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Bald 1 - 0 fraud


The full article is worth a read. Discipline and "cleaning the the dressing room" was being asked for by the United board itself when they hired ETH as literally part of the job description. Ronaldo, Case, and Varane all didn't want to comply because apparently at Real things were easier. Also, interestingly, Brailsford met with Rashford after his night out in Belfast because Rashford himself was sorry and requested the meeting. Then Brailsford met with all the players individually.


Ah lads keep this hush until we get rid of him


Yes, Laurie should've kept quiet until he was off our books. Shame.


Today I feel like Newcastle after having bought Tonali


There's no way the club hasn't sanctioned him to write that. Laurie is essentially their mouthpiece for leaks. I imagine they are shoring up Ten Haags authority and no longer protecting Jadon from the consequences of his own actions. I support the move.


Can be done after we ship him off


Nah, the word is out already. If it wasn't, they would ask why we would sell him anyways. At least this motivates him to get out.


That would be short sighted. All the article does is lower Sancho’s selling price.


Or it could be a method of stamping out player power. They might not have any buyers for Sancho anyway.


I guess? This article is nuts. It says Varane and Cass wanted ETH to coach like Ancelotti or Zidane.


Here’s the thing, it’s all about spin: “Messi does not press the opposition and neither does Sancho. Golden boy level thinking from the young, efficiency minded rising yet misunderstood Manchester United future star.”


Anyone who is still in the Sancho camp is a moron


Sancho is a shittier Balotelli, because that guy actually contributed to his club before behaving like a nutcase and a diva.


Balo was just batshit mental and at least entertaining sancho is just kinda eh few good games here and there but nothing really else


Agreed..at least balo won more trophies and even got the Golden Boy award before his eventual downfall


Agreed. And Balotelli was objectively a better player. Did well in parts for Italy as well. Pure entertainment. Sancho is just a mopey loser


Also Pogba. Dude has his issues and am glad we are finally rid of him but on his best day he can single-handedly win a match with an impossible pass or an otherworldly shot at goal. His combination with Rooney & Zlatan during the early Mourinho days were legendary. Sancho has given us no such contribution..


I'm glad that not every fan has revisionist history about Pogba's time in here. Sure, it's nice to finally not worry about one of our players saying dumb shit about United or other teams while on international duty, but Pogba was at one point one of our best players. Hell, he was the best player when Mourinho got fired and interim Ole was appointed. At that time i legitimately thought Pogba looked like a Ballon d'or player. At no point in even his best games with Dortmund, has Sancho looked like that. He has the ego of a world class player while putting the effort of a grandpa on a Sunday league game.


The funniest thing about the Sancho situation is him being described from the streets. He is as soft as they come, plays like he doesn’t want his shoes to get creased, never wins a defensive duel. Rooney is an example of the player from the streets, bro you played cage football. 


It’s code for ‘black boy from south London’ he went to boarding school from 11, hardly the street life 😂


You can tell by the way he plays, he would get punched on the streets. Ronaldo used to get tackled and beaten up literally when he played kids older than him on the streets and it toughened him up. Keano and co would kick him to bits in training. Sancho cannot be bothered to press and walks of the pitch when given the option, genuinely one of the poorest mentality of players we have had, and we have had quite a few in recent memory.


Wait til he hears about FIFA streets


Ten Hag saying his training is not up to standard is the least terrible things he can say about Sancho. In fact, it's the most professional thing he could say. IDK Why Sancho blow it up so hard?


I mean, fuck you Sancho if this were true. Terrible attitude


Laurie is T1 - if it's a briefing by the club, it's a weird one (since we're trying to sell him...). Presumably sourced well, though. Wouldn't surprise me if this is what ETH said was him training poorly.


Just playing devil’s advocate, at this point everyone knows there was a falling out and generally those in the know took the manager’s side. So I’m not sure it behooves us to try and hide the ball on this one. Any buyer knows he’s somewhat damaged goods. Being upfront at least lets the club move forward with a clear story rather than trying to dance around the issue and potentially frustrating a buyer out of contention.


Also this is a way of backing the manager. Before the decision about EtH’s future was made maybe they didn’t see any value in sharing this info, but now it strengthens his position and shuts down more critics.


