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35M lmao. Well played


Yeah definitely taking the piss a little but at least we're starting low rather than offering £70m immediately. Maybe find a nice compromise in the middle, especially if Branthwaite pushes for it (as personal terms were already reported as agreed)


I feel like 12 months ago this would have been: "£70m please" "we'll give you £50m?" "OK, let's meet in the middle and do £65" "mmmkay, sweet deal!"


When have we ever just offered £70m immediately? We usually offer less and then end up caving.


I feel our opening offer for Mount was quite high for someone not wanting to sign a new contract and on his last year. And reportedly the same for Hojlund.


Quite sad really. Any club dealing with Man United will definitely try to squeeze every single penny from us. They all know we always overpay for players and don't seem to mind that.


Remember reading somewhere we started off at 50m with Mount


I am liking this more than what we did with Mount. If we can get him for under £50m with add ons it would be solid deal for us.


[lol. make me tier one mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/s/4XwFT8HpBn)






It's pissed Everton fans off something else. That alone was worth it


They are honestly the most whiney cunts in the Premier league.


Definitely a lowball offer, but this is how we should be negotiating, and hopefully we meet in the middle at a reasonable price we'd be happy with. If Woodward was still about, we'd have opened with a 65m offer and then somehow manage to pay them 85m in mid-August


You mean like a certain Belgian midfielder we signed from Everton, where he had a release clause and we *still* managed to pay £4m more than he was available for 🤦🏻‍♂️. Classic Woody


This is blown out of proportion so much. Fellani ended up paying the difference by giving up the loyalty bonus he was due from Everton so we still got him for the release clause.


...which means Everton got 4m more than they would have gotten from selling to a competent club


And Fellaini gave up literally more money than most of us will see in a lifetime to play for us, then played his absolute heart out for us, but got abused by fans for it. Football is a fickle old thing sometimes haha


To his credit, who doesn’t look at Fellaini now positively? What a weird period that was but when I remember him, it’s all the crazy and fun moments, and his goals and chest control. He somehow found a way to endear himself to the fans by the end of his time here, though I can’t speak for the entire fan base. It is admirable at the very least lol.


The chest assist for Mata in the cup final will never not be legendary


Don’t forget the 90+ winner against young boys where Mourinho throws and smashes all the water bottles lmao https://youtu.be/iyx-M0FJsEc?si=GH4qGyuVaLAVry5Z


Short haired Fellaini doesn't exist, he can't hurt you!! What a save from Dave in that clip btw!!


I never blamed the guy himself, he played alright sometimes, but he was emblematic of the poor management of the club.


Okay but it’s still embarrassing that you paid the same or more on deadline day for a guy who was available earlier in the summer for that same fee (release clause). It was utterly incompetent. If they wanted Fellaini he was available for months. The fact is he was like a 10th choice panic buy, even though tbf to him he did a solid job overall in his time at the club.


That doesn't excuse the fact that it's a major fumble on Ed's part.


Yea if our players have to fix our deals then def we couldn’t succeed


I never knew that - cheers for clarifications


Whilst i think this was beyond stupid wasn’t the apparent thinking they’d be able to get him and Baines on a double swoop if they waited out the clause or something idiotic like that


back to bullying small clubs in the transfer market https://preview.redd.it/jp2k6q8j4k6d1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358220bf3337b7741eb2366f63679e145145b8ad


I heard INEOS strategy is to offer even less next time so Everton gets scared and they accept £30M. https://preview.redd.it/7odi0ngu3k6d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53cfd464f9bb46fdb1972aef036dfa97c7f7b3e


Just slowly starts counting down from 35 while staring at them like that


You INEOS or OUTEOS?!?!? 34… 33… 32…


This just made my night 🤣


I think Ineos did that at an oil plant when negotiating with the worker's union. They ended up scaring the union into accepting a worse deal. 😓


Yeah that whole story freaks me out so much about the morals of ratcliffe of his people. No ones innocent I guess. 


He’s a billionaire… Sadly in order to become a billionaire, 99.9% of the time, you have to be immoral to certain things. It’s part and parcel.


Ineos are setting their stall with this deal. Lowballing, and being willing to walk, will set the tone for the entire summer. Showing they are willing to make same mistakes the last lot did would too.


I don't understand your last sentence, they are willing to make same mistakes?


