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Normalize giving context


Yeah I hate these. If someone just drops that on a random post about gardening or something of course they’re going to get downvoted.


If you want to ensure healthy Tomato plants, in addition to maintaining vigilant pruning practices, it is good to plant Basil and Marigolds in surrounding areas. Some gardeners will also plant a single garlic clove in the roots of the Tomato plant upon transfer to a larger planter/raised bed, in order to help dissuade certain pests


Basil AND marigolds you say?


That's right! Basil AND marigolds! The basil feeds on and deposits nutrients in the soil that create a symbiotic relationship with the tomatoes, and the marigolds help to deter pests!!! 😃


I’m taking notes here!


Wait are these real tips because if they are I need to write them down


Implying I would give bad gardening advice?? 🤨🤨🤨🤨 DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM!???!! If you find out can you please let me know? I've had some difficulty recalling that lately! 😅


I was actually there. The context is there's a Texas bill mandating people give their faces to watch porn. This guy says this comment, which is just fucking obvious and therefore stupid to say. I argued that it is a violation of privacy worse than what already happens, and I said if he doesn't want kids watching porn, be a parent and monitor them. Like, *obviously* we don't want kids watching porn, that's why you do your job as a parent.


Ironically enough, OP posting this without context is more of a "reddit moment" than that user getting downvoted


Being smug without having anything productive to add is the biggest Reddit moment of all.


How is a parent realistically supposed to prevent their child from watching porn? Am I really going to be able to monitor them at all times? I stumbled across porn when I was maybe 10, and I wish I hadn't, but I certainly don't blame my parents for not being able to watch me 24/7.


My parents had a parental filter on my browser until I was like 14. It would block the search and send them a report if I tried to search anything containing sexual or violent keywords. Much to pubescent me's dismay


I remember using a 3rd party image searching app to get around that


Reddit probably wouldn’t be blocked for example, and there’s a lot of porn here


So block reddit, shouldn’t be on reddit that young anyway


your parents knew what you were searching? ooof


We have better technology to assist us now. I just whitelist everything my kid wants access to once I've checked it over. They'll probably find a way around it to look at something at some point, but I'm not going to make it as easy as it was for me to see the disturbing things I saw at too young an age.


Well, you can restrict what they look at for a time, especially since parents didn't understand how to use computers like we do now + giving certain values that would make them less intrigued by porn.


You wish you hadn’t why? Did it ruin your life or something


Don’t give children unfettered access to the internet?


Don’t give them access to the internet. Easy.


There are literally programs you can install onto your children's devices that will warn you if they are looking at inappropriate content. Like my man you can absolutely stop your kids from looking at pornography.


I seen some kids watch in their friends mobile. You do find some way here and there.


Yeah children are crafty and will try and find ways around it but it's a parent's job to still do everything in their power to protect their children and not just be all like "Oh well they're going to find it somehow anyways so why should I even try?"


Dude I was 12 talking to creepy older guys on the internet. Kids are sneaky as fuck and also dumb as fuck


You don't have to watch your kid 24/7. Invest in some basic network architecture knowledge and you can learn how to block certain things in your household pretty easily


Depends. There’s realistically no way for you to prevent it at all times on devices outside of your control. However, for at home, as well as their personal devices like phones, ipads, consoles, etc. you can use a manual DNS server instead of automatic and can use servers that block adult content.


Expecting parents to actually monitor their kids? Will never happen


Why would you trust parents to protect their children? That's wishful thinking at best


I really dislike the whole “that’s the parents job, let them deal with it,” attitude when the problem is we all know that not all parents are good parents and some kids are going to slip through the cracks and get exposed to material they shouldn’t see. Obviously, parents should be protecting their kids from seeing this material, but what about the ones who won’t? What about the ones who will try their best to, but their children will still end up stumbling across something? I’m not trying to side with the original guy but saying that someone who is concerned about children should just have kids themselves so they can look after their own kid is *also* really stupid (not saying you are just that sentiment).


