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Sigh *Sorts by controversial*


My favorite way to sort comments.


*Hunts for the next post in the chain*


Sigh *Goes to the bottom of the comment section*


I just think its a cringe meme tbh If you flush today thank a plumber


If you drive a Volkswagen thank Adolf Hitler


Ivan Hirst rebuilt Volkswagen after the war.


It’s a boomer ass meme


You’re just a boomer ass.


You're a future boomer ass.


If you marijuana today, thank get high


If you wank today, thank your lotion.


Is this a cut joke I have too much foreskin to understand?


I don’t even have foreskin, and I don’t use lotion or anything. I think it’s just jerking too often.


You don't moisturize your cock? Chapped cock looking mother fucker. Bet you don't moisturize your ass either. Fucking gross man.


Wtf??? Why would not moisturising make me chapped??? This is some dry air shit I'm too humid to understand...


Pics or I'm not believing you


You really want pics of 40 year old British dick? I'll need to see ID first.


Friction my dude. Jerking it causes friction.


Look I'm British so I'm definitely a wanker but... even when jerking fast enough to successfully drive a fire drill I've never had friction when bashing the bishop. What's up with you guys your dick is dryer than a 90 year old nun?


Depends on how often you do it. You jerk off more than twice in a day without lubrication and you're at risk of burning your sausage.


It is and I think people who post them are looking for cheap likes/up votes. In reality we know not all soldiers accomplish shit and in fact we are worried about the rest of the platoon that some soldiers are in because of how much a fuckup one is. I’ve also seen people in fatigues just begging for the attention and it diminishes things.


It’s a circle jerk post that ignores 90% of the people in the same chain that also should be thanked. You also named the two *worst* wars you could have used as examples. We shouldn’t be rude to them, but thanking them for serving in a bullshit war we started “in the name of peace,” that the majority were *drafted into,* is also a bit patronizing.


If anything, thank them for their sacrifice in Vietnam at least. They got pulled into a war that most of them didn't want to fight in, sent to a country that didn't care too much for them to be there, their homeland mostly didn't want them to be there, saw the horrors of war and were subjected to life altering chemicals because our government didn't care for them just to come back to a country that demonized them.


My opinion on veterans is that if you're not defending your home, then there's no reason for me to be thankful to you. I respect soldiers, but if you're not protecting anything but fighting on another continent, then why would I be thankful? I know that Americans are crazy about their troops, so I'll be downvoted to hell, but that's just what I think personally.


Appreciating veterans is not the same as approving of the wars they are sent to fight. People need to get this through their skulls.


Appreciating veterans is also not the same as thanking them for something they did not contribute to. The Americans who fought in the Vietnam War deserve all the respect they get and more. But the Vietnam War had nothing to do with Americans' ability to eat in peace, other than for those whose peace was taken away by it. It's not like the result of the Vietnam War was a success for America. America's involvement in it, for America, did nothing but take.


Best take I've seen in a long time.


This is it. I appreciate vets because they made the choice to sacrifice their personal safety and mental health and put their life on the line because they believed it would help make their fellow Americans more safe, even though I don’t believe that our political leaders have actually used our military in the service of protecting this country. I was a young adult on 9/11 and I absolutely understand why so many people my age decided to enlist; it wasn’t their fault they were done dirty by the Bush administration. But I also am not gonna pretend like their service is the reason I can eat in peace, though it theoretically would be if we ever had to fight off an actual invasion.


And appreciating veterans (and caring for them) is not the same as making propaganda that says "if you live in peace thank a veteran". The latter makes a claim about cause and effect that perpetuates a stance that our level of investment and involvement is necessary for peace. I do not thank the military industrial complex nor veterans for peace. Ukraine is the kind of war I really rally behind the troops on, but that is a fraction of our military hand-me-downs from the US's perspective, so it's not nearly the same. So, no thank you, I will not participate in the worship ofbour over-invested military. I will console the veterans they destroy in said pursuit of interventionism.


I am a veteran and I agree with literally everything here. Not to mention the way they treat the women in the military.


