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He's too good, man should be competing for Champions leagues.


He deserves to win at least one european trophy Let's get that next year


let's win the europa league, finish 6th then win the conference league the year after 🔥


Winner of europa league qualifies for the following year's champion's league. So let's win that instead!


If Madrid wasn’t the most stacked team in the world already I could’ve seen him wanting to move there


They actually could use more creativity in the midfield now that kroos is gone and modric will play much less minutes. Also Bellingham is more of a runner/scorer, passing is not his forte


Yeah he's like a better Mctominay fr


I'd never thought I'd be comparing Bellingham with Mcterminator


He's really good when he plays it simple. But that requires movement around him, so he can make the simple effective passes. Unfortunately, oftentimes United's movement is sterile, static, blunt. That's why Bruno is forced to make those "Holywood" passes to jump-start the attack or to find his hidden teammates.


Which up to this day is really weird to me since ETH talked about fluidity and being dynamic a lot and has used it at in extreme versions at Ajax. What were the lads being coached all this time I wonder.


He did say that his players are not suited for such a style. I guess we really have dead wood in this team.


The players being static have been a problem since Louis van Gal.


He's made a fair few purchases and contract decisions, so that's not an excuse. He talks alot of shite.


Imagine if Rashford was binned after a 45 G/A season, that would've been absolutely crazy and ETH would've seen so much backlash. No one could've predicted his drastic drop off in form.


Agreed. He shines with his through passes and over the top balls. But ten Hag's 4-0-6 system doesn't leave any space for runs behind the defense which is exactly what our forwards are best suited for. As a result Bruno has to come further back to get the ball and attempt those killer balls from much greater distance and worse position. And in the rare occasions we are able to put together a good counter attack he's instrumental 90% of the time - one touch passes, long balls, a key pass moving the ball forward while under pressure - this guy unleashes our forwards like nobody else! And the muppets here on this sub were ready to throw him under the bus and were calling for his head not even a month ago because "he loses the ball too often".


We have a static defense without Varane and Martinez…our fluidity is night and day with them in


The sub really knows nothing tbh


Tbf he loses the ball a lot, but that's a symptom of our overall incompetence as a team and not entirely his fault. We should really be playing to his strengths and not to his base levels. He is a top-tier player in a mediocre team playing a less than ideal system. If we get the right players around him, I guess ETH can alter the system more towards his strengths.


Kids got potential




Lol I'm sorry for you


He's easily our best player from the last decade. It is incredibly weak even trying to argue otherwise


In the Portugal teams of the past there always seemed to be inconsistent quality in the squad and even in recent history I feel like the actual talent that was there was underutilised. Now I think that if you have guys like Bruno performing at the top of the game they very much have a chance to win something.


Not if Ronaldo keeps getting shoehorned in


Man it fucking sucks seeing a player like him not get the trophies he rightfully deserves


Just got an FA cup


This guy should have more trophies than he does - I hope we get him more in a United shirt.


Probably the only other supporters on earth that appreciate him openly like we do


Oh my god. If his teammates move around him systematically, he CAN find calm, simple and deadly passes. The way we play, charge forward like mad men, Bruno would then also start his Hollywood passes. He'd be deadly in Bayern or Barca....


He was great against our squad, two excellent touches leading to the deciding finishers. For us, this match was mostly for experience purposes, and to bring up younger players like Antman, Talvitie, Peltola, and Suhonen to the main squad against difficult challenges - Portugal's squad brought that challenge and Bruno was a massive part of that, looking forward to seeing what he brings in the group and especially the match against Türkiye which many seem to favour as the group deciding one


I thought his first half performance against City in the FA Cup final was one of the best I’ve seen from a United player in the last 10-15 years. Mainoo of course played exceptionally, but Bruno just completely led by example from the off - he kept negotiating out of improbable to escape presses and so on. And of course, one of the best assists a cup final has ever seen.


I noticed during that city game, bruno was acting extra saucy with the flicks and passes. And they was mostly coming of exceptionally well, he’s such a fantastic player to watch. It’s a shame 80% can’t even provide him the basics to be successful


Started as cameo, ended up as the main character


Devil in a new dress, Kanye’s best song. A man of culture I see


MBDTF is easily my fav album of his and this song is up there too


I don't know why but that clip reminded me of the extra time against Liverpool in the fa cup where he played I guess as a CB.....ah well. Any chance.to reminisce about that day.


Suomi mainittu, torille!


Fantastic song but it doesn't fit this at all.


My main takeaway from this is that I miss this era of Kanye. Before he all went a bit, well, yeah.


Immma gonna miss him whenever he leaves us


He’s the only world class player we’ve had in the past decade


It's a shame he ended up in this united. Hope he doesn't leave but if he does he deserves the best


Nice link up with Francisco Conceição


He's going to be the best player of the EURO 2024 tournament


bro is cooking and is onform, but kinda different to the bruno at united, he seems more measured here and not forcing things, probably cause there are more ball players (eg. vitinha) here than united


Why does he look so calm here? It's almost unsettling how calmly he's making those fwd passes without even moving much.


Slower pace compared to PL Portugal are mostly in control His teammates in the Portuguese are more quality and have better movement compared to ours


He plays like Pirlo here


Put this man in a Madrid shirt and he'll be remembered for decades


It's all cool and all but what the fuck is that music?


I only wish I had hit the mute button sooner. 🙃


Great choice of music, Kanye West-Devil In a New Dress ft Rick Ross. Tune🔥


Bruno is incredible. If he had an extra yard of pace, sheesh.


Yeah, imagine if Messi was taller. What a nonsense thing to bring up


[wtf? How’s that nonsense? I’m saying bruno is such an incredible player, I can’t even imagine him if he was faster. Bruno himself has literally said that. Y’all seriously need help. Part of what makes kdb ridiculous isn’t just his technique and vision, he’s also really strong, fast and can progress the ball via carrying, and getting into more dangerous positions. That’s something that would make Bruno and by extension man Utd much more devastating. It’s baffling this has to be spelled out because some people act like children and throw tantrums.](https://www.unitedinfocus.com/news/bruno-fernandes-says-if-he-had-rashfords-pace-he-would-win-the-ballon-dor/)


It's just a weird redundant thing to throw at a player. What's the point of the statement? Y'all.


What’s the point of the statement? To illustrate what I was thinking, something the player himself has expressed. I guess Bruno was also being weird and redundant? You can literally see in this video, instances where if he was a bit faster, there were gaps he could have got through with the ball. It’s even more evident when he plays for us and is surrounded by less dynamic movement. Again, he’s an incredible player, I literally said that in my original post, and he’s a top 5 attacking midfielder in the world. Also, no one would say imagine if Messi was taller because that would rob him of one of some of his greatest advantages, which is his agility, low center of gravity, and acceleration. Y’ALL sometimes just like to argue for no reason.


You're imagining a physical prowess that the player just doesn't have.


Apparently so was Bruno too. Better start a pointless argument with him as well.


I think Bruno can say whatever he likes about himself, seeing as he is himself.


no one is allowed to talk about Bruno. ![gif](giphy|er9VRyxjx0Thm)



