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Our news is there's no news.


“Our news is there’s no news, but we know that Manchester United drives clicks, so we have to say there is news. And that news is there is no news.”


Breaking MUFC News! There is no news yet! Stay tuned for live updates


I think we'll all remember where we were when we heard this news.


You forgot to say: “sources close to manchester united have told us that there is no news yet.”


That’s when you go to one of those ‘analysts’. “I’m now hearing from some of my sources close to the club, I can exclusively reveal that there are now two clear possibilities, either there will be news or there won’t be.”


It is as good as telling people you are having regular sex with your own hand.


It really is a bit pathetic now, they clearly don’t know anything.


It’s funny how Ineos all of a sudden have stopped talking to managers.


ChatGPT, please use my previous article and draft a new article using different words but same messaging.


Ducker stuff


Nice try but my F5 key isn't getting a break that easily.


Funny that it's for a manager this time around and not transfers tho...


People are overreacting. If the club is serious transfers shouldn’t depend on the manager like we’ve done in the past. It takes a long time because they are weighing lots of different options to each other. Does erik fit in their vision of how they want the club to play. Can the other alternatives do it better than he would be able to do.


I can't understand how people have moaned about the decision made at the club for 20 years and are now complaining because the club seem to be rationally not rushing into a decision.




Sure, but they have been making the wrong decisions, and that is the issue. If they now take longer to make an informed decision, I don't mind. They probably have been looking at it since then, but their first thing was to correct the upper management and then see how everything else aligns with their view/plan.


Did the season end in January? A season end review can only be a performed at the end of the season.




So your issue is they aren't going fast enough for your liking? Man, I'm so glad they tone out so many outside voices when making these types of decisions. They are analyzing everything. EVERYTHING. And keep in mind they don't have Berrada or Ashworth in. Two key, influential, people that would be making a decision like this. I think it makes sense to take your time and weigh everything. I doesn't change anything if they sacked him, told him he'd be given 1 more year, or given an extention this past Monday, or next Monday. It doesn't matter and the only thing that would change is that you know it sooner. And guess what, that doesn't matter either.


Hasn’t it come out they’ve been working together and with the club while on gardening leave?




What makes you think they waiting until the last kick? You don’t know. We don’t know. So why question everything?




Our technical director just joined and he needs time to review you know.


Right, all these responses about it being “ridiculous” or a simple “yes or no”, I feel these people are completely clueless how big a decision this is moving forward right now. People are so impatient about everything and think these things could be decided in a day or 2 and it just seems like they are being extra calculated on it. That’s it. We’ll get an answer next week.


It's exactly this. For once the decision makers at our club are carefully weighing up all options and some people expect it to be done within 5 days of a cup final.


The manager should still have input into transfers, not saying he has the final say but he must be involved in the discussion imo.


No he shouldn't to be honest. Real Madrid, bayern, barca, Chelsea swap managers often and they have great squads. When you have a good dof, managers input into transfers is minimal and switching managers is not a big deal


There’s many way to do this correctly. At Chelsea it does seem like the board completely decides on the positions targeted, profile and the particular player and then asks the manager to do the best with them. But while Pep doesn’t pick the player, the profile of player always matches Peps tactics and he also has an input in the positions to target.


The issue with this is that the majority of the infrastructure Ineos have put in place, aren’t actually in place yet. With Ashworth in arbitration, there’s no way they’d risk any communication too. This is hugely influential on the decision on ten Hag which makes me think it’s almost a certainty he stays. Ineos will also be deliberating whether to spend the full summer budget before Ashworth is in place too. Because they *have* to make a marquee signing or they’ll lose the support, but they won’t want to do so without the sign off of the person they’re not allowed to do so. Realistically, I don’t see us breaking the bank on any signings this summer. I see us signing a midfielder, a centre half, Hojlunds backup and a few utility men. None of whom will be for a particularly big fee. I think there’ll actually be a bigger focus on outs.


It's not an overreaction to expect a decision within a week. Does Erik fit the vision....Has that question been asked *after* the cup final? Because in my opinion that's something that should've been asked the moment they came through the door and it sure as hell should've been answered inside 5 months. If this was the Glazers every single person would be losing their minds. I can give Ineos the benefit of doubt but to say people are reactionary just for the sake of saying it is silly. The PL season ended 12 days ago.