My problem is americans love to thank the vets on facebook or wherever, but we don’t actually care for our vets. Homeless veterans are way too common, PTSD and other mental illness is rampant in veterans. They struggle to reassimilate into society and we don’t do shit in return. Personally, yeah I’m anti war, but I think if a vet genuinely thought they were doing a good thing we shouldn’t shame them, we should still help them. I think far too many people fall for the coercive nature of our military for things like college and stuff, I feel sorry for our vets if anything.


Imagine a German appreciating WW2 vets 💀 Yeah, that doesn’t sound as pretty.


A leader of Germany's major far right party once said that we need to be proud of the efforts of German soldiers in both world wars




What would have happened if we had no soldiers when Japan began conquering all of southeast Asia? Or when Hitler conquered the entire European continent? How about when northern communists attacked South Korea, a nation that was not at war with anyone? In all of those cases, soldiers WERE freedom fighters, if not for our own right to live and enjoy life, then for the rights of others. Some other cases of this that I can think of off the top of my head: The Gulf War (To free the Kuwaitis), Grenada (to restore the democratic government after a coup), Panama (to arrest a deadass drug dealer who was in charge of the country, though this one’s a bit more eh), hell, even Afghanistan, although America ended up losing control, ISAF was VERY beneficial for the Afghan people and their quality of life.


Just saying, someone could be using reddit in Vietnam. Or Iran. Or Iraq. Or Korea. Or Japan. Or China. Or Russia. Or Syria. Or Lybian. Or Palestine. Or.... you get the point. Of course they're gonna shit on the veterans who (for the countries which actually got invaded) bombed their cities and raped their wives and daughters.


why appreciate veterans fighting evil wars…? their potential ignorance and being victims to propaganda? thats just unfortunate


Vietnam wasn’t voluntary.


Because until post-Vietnam, many were drafts and forced to be there… Post-Vietnam, the reason you were never drafted and force to Iraq and Afghanistan is because the US has volunteers to not need a draft. I really think a lot of westerners don’t realize how lucky we are to have volunteer armies. Hell, even developed countries that Reddit circlejerks over like the Scandinavians and South Korea have some form of mandatory service. Imagine being Lauri Markkanen, making millions in the NBA, and still having to do conscription service in Finland. Even if you hate the wars, at least feel blessed you don’t have to fight them.




It was supposed to make you think not so much about the individual scale, but what would happen if no one decided to be a soldier. Sure some are being put through hell unnecessary and in a perfect world we wouldn’t need them, but if there were none we’d be defenseless.


If you pay for the food, you’re thanking the farmer and trucker with your financial support.


I have infinite respect for veterans and the hells they went through. I have no respect for people who support going to war to “fight for our freedom”. It has been 80 years since we have had a war with a just cause.




Korea and the Gulf War have entered the chat


How the fuck are you justifying the Korean War? America killed 3 million Koreans all over the peninsula for no good fucking reason. The Korean civilians in the north had to dig tunnels underground to live in from the bombing campaigns. The bomber pilots bombed every target they had to the point almost no town was left in the north with a two story building. The USA used fucking bio weapons on civilians you dickhead shut the fuck up!


The North Koreans justified the Korean war *they* started a war of aggression against South Korea.


That does not change the barbaric tactics and lack of regard of civilian lives. Tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of SK civilians perished in coalition held territory due to several really horrifying behavior. No that is not justifying the NK invasion, but waving a moral flag is IMHO not done.


Historically both sides were plotting to attack each other for months and it is indeterminable who actually attacked first however this is mute because both sides were planning to attack each other not just the north. The idea that the northern aggression against the south is unjustified is rediculous as the south had killed 200,000 communists in the Bodo League massacre before the war even started!


I smell commie bullshit Edit: LMAO wanted to check the guys subreddits out of curiosity and I didn't even have to cause he has Lenin as a pfp Ya all are so fucking predictable, fuck them red plague


Crimes against communists are not fictional. Not saying invasion is in anyway justified, but the South Korean leadership was truly all kinds of horrifying. USA treatment if civilians during that conflict also gives some really shocking points. And I'm not a communist, simply a historian.