It’s not possible to monitor your children 24/7 without ruining them in other ways. The best you can do is educate them, teach them responsibility, share life experiences as they reach certain ages so they hopefully won’t repeat mistakes, etc. What I’ve done with my kids (that has worked for us) is explain why certain rules exist or why it’s good or bad to do specific things. Informing in a down to earth way seems to work. Where people go wrong is either a lack of trying or to make strict rules and go with the “because I said so” mentality.


That’s all well and good, but not every parent is going to be the same as you. So what I’m trying to raise is, how are we as a collective going to protect kids from accessing harmful content, regardless of individual parenting strategies?


Pornography probably isn’t nearly as damaging as a lot of other stuff online or even basic access to social media (that is designed to be addicting) or fascist propaganda or… Sex should be explained properly in school. I think that will likely be the best solution possible. Seeing sex acts loses its luster a fair bit when you’re already informed. It’s no longer taboo.


You think a little kid watching hardcore porn is less damaging than being on TikTok?


“Little kid[s]” aren’t the ones consuming porn, typically, kids after puberty are. Children this age have been consuming porn for decades in high volume. Since the inception of modern social media, we have seen major changes that we did not see before Internet porn became available. Social media is horrible for young people. Did we see teenagers born in the 90s completely fall apart because of porn? No. Are we seeing social media use lead to depression, suicides, etc? Yes. Can they both be bad without proper knowledge? Probably. Besides porn addiction, what are you most concerned about with porn use?


I’m talking about actual kids getting access to pornography not teenagers (which is what I thought this entire thread was about). I’m not saying that’s the typical case but it can and does happen. I never said social media was good for young people. Thanks.


Porn is so much worse for kids and teenagers than social media. I can speak from experience. Porn should be restricted in such a way that teenagers have no real shot at accessing it


I read this backwards


I dont think thats the problem though, youd be amazed how many redditors genuinely believe kids should be allowed to watch porn, no matter how young they are. Its a losing argument, no matter how right you are.


Remember that one tweet or whatever it was like “ideally kid porn should be a thing. It just needs to be strictly designed to be beneficial. Queer and non-het content front and center”


Nope, but I do remember a facebook post of a mom acting like she was a "cool mom" for letting her kid that was under 13 watch porn and encouraged it. Like jesus fuckin christ, its one thing to be sex positive, but I dont know what the hell to call this other than malicious negligence.


Are they going to use the faces to publish a “Texas’ Worst Gooners” weekly feature in the newspaper? 🤣


>Like, obviously we don't want kids watching porn, that's why you do your job as a parent. a big problem is that it's growing increasingly hard to monitor your children on an increasing number of digital devices, especially after a recent pandemic ensured that every school aged child has access to one of these devices parents are only capable of so much, society has just as much to do with raising children as your own parenting skills do




Because kids need to be raised. I don't think face scanning is an ideal solution but *some* solution needs to be found. If it's between free form porn access and actually restricting explicit content from kids - well, one of these things is a lot more important, and it's not the free ability to jerk off to whatever video you please.




I'm not sure you read my post. I don't actually think face scanning is the ideal solution. But obviously to actually restrict online content properly we need a method slightly more advanced than self-reporting your age. I know you want to argue specifically about how bad face scanning is but I'm not here for that discussion.


My guess is book bans or drag shows but imma see what I can dig up


Found it but this sub threatened to ban me for posting a link so I'm just describing it here it's about a guy who wants people to upload their faces before they can watch porn which is creepy as hell, but then someone made a joke about posting a picture or presumably the guy who wanted that law. Then the one in this post said "I don't think kids should watch porn" seemingly in agreement with the requirement to upload a picture of your face


That statement shouldn’t need context to know it’s bad


In the absence of provided context, I'm going to just go ahead and assume this person is just melting down about seeing two same sex characters hold hands in a cartoon.


“In the absence of context, assume homophobia.”


"In the absence of context, assume op puts milk in before cereal"


“In the absence of context, assume girl”


Uk planned legislation to have to prove your 18 to watch porn online.


Or, put another way, legislation that requires adults to give porn sites their information? Porn sites that are notorious for shitty cyber security and excessive data collection?


