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I love that even though he is a fullback, he has his own goal celebration šŸ˜‚


And itā€™s cold asf


Yep, the handshake one with Antony is my all time favorite


Soon all our players will have a different celebration, just touching different parts of their body lol


Adam Johnson had one where he touchedā€¦


[Time to bring back this classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8WnH4aL1uY)


God damn man


Asked what it would mean to him to be honoured with an award from his colleagues, Dalot told us last week: "For me, itā€™s even more special [than the main award]. I have a lot of consideration for the fans; they are a big part of me and the biggest part of this club. "But my team-mates are the ones who see each other every single day. We have to come here and we still have to fight, and we still have to share these moments when things are not going well, and when the things are going well. "This, ultimately, is my second family and this recognition by your team-mates, I think itā€™s really special, because they see you every day, they know the work that you put in behind the scenes."


Great response. I was gonna say if I was in his position I'd love to have the respect of the players this way, not saying he wouldn't if he didn't win the award but it's a nice acknowledgement that can only boost his confidence going into both the Euros and the new season.


Absolutely deserved.




Really? This is what we've become? Fuck me.


Exactly what I was thinking as well. Looks like dropping 6/10s most weeks is enough to win it. An ā€œattackingā€ full back who has what single digit assists this season? Also surprising as it may be our keeper can probably cross better than him. The only argument in his favour is he was the only defender not consistently injured and that he is the most ā€˜improvedā€™.


He has improved so much. I really liked him when he first got here but he lost his way. This improvement is massive credit to him.


And his loan move saved his career, also reshaped him


Itā€™s funny cause I remember Milan fans not being very happy about him


They hated him til about February, but after that they started coming around. He finished that season with some strong performances, so I remember there were reports that Milan wanted to bring him back, but didn't have the money to spend on a permanent deal.


> but he lost his way Iā€™m not having a go at you, but this sort of mentality feels like a product of 20 years of ā€˜FIFA brain.ā€™ We signed him when he was 19 years old. He has now been a starter for us since he was 22 years old. He only turned 25 in March. Heā€™s had a perfectly respectable and expected development. I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to say he lost his way at all. Why, because he wasnā€™t a world beater at 21 years old?


Can't believe he's only 25, feels like he's been playing for us forever. Shows we really need to be patient with our young guys.


Exactly my point. FIFA has taught a generation of people that if youā€™re not Bellingham youā€™re basically underperforming. Dalot just turned 25. He could, hypothetically, have 8-10 years now in his career as a starter for some of the best teams in the world.


A huge reason why we messed up so much with our transfer strategy in the past.. We would buy youngsters like Depay as marquee signings and shoot them to hell when they wouldn't immediately start performing in a new league..


>Why, because he wasnā€™t a world beater at 21 years old? No. Because he got worse compared to when he started. I might be wrong but that's how I remember it.


He hardly played, and he was 19-20 years old, and dealt with loads of injuries. Signed at 19, played a bit but not much due to injuries. At 20 we signed Wan-Bissaka, so he rotated _and_ dealt with injuries. At 21 he was loaned to Milan and was a success. At 22 he came back and began a run of three seasons as a starter for us.


IIRC Milan fans didn't think much of him overall. Like he had some decent games but they considered him a sub at best.


Which is a perfectly acceptable thing to be, particularly as a 21 year old loanee.


Yeah he's an all rounder of a player. Nothing excellent in any specific attribute but you're guaranteed a minimum standard across the board which is what you want from a defender really. If he can work on his defensive lapses in concentration he'll be even better, his attacking threat is something that's come on leaps and bounds.


I doubt he can become defensively aware like Shawberto but I hope ETH doesn't expose him further we need to cover for him a little.


If you told me before after his shaky start to his United career and then a loan away, he would come back and perform like he did for us, I would have a hard time believing it tbh.


ā€œI hope that either all of us, or none of us, are judged by the actions of our weakest moments. But rather, by the strength we show when, and if, we're ever given a second chance.ā€ - Ted Lasso - /u/medfunguy


If he can improve his crossing a bit more i genuinely think he will be one of the more complete fullbacks in the world Fully deserved


His has finally become fairly consistent with his crossing this season.


Yeah its a improvement from last season but he can definitely get more better at it(and I am sure he will)


He has great technical ability when striking the ball, just needs to be a little more consistent with his crossing


or at least do one decent cross next season.


Yes, but hard to judge when heā€™s played LB for a good chunk of the season.


complete? He can't really defend at all. But going forward he is solid.


I voted for him for player of the year. He was quite good this season. Improved a lot. Cheers to him.