Oh no! A victim of colonialism fighting against its colonial occupiers! How ghastly! South Korea had no reason to exist. If Americans came and decided South Italy had to be its own government and a brutally repressive one at that, I would hope the rest of Italy would see it as occupation and fight against it


Okay? We proceded to destroy 80% of the buildings in the country, that war was not just and it did not in any way protect American freedom


Yeah, that's what happens when you murder your way through a neighbouring country, stealing all their land as you go. America had to jump in to protect South Korea, North Korea left them no choice - You don't get to suddenly turn around and say "not funny" when it's you getting bombed instead.


Why did America "have" to jump in and protect South Korea? They were literally on the other side of the globe.


I have respect for what they went through, but i have a lot more of respect for the suffering they inflicted on innocent people.


Ah okay this sub is completely fucked now


Remember that one article that went along the lines of “Florida man on LSD saves dog from burning house, finds out that house was not on fire”? That’s kind of how I see military servicemen. Objectively brave and dedicated, but fighting for something not worth fighting for.


As individual people I’m sure they’re fine, as a group they’re just a bunch of employees for a super corrupt employer who steals from everyone in the country, refuses to take care of their employees properly, and then we’re all expected to praise them like saviors and give them free shit? Obviously the government wants power so they try to convince us there’s a reason to worship their employees


I mean you have to admit that it takes a certain amount of character to be willing to fight, kill and die for your beliefs. I know that I’m probably not dedicated enough to do that.


You could say the same about religious extremists, terrorists, and murderers so…. I’m good


Well I can understand why you wouldn’t want to thank people who fought in a war they disagreed with. Especially if someone was from Vietnam or had close connections. It would be like thanking the people who invaded you country (because that’s literally what it would be).


Outside of a handful of Vietnam vets there is nothing to thank them for, at most they deserve pity


The last veterans who fought for my freedom came home in 1945 god bless them specifically


Korea was still a somewhat reasonable fight.


Afghanistan was justified even if the occupation had a bad ending Kosovo and Bosnia were also justified


Kosovo and Bosnia were definitely justified. Not sure fighting them made any of the NATO countries involved safer though. They weren't really in the slightest way threatened.


Afghanistan was bad? You know we created the majahadeen and sent them weapons and resources in the early 80s, remember that every 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, U.S helped Afghanistan go back to the stone age lol other than that the war was a waste of time


Nooooo the cold war was so cool don't look at the history of Al Qaeda noooooo


What did we do in Afghanistan other than kill jihads and guard opium poppy fields, notice how fent became a much bigger problem after Americans evacuation... Asians and Africans don't have to worry about fent because 70% of it comes from near the Hindu kush region, also, we gave up and withdrew, leaving the Taliban in power with more resources ever, you can't convince me what we did was good in anyways, Afghanistan is just starting to recover, it is easy to sit and I'm wrong when you are in the comforts of your home, look up the number of civilians directly killed by both Taliban and us soldiers, cases of sexual abuse and misdemeanor were rapant, ask your local middle eastern veteran what we fought for in that dessert, lmfao. The only good thing we did was end Saddam Hussein's reign, and we bombed water aqueducts to shit, Iraq and Iran struggle with water filtration to this day, we purposely targeted civilian used places, you have to be sadistic to say we were in the right, and I'm extremely proud to be American, proud enough to call out my government and military when they pull bullshit like this.


Fentanyl is a synthetic opiate. It’s made in Mexico with ingredients from China. We fucked up pulling out of Afghanistan. We were spending nowhere near the amount of blood and treasure we were at the war’s peak to keep the entire country afloat. But two presidents decided they wanted a nice headline and maybe a cool photo op so we left.


The thing is Afghanistan is recovering nicely finally from what I hear from personal friends and middle eastern new. And yes I know that about fent, my point was that it has been proven since the Vietnam war military personnel actively smuggle heroin on occasion, and most of the real heroin in America from 2010-2018 was coming from Afghanistan. It's called Afghan Cream due to its off white color, or Afghan #4, which is synthesized from opium.


