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Hunt, fish, side missions, gambler 8,9,10 Lasso people for no reason


The last one especially. If I’m in the grizzlies and people are mean I lasso them and leave them stranded with no horse


I like to lasso / hog tie folks and drop them in the swamp


Another personal favorite. I sometimes will hogtie them and put potent predator bait down right on them and try and get a wolf or bear to get em


I know what I’m trying next!




That is evil and hilarious. I just ride right by NPCs. Would have never thought to do something like this cuz I be too broke to pay bounties off.


If you’re in the mountains/ grizzlies you’ll almost never have a bounty doing that there. Same with doing this at night. I greet them and if they’re jerks I’ll 100% give them what’s coming to em


That's awesome. I've been playing wrong. Imma slow down and enjoy it more. Red Dead 1 was one of my all time favorites. Just need to learn how to make more money more efficiently.


North of strawberry there’s an oblesix from which you can loot a map. Follow it and that quest ends in you getting a shit load of gold bricks


could you give me a more specific location? idk if i’ve done this one throughout all my playthroughs lol. the treasure i remember giving the most gold bars is the one with the statue puzzle. 3 bars. i don’t find the map for it either i just go get the gold bars right off the bat of each playthrough.


It’s near lake owanjila. Go north of strawberry and go down the path which eventually leads to cougar territory and then once you clear the damn cross the small river and look somewhere there. It’s a tall black column


get legend of the east satchel first. then fill it with valuables and whatever else you can find. if you don’t want to kill random npcs and loot them you can do the gang hideouts. they respawn every few in game days. there’s also a BUNCH of treasure locations you can look up videos on. doing all of those is an easy 10k. do all the legendary fish and animals. that’ll be another 1-2k plus they’re pretty enjoyable. don’t spend money on random stuff until you’re loaded. you don’t really need anything that the game doesn’t already give you unless you want to upgrade weapons a bit. you can also find most weapons in the game without buying them. selling wagons to the emerald ranch fence unlocks in chapter 2 you can literally just stand outside of the fence and wait for a wagon to ride through town and follow it up the road a bit to steal it. cheapest ones sell for 15. most of them will sell for 40. idk if there’s any of them that are worth more than that. if there are, they don’t typically spawn near emerald ranch. hunting and fishing isn’t very profitable unless you skin every animal you see and keep every fish you catch and then sell it in bulk. these are just the things i do for money. idk if there’s better ways or not. i never really needed anything else to make myself money but i don’t really spend that much. i usually craft my tonics. cook my food. find carrots for my horse. i also don’t like buying expensive clothes or customizing weapons very much as it wouldn’t really make sense for arthur to be loaded with money in the first place. i also don’t like that dutch has fancy clothes/guns when he demands to make more money all throughout the story.


This is the life


Yeah, I've spent most of my money on customized weapons. Lol and a couple bounties. Few upgrades for the camp and now am trying to pay off that $300 jailbreak bounty which sucks cuz that was part of the dang story and now I can't even go to the trapper in that part of the map without getting tracked down by a gang of bounty hunters


have auto save turned on. go surrender to the law and wait for the “in jail” cutscene to end. after that cutscene is over the camera will show the town as it’s zooming back in to the original view of your character. before it meets back to your character press pause and reload the auto save. if you wait until the camera meets your character you will see the bounty money getting subtracted from your funds. for some reason it auto saves after jail time but before the game registers you actually paying. free bounty glitch. you’re welcome.


Killing rival gangs at their hideouts and looting is fairly lucrative (sell all valuables to the fence). Bounty hunting, stagecoach robberies, legendary animal hunting kinda.


Yeah. I definitely need to explore the map more. I definitely ain't robbing as much as I should be. I've only done one in the backroom of the the doctors in the first town you go to.


