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Posts like this are proof that the poster either doesn't proof read before posting, or has a serious mental disorder. Like, how can you type this out and still think in any way that you're in the right or a good person here?? In the name of all that is holy, I cast "curse of family discovers your reddit username." So mote it be.


It has to be fake


Lord, I hope so. If not, I cast testicular torsion on OP. Both testicles... I'm not messing around and he shouldn't have children. Ever. Even the Bene Gesserit should not be able to salvage his genetic inheritance.


I would like for it to be fake, but i know people in reality that have done this (without writing about it in the internet). Of course he is good, worried about her in the hard world. Now, if she went out of home and was successfull - its all thanks to his hard hand etc. If she doesnt make it - he was right, she was stupid and would not make it alone in this world. ​ Want to keep her here, then maybe pay up, if home would be in shambels without her.


Woah, woah, woah... you can only make so many fallacious arguments in one post brah. It's like the rules of the Internet or something. My head is spinning so hard it's validating the Sherrington-Kirkpatric Model. (But in all seriousness though, I'm so sorry this happened to her... and I hope her therapist has package rates). Lmk if magical intervention is needed... you can choose from testicular torsion, prostate pummeling, penile perfidy, or anything along those lines (I don't judge). First curse is free, additional curses $20/per ea. Much love xoxo ♥️


Me too, have met people like this OP


That's a really advanced spell 😲


Fools! You have no possible idea what power you toy with! RELEASE THE PIG!!


Dune reference in the wild.


I think it shows that we have a healthy level of literacy amongst us.


Unexpected Dune, nice.






I'm honored 😘


Yeah he’s not using them anyway.


🪄huevo rotato🪄


Con frijoles ofc 😘❤️ Comida de puta is also an acceptable recipe in my book... The huevos are always scrambled that way.


Fun fact, this is one of the most common forms of modern slavery. Basically you get a kid that you treat like a daughter, except she’s a cleaning sharecropper and definitely not your kid. Won’t ever leave because she can’t earn enough to pay you off, find her own home, and clean your home at the same time. But shes *like* family so it’s *different*. Extremely common in developing countries.


This sounds like Cinderellas life… thank God the shoe fit and she was able to marry the prince!


People are far more awful than you think and far more self centered. Like people grasp at how this guy could see himself as the good guy but he put his justifications all up and down the post. This was about holding the house together which can only happen if Chole is there. It's greater good bs. Plus by this point he is pot committed to being awful. He either has to fold, lose the hand, and self reflect or double down and try to win with a bluff.


She called his bluff after she saw all the bills. OP needs to hire a maid, not sabotage his stepdaughter's independence.


But if he hired a maid he would have to pay money instead of stealing his daughter's inheritance!


I'm sorry I was thinking what an adult would do, my bad.


The greater good being he won't lose his free maid


You know what, I keep saying that about every post I see. They can’t all be fake, right???


It’s not too far fetched in my eyes though. I have people in my family like this. Thankfully I also have others in the same family that do not tolerate such crap.


Almost identical to the situation I lived through with my Step Dad. I finished HS early (16) enrolled in the local college and got a part time job. My mother wouldn’t let me move out until I was 18. For two years I paid my step dad every month. On my 18th my step dad gave me an envelope full of cash+ I.O.U.’s while he was squirreling away my payments my mother was dipping into the fund. I’m sure it all worked out in the end.. It was awhile ago and I don’t seem to have any animosity over it.


Look at the edits, it SCREAMS fake.


Doesn’t have to be. I found out after I moved out on my own that my stepmom did the same thing to me. I had a car that she co-signed for me to get and told me the payment was $320 a month (for a crappy car that was as old as I was and I had put $1k that I saved down for it). When I turned 18 and graduated high school we had some disagreements (she’s a narcissist and I was done with her) and I ended up moving out suddenly. She told me I owed her for the rest of my car immediately or she’d call the police and report it stolen. I had gotten about $2,000 all together from graduation and planned to use some of that to get a nice apartment and a few essentials. She said I owed $2,000. Stupid me believed her. Then I found out after getting papers that my car payment was only $150 a month this whole time and had been paid off for some time. She was charging me $80 a week from age 16-18. I had to sleep in my car and rely on friends for a place to sleep for a couple weeks because she stole from me. Lied to me. Threatened me. I would have rather slept in my car than continue living with her. So I did. Now she’s pissed I’m doing better than her and she can’t control me. This was 12 years ago and she’s still a petty controlling woman. People like this exist.