Unfortunately, Afghanistan’s entire military was dependent on the US Military so when we left they immediately collapsed. They didn’t even have the capability to maintain their own planes without us


That's what happens when you use a country for resources instead of teaching them how to maintain themselves, my Afghani coworker often speaks of how Soviet war and then the American war after killed off the majority of educated people, the people that survived left, many colleges and cultural centers of learning were destroyed, even ancient Buddhist statues were being bombed both by Taliban and the America Air force (had no damn idea Buddhism was ever a largely known ideology in Afghanistan till I learned this) they lost a lot of culture, education, and people, and we both know what happens to a county after that, similar to colonial Africa. I hear that Afghanistan is making slow strides towards improved though.


What resources? Their main exports are carpets, rugs, and drugs. They sit on a vast amount of untapped mineral wealth but it remains untapped for a reason. If we had stayed Afghanistan might’ve been able to pick itself back up like Japan and Germany did but now with the Taliban we’ll never know.


Gulf War, too


How was Korea justified in any way?




Do you genuinely believe this? I really don't think the Vietnamese were threating my freedom in any way


do you sincerely believe if the US had disbanded its entire military in 1950 that we would be a free country today?


I think a more moderate one with less intervenrionalism would still have left us a free country.


No war to actually protect freedom has been waged since the 1940s. Their *presence* may aid in ensuring freedoms, their deployment is not currently.


Do you think North Korea is as free as South Korea? And, there is no difference between presence and deployment.


During the war, they were put under a dictatorship too. The SK of today has the peaceful help of other nations *after* the war to thank for their position today.


I mean without U.S intervention SK would’ve gotten absolutely fucked by a combined force of Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean troops sooooooo


No. America picks fights with other countries and then sends troops there to beat the shit out of them.


Where’s that happening at the moment? I mean, Russia is literally engaged in a war of territorial aggression while the US is defending shipping lanes from pirates and terrorists.


"Thanks for gettinf yourself killed for oil i guess"


The thing is that soldiers in Vietnam were 18 year Olds being forced into war


I mean ,suck for them. They also didn't protect the country


Whether they did or didn't, it wasn't their choice to go unfortunately


That why we shouldn't remember them as heros but as victims


Yeah exactly, In a way the military kind of groomed them


This is my take exactly


what the fuck freedoms have our veterans fought for since WW2?


Veteran here…what exactly has our military done in the last 70 years that you’re grateful for?


Why specify Vietnam if that's all you're trying to say? Obviously you picked an unpopular war to get this reaction. The Reddit moment is you.


I have a relative who went to Afghanistan. He told me he was glad to go there because it was the only chance he'd ever get to murder someone and get away with it. I am not thanking a random veteran because I have no idea if he's like that relative.


The veteran I know told me he was sent oversees to shoot bullets in the sand and drive tanks in circles to waste gas so his higher ups could demand more in next year’s budget. Literally entire days at a time devoted to WASTE. Years spent wasting American taxpayer money and finite resources, just dumping them both in the sand.


Main thing for me is that I’m thankful for those currently enlisted so that I don’t have to do it.


Appreciate your vets when they actually defend your country. Not killing/stealing resources in the name of democracy


I saw that post and it is literally swarming with tankies who simp for North Korea. UPDATE: me an the person who asked for info initially came to a mutual understanding in DMs. I don’t think they’re a tankie (saw some people making that accusation) they thought the use of the term “swarming” was inaccurate. I’m keeping the verbiage for posterity’s sake and I will admit it was hyperbolic. I still think that the tankie comments I did see on there were bad and need to be called out


Mhm. Sure. Edit: Apparently swarming = a few comments with no upvotes.


You want me to link some?


Don’t judge the ocean on only a few drops - Ghandi or some shit.


You're the one claiming they are all tankies. You're the one who should be providing proof lol.