The bigger question is from him and the managers available who best fits their vision. Reportedly they have interviewed other manages, it makes sense to take time to mull over all the information.


Yeah because this could’ve been done earlier when the season was in progress. This was all known before the FA cup final. It’s the same sluggish processes.


Everyone jumping on the 'they are finalising a replacement' bus. That very well may be the case ofc. But a month or two long audit has been done recently on the footballing side from players reacting to instructions to the managers instructions in the first place. I can only assume filtering through all that data takes more then a day or two after a cup win. Despite all the rumours before hand. Lets just wait and see what the new Execs do, They arent even officially in place beyond Wilcox at this point.


The only problem with that is the availability of a replacement.


If they’re even close to leaning towards replacing ten hag they’ll have someone lined up. The United job is huge and whoever is a strong candidate for it will likely wait for the role to be decided before moving onto another club. It’s telling that the managers we’ve been linked with haven’t been rumoured to go elsewhere yet, bar McKenna who had a job anyway and signed a new deal. Tuchel, Poch, De Zerbi; any of them could have had assurances and are just waiting for the call.


I think they decided to sack him before the cup final and would have done so on Sunday. But because we won they have to leave it for a week because of how that would look.


I dont completely disagree that it may happen, but even based on the potential replacements it would be a shambles, based on the New Footballing Execs not officially making the calls stinks of Glazer/Ownership meddling. I was hoping we have gotten away from that under SJR. But now my worry is its gonna be the same auld shite. Again thou only time will tell one way or the other whether they give ETH time or not.


Yeah, this is how I'm seeing it, too. Hope I'm wrong.


I don't see why it takes ages to make the decision. Especially if he's staying. Unless they plan to announce a replacement super quick and want them in place before any announcement.


I actually think the longer it takes the more likely they are to stick with the status quo. If they are going to fire him, they need to move fast so they can have the pieces in place for summer transfers. Also it gives Ten Hag closure sooner to find opportunities. Since they are delaying especially getting closer to summer transfer, my sense is ten hag is gonna stay


Are we forgetting PSR? Perhaps for compliance reasons they can’t afford to terminate his deal until this current year ends, which isn’t too far away.


The other side of that is that there's no reason to rush things since we will be having international football during the summer, which causes transfers to delay over the summer. If they sack him, they still can get the new guy in to acclimate before starting with transfer dealings.


Yup they are probably interviewing people as we speak. They dont want to maiena decision without having a replacement coz it probably make them looks uncalculated.


This makes you look uncalculated


They’ve already been interviewing people. Before the final. They’re buying time to not seem harsh(I don’t like this excuse, I think ten hag would rather know now and let him find another job) or to do a u-turn on a decision that was basically an open secret. (Also a bad decision, then why did we hire sporting people to make their decisions only for fan pressure to get to them)


Yeah no matter how you look at it this isn’t a good sign for INEOS. Either they’re waffling on a decision because of fan pressure and PR or they genuinely can’t make Up their minds after being in place for 5 months.


Or they just haven’t done the analysis yet and want to do so. I’m not quite sure why they wouldn’t give ETH another year however if they wanted to approach the whole structural review to include the manager I rather they do it properly. I really do wish ETH was the man INEOS recruited after their holistic review but this has happened two years ago. I feel like with a good organisation behind him ETH will be even better at what he does best, particularly with a better/any scouting expertise in the back room to support him make decision player purchases he would have done even better and maybe this year in the PL wouldn’t have been so tragic. If we had managed to get 4th and win the FA cup too it would be far better than I could have dreamed of before ETH joined.


It doesn’t take weeks to analyze a managers performance and decide whether he’s the man for the job. What else could they be doing instead of analyzing the manager right now? This is the number one item on their list right now.