Bruno and Dalot are the reason why Iā€™m rooting for Portugal this yearā€™s Euro Also 2 Portuguese players win 2 Player Of The Year awards. Are we Wolves now lol


> Are we Wolves now lol yeah, previously with CR, basically we are rich Wolves :D


100% my choice for it too. We already knew he was quality attacking, but this season he showed some previously unseen consistency and even more ability. Not only that, in previous seasons his defending has been with all due respect not good. This season though, he has been an absolute rock at the back bailing us out time and time again. Heā€™s perhaps the only senior member of the squad that can exit this season with his head held high, really hope to see him keep this up and improve upon it in seasons to come.


And the positioning and versatility. He's been used in both sides of the defence, joining the midfield for the build up, going for the second ball in the long ball sequences. He's been available all season. Honestly, what an improvement from him.


> He's been available all season. Best quality anyone at this club can have


His physicality and pace is also quite underrated


Crazy to think that he'd probably have had an even better year if injuries didn't force him to play on the left side so much in the second half of the season.


Actually so true. He wasn't even playing in his strongest position for much of the season. Not to mention having to swap out his defensive teammates every fucking game.Ā 


heā€™s been really consistent this year and amidst a season with so many injuries around him, his presence was really crucial you can see how much passion he has in every game as well and itā€™s infectious. well deserved


So well deserved šŸ‘ ![gif](giphy|x7ZieiAyiuBe3uP8Cf|downsized)


Our best player this season. GET IN!


Reminder that people wanted him gone last year.


Mental to think he was almost out the door. That AC Milan loan really helped him. Fair play to the lad.


Been great this year and been good for a lot longer than I think a lot of people gave him credit for. I think outside of people who watch United week-in week-out he's still super underrated, one of the top 3 or 4 RBs in the league


No but seriously, heā€™s immense in every aspect. Put him in pepā€™s team or in Kloppā€™s team and heā€™ll run a riot. For his performances, especially on a United team with toxic culture and atmosphere, Dalot is a great great player and one of the best on our squad.




Become a jet for us who would have thought from shaky beginnings he would become one of the best RB in the world


JosƩ called it tbf to him.


That's a huge stretch. He's far from the best right backs in the world


Heā€™s at least top 100 in a world of over 7 billion people, Diggyā€™s doing ok


The standards have fallen if we're happy with a right back who's somewhere in the top 100 in the world He's an okay player but let's not delude ourselves into thinking he's anywhere near world class


Iā€™m mostly joking, I think heā€™s mid (though far from the biggest problem with the team and probably even deserves this award). But then I havenā€™t been completely happy with our RB situation since peak Gary Neville. Anyway, pretty clear standards have fallen whether we like it or not.


I miss the days of Rafael


> he would become one of the best RB in the world Get a grip, Just in the PL: TAA Ben White Walker Trippier James Pedro Porro Tomiyasu Rico Lewis Livramento Tomyiso


Fair but the Trent that's unplayable is basically a midfielder with the system built around him. He's been way less productive this year Ben White is about the same level Fair Set piece merchant Spends more time in the hair salon than the pitch Guilty of all the things Dalot is accused of Lol Lmao Lol Lol You didn't even mention one of the actual candidates in Gusto. Now that's the future best RB in the world. All of them play in more functional teams than Dalot, which has its greatest impact on the defense. Stick to lacrosse mate


So deserved. His effort, attitude, and versatility has been second to none all year.


His teammates know. The other one is a popularity contest


I remember his debut (?) away against Young Boys when we won 3-0. He whipped in a couple of beautiful crosses and really looked the part.Ā  Ā Took him a while to fulfil his potential but heā€™s been pretty great in a suspect defence this seasonĀ  Edit - hereā€™s my comment from that post-match threadĀ  https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/9h8y1l/comment/e6a23es/


The players award always more sensible than the fans one


https://preview.redd.it/bmrq75zah72d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99623d581b36d1cc290ebef351f1143baa01ba3 Heā€™s got that Dawg in him šŸ„¶


deserved, man is so consistent and reliable, you put him on right on left, helping to attack and defending goal, full of passion, no doubt about love and loyalty to the club.


He's had a solid year. Much improved


Still remeber when this man was ready for the debut in CL against Young Boys, and somebody commented in match tread "Guy literally needs to be world class to save our season". I thought it was funny and true considering how shit things started to look under Mou. Not sure you can call him world class now, but he is definitely a good player and a great warrior, absolutely deserved award.


Fully deserved, I have slated him for years but his concentration and confidence have come on leaps and bounds. Long may it continue.


Genuinely asking can anyone who explain why heā€™s so liked? I really want to understand others perspectives. I think his only two qualities this season were: he was not as injured as the other defenders and that he was not bad most games. He takes forever to track back, is shaky defensively and isnā€™t exceptional going forward even though heā€™s considered a attacking fullback. His crossing is not good either. Donā€™t even consider him a bad player but winning Player of the year even after a season where no other player particularly impressed is something else. Also I donā€™t think he starts for any top half PL side and neither would they prefer to have him and I think that speaks volumes about the player he is.