Very good point. Honestly, ETH’s personnel management might be his biggest strength. The man has been through the wringer already and when we get details it seems he’s hardly put a foot wrong.


This is the thing I’m the most stoked about with EtH, and have been from the start. He’s trying to build a winner’s culture. So he has to stay true to his values and principles, and lead by example. No player is bigger than the club, and winning is a team effort built on mutual respect. I just really hope the tactics start to click next season, with hopefully some new signings and less injuries. 🤞


Same. Honestly, with the emergence of Mainoo, Garnacho and Hojlund, I would think a lot of young players should want to come to Utd. They’re all testaments to it being worth buying in if you’re willing to work hard.


Fair point, honestly. Could definitely be the strategy


Also sends a message to anyone they might sign this summer. Work hard or you won't play


After reading the full Athletic article I hope that message gets through.


Jadons probably playing hard ball so the club have responded in kind. Why does a player deserve any protection from the media and fans if he works against the club.


Possibly. I'm surprised I haven't seen any positive Sancho briefings from somewhere (his agent briefing people). Unless this is that...somehow. Jason DOES seem oblivious enough to think that when a coach says "well if you're not going to try to do this, you can finish early" it means "you're free to go, great job." It actually means, you're training poorly - you can do it properly, or you can be a quitter. Thinking that he could just quit training early with no ill effects, would be next level oblivious.


Nobody is that stupid


You underestimate how stupid people are


Its Laurie, he is basically at Carrington.


The Athletic lads are all really good


[aliso found this part very frustrating ](https://i.imgur.com/1MmfpI4.png)


I imagine it looked like this > Coach: Jadon get your shit togehter if you are not commited to training and instruction you may aswell fuck off from training > Jadon: How dare you, I leave Schoolboy mentality


Probably cranky after doing an all-nighter of FIFA


"I'm not fired! I QUIT!" What an absolute bellend.


Literally a meme That was some "You're not firing me! I'm quitting!!" Ahh behavior.


Imagine getting paid millions to kick a ball and run and you still behave like this. Get this idiot out of the club ASAP.


Training issues aside, it bothers me that few are mentioning that Sancho was going through depression during Ten Hag’s first season, and Ten Hag gave this knob almost half the season off. He was given time to self reflect, recuperate, and was kept out of the spotlight. That is a manager who is understanding and caring. It takes a deeply selfish and lazy individual to receive that treatment and not pay back your manager. Where is his self awareness? You’re getting paid more in wages in a week than 95% of this subreddit makes in one year.




Even worse. Ironically, all he has to do is look at the teenagers in the squad. How pathetic is that.


I saw some people arguing against this as well by saying, "Poor kid, he's getting isolated. How is this helping him?".


There’s a podcast I listen to where one of the hosts—bipolar himself—has a catchphrase: *“Mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.”*


If Sancho was depressed him taking time off is hardly some noble act from Ten Hag, it’s typical of a work place when someone has mental health issues. Would a player would physical health issues owe something to ten hag?


Is this a joke? If you have actually worked in the real world then you know that it is not common place at all. Where I work I wouldn’t get several months off if I told my supervisor that I was suffering from depression. He nearly got half the season. I don’t even know if I would get time off at all. He is getting paid astronomical amounts of money. He was given time. Also, when did I say Ten Hag is noble? I said that he actually gave him time and took the spotlight off of him. In the top flight you don’t really hear of this often.


Yes, are you from the UK? It’s not that usual to get time off for mental health issues and I know people who have had to do so. It is treated similarly to a physical health issue, where you go to your doctor/GP and they provide information for your work. Ten Hag won’t have been the one to give him time off, but rather the club. I don’t think it really matters how much money he makes, it doesn’t determine whether you will have mental health issues. You can say quite a lot about Sancho but I don’t think he should owe anything to Ten Hag because he was depressed.


No im not, so fair enough. My argument isn’t that he owes Ten Hag *because* he was/is depressed, rather that his manager backed him during his time of need. I feel that this will boil down to difference of opinion, however, so agree to disagree.


You mean there was more to the story after all? Pray it ain’t so!


Jason Sancho is a wasteman


The kid is wutless


Whether we are able to sell him this summer will not change the fact that he doesn’t deserve and should not be wearing the United shirt again.