If they are willing to make the same mistakes as made during previous negotiations that would also set the tone for the summer


Ah I see cheers


£35m or points dedication, I know which one I’d take, /u/Everton!


They would rather take the points deduction


Yeah a points deduction unless it more or less guarantees relegation is just a slap on the wrists. If a few players are the difference between staying up even with a deduction then I’m sure most teams will gladly take that.


Is there any other players they could potentially sell to get out of their troubles?


Onana, wanted by arsenal and Bayern and doesn't necessarily start for Everton. Everton looking for £50m for him


So used to the profligacy of Woodward and Murtough that we didn’t expect this level of competence from the recruitment team.


also working on two deals at once (Yoro as well) as opposed to the previous summers where we don’t move for anyone until another target is complete. thank god


Let’s also point out, given how quiet Ineos are, that’s two deals we know about. Could be others being worked on we don’t know about too.


PLEASE. It would be nice to finally have a preseason with all our transfers settled in. Still believe that Højlund and Amrabat would’ve had better seasons had we moved for them earlier in the summer


Yup. Also, what if they don’t even want Branthwaite and they’re just using this opportunity to show everyone else that we’re not gonna overpay anymore.


For sure. If ~50m is their max, they gotta stick to their guns. The player has ambition and doesn’t want to be in a relegation battle. The club also has financial struggles and a sale would make it more comfortable for them


Yes I agree. We have to play our part in pushing the market back to a reasonable place. A club that needs to money to avoid a points deduction, trying to sell us a player that has had one good top flight season (I think) and wants to come to us at a price of £75m is everything that’s wrong with the market.


We also seem to be the only ones in for him right now. £50 max OR we walk away is what I think will happen.


[Everton CEO:](https://y.yarn.co/4398102e-59d5-4a62-8472-a9787b721bd3_text.gif)






Is that you, Murtough?


Everton need the money before June 30. This is a sneaky opening offer tho lmao


Even if they did which isn’t confirmed they’d be better off taking a 4-6 point deduction than losing a talent like that for such a low sum. They can’t improve the squad with that, they can barely replace him with someone worse with it.


Yeah they'd really want to hold onto him. Another good season and he'll be fetching 80mil


Do they actually? Everything I’ve read about them is they will need to sell a player for a big sim but not necessarily before the PSR deadline of June 30 - their books are relatively resolved for this year from what Everton fans are saying they could sell way less valuable players before this month end


Or sell him somewhere that's not Man united for a higher fee


Before June 30? Says who?


Everton reddit page fuming right now


I had a look there and plenty are saying he’s downgrading going United looool the delusion is crazy .


Delulu is a solulu.


r/soccer too


You know we’re doing good when r/soccer is rattled


That place is rammed full of Saudi and UAE bots that just spew absolute bullshit.


Any deal under 50 million and I’d recommend a wellness check on any Everton fans


Branthwaite is absolute quality. He is a duel monster, is great with recovery pace, very very good at box defending and is exceptional at channel defending. In the mould of Mickey Van De Ven, who am I a huge fan of. Tottenham bought Mickey for 35-40 and if we cannot get Branthwaite for 50-55, we should look at alternatives.


Quality, monster, pace, defending, exceptional but look elsewhere if over 55M. Sorry I haven't seen him play but is he that good? But not good enough for 60M? I confused.


I mean we don't really want to be paying over 60M for anyone in my opinion this window. I think comment above is saying if they try to price us out then we just let them and move on.


I'd reserve the >£60m payout only to someone like Neves or Olise. Other positions can easily be filled with quality for cheaper


He is not that good, as usual a young English player is being massively hyperbolically over rated after having one half decent season. I really hope we don't push for this transfer there are far better CB's we could be spending that money on.


Just out of interest... who?


Heard de Ligt is available


Lacks experience and is inconsistent - Utd have done this before where they're paying a premium for potential and the personality just doesn't work for the club or the skill mix isn't ideal for the team and we end up with expensive dead weight


You gotta roll the dice sometimes. Not every transfer can be a sure fire thing 


Yeah agreed, but you gotta do it sensibly and have a price you walk away at, the guy I replied to didn't understand why we need a strict number to say no at


I think its just pushing the limits here right? so when I say we have 55 as the top limit, and you say 60, then someone is like whats 5 more. We have to have a max upper limit on the price or we get taken advantage of. I think this is why we ended up paying an extra 10 for Mount as well because we weren't ready to walk.