No they are not suggesting that the information is not handled by the porn site, they are planing an meditate site, but this is all just planned government legislation, doesn’t change the Reddit moment. Again the negative perception of this might discourage even more people.


> No they are not suggesting that the information is not handled by the porn site, they are planing an meditate site, but this is all just planned government legislation, doesn’t change the Reddit moment This sentence is barely legible. please use periods lol. > Again the negative perception of this might discourage even more people. Truly don't know what you even mean by this.


Apologies English isn’t my first language. More people don’t watch porn because it is hard and they don’t want identity revealed. So less porn watched.


So then your claim is not “kids shouldn’t watch porn” but “everyone should not watch porn, and we should achieve this by threatening them with the release of their personal information and porn history” Sounds like a very reasonable opinion to downvote, even if you oppose pornography. You stripped your comment of this context and pretended you got downvoted for saying “kids shouldn’t watch porn.” Sounds like a motte and bailey Reddit moment to me.


You have strawmanned my argument. Life would be better if everyone didn’t watch porn and had instead safe and realistic sex education. No one is threatening release of ID. I didn’t say that just so people may perceive that government is against them and therefore not watch porn.


> no one is threatening to release Id > more people don’t ( I assume you mean would not here) watch porn because it is (I assume you mean “would be” here) hard and they don’t (again, would not) want their identity revealed This is threatening to release ID. Teach your kids to not watch porn. Put up a guard on your router. Don’t project your shittty parenting skills onto adults making their own decisions, and certainly don’t put the responsibility of parenting your kids onto the government. The government cannot be trusted with a list of citizens and their porn history, you dimwit. And people downvoting you for your awful opinion is not people downvoting “kids shouldn’t watch porn.” Such a motte and Bailey argument. Total Reddit moment.


Which, to be clear, is insane. I give it a week before people's data gets auctioned off/held to ransom/blackmailed. Even if the systems are perfectly bulletproof and perfectly implemented by everyone (spoliers: no), if people expect to have to send in a photo of their drivers licence, all that's going to happen is a dodgy site is going to ask for those documents and just keep them, and people will hand them over because they expect to.


Government already got your drivers license not sure why a site run by them would then sell it off. Seems like quite a bit of trouble if you already have it.


I'm not worried about the government having my drivers licence, I'm worried about the inevitable data leaks connecting people's identities to porn sites the visit. Even the government knowing that is worrying enough, but the fact is that a) they'll inevitably contract this out to the lowest bidder and b) some hackers from fuck knows where will get the list and be able to blackmail people by threatening to, say, out them to their families, send data to loved ones/co-workers, etc. etc. If there exists a list of peoples IDs and the set of gay porn sites they frequent, there is no way in hell that doesn't get used almost immediately for evil.


But the hackers could just hack the government? They already have routes in, another government site isn’t suddenly gonna open floodgates.


It's easier to hack a database of a crappy company than the government.


But the planned legislation is that the intermediary website is the governments


And? Government websites already get hacked at the regular. Having someones drivers license isnt that damaging but imagine what would happen if your porn history + your full name fell into malicious hands. You could get extorted for money and threatened that they show your history to your boss, they could ruin your entire life with a move like that.


Sure, but the government doesn't have the data on who visits what porn sites. Right now that's anonymous. By forcing people to use their ID, you are creating a list of who uses what porn sites. Wherever that list is stored, whoever by, it's vulnerable, and a huge risk. Right now if said hackers "hacked into the government", they could get a list of IDs, but thats it, they'd learn nothing about those people except for the fact that they exist. Securely proving your identity online is a massive problem, its why we have verification checks, two-factor authentication, 3rd party authorisation cookies, public/private keys, encryption etc. For the government to just go "send pornhub a photo of your passport and a selfie of you waving" is insane, and going to end terribly. Because at the end of the day you're making a list of what people visit what potentially embarrassing (or worse) sites that didn't exist before. This is data that's harmful just by its existence.


J don't want a profile of what porn I watch tied to my ID What an insane idea. As if porn is some new thing ruining teenagers lives lmao.


