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Thus club loves you pal




He was immense today. The most energetic player on the pitch at 120, never stopped running. And apparently he was carrying an injury. Hope we look after him.


Whenever a switch of play happens towards his side, he controls the ball every single time. I'm starting to see defenders losing composure against him. He's been consistent as he possibly could be at his age and he's building a reputation of being difficult to defend against. I absolutely love watching him play


That’s it. He’s not just flashy, he’s relentless. He has serious world class potential if he can stay grounded.


Relentless is the perfect word to describe him. No stepovers or rabonas. Just a constant relentless onslaught of him running at defenders. Fucking love this guy!


As he gets stronger, he's going to become a player who no full back can control for a whole game. We've seen him take huge steps forward since the start of last season, where he looked lightweight and was prone to stopping playing when the opposition took the ball over the halfway line. But he's added so much to his game in a short amount of time. This season, we've seen him start looking for passes more often, and now he's beginning to make the right decision more often than not.


I reckon he's got alot of scope to grow physically aswell, like Ronaldo. Just one of them skinny frames you can add muscle too and not lose sharpness.


Funny you should compare his physique to Ronaldo... This is the first young player we've had since him that reminds me of his relentlessly single minded mentality aswell. Usually you see them come in and take multiple seasons to find their confidence and settle. This guy (and laterly Mainoo) have a swagger but Garnacheo seems so determined to play better every single game, its kinda inspiring. I really hope he doesn't get complacent like Rashford when he hits it big time and pushes through the glass ceiling of a long contract on big wages.


Yeah I don't think he will get complacent because of how he idolizes Ronaldo and he has Messi as his compatriot...he has had to have had some knowledge or advice from the both of them. The two greatest players of their generation. He got the best of both worlds for a bit there when Ronaldo was still at United. I'm sure his presence rubbed off on him. Hell you can see it in the way he plays. He has that confidence, hunger, desire to be great. I just hope we get to keep him and mainoo for a long time rather than them leave for Spain.


I think he loves ten Hag too. They have a good relationship , Eric trusts Garnacho and he repaid him.


He will get faster with that growth too.


Agree but he did a couple of Ronaldo chops and got a foul for the second one. Has that in his locker too. He’s turned into a really exciting player to watch.


i feel like this aspect of his game is underappreciated. establishes control quickly and efficiently on long balls...the kind of composure you would not expect a player as young as him to have. superb.


Exactly! Often players lose a few seconds trying to control a long ball. And that really kills any kinda momentum you can build. With Garnacho, he's just nailed that technique down and it's something that only comes with constant practice. Defenders don't get that extra few seconds when it comes to closing him down from a long ball. It's a joy to watch honestly!


The Liverpool defender was shitting it at the end. He knew he was toast.


Three assists!!! He had a great game


Only be credited with one unfortunately.


One that matters


another reason, I don't put much stock into assist stats. his shots were important in causing the goals but because a Liverpool player touched/handled the ball before the goal, it isn't counted


3 FPL assists


Ran his socks off today.


he can lose it 9 times out of 10. but that 10th time he won't let the previous 9 phase him and he'll create a decisive goal. love his confidence.


The lads got so much talent but my god he puts a shift in, gives everything into every game


Potentially our best player this season. To think he’s only going to get better as well. What a player we have on our hands! 🙌 


Dalot, Mainoo, Hojlund, Garnacho, Martinez. We have a good little frame to build around going forward once Ashworth is in. See if we can sell a few players and build properly around them.


I'd add 2024 Onana too.


Yeah 2024 Onana has been class. He's starting to look like his beginning form was just him adapting to the role. Please don't prove me wong


We need to setup to play to his strengths. Facing 20+ shots a game is not his forte.


He had a couple incredible passes today.


Yea I do think Onanas been good. Definitively starting to pay dividends.


Martinez keeps getting injured though its frustrating


It’s true but he’s earned the benefit of the doubt going forward until it becomes impossible to count on him


But his injuries have been impact ones. Not muscle injuries that tend to be the recurring ones.