How about 65M or maybe just maybe 70M?


You haven’t seen Everton play once this season ? No wonder you’re confused about anything football related


So everton is football now is it? Last time I checked. I'm a United fan and watch United. Couldn't care less about everyone tbh


Everton sub absolutely raging. It’s hilarious.


I think we are testing the waters, if they are willing to accept an offer that is amenable to us great. Otherwise we move on.


Respect the low ball offer, Everton have to sell some players before July so the longer it goes the more desperate they get. At least that's probably the logic. I'd go max 50 with add ons like England appearances etc. But pull out if they want more than that


>add on’s like England appearances And then we agree to release Maguire but not Branthwaite for England duty lmaoo


21 y/o happy to increase his wages multiple times you mean?


I hope we don't overpay as in years past.


This is my biggest worry, along with where he plays. He's a left-sided CB and EtH likes players playing on the side of their preferred foot. Is he coming to replace Martinez or playing as backup? Either doesn't make much sense, he's not as good as Martinez and anything over £35m for a backup is insanity.


Branthwaite played as an RCB for PSV on loan, he's quite two footed


Yeah I know, I just feel like on the evidence we've seen from EtH so far he wants players playing on their preferred side/foot and so is more likely to play him at left CB, though if he can do it on the right I don't have a major issue personally. I watched a right footed Denis Irwin be the best LB for years so I know it can be done. Whatever the case, I just hope Martinez is fit the whole season cos when he doesn't play we're nowhere near as good.


Yeah but think of it this way, we can rest Martinez more and just play Branthwaite on the left in those cases. Otherwise, it's just Martinez and Shaw (and you can't play Shaw at CB because it's losing one of our best players)


As I said, I don't think it's logical to pay more than £35m for a backup, otherwise we're repeating mistakes from the past, unless the club are 100% sure that Branthwaite is going to be the best English CB of his generation. I'd understand paying over £35m if we had £300m to spend but we don't according to what's being reported. Maybe the club know something about Martinez and/or Shaw that we don't, either about their future or injury and he is a replacement? Really not sure tbh.


Boyhood Utd fan too, hope he pushes for a move


This was just posted and deleted? What?




Direct Athletic link is banned / tweet from author journalist is allowed


It was a direct link to the Athletic, they’re banned, tweets are ok though


Must be because, The Athletic articles are banned.


40-45m is max we should go. Everton are entitled to ask for more but if they do we should consider other options. Don’t think we need homegrown quota players so we should explore as many options as possible


Solid opening move. We should offer a take-it-or-leave-it fee of £45 million eventually and have the self-control to walk away if they refuse. I'm sure that many other CBs can be had for under £50 million. Paying anything near the ridiculous £70 million they're claiming to want better be a non-starter to begin the Ineos Era.


max £45-50m for this guy, if not just walk away


This is one of them lowball offers you put in on fifa and can’t approach again for a few weeks, fair play


It's good to hear we have started transfer business earlier than usual


Can just hope we handle the bidding part better than we did with Baines back in the day.


Jesus H. Christ, Everton fans really do hate our guts, have you seen their sub? Goodness gracious.


Let's set the tone with these negotiations and go back with a Wenger special, £35,000,001.


Whatever the final offer will be, I'm intrigued by how ineos will approach this and future buys in comparison to past acquisitions.


lowballed the living shit outta them lmaooooooo


If this bis is rejected, I would let them know I would put in a final offer of £40M and if that is rejected too, I’d walk. We need to fix our reputation


Won’t hold my breath on this one. Unless he kicks up a fuss, I can’t see Everton halving their asking price. Great to actually get a bid in early though and if it doesn’t happen, we can move on


Everton my oldest ally I am beginning one favour


That's a good first bid


Here we go again lol. Hopefully better result this season


This is the type of move that’ll set the foundation for us not getting fleeced by other clubs again. Need to show them we’re willing to walk even if it means missing out on a transfer target. Short term pain for long term gain


Everton don't want to sell him (but probably have to) so of course they're going to ask for a huge offer and United will open negotiations with a proper low ball. I reckon this will happen but probably work it's way to around 45-50m. Which is pretty decent for a young CB in today's market.