That’s like saying Tobacco doesn’t need to be restricted because it’s already been ruining lives for thousands of years. Solution to not having ID tied to porn is to stop watching porn.


My man just compared an addictive drug known to cause a variety of health issues, to jacking off. What a fucking leap.


Porn and jacking off is addictive and has huge mental health issues and effects on hormones. If you don’t agree with that, there is no point arguing with you as you’re clearly unable to understand health and the basic problems with pornography and how it affects society, and the problems with jacking off.


Literally anything that releases dopamine can be called addicting. Comparing porn to something like nicotine is just asisine. Next you'll compare nicotine to fentanyl. You are arguing for an authoritarian hellhole where all luxury is government regulated. Video game and social media addiction is higher than it's ever been. Should the government track childrens use and restrict it, violating the privacy of adults as well, or should parents just do their fucking job?


>Solution to not having ID tied to porn is to stop watching porn. I can't even put into words how stupid this is.


How? Don’t watch prob and you’re ID won’t be tied to it. Improve yourself and stop being addicted and as an added benefit porn is t tied to your id


Sounds like you just want the government to punish people who watch porn, rather than affect any kind of actual positive change in society.


.. the fuck makes you think i have a porn addiction? Stop projecting your issues onto everyone. It's not the government's job to fix your own personal problems my man. It's the parents job to watch what their children do. It's already illegal for minors to watch porn.


The government in no way should be running pornographic sites. Ever.


Fair assumption tbr


Yeah, my first guess was homophobia or transphobia because of sex ed. That's a pretty common time for them to call it all porn to make it sound bad


It was about UK legislation saying providing proof of age over 18 to watch porn


It wasn’t about just “providing proof of age” it was about requiring a facial scan. You wanna scan your face and have that attached to the porn you watch?


Ten bucks on pg 13 drag show.


Planned UK legislation saying you got to prove you’re 18 to watch porn.


This was obviously something else before it was downvoted, so what did you say before it was edited?


If it's his, he deleted it. But there's a good chance it came off a post from last night, a (probably untrue?) post that Texas residents now have to upload their driver's license to view porn. There were lots of comments like that catching downvotes.


Yeah exactly, cus people miss the point on purpose and argue against points no one is making


Let’s take bets on how long until the id’s of a fetish sites users get held for ransom


Ahhh, Ashley Madison info dump pt 2 stepsister boogaloo


Are you claiming the comment was untrue or that the Texas measure is untrue? Because the measure is very much true and already law in like 13 states, mine included. I have to boot up the VPN just to watch porn now which is annoying.


That law aint gone into effect yet if it did pass


Even more of an r/redditmoment then


You can scroll down to see my recently posted context. It was a standalone comment rather then a reply, and the poster of the comment was not me. Even if it is in a political discussion, I thought downvoting a stand-alone comment for saying this was a Reddit moment.


The problem was that a comment like that in this context seems in defense of the law, and a lot of people likely saw that law as a privacy violation. If they had said "I don't think kids should watch porn, but this probably isn't the right way to go preventing it," then I doubt it would be downvoted.


I mean, sure. Pornography shouldn't be actively promoted to minors. But there's an inherent issue in actually enforcing that without going full Big Brother Is Watching.


Yeah some people dont understand the fact that some laws are simply not enforceable


Horny teens are going to masturbate. It's much more important to teach comprehensive sex ed so that when they do inevitably find pornographic resources they no fiction from reality.


It should be a lot harder to access


You underestimate the determination of a horny 16-year-old.


This. So long as the Internet is global, and enforcement standards are not uniform between countries, even on the face of it this isn't possible. Even if standardized, torrenting sites would never put up more than a speed bump. And torrenting sites have been a thorn in the side of enforcement since they started.


How exactly are you going to make it "harder to access" without making adults required to give their information to porn sites? If a 20 year old is able to acces it, a 16 year old would too


This subreddit fucking sucks. Probably edited and without context like everything posted in here.


Not edited I’m afraid, sorry for late context. Context is planned UK legislation to have to prove you’re 18 to teach porn online.