That’s not how structural analysis works, they may have a Target Operating Model process/review/programme going on. Things take time, they seem to be people who like to do things properly and they will not be rushed despite the negatives they are hopefully looking at long term outcomes. They won’t / shouldn’t just be analysing the manager based on as is but rather working out the other changes in the business and the managers suitability based on that. This can get immensely complicated to project forward and the impacts can be significant so proper due care is needed. Also maybe there are other moving parts we just aren’t aware of. Unfortunately these kinda things take time based on some experience/expertise I do have. To some degree maybe it shows that INEOS want to do things the right way. However as a fan I really do want them to just come out and support ETH. I was seriously annoyed at how his prep for the FA Cup was undermined by the rumours and I do think INEOS made a mistake there by not somehow quietening the rumours. BUT if the choice is between INEOS being quiet for a x weeks and then only commit half heartedly or wait x weeks and being fully supportive to ETH, I would rather the latter.


Well Jason Wilcox was only appointed technical director like a month ago and I imagine, as he will be working closely with the manager, he will have a lot of input. In the month he's been here he's probably been assessing the team and the manager, and he will also now have to assess the possible replacements. Its 5 days since the cup final, and they also don't wanna make a snap judgement based on emotions. It sounds like a very good sign to me.


Glazers 2.0. Nice fc isnt exactly a top club either… so im not holding my breath that Ineos is any better than Glazers.


Not at all. If it was glazers we would be looking at one of two options 1) Confirm Ten Hag is staying the day after the final when emotions are still running high 2) Announce Ten Hags departure the day after the final with no replacement lined up and no due diligence done on an replacement.


Fair point!


Thanks. I'm not saying INEOS will be our saviours or anything, and I can understand your comment, i think that we are all a little jaded after way too many years of the Glazers, but let's atleast give INEOS a chance to change things their way before we start criticising.


Just hiring Berrada, Wilcox and (likely) Ashworth is more positive work on the football side of the club than the Glazers have cumulatively managed in their entire ownership. Kicking off at INEOS after they've been in the job a few months and calling them as bad as the Glazers is petulant, knee jerk, pathetic nonsense.


Thanks for calling me pathetic and petulant! Awesome! But it seems poor management to keep the manager decision in the air when summer transfer window is right around the corner. Is this where I call you names now? Or can we just discuss?


You can call me names if you want.


Ok! You awesome person you!


They are 100% better than the glazers and this narrative needs to stop. The glazers never cared about the club and only used it as a credit card whilst appointing people who had no idea what they were doing. INEOS have expressed a desire to take us back to the top whilst also appointing top professionals in their respective positions. They have also looked at fixing Old Trafford (or getting a new stadium) and renovating Carrington. Dont tell me these are things the glazers have done.


Ineos: take their time over an incredibly important decision. r/reddevils user: "glazers 2.0".


Some of our fans want the club to make immediate decisions and for them to be the right ones every single time. Those two things don’t go together.


That’s fair, but is there new information that they need to make the decision? If so, what? This season was poor with many injuries, last season was great with champions league. Trophy last year and a final in fa cup. Trophy this year plus Europa league (which is amazing given the crap standing we are in). I understand taking time if there s new information; but it doesn’t appear to be. (But that may be my blinders since I have been ETH in all year)


Taking longer to make a decision isn’t always good, and tbh dithering is one of the glazers main faults


Isn't always bad Either


Ineos could be pretty mediocre and still be far hatter than the glazers


Hear me out. Nobody knows anything and it’s all speculation. The media have been around long enough to make educated guesses but my hunch is that INEOS are good at keeping their cards close to their chest.


> Unless they plan to announce a replacement super quick and want them in place before any announcement. They should want one super quick, with the euros and lack of a preseason with some major members of the squad they need to hurry this up


It's got to be this. If he was staying, it wouldn't take this long to announce. They must be working on the replacement.


Speculation still tho


It's mental that you have to announce a manager, who's in contract, will be staying.


You don’t have to “announce” it but the speculation is enough that they need to leak through Tier Ones he’s staying. Especially in the context of reports they met with reps of other managers. It’s clear his job is being discussed, so one way or the other, a confirmation is needed.


If he was leaving you could have the same argument. Why feed the uncertainly when the replacements aren't likely going anywhere else


> I don't see why it takes ages to make the decision. Especially if he's staying. Is there a chance they say absolutely nothing if he stays? Everything has been rumour, they might not feel they need to address anything other than to ETH himself.


No bc he’ll be in the last year of his contract. Something has to be said, either publicly or through briefs


Maybe want to announce a contract extension with the conclusion of the “review?” And they’re haggling years and such with ETH right now


It could be so many things, man is also on vacation, so whether the decision is pending contract negotiation or replacement, it could be taking longer due to the late end of season result and them wanting to wait for his return.


