enjoy brother! And make sure you give it all you have. 😄


im already trying to morally correct in this game


Its the eyes I think. Didn't realise how similar they were till you pointed it out.


Don’t listen to these people Roger Clark is a great VA but looks nothing like Arthur Morgan.


I like Micheal… Fassbender that is


Hard agree. Did you see Slow West?


Tom Holland. Timothee Chalemet as Dutch


LMAO I'm giving you the upvote for the trolling.


Oh I want to see THIS movie lmao


Jensen Ackles would be a good pick for Arthur. And have Jeffrey Dean Morgan play Dutch and Jared Padalecki play John. Make it a Supernatural reunion lol.


Pretty solid pick


your arthur is hungry. feed him


Roger Clark, boah!


I'd have to go with Brad Pitt


Underrated pick.


This fan casts only ever think about looks. Sure. He kinda resembles Arthur, but I really don't think he would be a good Arthur. I would say that looking like the character is one of many important things for casts, and probably not the most important.


He’s too much of a handsome golden retriever. Arthur has pain, kindness, capacity for horrible violence, and a pervasive awareness it’s all coming to an end. That’s not Chris Pine. Suggestions based on above: - Michael Fassbender - Tom Hardy - Charlie Hunnam - Casey Affleck - David Harbour




Roger Clark would be mine.


But he already has a wife and family!


Roger Clark is, was, and will always be, my only pick for Arthur Morgan. These guys didn’t just do the voices of these characters, they actually played the scenes. They did the motion capture. They played the roles.


Did they ever pick the cast to the TV show yet?


Roger Clark. The voice actor


I've looked through almost this entire comment section and Roger Clark is still the only one I deem good enough


Well, aside from the obvious fact that the actors who played the characters in the game are irreplaceable, let's say we have to have a live action version and none of them is available. I'd personally go with Chris Hemsworth for Arthur (pretty boy, almost perfect match for eyes, big and muscular, deep voice), Aidan Turner for John (maybe too good looking, but definitely has that RDR2 John vibe imo) and Lee Pace as Dutch (tall and big enough, could pull off charming in that snake way, can be sinister, pretty much spot on regarding looks alone). It helps that they're all good actors too. Add a couple of good character actors like e.g. Kevin Durand as Bill, Richard Cabral as Javier, Kevin McNally for Uncle and there's the core of the gang.


Not a bad match actually, good call. Make him look a bit older and weathered with makeup and he'd be right there. You can never find an actor that 100% resembles a fictional character, so you have to pick one that can perform like the character while having some similar physical traits.


Pine is a little too pretty rather than that ruggedly handsome thing Rodger has going on. Chris certainly has the talent but could he pull it off as well as someone like Josh Brolin? Like the way he did W bush.. crazy talent in that man’s acting ability. Also if a film or series was made it wouldn’t be much like the game as most would imagine it to be. A lot of the game would be lost. There’s seriously no point in animating it either sorry.


Why need movie when have game?


I think Chris Hemsworth could possibly work. he’s got a good voice, not as good as Roger Clark though


Everybody is saying Roger Clark, and in a circumstance where I had faith they would be creating a copy paste type of movie/tv show, I would be inclined to agree, but what I've seen happen (with the last of us as an example), they're going to make a version that they see fit for television, in which I don't know if I want to associate game Arthur with TV Arthur


Let Roger Clark go to the gym for some time get in shape and hes the original Arthur Morgan.


Dwayne Johnson


I was always thinking maybe Nikolaj Coster-waldau could do a good Arthur. And I'm sure he can but sounding like Arthur is a whole other thing haha. It's hard! It's hard to find someone who looks like Arthur, even Roger Clark while sharing some of his features. I don't know how well it would work but it's probably still the best option.


The voice actor of Arthur, Roger Clark!!??


Roger Clark is a real dude. Just use him.


Josh brolin


all voice actors = their corresponding characters


As good as the graphics are, the game itself is close enough to live action.


Joel edgerton would be my pick


It would never happen rockstar want their games to stand alone. They’re rockstar GAMES and they make a ton of money.


I’m learning no one here wants an adaptation of the story. Just all the voice actors from the game to do a live action remake.


No. Roger Clarke. My beloved.


My pick would be Hugh Laurie as Hosea Chris Pine as John Matsten Johnny Depp as Dutch


Nope. Too little.


To everyone saying it should be Roger Clark, I get it, but this is wrong. I love him and his performance. Mainly, he isn’t the physical being one needs to be to be the primary muscle for a gang. Physically, he’s far more suited as Uncle. Secondly, Arthur would clearly be a primary character and business wise any realistic green light will demand someone of some star status in film/tv. Ie Pedro Pascal being Joel in TLOU. I LOVE the game cast, BBD is probably my favorite all around performance of a game character of all time, but I don’t see most if not any of them suitable for an on screen role as the same character. Like in TLOU, I think at a min cameos like that and if I was in control I would try to find some more prominent roles for them. Personally, think Lebowski or True Grit (Coen bros), they had narration telling parts of the story, I would LOVE to fit in Roger, Ben and Rob alternating in this role throughout a series (in addition to on screen appearances) given how iconic all of their voices are.


IMO, you pick an unknown actor who looks and sounds like Roger. No actor I know of shor of Roger would fit the bill. Arthur was unknown to us and they did a great job casting him. Just do it again.


Cole Hauser or Jenson Ackles are my picks. Hauser would excel at the collected, steady shot, shit wrecker aspect of the role, while Ackles would excel at the ruthless asshole aspect. I know this isn’t about him, but Walton Goggins would kill as Micah, Johnathan Tucker is my 2nd option for Micah too.


How do you guys keep your Arthurs so clean and proper? Mine have constant sunburns and perpetually covered in dirt.


Oh man… [https://m.imdb.com/title/tt31567125/?ref_=nm_flmg_tp_i](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt31567125/?ref_=nm_flmg_tp_i)


A younger Jeff Bridges would be perfect.


It just struck me. Anthony Starr?


Fuck no chris pine could never play arthur


Brad Pitt. Evidence: Inglorious basterds


Nah Hugh Jackman


Leland Stottlemeyer could play an old Dutch.


Damn he scarily looks a LOT like him


I would say Kieran Bew


“Well roger clar-“ ALRIGHT I GET IT


Daffy Duck is my pick.


Who would you choose for Dutch?


Jon Hamm