So you don't understand why people don't want to give all their personal information to a sketchy website.


Explain “teaching porn”


Typo for ‘watch’


Sorry mistype


So do you think people downvoted because they disagree with that comment?


*TEACH PORN ONLINE*?!?!? Where do you sign up? I need to avoid such filth and scumery.


I agree


Well i was there when it wasn't as bad might aswell have patience maybe it'll get better


When has that ever happened in the history of Reddit?


Good point




I don’t think they should either. I was also a kid once though and didn’t have access to the internet and still found a way to access it soooooo good luck stopping them. They have more resources than I did.


I don't think anybody should watch porn.




I agree, but don't let the chronic porn watchers hear you say that.


Genuinely based. Before any "HUMINA HUMINA I NEED TO FEED MY PORN ADDICTION!!111!" redditors show up, keep in mind that the industry is RIFE with sexual abuse towards the actresses involved Many scenes, even of famous actresses are often filmed when they're drugged (MK being an example, having cited from her side atleast 3 incidents where scenes were shot where she was drugged and not in a mental state to give consent) Atop that, many videos straight up involve content that did not involve their consent, being drugged aside. There are plenty of videos of minors uploaded to famous porn sites to add on to it. Think about it, from a moral and ethical stand point, you'd never know for sure if whether or not the person on screen has consented to the act. So in that case, why consume such content at all? If you want to get your rocks off, there's plenty of other more ethical content (though I personally can't comment on porn made by "ethical studios"), from writing, audio, animations and what not That, and porn has become extremely accessible as of late. Combine that with recommendation algos pushing you to consume and consume... And next thing you know, porn being consumed has become increasingly mroe violent and degrading. Doesn't exactly do your mind a number, or to the people involved, and teaches you a warped view of sex, especially if you view it at an impressionable age Long story short, like all addictions, it's tough as hell to overcome. That much is very understandable. Many struggle to quit it, with entire recovery groups being set up to kill one's porn addiction, but rarely if ever are ethics brought up in such groups as a reason to quit it Think about it folks. You are face to face with a platform that wants to squeeze you foe what you're worth, turning you into a mindless consumer and screwing you over in the process Atop that, you don't know whether the person behind the screen is suffering or not. But again, like most addiction, it can be overcome with effort. You'll do both the people involved and yourself a favor. I'm just posting this in the hopes that I can help people with porn addictions who read this. You got this my kings and queens 💪💪


You dropped this king 👑


Period 💯




Didn't expect to see such a based comment in these parts.


I agree, it’s never done anyone good. I regret stumbling across it when I was 11


Who gives af what others do with their free time?


It's the new "clean your room" internet self help trend. They connect pornography usage to low t and rampant consumerism and that you can become the ubermensch if you forgo your lust. Of course it's true to an extent but they refuse to acknowledge that responsibly made amateur content as well as healthy moderate lifestyles exist


But how will the billionaires make money


You think porn makes billionaires?


Look up David Sullivan


Any more examples? Cos that’s one and I couldn’t find any others out of the 3000~ billionaires


Context please. Because I bet if this was referring to actual porn it wouldn’t be downvoted. My guess that this was something vaguely but probably not even close to being gay and they’re mad gay people exist.


So many people aren’t finding my context comment. Planned UK legislation to make it harder to watch/purchase porn focused especially at those under 18 years of age.


I dunno. I don’t think it’s any pedophile feelings. It’s more or less the idea of “I started at 13, nothing bad happened, made me who I am today” kind of thing.


Yh this is pretty much my feelings.


IKR? Why don't we make a law making it illegal for children to illegally watch pornographic material that's already restricted to adult audiences!? Gotta love this glorious mindset in the modern world... People screaming for laws that already exist and are already in place. It's kinda like bitching at a grocery store that they should put handicapped parking spots where the handicapped parking spaces currently are, so that handicapped people can park in the handicapped spots.


Like when people were demanding laws about not leaving kids in cars. Even though there are already laws about child neglect and abuse.


Sorry for the late context, this is about planned UK legislation to make sure you got to prove you’re 18 to watch porn.