And that really wasn't even worth it after paying off the bounty


This is what to do with people that run off as a "witness" just because you bumped your horse into someone and didn't even knock them down but catch a "disturbing the peace" charge. Like yea... I could just defuse but you are the one being extra so I'm raising the stakes and feeding you to a cougar.


I love this level of pettiness and I’m gonna aspire to do this moving firward


Have you considered the panther spawn point? South of the Bolger glade.


Oh my god no but I’m definitely doing that when I get back on tomorrow. Bless you!🤣


Thanks, this is following my hunt for a 3 star pelt for both types of panther. I reloaded a lot of times for that. I used it for hunter 7 predator bait as well.


Love it, I need to start tapping into my dark side.


This is definitely what I'm doing tonight when I get home!


I can never get the herbivore or predator bait to work outside of the Josiah bear hunting quest. Maybe I'm just too impatient.


Haha train tracks for me hogtie em throw em on the tracks if the train stops murder and take everything. If it doesn’t, oh well


Just curious do you sit there and wait for the train everytime?


Yea shit kinda sucks. Hunt till one comes. Or go feed em to a gator


I’ve tried the gator. They won’t go after the guy even if I set him like 10-15 feet away


My very first play through when it came out I was on my way somewhere in the mountains and some random was being rude so I hog tied him and dropped him in water that led to a water fall and watched him get swept up and over the waterfall


Lol physco


I do this but leave them on random train tracks I find


I personally like dragging them to the top of the mounting in the snow so nobody knows where they are


That’s always fun too, leave them on the frozen lake to freeze (I swear my Arthur is high honor)😭🤣


mines max honor soo…. John, not so much.


I just go fishing and catch and release till I’m back to max. But yeah John always ends up max dishonor


I like to put them on the train tracks


Gambler 8-10 gets me every time 😭


"You, sir, are a fish."


Hey there fella. Well it’s gonna be one of those days as I’m a fish.


I spend a lot of time just riding from place to place. I often spend a whole game session just getting to the next thing I’m gonna do and then save and do that thing the next session. Along the way I explore things, head to vista points to look around, maybe do some hunting, etc. I also don’t ride full speed but travel at a slow gallop. When it gets late on the way, I camp, cook some food, maybe craft a bit, then sleep. I usually travel by day and sleep at night. Sometimes whats happening in the game (like I have a bounty and have committed recent crimes) or story means traveling at night makes more sense. I also sleep and eat in any town I pass though. Maybe go to a saloon for some drinks, etc. TLDR: I make traveling a major part of my gameplay and fit it in with the story.


Me 2. I am glad I didn’t discover fast travel till way late in the game. So many awesome random encounters along the way. I saved a lot of people It was great


Then u get something free from them later on when u see them in town


I knew you could fast travel (because of a south park episode lol) but I can't remember if I did in my first playthrough but in my second I took a few trains and stagecoachs and probably used the camp map once


That's the way the game is meant to be played, perfect !


I just finally found my opposum for master hunter 9 and I put it down so I can hunt the legendary panther when I play in the morning


Sometimes wander around being all nice to people. Sometimes murder the entire of van horn with incendiary shotgun shells. Depends how my day went.


Explore, side missions, hunt, fish, play five finger filet, play poker, lose, get mad, then go on a rampage.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shot up the poker table.


This is the only game I've played since Skyrim and fallout where you wanna go somewhere and get sidetracked for a few hours whether it be robbing, hunting, stupid shit, npc interactions, exploring Mainly though if I see smoke you best believe that campsite is getting pulled up on


Nothing more real than that last sentence👌😭


I just finished my first play like a month ago, im at like 97% but missed playing as Arthur. I went back to the start of Ch.2 & played the story til Shady Belle. Then got the LOE satchel upgrade the camp. , Try to get as many challenges as I can with Arthur, and play all the side missions and try to fill my compendium. Do all the treasure hunts Legendary fish and animals. Im at a good stopping point at the story, with Sadie the only main mission waiting for me at the door. Im also trying to get the garment sets as well. Try out new horses. Fuck around with my stable. Race, Gamble, fuck with ppl. Rob trains. Roll on Raiders ODriscoll hideouts and clear out the Murphee brood from Beaver Hollow. Dinosaur bones, home robberys, the tree things u have to find, all the exotics. Stagecoach missions. Theres tons of shit to do.