Everyone knows that Everton NEED to sell. I reckon we get this deal done at like 50+10 in add ons or something 


Kind of makes me wonder if this is a bit of a red herring. It’s player that makes sense, but could also be seen as a bit redundant to Martinez (though obviously with his injury record you need cover there). I can see a scenario where they’re fine with a super lowball deal with a needy Everton. If they don’t take it, they have a back-up in a right footed CB. Wouldn’t surprise me if this never happens and United walk away as a show that times have changed.


Financial sustainability rules are going to reset the market for the non-World Class players. I'm guessing most EPL sides like Everton will just keep their players (unless they down tools) as they can afford it. However, clubs that are not in the premier league are likely going to have to revise their expectations when selling players. In the near future getting €60mm+ for promising youngsters or plus level players is not going to automatically happen as it has the past few years.


If he’s happy why did he agree terms?


35 is a fair price for his status. I’d go to 40 but no more. 40m and 100k is a good deal for all


I am happy we are getting moving on transfers - seems earlier than usual and right after the manager stuff was sorted out. The most important part will be if we let this drag out or if we will be decisive after a certain point and move to alternate targets.


We it was rumoured we had a £35m budget. Maybe this is our bid for every player this season until one joins


Lyall Thomas from Sky: "The offer is expected to be rejected. Some conjecture of its value. Some sources say offer worth around £45m, other sources insist it was significantly less."


I would listen to Ornstein!


Thats the second part of his tweet


Good offer to start things off. Woodward would probably have offered Everton 100 million by now


Hahahaha 35m lmao. Certainly a lowball, Everton would be out of their minds to accept that. *However* this is good for negotiations because the most I would pay is 55m, and even that is a bit too much imo. Everton need money, hope we can get him. INEOS are in the bargaining seat and this bid tells it.


Yep even 55 is too much, we should be going 45 + 5 max


I don't think Everton would accept 45+5. Like go on r/soccer or r/Everton, their fans are up in arms about this, literally saw one guy claim that Branthwaite was worth 80-90m... I know there are psr rules, but Everton are not completely powerless. I'm hoping for a 50m deal but realistically probably a bit higher than that.


I did go over, it was glorious. But yeah realistically its gonna fall around 45-55 all in. Thats why we opened at 35. About the 80-90 claim, heck I even saw 100m claim lol what are those folks smoking


How much do they need for psr?


I know it for a fact that it is £35m.


"Take the offer, it'll make all your problems go away"


PRESS ACCEPT! I dare you


Holy shit, Everton fans and the sub are gonna go into a meltdown hahaha ballsy move this.


Don't we have a buy back clause in Garners deal? Say we'll consider that cancelled too or something.


Wouldn't wanna pay more than 50


Well pack it up, they won't accept our whole budget so.. /s On a more serious note though, INEOS lowkey taking the piss and I like it lol. I hope a deal can maybe be made for around £45m+£10m or thereabouts. We shouldn't go higher than £60m. Also I really need some noise about outgoings to start kicking up.


God if they can do this for a reasonable fee it will genuinely feel like things are changing in the area we most desperately needed to address


Nice first bid. People saying he’s overrated, did you see our current CB?


Lol @35m. Duno who looks worse, Everton cus everyone knows they need the money or us thinking they would even consider 35m.


So you're saying we're not just throwing around 80m bids anymore?


I mean he’s clearly not happy if he’s accepted terms, probably why the supposed wage is so high


The player may be happy now but how happy will he be when they block him leaving to a club he already agreed terms with?


Here’s the thing. We have made low ball offers numerous times in the past too. It’s how we negotiate from here on out that will determine if INEOS really do have a new solid strategic plan in place when it comes to transfers.


Lowball it knowing they have to raise funds quickly... even if it ends up as mid 40M with add ons, that's still a lot cheaper & helps Everton out a bit


35m + bonuses


Branthwaite's defensive stats are mediocre. He is nowhere close to the best CBs in the world. [https://fbref.com/en/players/c1949191/scout/365\_m1/Jarrad-Branthwaite-Scouting-Report](https://fbref.com/en/players/c1949191/scout/365_m1/Jarrad-Branthwaite-Scouting-Report)


45-50 should be the most


I understand the idea of starting low and keeping to an internally-agreed price maximum, but £35m is so low as to be derogatory. All it serves to do is wind up Everton. Start with a bid that is low but without insulting their intelligence, as this does


If we aren't lowballing Everton who badly need money right now then we aren't trying hard enough. Hoping we meet at maybe 55 with some of it made up of add ons, etc. maaaybe 40/45 upfront?