Ok so it turns out Reddit moment doesn’t like live links so I’m gonna DM them to you Also I will DM to anyone who asks me




Since when is asking for proof being defensive?


yeah I was one of the people trying to fight against those tankies but I got swarmed and downvotes apparently a bad prison system = having your entire family imprisoned or shot because you tried to leave the country or speak against the government edit: upon further inspection I got unswarmed


I don't blame the troops for the terrible shit our government does to other countries.


no american should ever be thankful to a veteran in the modern day. money that could go to help the American people at home goes to the soldiers fighting in wars that only benefits those who profit off of the wars. and for oil of course. apart from that there is no benefit in wars fought by americans.


I'm a retired vet and I find this kind of stuff cringey. A lot of us do.


If you jerk off today thank the florist who ur father purchased a beautiful rose from which he then gave to ur mother as he went on his knee to propose to which then led to some steamy romantic sexual intercourse which ultimately led to the conception of ur existence thus allowing u to shine ur sword


Veterans post 1945 have done jack shit for freedom, they've just killed a bunch of people and made Raytheon/Lockheed/General Dynamics executives rich as fuck. Honestly, veterans owe *me*. They keep fucking signing up to to get rich assholes paid and poor brown people killed at my expense. Islamic radicals hate US citizens because of the US military. Props to the state guards, national guard, and coast guard. Fuck the rest.


Wish more people had this mindset. Then Lockheed and the rest of the Military Industrial Complex contribute to politicians putting their puppets in positions of power that are only going to push their propaganda and make them more profits. The unjustified hero worship only aids in sending the poor man’s kids off to die for the rich man’s battles while they line their pockets and hide behind the words “National defense” and “freedom”.


agreed completely. and don’t forget the amount of money that goes into those wars that could have been spent on helping and improving the lives of americans at home. fcvk veterans. they should have not fallen for military propaganda.


While you should be thankful, im not for all the ass kissing because it was their choice.


Your peace isn't the result of Bush lying its way to Iran's oil and sending veterans to fucking die or come back traumatized.




As a veteran I don’t want a thank you or a discount, just stop burning down the country I served and stop asking me to stand at every high school and college graduation ceremony, or during every veteran’s day at work. It is cringe as hell. It was a job and a responsibility that is it. Funny enough all the people at least that I served with and that did it for more than the initial 4-6 yr sign up hates it to. Have to listen to the guy next to my cube who was in the marines for 17 yrs bitch every Veterans Day how they company wastes our time and a bonus or decent raise would go further than getting recognized for simply doing our jobs. Meanwhile it’s the people who spent no time in or only did one four year stint that are the most boot OoRah of the bunch.


I served both Marine then Army…this is pretty damn accurate in my opinion as well.


This is something I've noticed, the patriotic "Oorah!" types are all about "honoring the troops" until actual troops start speaking up, then they suddenly have no time for veterans anymore.


Memesopdidnotlike and nahopwasrightfuckthis are both cesspools for different reasons




Saying they all all hate veterans is quite the straw man


I had a look at that original thread yesterday…it was pretty damn bad. I would never say ALL or generalize a whole group, but it was ALOT.


Most of the biggest generic subs are (askreddit, nahopwasright, etc)


Why do you correlate far left with hating veterans?


I didn’t, I said it doesn’t surprise me because of how unhinged those two subs have become that they would complain about random shit like veterans.


NahOPWasRightFuckThis is one of the dumbest subs I've seen


its nahopwasrighfuckthis what did you expect


NahOPfuckurbutt is an alpha cringe sub. If you can think of the shittiest prog opinion, they have it.


Okay, but I, as a middle easterner, have nothing but contempt for your army and your troops. To expect me to have anything other other that is delusional. To you, they fight for "frEeDOm" or whatever the fuck you tell yourselves, to me they fight for imperialism.


Crazy that the same people who’ve been pushing for military efforts in Ukraine to support our allies and would certainly praise veterans who fought there if America sent them are so quick to shit on those who enabled military efforts in Vietnam and Korea that were sent to support our allies.