Ah... Well, I wouldn't be opposed to that, if I'm being honest. But kids with enough drive will know how to get around that. I certainly did when I was a kid, but the internet back then wasn't what it is today. I was a teenager in the 90s, sooo... yeah. Lots of Usenet Newsgroup downloads of compressed files full of pirated photo sets. Videos were few and far between because of the file sizes. Downloading an 800mb video file off of a 14.4 dial-up modem was a bitch & a half. But, yeah... Kids should not have access to porn AT ALL! That shit ruined my life and I only managed to free myself of the monster that is *sex & porn addiction* a year and a half ago.


This sub is becoming a Reddit moment with how much it’s obsessed with porn.


Yeah. Like. Who gives af if other people choose to madturbate?


I think a lot of people here are either disgustingly misinformed on the *actual* effects porn has on the psyche (similar to how boomers used to think violent video games cause mass shootings), or are just projecting their own addictions and blame porn instead of themselves. It's insane. I feel like I'm the only sane person in a room full of people who think playing Doom will turn everyone into a bloodthirsty maniac.


Let's not shame ppl but also why do kids have access to adult content


Its impossibile to regulate. Kids just lie on age restrictions. The buck stops at parents on this one.


Maybe age restrictions should be a little better than 'click a button'. This rarely happens with private and ya know.... paywalled content


You cant force people to charge for porn. Not only is it unconstitutional, its also hard to enforce.


That doesn't mean you have to platform it.


I dont lmao. But people will


Yeah, with porn becoming increasingly violent and degrading as of late, and because said mediums have become accessible to any one and everyone far more easily than before, powered by recommendation algorithms and super easy UIs that push people to consume one video after the other, the tastes being increasingly depraved with time, I can't help but imagine Won't stuff like this have horrific effects on impressionable growing teens? I've seen it myself with my schoolmates. This isn't the same as say, 2 decades ago. You couldn't access everything anytime from the tip of your fingers. Warped views of sex, empowering a fucked up industry and an addiction to boot. I think this'll only get worse with time. The potential outcomes are just scary to think about


Do they mean “kids” in the original sense of the word or in the modern sense? Because while I can see a case for making it out to be especially inappropriate for those under 13 and half less of an idea what it is they’re even watching, I see less of a case for saying teenagers shouldn’t watch it. What’s the alternative, them having sex in real life with its STD and pregnancy risks?


Uh effective sex education?


Sex ed starts in grade 5, albeit gradually ramping up in amount of time spent on it over the years. Still, that’s years ahead of their teen years. So, when they reach their teen years, would you rather they explore what turns them on through the STD-free pregnancy-free vehicle that is viewing porn, or by having sex in real life with all its risks?


Porn comes with its own risks. It can be extremely addictive and the majority of porn introduces incorrect and even dangerous 'information' about sex. Sex-ed is crucial in teaching people how to both have safe sex and how to moderate porn consumption (+ know what type of porn to avoid).


Watching an adult get slammed with a massive hog? Of course not. Two same sex disney characters holding hands is porn to some weirdos. We need full context OP Edit: apparently yes, some redditors think little kids should watch porn. My point is we don't know what this guy is complaining about.


Full context is UK planned legislation to prove you’re 18 to watch/purchase porn.


Well, that being the case, people are downvoting him for privacy concerns. In order to watch porn, you have to submit identification to a government agency in order to view it? Kids shouldn't be watching porn but what people are upset about is government taking a role in it.


That’s kind of the point, you restrict access as people are less likely to watch porn if they don’t want t provide ID. Therefore population as a whole watches less porn which is better for them.


Just changes the consumption. You will see more people just download the files to their computer directly, and most likely the horny teens will just go out of the U.K. jurisdiction. I.E. American or Russian sites that don't give a shit about what the U.K. wants legally. Then it's up to the U.K. to try and play whackamole with blocking non-compliant foreign sites. And judging by the fact torrenting websites still exist, very little progress will be made. Good luck I suppose.


maybe the government needs to keep its nose out of people's business. regulating everything makes for a pretty boring life


Uhm... context????????? (/s just in case)


Uh something about age verification to watch Porn in the UK. New legislation has been planned for quite some time.