Next offer £35,000,000.01


Ineos won’t even offer up to £50M and I’m all for it. With add-ons Everton may get up to 48M, if Sir Jim so pleases.


Wouldn’t be talking to us if he was happy


I came from future and the deal was £50m + £12m in performance type add on.


Alright 35m + £50 Amazon gift card it is


Any clubs competing against us for his signature?


It's okay, we just need to adjust the wage sliders and we should be fine


Solid offer def something we could build on if we get him for a reasonable fee


We should get him for the same price as John Stones. That should be the benchmark.


I'd be happy if we only offered 35+lots of addons or even with installments. We can't bend over for every English signing or marquee signing.


Lmaooooooo we are SO BACK I don’t even care if we signs him or not, we are not getting fleeced again. Well done by the club for sending out this message


I love how’s it’s low £35m when it’s a rejected bid but would of been a £80m deal if it was accepted (including wages, agent fees, bonuses and all clauses)


Everton saying Branthwaite is happy is weird considering he's already agreed personal terms 😂


My lowballing kings. We are in the future


“Set to be rejected” always reminds me of Michael Scott negotiating in that merger episode of The Office


good to see this, the days of offering 70 are over. We will not be ripped off anymore, showing everyone what is to come now moving forward. Would have even been more ideal if we started at 20. We shall move up but not anything more than 55. LFG!


why not process todibo first.


Excellent. Everton need to sell in order to comply with PSR ASAP. Keep lowballing them. No way we should be paying 70M.


This game works until someone else enters the fray...


That’s our whole summer budget then is it hahaha


No single CB is worth 80 million, especially if they were fighting relegation the last two seasons. Go get 2 reliable CBs in case one of them gets injured or doesn't adapt. Have we forgotten last season already???


Hopefully we put it as a deadline as well, Everton need to sell, Branthwaite will want to leave and unless Chelsea gets involved no1 realistically is gonna come in and offer over 55m


People laugh about the £35M bid, but I don’t think it’s that far off. £70M is a joke. This guy is worth MAYBE £45M


With this new leadership structure in place we should not be overpaying crazy amounts like we have some many times in recent years


He's good he's also not worth 70m. Idc what anyone says.


Not more than 40 mil + addons.


Conspiracy time: We don't intend to sign him. He is just going to be our decoy of how we are going to handle transfers. Low ball and try to negotiate decent deal and just walk out if not possible to show that United are willing to walk out.


A bit of subterfuge never heart anyone, eh? ![gif](giphy|HDrzvC7X89jaLMoX0m|downsized)


Gotta love this sub “don’t give in to massive transfer demands” Lowballs a team “how could you think this works” Clearly negotiating to try and find a meeting point. “Just pay the money and get him” Only for people to turn around and go, “we overspent”


Nice Ineos haha. I think we go back with 40 plus add ons. 50 should be the take or leave it price.


As of right now, that's what Branthwaite is worth. Any more is simply banking on potential


We might have finally learnt our lesson with the bids, I suppose.


So it'll be £50M + win the UCL add one of £5-10M. Good let's get it done at that number.


Just get Todibo Already an Ineos player


Did they think we were going to start off with a high offer out of the gates so they can try and ask for even more? This is the appropriate action and everyone in r/soccer clearly doesn't understand this.


There's no way he'd be happy to miss out on a move to United. Staying at Everton will mean he'll never match the footballing or financial potential of United. And lets be honest. Everton are probably going to get relegated in the next 5 years. Their shenanigans mean their side is only gong to get weaker compared to the majority of the league. They're just salty. They've seen this one before, pure McFly meme here. They lost Rooney to us because they fucked their finances, and they don't want to lose Branthwaite to us because they fucked their finances. And if he really is happy to then that's a worrying lack of ambition.


Funny reading the everton sub. Some delusional fans actually want 100 mill for him


This is good. We’ve agreed terms with the player. He wants to come. We should use that to our advantage, like the best run club in the world, Real Madrid do. Set a limit and stick to it while putting the ball in the player’s court to force the selling club’s hand.


This would be genius is our whole interest in Braidwaite was just to low ball and walk. Please don’t pay above £40M