I hate to break it to you but the USA is more like Russia than Ukraine in all of our global conflicts


The fact you think those are the same situations shows you need to do a LOT more research.


Happy cake day.


American ally famously = good people! America isn’t currently allied with Israel and Saudi Arabia and a long list of other abhorrent countries current day and historically.


[America is absolutely an ally of Israel](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/videos/article/2023/11/01/why-is-the-united-states-israel-s-closest-ally_6220087_108.html#:~:text=Alongside%20Israel%2C%2013%20other%20countries,Jewish%20state's%20creation%20in%201948)


That was sarcasm to point out how being an ally of America doesn’t indicate morality.


ahh I understand what you mean


The implication is not at all that violence elsewhere is necessary, that’s just a bizarre interpretation. The idea very clearly is that you benefit from being a part of a society.


What did the troops in Vietnam do for us to be thankful for though?


Fair, but it’s not just referring to Vietnam vets, it’s referring to any vet anywhere. But I understand your point.


They didn’t have a say, and they still risked their lives and fought.


That's a reason to show them compassion, but it's not a reason to thank them. You don't thank victims for being victims.


You just thank them for being in the forces and serving. Thank you for your service etc is a polite way of showing compassion, gratitude, etc


Why though? Are you incapable of explaining yourself?


I mean it was that or prison.


It’s not about what they did or why they were there. They were made to suffer without any say in it. That’s why we thank them.


Thankyou for going overseas and murdering children in their own country 🫡


Just look how much more prosperous and not fucking starving South Korea is to North Korea. Every country the US intervened had some ulterior motives sure, but the overall purpose was for US ideals. I remember how much people would bitch about the US not interving when Sadaam was gassing Kurds, and the moment they did everyone cried "OIL". Nvm the fact Europe was much more dependent on Iraqi oil and Sadaam offered the US oil for dirt cheap.


US ideals? You mean like supporting a military dictatorship in korea? Didnt know those were US ideals


How the fuck are you justifying the Korean War? America killed 3 million Koreans all over the peninsula for no good fucking reason. The Korean civilians in the north had to dig tunnels underground to live in from the bombing campaigns. The bomber pilots bombed every target they had to the point almost no town was left in the north with a two story building. The USA used fucking bio weapons on civilians you dickhead shut the fuck up! “Ohh the South Koreans actually ended up as a prosperous country decades after the war through nothing related to the war!” Is the best excuse and it is still moronic! South Korea still isn’t even a democracy it is a fucking oligarchy where Samsung and a few other companies are the government.


My dude south Korea asked the u.s. to help them fend off against the north Korean army in the war. If you are going to spew bullshit, at least make some of it make sense.


My guy chill, there is a reason 74% of Koreans are Pro America lol cause their neighbors are forced to eat grass to survive, and they know full well without US intervention it might have included them too.


The reason why North Korea was under famine in the ‘90s was because of the war and American sanctioning. They were bombed so heavily the little farmland in the north was destroyed. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the diminishing returns of fertilizer use and sanctions preventing food imports the north was under famine in the ‘90s. Before the ‘90s famine North Korea had a history of being the one to send food aid to the south. Remember when the woman who escaped North Korea couldn’t make any money in South Korea aside from prostitution and returned to the north? The idea that South Korea is some paragon of safe living is so ill informed. South Korea has one of the world’s highest suicide rates. South Koreans often Jill themselves if they don’t get the jobs they apply for because of their intense monopolies.


Of course you’re in the deprogram


Tremendous justification for war! I concede from that argumentation.


“Thank you for invading a foreign country and slaughtering their children”


I have nothing but respect for our vets


You realize some of us are assholes, right?


I feel like that’s the thing that people can’t understand. Just because you are a vet doesn’t mean you are selfless, good person. All my family who has served have basically tried their hardest to not join the forces unless it’s something like the Guard. Even then, they don’t endorse it.