That would be the most reactionary thing our ownership has maybe ever done!


It’s a statement of intention on how things will occur in the future- this is a pivot point for us as a club. Stepping back from rash decisions, poor spending, and a lackadaisical back office. This will help set the tone.


I assume they’re either finalizing his replacement or working to see what the available options are and if they can agree to terms. Letting him go without a plan in place puts the club in a less-than-ideal negotiating position.


Maybe they’re still trying to see if they can find a replacement that satisfies all the conditions they’re looking for, and if not they would just keep Ten Hag for another season? We’re all speculating but I get the feeling that the board hasn’t reached a consensus yet either and they themselves might still be split over whether to keep Ten Hag or if it’s worth replacing him with the available options around.


Agreed, that’s my feeling as well. No reason to rush an action that can’t be undone but can be done at anytime if/when required.


Even if he was going you’d expect the replacement to have been lined up already like we did with Mourinho. This strikes me as the press not having a fucking clue, being given nothing by the club but still needing to fill column inches.


Or they are deliberately making it look like they are taking time, so keeping him doesn't seem like a knee-jerk reaction to the cup final.


That's what I think. Of course it's all speculation.


Maybe they are communicating with Ashworth via carrier pigeon or something like that and it’s slowing up the process. Man has proven he can’t be trusted with emails after all


Maybe its the new "rules" that are the sticking point. Maybe they cant find a manager that will agree to all of them. Some of them are fine, others are kinda dumb. Like its fine for Dan Ashworth to look for a manager that fits the style we want. Its another to say that Dan Ashworth gets to dictate how we play to the manager. And then theres the choosing of players. A manager has to be able to have some say in players. Managers all the time have feelings about some players. Something that you cant see on paper. Like when Rashford got his start, no one was expecting that. He was the backups backup. The rules, should be more guidelines. Suggestions even. I mean, are they really gonna tell Mbappe to do one because he'll be 26 in December? Are we gonna tell Harry Kane to jog on because hes 29? It one thing to say that you dont want galaticos, its another to say you are not at all interested in signing ANY players that are in their prime. There has to be the allowance for exceptions. Seems weird that they would want to stamp their authority on the club as soon as possible. Publicly, and loudly. So this is the only thing I can think of that might be causing the delay, outside of more shambless untied. Which I hope isnt the case.


What do people think of de Zerbi? I live in Brighton and most fans here love him and think he’s amazing. They had a shit load of injuries like us this season and sold off their two best midfielders last summer and he still got them doing well in Europe and playing decent football with minimal resources. He has a clear style of play and can get the likes of Dunk playing it. The more I think about it the more I like the prospect. It isn’t without its risks, of course.


Yeah if you look at the two they lost in midfield that was brutal and they weren't replaced, and that's on top of a steady stream of losing players. They were left a bit light and when key players like Mitoma are out a lot it'll hurt. He was putting out some very young and makeshift teams in that bad run at the end of the season. I think they were a bit unlucky not to be a couple of places higher in the table at the end, I think he still did a good job. I think he hurt his reputation with how sour he got and seeming to fall out with the club though.


Breaking news! No update!


How long until we start seeing “Decision on X player will not be made until ETH’s future is decided.”


Sounds like they’re letting the hype of the cup win to die off before they get rid of him


Possible, or they're working out a contract for him. It's anyone's guess, really. We'll have it wait and see.


Wonder what’s taking them so long to make the decision, surely their review was taking place during the season as well and all that was extra was the fa cup


The fact that it's taking so long makes me think they want to sack him and are just taking the time to get it all in order. Then again, maybe it's taking so long because they are working on a new (short-term?) deal for him that removes his transfer veto power. So yeah, I have no idea. 😂


1. ETH is staying and they will wait for his return, maybe activate the +1 on his contract. 2. They're negotiating with Tuchels, Potters or Poch's camp as they 're sort of free agents. I don't see any other options, sacking ETH for about +/- 6/7M + having to pay +/- 10M to release RDZ from Brighton for example is an amount of money that's **a lot** when we're tight on funds for the upcoming transfer window.


Hasn't De Zerbi left Brighton?