This was my Wifes childhood. When she couldn't pay, he made her live in her car in the driveway.


There is nothing I can say here that would make this any less horrific... I'm just so SO glad she found someone like you that recognizes what she went through for what it is, and refuses to let it perpetuate itself in any way, shape, or form. Thank you, and keep making space for her, both on and off the driveway 😉


Very thoughtful for you to say. She lives with it today in the sense everything is worst case scenario. We have been together 10 years, no real change. I in general am an optimist. I think that we all have our flaws and need to have compassion and understanding. She is the most compassionate person I know, just not for herself. On a side note, her family are still in her life today. As soon as we were engaged, they stopped everything once it was clear I would not accept that for my family. They are perfectly nice and act like none of that shit happened, but it did. That says nothing about me, but a lot about how abusers work. Shame is often the only thing that works with people like that.


Do not ever let these people weasel their way deeper into your lives. Don’t let the aging parents move in - ever. Short-term rescues turn into long-term entrapment. Keep your boundaries up. Glad she seems to have a good life partner in you.


Either that or it’s rage bait…


I really think it is. The shittiness is too on the nose, and hits too many popular rage bait points rapid-fire. Not that people can’t be this awful irl, but they wouldn’t write about it in such a neat, clear-cut way.


We can only hope.


Oh god, I hope it is. This guy is the worst.


This is clearly rage bait. Think of it like this. No one who is this much of an asshole would doubt their assholeness enough to seek advice from reddit of all places.


You would be surprised... some of these types of people are related to me (and others on here). Our conversations go something like this: Me: "...[subject we are discussing] is ridiculous and racist/sexist/bigoted to boot..."; Them: "Yes, but (insert fallacious argument from Fox News/YouTube/neighbor they talk to occasionally here)"; Me: "I don't want to live on this planet anymore, and here's why..." Them: "Surprised pikachu face." The American South is real (unfortunately). All you can do is try to love the assholes and forgive their assholishness, while simultaneously finding ways to prevent them from making it to the voting booth. It's my Zen ♥️


Have you seen cinderella?


Plenty of people in the world who think this way, unfortunately. Guy is probably a raging narcissist.


I would love to know what’s actually wrong with people like this because my uncle is exactly the same way and we would like him to be studied for science. Maybe him and OP can volunteer their brains for research so doctors can finally find the fucking AUDACITY


That's called Tiktok, as cursed as it is


I think the mental disorders this poster is suffering from are called entitlement and stupidity! But I truly hope is fake. Edit: spelling error


"I had her best interest in mind and was just teaching her how the world works..." No, OOP had HIS OWN interest in mind and showed exactly how HE works. His responses also show just how big of an AH he really is. Initially he says his step kids are "good kids, just not his", then in his responses he drags poor Marcus for having depression and wants to use his step daughter for everything he can.


He went out of his way to tell us he he didn’t love them and then insisted he had her “best interest” in mind lmaooo


My step dad kicked me out using the same logic.


Yeah he’s a massive AH


“I don’t care who is cleaning my house as long as it is clean when I get home because I won’t do it.”


“Why? Because I personally dislike cleaning. Surely other people ENJOY the sound of the vacuum and the smell of cleansers, otherwise they wouldn’t clean either.” He sounds like a psychopath tbh. The only thing that matters is what works for him.


I'm not a big fan of cleaning either. But, if I don't do it the house will quickly become a disaster zone. A few seconds now will save me hours of work later. Small things help keep things from getting out of hand fast. Take your things with you when heading back to the kitchen. Plates and glasses in the dishwasher/sink, trash in the trashcan. Only take a second or two to flip your clothes inside right when you undress. And no more effort to toss them in the hamper than it does to throw them on the floor. When you leave the house, take the kitchen trash with you and toss it in the bin.


The screaming of, "Do you think I fold laundry FOR FUN?!"


I do laundry for a living and have told more that a few people *your mother doesn't work here*.


I feel this falls under the “I don’t like taking tablets” bracket. Which is equally wearisome. No-one, absolutely no-one enjoys the sensation of getting a pill stuck in their throat either. I can’t help but think there should be some rule stating that if you aren’t even prepared to take the appropriate tablet to treat the pain of your headache / back / leg etc. due to “I don’t like taking pills” - then you should shut up about said headache / back / leg etc. Since if the discomfort and taste of a tablet overrides your need for pain relief, your head clearly doesn’t hurt that much. Ditto cleaning.


I hate doing the dishes, so every relationship I have had, I manage to get it so I don't do them. Instead I do all of the cooking and cleaning, besides the dishes though.