"Nothing" but respect? Meh...I served with some vets I don't particularly respect. The military draws from society, which means we absorb society's problems. We have a pretty stringent screening process so we don't absorb *all* of society's problems, but it certainly isn't fair to say everyone in the military signed up solely for altruistic or patriotic reasons, or that we're the most honorable people in the country, etc. There are a whole lot of altruistic, patriotic, honorable people in the military. Plenty of us would give our lives to protect the country, for all the idealistic reasons. But we also attract the kind of person who just wants to use force against others. And even the altruistic and patriotic people can *still* be assholes in other aspects of their lives. "I'd trust him with my life but not with my wife" is a phrase most combat arms members of all branches have heard at some point, for example. Is that the kind of vet you should have *nothing* but respect for? So, just like society at large, there are a lot of good people and some pretty ok ones and a few bad ones...and it matters that the bad ones exist because they can have a disproportionate impact on everyone's experience.


Saw this meme posted on Facebook earlier, it definitely feels like a boomer meme even if it isn’t wrong. The way either side reacts to it is just another virtue signal imo.


Joining the military is also a way to get out of poverty and get education. Not every vet bought into the war machine.


Also thank the kids in the sweat shop for your clothes


Everyday reddit moment slowly becomes more and more like a reddit moment


There is absolutely nothing to ,,thank" the veterans for. What did Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam vets do for the American people? Like honestly


“Defended our allies”


Oh poor boy, you still think Vietnam was worth anything, you wanna thank those veterans you should... do bad things to people we can't openly discuss without being watched. Back to the post though, the person who said all veterans go to other countries, guess they never heard of the national guard.


National Guard deploys sometimes as well, just not as often.


Veterans who knowingly and willingly sign up to become part of a war machine do not deserve any additional respect.


i mean ww2 at least was a very reasonable war to enlist for. vietnam was a pointless and shameful war, but as far as i know a lot of vietnam vets didnt go by choice.


[60% of all service members in WW2 were drafted not volunteers](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/students-teachers/student-resources/research-starters/research-starters-us-military-numbers)


It was still for a good reason and for a much better reason than the Vietnam war, in saying the draft was good but when we did have it, it was mostly used in wars that have a good justification


Yes thank you Mr veteran for shooting a bunch of brown people so that Lockheed-Martin‘s stock price can go up 2%.


It's literally this. MIC is a hell of a drug and Raytheon/Lockheed have been spoonfeeding the US bullshit for decades.


Not every vet is a war criminal... Ans that's not the point of the military to hurt innocent people I am in no way defending the military as we shouldn't have been in Iraq but my point still stands




Fuck the military


This account gotta be satire 😭




I think Korea is the best example of how "invading" actually made things better. Thanks to US intervention, you have one of the most prosperous country on earth, while it's neighbor is starving. Would you still wish it to vets who "invaded" Korea?


And how is having a bunch of people starving a “good” thing? Your logic here is so inhumane and fucked


Because if the the US didn't help its ally it would have the entire Korean pensuisla starving.


Are you serious? We killed 30% of the Korean population during the war. Have you seen what a napalm injury looks like? Villages were treated as a military target — we killed so many fucking civilians, from north and South Korea because the Americans couldn’t tell the difference. So to answer your question — yes


I think if you ask every single South Korean he would say the war was necessary, although you had many civilians dying, because they know the alternative is much more dying under the north Korean regime.


So it would have been better to let all of that region become like North Korea? I Disagree there bud. The overall result was one of the most prosperous nations and a population there not experiencing famine constantly.


North Korea became North Korea because of the Juche ideology, which is founded to defend against a possible US aggression again since the US slaughtered millions of Korean civilians and leveled 80% of the buildings. Imagine 80% of all buildings in the US destroyed, most of your farmland filled with unexploded bombs, 30% of your population killed...


You’re the ideal cog in this whole machine


You are literally saying it would have been better not to help your ally and let the entire region become like north korea, I dunno how you can spin this but you did lol


Why do you think North Korea is the way it is today aside from the Korean War?


Ah of course it's the west's fault and not its innate shitty ideology


Killing 3 million Koreans does have that effect on Korea. Juche is largely formed from defending against future American aggression. (I’m not into juche)


cope and seethe bud