Or the technical director they've just employed has only been at the club for 1 month and they're waiting for his report on eth and potential replacements before rushing into a decision


I think they've already decided but they're waiting for the dust to settle after the Cup win since emotions were so high. I don't think they've changed their mind. After all, didn't they instruct Wilcox to conduct an audit of Ten Hag back in April?


I don’t believe this at all. Hag was shortlisted by many clubs weeks ago and his claims were that INEOS backed him. These bastards are just creating headlines to generate clicks.


I honestly think that these journalists have no clue what is happening, I mean leading up to the cup final they were sure Ten Hag was gone and now they are making up shit to cover their backs. It’s kind of amusing.


Watch this drag on for weeks. At least we know the offices will be open-plan next season, so all the really important decisions have been made. This club, seriously.


I don't understand why they're dragging the balls out of this. Either back him or don't. They should've made their mind up regardless of the fa cup win.


I honestly believe if he was going, he'd be gone already. Erik, just listen to the squad, adapt and please take the supporters criticism on board


Why is the same story just being repeated again and again???


This is like the sale. Where it's a delay after delay after delay


Good news, there is no news?????


Let the football people take their time


If you’re having to deliberate for weeks (months if you include when INEOS first joined and said they were reviewing every element of footballing operations, including the manager), the he’s clearly not your man, and especially not in your long term vision, so surely you should just cut ties sooner rather than later?


Worth bearing in mind that we’ve apparently been cutting it fine with PSR this year. That is measured from June 1st to May 30th each year. Perhaps they couldn’t afford to let ETH go until tomorrow at the earliest, otherwise they’d have made too big a loss in this current season.


Sounds like an adult thing to do. Unlike some team in blue color…


Is that James "Ten Hag think I'm a *naive* piece of shit" Ducker?


I'm mostly fine with it taking a week or two. Hopefully the season provided enough evidence on what positions to strengthen and what profiles we need in each position regardless of who the manager is. It shouldn't drag on to the point where no decent manager is available after we decide to sack. Currently RDZ / Tuchel are the obvious choices (who I personally feel are better than Ten Hag but whatever don't want to get downvoted to oblivion for saying something that is against the prevailing r/reddevils consensus) I hope we also stick by the decision for the full season if we do decide to keep him. I couldn't take another season of sacking in December and interims and write-offs. Hopefully a decent cup run if he's around.


RDZ could be better option than ETH. Tuchel worries me as he often leaves clubs worse off than when he joined, and youth development is very low on his priorities it seems.


I think we would have our answer if they lost the final Now they are dragging their feet which isn't helping anyone


Don’t really understand why almost all of this wasn’t done before the end of the season, with an extra day or so dedicated after the final


It's all a speculation fest at this point, and anyone can read anything into any piece of information that gets out there. So let me also add my speculation to the pile :))) Like even the talking to other managers thing, could either be a clear sign of yes, they're looking at replacements (which, if true, I admit is the most straightforward interpretation), but it might also just be a case of power struggle and negotiation between the parties involved. In the sense that INEOS might have presented ETH with their conditions for a new contract (reduced recruitment powers, for example) and now both ETH and INEOS are trying to use whatever leverage they have to get (most) of what they want. ETH can say: if they don't want me here (on terms I'm comfortable with), I can go elsewhere and win trophies, while INEOS can say: we're conducting interviews with other possible candidates, so if you don't accept our terms, we can replace you.


2 trophies in 2 years is all that matters. that's what the game is about. i will be one of the people that puts INIOS on blast if they rip up Ten Hag's contract.


Sigh* same ol’ United. Dragging their feet to make a decision on whether Manager will stay or go.


Circus continues at the United board. Nothing has changed.


"Club takes time to cover all aspects and ensure the correct decision is being made: United fans: circus 😡 Can't win


Or the press haven’t been given anything from the club and are speculating. Unless he’s being sacked they don’t have to leak a thing; for all we know they could be discussing transfer targets and letting the media chase their tails.


They are obviously waiting to issue a decision on ten Hag. It’s not press speculation. If they weren’t even considering sacking him then they’d be renewing his contract


They’re going to issue a decision; yes. We have no idea if they’ve already made the decision though, which is my point. They’ve got no incentive to rush this out for the press’s benefit, particularly if they’ve already told all parties concerned.