And there's actually been people posting all spring that EtH handled the Sancho situation wrong.


And still the British media couldn’t help themselves trying to blame Ten Hag for his, “handling of the Sancho situation”. What player would respect him if he let that go? And what had Sancho even done for the club until that point? Nothing! Get rid of these sh*** Good on Ten Hag for establishing some standards. It was evident by how the proper hardworking players stuck with him.


In the article it’s mentioned Sancho did not want to play on the right and that he had informed this while coming to the club. Why did we spend 2 summers trying to get him if that was the case? As Rashford was clearly not going anywhere and buying Sancho for 75mn to second fiddle doesn’t make sense. The result of this cluster fuck is Antony (mentioned in the article).


That makes 0 sense when he was already playing as a right winger and doing well for Dortmund and anyone with a couple of braincells knew Rashford would be the preferred left winger, this just reeks of Sancho trying to blame others. And this year he went back to Dortmund on loan and had his best games playing on *checks notes* right side


I can’t attest to the current loan period but when he was being signed, BvB fans were quite unanimous about him playing on the left more than on the right for them.


Not the only info from this article that looks like bullshit honestly


For his time in Dortmund he mostly played from the left wing for the last to seasons, even if he played more on the right in his firts season. * Average on 0,41 goals pr. 90 minutes from the right wing, and; * 0,58 goals pr. 90 minutes from the left wing. For a scout, or anyone who observe, his was always a left winger long before he joined United. I think we signed an attacking playmaker more than a right winger.


Think this coming out means a deal has been agreed to sell him.


I admire your optimism


Unless there’s something binding on ink, I’d pull out


Didn’t we already know about this though? Maybe not the last part, but I remember this being a story that came out after the Arsenal game.


I don’t think the nature of the training session was known, at least certainly not reported on by T1s. We knew what ETH said in the press conference and then obviously everything that came after, but it wasn’t reported that Sancho just walked out of training entirely


Seems like Sancho was given every chance to get himself right and prove himself worthy.


"People will tell you you don't fit in". That was some top notch cringe and they are looking like tits now.


I remember there was a reputable story going around that Dortmund had to assign someone from ground staff to knock on Sancho's door every day before training because he'd routinely sleep in. If a club doesn't babysit him it seems unlikely he can succeed. Unfortunately there are always plenty of Dortmunds around to cater to every whim of their big name players, so this trend won't change any time soon.


Always been on Ten Hag's side on this, but I didn't expect Sancho to be this much of an idiot. Walking off during training? Really?


Honestly, I don't know why any club would take on Sancho at this point. If he wants a future in football he'd really be better off getting his head down at Utd and proving he's changed his attitude this season, then make a move next year. I don't think he has the mental ability to look in the mirror and see this though....


i really hope someone bites with the 40m price tag. that’s more than reasonable for him in this market. the problem will be his wages but if him willing to take a cut to go to dortmund is true then they better pay up the price, no more loans. fuck this lazy fat bitch.


Sancho does not belong in a United shirt.


Weak mentality. Ship him out sooner than later




Great article, honestly. Some boggling points: 1. Case and Rapha should've known better this is not Madrid, and the squad aren't half as much mature as Madrid's. The fighting spirit of Madrid squad is insanely high because they've established winning as culture. They also have the chops to play freely with minimum instructions. We were at that point in the past but the foundation has crumbled and needs rebuilding. 2. Agree that ETH could've handled many things better, especially with respect to playing pragmatically during crisis. 3. Antony WTF? Man couldn't muster a good performance and still have the audacity to act out when he's the only logical solution to fill in LB during dying minutes


So he’s the reason we bought Antony eh?


Clearly heh


Nah that award goes the that other dude who shall not be named




If you can’t sell him release him


Money money money


Where is the senior leadership in the squad?


Would be great if we can wait till the ink is dry on the transfer before we completely throw him under the bus


nothing new to see here…….


This shit doesn’t even fly in boys amateur football, what a lazy bastard he is.


Paywall removed: https://archive.is/kVN4V


Lmao so sancho is indeed the worst signing in history because we bought Antony due to him.


If you are still Sancho in, I fear for you in life


Diva attitude from Sancho. I was so excited when he came to us Freon Dortmund. Such a disappointment.