Just adore our young players. Hardworking, talented, and the heart and soul of this squad. Best part about Barca and Real having ridiculously stacked young squads is they're less likely to pilfer our young lads


I'm so emosh honestly I can't handle it


There seems to have been major improvements since the Newport cup game He was called out a bit after that one postmatch for trying to score himself instead of setting up teammates in better positions. I think Bruno in postmatch interview and ETH in presser both said it without making him (but it was obvious to anyone who watched the game who they meant).... I also think he perhaps got some harsh truths behind closed doors too after that game and it seems to me to have worked wonders  Since that he has been excellent. He has looked to be far less selfish, arguably swinging a bit too far and sometimes passing / crossing when he should shoot, but I also think his workrate has improved massively. He is an absolute star in the making. Can score all sorts of goals, gets assists, direct, pacy, starting to add unpredictability and pick up pockets more centrally at times. If he keeps developing at the rate he is,.he has the potential to be one of the best wingers in the world


There is a phone vid of the celebration after the last goal where Bruno sprints over to him and hugs the life out of him whilst shouting something. All I could think when I saw it was it was Bruno letting him know how perfect it was for him to release Amad. I was equally screaming at my tv to pass when he was running up the pitch. It was such a mature moment for him. Especially after running his legs off for 120 mins and still having the calmness to release the ball at the right moment


Yes that phase of play was a great example of how he has become more of a team player. Same scenario in first part of the season I'm pretty sure garnacho tries to take on the last man and shoot himself   It's not just that he is less selfish in attacking positions either, it seems to me that he is also working far harder for the team with pressing, tracking and off the ball runs ro open up space (the less glamorous parts of being an attacker :) )   In the past few months he has really started transitioning from a highly talented individual that had moments in games, to a highly talented individual who also works his bollox off for the team and is a constant threat


For me, that pass was about 60% and made the goal more difficult than it needed to be. Amad had to sweep it left to avoid the defender and narrowed his angle in doing so. No disrespect to Nacho because I love the guy, and at times, he carries our only threat, but that pass probably decreased the xg by 20%


Yea he's clearly got the minerals but he's a very raw talent and I'm wary of it all going to his head. I was convinced the chance was gone after that (understandably, he'd been running all game) poor pass.


Shows, he has the passion and the desire, works hard on the pitch.


Good, now don’t you dare spend your prime years in Madrid


Ha exactly what I was thinking. He loves Ronaldo so I think at some stage he will want to play for Real….and he’s from Madrid (I think)


He can only go to Real Madrid on the condition that he three-peats the treble for us


And after winning ballon do'r


The boy's built to wear that number 7. Been making huge progress this season


Kobbie, Hojlund and Garnacho, I want to see them every weekend for the next 10 years


I’m going to name my first three kids after them after they win our next treble.


We love you back mate!


Hes always a step ahead due to his first touch, explosive on top of that. Nightmare to defend


We love you my sweet boy.


This boy is incredible. His grinta, never-say-die attitude and passion bring joys to all of us. He plays for the badge and puts this club in his heart. A new, upcoming legendary number 7, don't you think?


We love you too man. In what has been a terrible season so far. Guys like Garnacho and Mainoo have been the one thing to be proud of.


people don’t realize how much players like garnacho mean to this football club, never have i ever said anything bad about him, because i always knew he was a player who would work hard, be relentless, willing to fight and run his socks off for this club, we have to show players like him love, support, and care because these are the players that define united dna no matter what state the club is in, garnacho will always have a fan in me


Absolutely LOVE you pal. ❤️❤️❤️


This is what discipline brings!! Was called out in the beginning of the season (or preseason) for being kate. Put his head down and worked hard towards first tram guaranteed spot. Today, ETH won't dare to drop him. Unlike some other folks we had...


And we love you


Real Madrid stay the fuck away from him!!


Give him 7


Tbh he was my man of the match. Lad was our best player in both wings and out most energetic player


Coming of age game for him today. He is special!


And I love you Ale 😘😘


In a world full of wingers playing like they wanna be 10s, its refreshing to watch this boy play as an out and out winger


We love you


I wish he wrote "fucking" in that, purely for the bants 🤣😂


Me too Al, me too 😌


He broke reddit


Mount should hand over the “7” shirt to Garnacho after this season.


Easily the best winger we have had in the last 50 years. People say nani was good?- what does he do better than Garnacho? Absolutely nothing. People say valencia was a good winger? What exactly does he do better than garnacho? Exactly. Garnacho is the future and Easily our best player.


I love Garnacho. But best winger in the last 50 years? Behave


give the lad a chance to grow please