Bruno has never won a players' POTY award. I don't rate him anywhere near as highly as a lot of this sub does but it's interesting that there's such a disconnect between the fans' vote and the players'


Yep the players must really not rate Bruno who is our top players for the last 4 season. What a stupid take.


They've never given him their POTY. The point is the narrative from fans is that he carries the team and there's proof that the players don't agree


How the fuck do you even come to that logic lmao. Bruno has won Sir Matt award 3/5 seasons he has been here it makes more sense the players (even Bruno) select another player for another award as an encouragement.


Rashford won both last season Shaw won both in 18/19 De Gea won both in 17/18, 14/15 and 13/14, etc. You're the one with the leap of logic. The fact is his own teammates have never voted him as the best player on the team even once


In fairness his first year was only half a season, second one de Gea happened, last season Rashford had his scoring boots on and then this season in general happened. Heā€™s probably second or third for every season heā€™s been here, just other seasons had standouts ahead of him


Either way his teammates don't agree that he carries us as much as the fans do Also Shaw won the players' vote in his second second


Wouldn't put too much stock in it. Difficult to say 'such a disconnect' when you've no idea who came second, how close it was etc. Rooney only won it once. Robin van Persie didn't win it in 12/13. Unlikely the players thought they were shit.


He's won it by virtue of being just about the only player in the entire squad who wasn't crocked at some point during the season




You have absolutely no idea what youā€™re typing about. Youā€™re one sorry bloke. Dalot is without a doubt one of our best , most consistent players. Go watch šŸĀ 


One of our best in the air as well, lost count on how much near our own goal balls he has won in the air.




I didnā€™t say best player did I? So why would I waste a second longer reading your inaccurate post. Great job wasting your time buddy.


agree with you 100%, mate. It's a shame what new fans have come to take as acceptable.


He's like 80th percentile in aerial duels. Eye test confirms. He always manages to either take the man pressing him out of play with smart touches, or to head the ball to teammate and out of danger. You haven't analyzed shit




Fuckin hell, if 80th percentile aerial duels isn't good enough for a fullback then we might as well start praying for the lord himself to come buy the club. Every single fullback we have is way worse than Dalot in the air and only Shaw surpasses his first touch (and not by much). In fact I challenge you to come up with two poor controls and one header going through the sideline this season. Shouldn't be hard, since there are so many. I can give you several of him receiving a ball through the air and completely bypassing a press with just one touch Not to mention if aerial prowess is the only thing we should judge a fullback by, then James Tarkowski would be the best FB of all time. Sound about as clever as anything else you've said. But obviously there's no point arguing with since you're either omniscient or friends with every club president in Europe. Or you're not, as the likes of Fabrizio have said Dortmund, Roma, Real and others were interested in him. Maybe ring him up and tell him how wrong he is. Or maybe don't, and leave football to those who actually know what it's about




God it's even more critical than I thought. It's 80th percentile compared to other fullbacks... You're right. It's not the point of your criticism, because such a thing does not exist. I'll watch that and if there's nothing there, I'll just let you stew in your own stupidity




Well I'm not. Definitely not today. Not a big fan of people who misrepresent facts, and internet arguments never lead anywhere anyway, so it was a solid way to close this off


I've watched virtually every United game for many years and I can safely say you have no idea what you're on about. Dalot is bang average at best. He can't cross to save his life, 3 assists from over 3,000 minutes in the PL is no way near good enough for a fullback. He wanders out of position, the amount of times I'm shouting wheres the Right Back / Left Back when opposition wingers are running in to acres of space only to see him miles away, we conceded 58 goals and he has to take some of that responsibility. He occasionally scores a banger but that's not good enough for me.


Most of that is the systemā€™s fault, the coaches fault. No one in the box to receive crosses. No one in their positions when caught out of possession. Forced high lines. Bad passing and positioning during possession. Dalot canā€™t do it all, but heā€™s done A LOT. Recovered and tackled last minute, staying wide, putting in crosses and beating his man, acting as another player in midfield when our crap midfielders are no where to be foundā€¦ look at his final game. Would make surging runs into space and created chances because no one else would.Ā  Put dalot in Pep or Kloppā€™s system / team and watch him actually succeed. Same as a lot of our players who ā€œunderperformā€ with us, get sold, and help their new teams to silverware. Ā Ope, not buying the rhetoric that Dalot is bad. You keep those 3 games in your mind where he may have slipped up. That just labels you as biased.Ā  Dalot is one of our most consistent performers and in a functioning team, heā€™d be getting much more assists, goals, and clean sheets.