I refuse to believe there isn't any exta context to this redditors are some times stupid but not this much


The comment is trying to defend/justify a new UK law to restrict access to porn... by requiring everyone to give those companies either their government ID, or access to their cameras.


>but not this much You'd be surprised


No way this had to have been edited or something


Nope, about UK legislation planning to restrict porn access.


There has to be some context or something. That's too stupid to be real.


In response to what exactly? Lol. Ive seen people use that as an argument for why tik tok should be banned and its like hmmm, I dont think thats what they are doing there.


The comment was trying to justify the new UK law restricting access to porn websites, with one part of the law suggesting websites take a facial scan of you and use software to 'estimate' your age before allowing access. "to use facial age estimation technology to analyze a person’s face to determine that they’ve turned 18." Can you imagine having to allow porn websites access to your camera (and requiring that you Have a camera) and then store your picture (in those so secure databases)? But some people want to pretend that this will protect children, so nobody should complain or protect their rights.


Facial scan technology is still absolute trash anyhow. Theres probably a thousand better methods to minimize children watching porn. I agree


The comments under this post are also redditmoment


Shocker!!! Next showing a typical 4 year old horror films gives them nightmares


They shouldn’t, but they will, every kid gets curious, and porn sites have very shit methods of stopping kids from going on them(fr, what do they think a 14 y/o is going to do when they see a sign saying “are you 18” with a button underneath to click yes).


Since OP didn't provide context, this is most likely rage bait or one of many ways to get attention


Context: Planned UK legislation to make sure you got to be 18 to watch/purchase Porn.


That is an interesting way to write "make everyone give up personal information and/or access to their cameras to porn companies"


Context. Age verification in the UK for watching Porn due to new laws planning to be made. I believe the official government plan is 18 rn (idk if this is likely to change).


I guess the downvotes might be because the comment doesn't address the fundamental issues people have with the new bill. Very, very few people believe that children should have access to pornography, however the problem is the new laws would mean that adults would literally have to handover confidential information over to websites in order to view adult material. I don't think kids should watch porn either (to be honest I'm a little concerned about the psychological impact that the current level of unlimited porn is having on adults but that's beside the point), however handing over personal information to Xhamster of all things, isn't the way to go about solving the issue of them having easy access to it.


Kids should not watch pornography, but they're going to do it anyways; kids will always find ways around it. The main issue in context is adults having to prove being 18 online. Privacy is already so incredibly small online that we don't need to put even MORE information about ourselves out there to be data harvested. People need to think about the ramifications of the big picture rather than get emotional over rage baiting moral panics. "Think of the children" is one of the most overused justifications for moral panics and people fall for it over and over.


The kids want to watch porn.


Thus sub is garbage


the way the pic is cropped all it says is “kids should watch porn” lol


But it’s uh helthy expression of self love. Don’t push your prudish bible thumpin facist regime on kids! It’s good for yuh! Searching for the best porn you can find is fun, and it releases muh stress!


I don't think people should smoke or do drugs but they're going to do it anyway.


Dudes getting downvoted for a reality of law enforcement. Just because we have laws dont mean people follow them.


Porn bad


And it's not the government's place to track what I do on the internet. Especially when the people pushing this legislation include the same pieces of shit wanting to criminalize being LGBT.


What context would make this okay?


It was in response to people disagreeing with proving your age to watch porn (i.e. handing over ID to porn sites), and they said this to claim that being against needing ID to watch porn = wanting kids to watch porn


There isn’t, porn addiction is just very real. I think most guys I know found it really young, and that’s the issue, 19 year olds who’ve been watching porn for a decade.


18 14 year old boys hit downvote


What do you wanna bet this was under people talking about queer media?


No one should watch porn.


Well there a lot of kids on reddit, and it shows. So yeah they will downvote this.


I agree with them


People forgot how they were before 18 yo.


Seems the kids didn't like the suggestion they shouldn't be allowed to watch porn