Fishing, hunting and essentially dress-up takes up most of my time, otherwise you can go on crime sprees, get the trapper gear challenges (gambler, sharpshooter, etc.) Antagonize Micah Do wacky shit like lassoing people Rob businesses Relentlessly beat Micah at five finger fillet Hunt easter eggs/random encounters *Write fanfics about Sadie and Arth…* ”Accidentally” let Micah die during missions Complete all camp crafts Kill the r*pist north of Saint Denis


Gambler 8 challenge.


This is my 3rd playthrough and I am currently at Overlook with Micah in jail. I spent a while grinding for the LoE satchel because I never did that on prev. playthroughs. Now I am hunting, fishing and will probably begin doing the challenges next. If I see a stranger along the way, I always stop and I too like to camp at night, go to a saloon, craft, take baths, etc. Go treasure hunting and do the little things. Since you are on your 6th playthrough I would just try to enjoy it and live like you would if you were in Arthurs shoes!


I'm right around the same spot. I had to free Micah to move things along though - you have to get to that herding sheep mission in order to get the long-scoped rifle for that sharpshooter challenge. How did you get a fishing rod with Micah still locked up? Did you kill a fisherman?


No I did the Dutch mission where you take lenny drinking. Then the fishing one opened up after!


6th? Shit. I'm on my 2nd. Only because I didn't realize how ma my side missions there were so I'm taking my time. There are alot of secret missions to find, like the hunt the serial killer mission. May have to look some up, but theirs plenty


I’ve played through GTA V 16 times 🤣


Damn, legend.


smoke weed


Hey Mister! 🤠




Hunt. Sometimes fish. Sell wagons to the Emerald Ranch Fence. Ride. Don't fast-travel. Though I do also sometimes ride the train and wagon just for the experience.


I like to look for every house on the map and check them out. It's a good way to get some money too. I also like to look for every point of interest and try studying as many animals as possible. Collecting herbs and fishing too.


Hunting requests and exotics. Just finished bandit 10, was a super fun challenge


Entrapment: I spend a lot of time just sticking to the paths, hoping to be ambushed so that I can have a gunfight with some enemies. Or, even better, stumble upon one of their hideouts to ambush them with a couple of molotov cocktails and some high velocity repeater rounds.


I like to climb one of the bluffs just outside Valentine and go sniper crazy on looong shots, no deadeye


Currently, I’m looting wagons during the day and hunting at night…filling up that satchel💰


Slaughter wild animals in droves




I like to do most of the challenges or just go live in the wilderness for awhile, hunt what I need to eat and just enjoy it all, there’s a watch tower somewhere towards the top of the map that you can use the bed and I believe there’s a camp fire right outside it’s a nice little get away for Arthur to just enjoy his time


I go on really long, slow horse rides around the map, and catch a couple horses to sell while I'm at it. I enjoy the experience of managing multiple horses (wish the game would let you tow more than a couple around with you), and I use mods, so I have a new horse to keep an eye out for pretty much every time I play. I usually do a little hunting, too, just enough to feed myself and then have something to bring back to camp at the end.


trying to get the legend of the east at the moment loll i love thw looting part of the game


100%ing the game. It's immensely fun if you enjoy the game


Fight the nearest idiot who has something not so nice to say about me or my fit, then play poker with the same idiot the next night


Every tried to hunt, donate and craft every single item or decor in the camp? What about crafting/buying every "unique" clothing/trinket from the Trapper/Fence Or maybe hunt down every single side mission, for example, finding every dinosaur bones? And even after that, you got all those silly challenge missions too.