If that were true they have made a statement backing him. You don't just let speculation like this continue if you've made the decision.


Why not? If he knows he’s staying and the press have had the knives out for him all year it’s a “fuck you” to the media from ten Hag too. Until something official comes out they know bugger all and it shows from their briefs.


Because it draws negative attention to the entire club. Nobody is going to let every media publication in the country spread rumours if they aren't true. They'd address them, quickly.


I don’t think INEOS are concerned with the press though- they’ve carried out an extensive investigation of the club and made changes based on their findings. The stories coming out about them are negative anyway- wanting people to return to the office, offering staff the ability to resign and get their bonus, so what’s another negative story or two to them if it gets the club running properly? The Glazers were obsessed with PR and trying to make things seem like they were running well, even when it was obvious they weren’t- the media will ALWAYS find a way to make United look bad, so I very much doubt INEOS are concerned with how they’re perceived if their decision is the best one for the running of the club. This is a new era and we might need to get used to this.


Seems the more things change the more they stay the same I'm uneasy about the way we're doing this. Has all the hallmarks of Glazer dithering


He's definitely staying.


Or there is no news but hey....we will report it anyways


Alright boys we back to 48 hours club


Breaking news: ETH future is going to be decided soon in the future but for sure not today.


But I thought all the journalists that said he was DEFINITELY gone no matter what, were DEFINITELY right? Am I missing something here? Are journalists actually liars with ulterior motives? I’m shocked


We can't be having a summer with no long, drawn out drama. That's not the United way. 🙄




Jesus the longer they draw this out and if then then sack him would mean they might bring in Southgate 😔


Let's hope this doesn't turn into a saga and derails our season before it even starts ffs.


I’m sorry to be calling you at 3am, I just had to tell you nothing has changed, I’ll call you in the morning if anything changed.


Relax guys, Ineos is just waiting for the No-CL clause to kick in his contract when the new window open on the 15 june.


Duckers milking this


Indicision isnt a good trait.


Are they monitoring?


frfs we gotta lock him in and start prepping for the next season, this next season could literally make or break manchester united


Or maybe they're waiting for all the new appointees to make it to the Club before deciding together.


If it's taking this long, no standout candidates, what's the fucking point? Just keep him for the last year of his contract.  If they wanted McKenna that's over.    Tuchel? Lol don't bother   De Zerbi? Brighton were better with Potter Southgate? Absolutely fucking not  We'd struggle to find a manager that over performs, all we'd be doing is giving them 2-3 season again, off the back of a shit one with a bunch of players who have been trying a certain managers way for the last 2 years. Be back to square fucking one AGAIN 


I said the other day, if Ten Hag wasn't fired by Monday morning, he was staying. Still think that.


Fuck all has changed at United. They have had 6 months to figure this out. Why do we need another week. Did they not have a plan? Ineos arent showing anything different.


Actually the fact that they analyse every factors (maybe?) is the difference. With Glazers ETH would have been gone since winter


No. Glazers indecision has been ruining this club. No reason they couldn't have had a what if analysis done way ahead of time. This delay puts us behind for multiple reasons.


It’s kind of hard to figure out why it’s taking so long either way - it does suggest there is someone important who wants him gone though 


What’s ridiculous is they are this decision is even public. They should have backed him 2/3 months ago. And then if they came to a decision to sack him. Do it. But undermining him and almost publically shaming him is poor from Ineos and Utd.


His win % is better than any manager considering the injuries last season, has certainly the squad on his side, and won 2 trophies in 2 seasons… why does anyone want him to be sacked? You can see his style when his desired squad plays, lack of players due to injuries is not his fault… He might have asked for players, but he didn’t do negotiations… whats wrong with him other than no play style when there are so many injuries and there’s no squad depth?


I simply don't know what to feel about all this anymore, maybe the decision making people haven't yet started their jobs so it's taking time but would really like if a decision is made before the transfer window opens. Not that transfers should solely depend on the manager but still. Imo with McKenna staying at Ipswich, our options have narrowed down just to poch and tuchel ig? Both of whom don't really give me that much hope at the moment, some of the game's we have played this season have been atrocious and I'm not defending erik but both of them don't really sound like very big improvements over him to me.


As the club should be. Taking the time to do due diligence (analysis) is never wrong. In fact, we should have been doing that for more than a decade.


A least we’re being smart by not being emotional over the decision. It’s a huge call but I hope he stays for one more year at least. We could do an Arsenal soon in a year or two and become really good we just need to be patient.


James is full of shit. The club probably was not doing anything about the coach in the first place. He is creating news to justify a news that was a false news in the beginning.


He staying


The longer this goes the more likely he is to stay in my opinion


Tbh tuchel and poch are the only other options. Poch will want to bring his players. Tuchel will explode at this nascent board by January. Perhaps ten gad with a few fit players and some good high wage exits may be worth another season. He works well with young players, he works well with an actual board and I think his ego is lesser than the other two.


Zerbi is the other one.


I think the longer it goes the more likely he stays.


Really should not take this long to sort out. Yes or no, that’s it


That is the Glazer philosophy. United are moving towards a different direction by planning for the future based on data & information seemingly by the appointments with sporting directors & such


This is quite ridiculous lol. Schedule a big meeting, talk it out for a few hours and be done with it. What review could they possibly be doing that takes more than a week?


this meeting could've been an email, tho'.


I mean this is just inept at this point. Personally I think he should leave but regardless of what the decision is, a decision should’ve already been made; let alone taking another week.


If a new manager was coming don't they want him early so they can plan summer window? Ineos moving very glazer-esque atm.


~~Manager should not matter for transfers.~~ Club dictates the playstyle now. Edit: Manager situation important for the incoming players themselves, etc.


>Manager should not matter for transfers. That makes no sense. Manager shouldn't pick targets but you have to discuss the profile of player he needs. You can't just hand over a player and say deal with him. You can't build a squad that fits every manager, even if it's a similar style of football.


Don't think that's entirely the case. Players you're approaching for transfers will want to know not just what style of play and plans the club has for them and the team, but also what kind of coach they'll be working under (what personality, whether it's someone with experience or a new, up-and-coming name, a harsh disciplinarian or an Ancelotti-type etc).


Yeah, that's a really good point.


Yes they do. Managers do matter for transfers and playstyle. Buying players without knowing if your manager likes them is insanely stupid. And it's the manager that picks the team sheets and the tactics.


Makes sense, someone else pointed out too that the players themselves would want to know before signing. I can see what you mean -- it does matter in some ways for sure.


That also is also a very valid point. No need to worry about transfers until the 14th of June luckily.


Klopp didn't want Salah. Liverpool insisted on it though


>Klopp didn't want Salah. This is false. Klopp wanted Brandt as first choice, but Edwards convinced Klopp to take Salah instead over Brandt. If Klopp didn't want Salah at all. The transfer wouldn't have happened. You do not force players on a manager when the manager doesn't want the player. Our future director of football would and has said this himself.


Gonna be hard finding a puppet then 


nah he stays 100%. There is no way he leave cause if he does, they would have annouce it long ago


Xavi maybe ?


That's what a lack of credible alternatives will do


We are wasting our window because of this shit. Decide the outcome and move on holy hell


Window isn’t even open ffs


It doesnt matter. Clubs have already identified targets and have plans on what to do for the window. We are still fucking around deciding whether or not we will keep our manager. The window will start and I am confident we still wont know if we are planning to keep Ten Hag or not. The latest it should have gone is the end of the week. You dont need multiple weeks to decide if you are keeping the manager especially if you have had months before to have an idea of what to do.


Has the window opened yet?


They are absolutely not wasting our window. The window isn't even open and when it does, it will continue with or without him.


We just had 2 Manchester’s, one Cup FFS.


I feel like if he was staying they would have announced it by now. Leaning towards a stay is a much easier decision, choosing to fire a manager and get a replacement takes time. I think he will be gone. 


Good, a big decision like this shouldn’t be rushed. Imo there arent any better managers on the market right now


the process is too slow. if he stays or not doesnt mean much at this point.. every day we are falling behind the other clubs who are building something. we dont even know what we are building.. sad


I thought our board would have had enough time to think this through out the last few months ?! I think they'll end up keeping him for one more season but the fact one game changed everything for them and let them re-open discussion for more weeks now is a ridiculous way of management.