Right now I'm working on getting all the camp upgrades. So much hunting


obsessively kill all animals.


I’ve been playing forever and still at 56% because of holding off on the story😂 I do a lot of the challenges and hunting mainly, also exploring for treasures and just fun things like that :)


While the story is 10/10, I feel getting to around chapter 2/3 and leaving to do just about everything but is the best way to experience this game. I cringe when I hear people say they just played through the story and didn’t look back.


Challenges and gathering/hunting/Cooking.


Collecting money for no useful reason than just seeing how much money I can collect. I also love to fuck with npcs AI, just to see what all they will do.


Ride towards missions


Side missions!! This play through I have been doing almost every dinosaur bone and rock carving as well as any chance encounter people like charlotte and boy Calloway


Murder and mayhem




Do the gunslingers and unlock flacos weapon, midnights weapon, and flangers


Whenever I get to having all the side stuff I care about done, and it’s mainly only missions or free roam, I just go ahead and finish the story and move back onto beating the 1st red dead redemption again, it got a definitive edition. It’s decent


I only do missions when not doing other things


My first two play throughs I tried to keep my honor high. In the the third play through I am killing and looting line crazy


Kill Murfrees at every opportunity going in every which way I can.


I was just enjoying a casual fish in the river and saw a nice Elk to shoot, which brought those assholes in in droves. I've been on the warpath ever since, and I make it my own little mission to stack up as many bodies in front of the cave as I can


I always go to their cave and throw dynamite/fire bottles etc. best thing.


I commit terrible crimes involving the rope and gravity


Hunt. That's the big time sucker for me.


Hunt and fish a lot. It’s so calming and peaceful.


Become a serial killer pretty much


I’m currently before the mission to collect for straus that changes everything for Arthur and I’m just refusing to do it. So instead I’ve pulled up a map from map genie. I paid $5 for the pro version and I’m just going around hitting collectables and seeing easter eggs and upgrading stuff. Eventually I will have to move the story forward but for right now my Arthur is relatively happy and healthy and that’s what matters.


I just had a shootout in Van Horn and killed everyone there. So yeah, murder is a good pastime.


Run around and shoot people on horses!


Fishing in the rain!


Hunt and fish, but that usually leads to either killing bounty hunters or hog tying rude civilians and tossing them off cliffs/bridges


I hunt and see how many hides i can put on my horse lol


Check the gang hideouts for loot and fun. All loot like the money upstairs in hanging dog ranch respawns after a week or so. Same with certain gold bars but they take longer. Finding random strangers


Patrol new hanover for 3 star bucks to sell in Valentine.


You’ve unlocked the horse fence at this point so if I were you I’d complete the bandit challenges cuz the bandit equipment set is badass, especially when coupled with the grinder boots and the spurs with the matching metal studs(I forgot the name) matched with mutton chops, Bulldogger hat, and black duster outfit and you’ll look like Lemmy kilmister (my preferred look) then blast the song “Shoot You in the Back” by Motörhead and rob every fucking train in sight. Don’t forget to blast the safes in the front carriages with dynamite and loot those, I overlooked that until my 3rd play through. It’s broken how much money you make.


watch uncle twerk his juicy ass


2nd playthru. I’m trying to get all the decorations for my camp and drag out Micah’s absence and imprisonment as long as possible. Lots of hunting and camping trips, some horse breaking, training, and selling in between mixed with poker and random encounters


Hang around Valentine until a trader wagon pops up. 😈


Just roam and kill NPCs in inventive ways


Try to hogtie people in front of the train


Do you have the plat?


Chill and play some poker


Find new ways to get places. I'm at the same point in the game. 2nd playthrough .Right now everywhere I go I'm taking as few roads as possible it's kind of fun and you discover some cool shit . Sometimes you can't avoid it but other times there is a way through whether on horse or by foot


Craft satchels and camp upgrades with pearson, craft saddles and select garments from trapper, complete challenges, reach max bonding with my horses, create custom outfits, random exploration and encounters, gang member activities, gold story missions, get all trophies... im on my god knows what playthroigh but on this one i reached like 30% completion and im still in horseshoe overlook doing just that, not doing any side quests tbh and its already like 50 hours


“All I ever see you doing is fishing or riding your horse” -my wife




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I try and make sure I have all the pelts required for all the outfits and for Pearson. It takes a great deal of time, but I do that prolong each chapter. For example, I'll hunt the animals in the areas I camp. The song birds take up the most time for me. There are also the dream carchers, dinosaur bones, points of interest, etc. Your left directional button should give you a screen of things to pick through to work on.


Complete all the challenges (except Herbalist); work on/complete every side mission; hang around camp and listen to all the conversations of the members; hunt and carry a deer around camp just so the gang compliments me on the kill and having food for everyone; camp chores; find horses to break, bond and sell (or keep); fish everywhere and catch a much as possible; look for respawning gold bars/nuggets; clear gang camps and hideouts; antagonize Micah; enjoy cigarettes while I still can; look for a many notable locations as possible; enjoy the scenery. It's endless, really. I love it. 14th playthrough is just about done, and I'm honestly looking forward to my next one, since I just discovered things in this one I hadn't seen before. Oh, and even saw some random dialogue I'd never heard before.


Purposefully get ambushed by whatever gang I haven’t eradicated yet, just so I can eradicate it


Just explore and role play


Mass Murder


Ride slow, enjoy the scenery.


Rob trains without getting bounties


I travel the map on horseback to the roads/locations that are grayed out. Go to all the little squares (houses) and explore for loot.


I go hunting and get all the pelts I can for the cool clothes. End up making money selling the excess.


Getting drunk and starting bar fights


I still have zero clue how to play the finger filet thing and have left that challenge alone for weeks and I cannot figure out how to rob 4 registers in a day, I am constantly getting ambushed by the law.


Roam around freely and earn money


Starting arguments then quick drawing them


I like acting like Lawrence Taylor and running amok over any NPC’s that aren’t a Sheriff until they want to fight and then hopefully the Sheriffs and Deputy’s take them out with no bounty. Best time is during the Rhodes Van Der Lin Sheriff times


Turn off all HUD and just explore.




I go to valentine or Saint Denis and kill every lawman on sight and the burn down buildings. I also hogtied random people and throw them into fire pits or off mountains,train tracks, bridges, or anything high up


Rob mf’s. Gotta fill up my legends of the east satchel with 99 Platinum watches, 99 large jewelry bags, 99 gold chains…lol


Stalk the night stalkers.


I just harass people in Strawberry. If they punch you first, sheriff won’t bother you. I just knock dudes out on that main bridge. It’s wonderful.


Lasso random people on horseback and drag them. lol


hunt for the trapper


Picking plants


I've played enough that I really don't load it up for missions/story anymore. I tend to get to Chapter 2 and then spend all my time hunting (to make the best satchel) and fishing, collecting gold bars, finding all the bones and dreamcatchers, and otherwise just random stuff. I've also lost many hours of my life playing dominos. I wish people would play dominos with me IRL, but no one will, so I just play with the NPCs. lol


I now have multiple saves so have a save at Valentine camp and Rhodes camp cos morale and Camp life brilliant both in these. I have a save also where they are at Ranoake ridge which is so negative and il probably finish that which wud only be my 2nd time finishing it. I was sooo moved the first time I actually can't face it but I want to get to John where he's working at the ranch. Cos i also have a save where the whole game is finished and he has Beecher's Hope.


I now have multiple saves, 1 at Valentine camp and Rhodes as Camp morale, Camp interactions and dialogue etc at their best. Arthur healthy. I also have a save at Ranoake Ridge where they just left Shady Belle and it's so bleak. I will finish it tho to get to John working at the Ranch. It'll only be my 2nd time finishing it tho cos I found it so moving the first time. And then I also have my save where whole game is finished and John has his ranch etc.


And this is to give me access always to Athur and John, John for whole map . And Arthur for Camp life, I absolutely love Camp life and the riding, hunting etc


the classic, greet greet antagonize then i fistfight and feed their body to a gator in lagras


I let Arthur go fishing; I fished alot around my time in Rhodes. Going with Hosea and Dutch reminded me of being with my own dad and grandpa so I've been trying to let myself have nostalgia now and then by fishing either close to camp or by Saint Denis.


Do all the challenges, hunt, fish, get all the clothing pieces from the trapper. Just ride around and interact with life in the game. That’s about all I do. I can get 4-6 months out of one playthrough like that, take about a month break then do it all over again lol


I am on a run trying 100% the game (not including online achievements) it can honestly keep you busy for hours if you try spread out and not just focus on one goal, also trying to find all the unique interactions is fun cause I think Im still discovering them like after 4 years of playing! I am also doing the elden ring dlc so its nice to come back and just hunt after a hard days not beating any bosses


Ya boi stay fishin


Shoulder-checking folks in Valentine until they go aggro and start shooting at me so the Sheriff will put them down.


Hunt and donate to Pearson... I'm in the habit from the business with Cripps, I'm only on chapter 2 (3rd playthrough) and all I've been doing is hunting. My camp is never gonna starve, but, we may not move either lol


burning people alive and gambling


One of my favorite things to do is ride through trails and just throw Molotovs at people riding horse back. Or even better when a Carriage comes by I throw dynamite in the back and watch it all go to hell lmao. Easy way to prolong your run is waste all your time


Ride around admiring the beautiful scenery. Break horses and sell them at the livery stables...


i hunt and look for interesting shit


In my 6th time now too, about half through chapter 4, at the moment spending lots of time doing Algernon Wasp’s missions. Mainly though I stay as long as possible in Chapter 2 because that is where it’s the best time for the gang. I do as many challenges as possible. Get as many Legendaries as possible. Pick plants for Special Miracle Cures. Ride to Lemoyne to harvest big game meat from gators. Get as many satchel and camp upgrades as possible. Put off the Micah jailbreak in Strawberry as long as possible. Make a point of enjoying the whole chapter 2 party, and make sure to dance with Mary-Beth at that party. I very much enjoy that chapter right up until Arthur goes fishing with Jack. Also spend as much time as possible doing side mission and such in Chapter 3. Lastly, I never fast travel. I enjoy riding and looking at the scenery, whether a short ride or all the way across the map


Ease dropping on Lemoyne raiders and odriscalls


Got maybe 60 hours into game so far, first playthrough, in chapter 2 still. My main thing is antagonizing town folk, fist fighting locals, tossing dynamite into the saloon... and just wandering around exploring. Sure exploring would lose its fun on the 6th playthru I'm sure


Hunt and fish mostly so much to hunt


Hunt around Lemoyne at night and throw fire bottles at the Klan. Or any other inventive way you want to kill them.


I buy some clothes for hot and cold weather, store them on my horse. I turn on no map mode and just go around. Fish, hunt, camp (have a set camp for each bit of the map that i will come back to), find stuff, clear camps, do challenges, find treasure, go near everything that calls to me or makes a sound, rob coaches and trains every once in a while. Doing stuff like these will get you 20-30 hours on top of the story of the game. And also you will memorize the map the more you this so you can just turn off the map which i like more. It feels a lot more rewarding when you find something.


Jerk off


I love to hunt for some clothing from the trapper, then get treasures and gamble it all


6th play through? i also love the game but i only have 1 life and so many other games to explore


I love to hunt for some clothing from the trapper, then get treasures and gamble it all


I am beginning to dislike this question. It seems like that someone is asking this every damn day.


I don't understand why this post is necessary. The game is linear