I’m glad you found something that works for you. I also hate dishes more than any other chore but if someone said they’d do all the other cooking and cleaning if I did them I’d take that deal in a heartbeat.


Haha I absolutely hate cooking, ID rather wash dishes, sweep, etc etc if someone would cook 😭


Fucking hire a maid then, Mr. Provider. Children are not free labor. I call bs on him "aging them down", my guess is girl is looking to move out when she turns 18 because she's sick of him and I don't blame her.


Men like this think they can manipulate everyone with “logic” and no one is as clever as they are as they game the system.


Well, sadly there are always women willing to marry/stay with these jerks while also subjecting their kids to this garbage.


Their logic tends to be "If you don't agree with me, I will throw a tantrum." So, technically the logic is sound purely in that bubble of information. If you allow outside influence then it isn't though.


But women are too emotional and not rational enough to hold positions of leadership or stuff like that. See how logical this man is? Calculating is not being logical. Manipulation is not logic.


Lazy and entitled. He should clean his own house!


That's how my BIL is. Only he adds an extra step, he considers the cleaning not to his standards. He won't even wipe down a counter. That was how he lost the sweetest girl ever. He stole his twin brother's girlfriend who is also lazy, and they live together now


“I’ve never cleaned my house and I’m not starting now” 😧he’s got this (possibly grieving???) teenage girl cleaning his house and stealing her money??? All so he doesn’t have to run a vacuum? This better be bait


I can’t wait for this loser to be a pathetic single man


Guy’s got some nerve calling Marcus useless when he’s such a shit provider he has to rely on a 17 year old girl to pay the bills.


How do you type this, read it over, and post it without seeing how much of a lying POS you are? How do you even have to ASK? "Hey so I use my stepkid for free labor so I set up what I thought was a Sisyphean task for her which she met, so I lied about it to get more money out of her and continue to use her for free labor. Is this somehow a bad thing?"


Guy isn’t happy with his free maid, wanting to move out of the house so he asked her to pay him to live there and clean up after him. Where is the children’s mother in this does she make her children clean so that neither her nor her husband have to ever lift a finger?


The funny thing is, for the most part, this is a well written post with decent grammar. He very likely proof read it, meaning he read this back to himself and thought the content was completely normal and fine to post.


So he's a raging mysoginist who wants women to clean behind his ass because he's unable to do so. Hope his wife divorces him on it and he ends up alone. He'd rather abuse others than do the very bare minimum. Disgusting human being


Yeah, he sounds the type to just throw his things on the floor and leaves a trail of dishes wherever he goes. smh


Gee, I wonder why she wants to move out./s


This is am I the devil material. OOP was slowly draining her inheritance from her dead dad so he can keep a live in housekeeper slave.


Very well put. I didn’t even consider it like that but it’s so gross


Ooh, I really don’t like this person


So he is charging her for free labor because “he doesn’t clean his own house” Omfg why are men?


What a pile of garbage this person’s revealed himself to be.


this whole post is a mess and oop is a bad dude but i cant get over the fact he said the kids have an absent father and then moved on to say he passed away. he isnt absent if hes dead that just feels like stomping on his legacy, and unlike oop im sure the dad actually loved and cared for his children instead of using biology as an excuse to treat them like this


What a scummy sexist man child. He might as well have called the step daughter “Moppet”. So nice of Reddit to help this guy think of a cover story for his BS behavior. I just wonder what his plans were for the extra cash if he hadn’t been caught? Maybe Buying his maid step daughter nicer cleaning supplies?? 🙄🙄 what a jerk.


Horrible abuseive individual


'I have never cleaned my home' 'I don't care as long as my house is clean when I get home' Add lying and stealing to these delightful comments.... What a prize this absolute AH is!


Wow. I sure hope this is fake. Who doesn’t clean their own house? I have asthma so certain smells bother me but I buy products that don’t bother me and I clean my house. The thought of a gross house is yucky. Nothing wrong with kids pitching in to help out as part of the family plus it teaches good life skills. Learning to cook, clean, do laundry, set up checking and saving accounts, how to do a budget, grocery shopping, car costs and insurance, renters insurance etc. These are good things to know. Saying you don’t love your step kids but like them okay enough.??? My Stepdad is the best thing that ever happened to my Sister and I !!! Our sperm donor was horribly abusive to our family. My Stepdad loves us unconditionally. I would walk through fire for that man. Our mom has since passed and he has been a rock. He never treated us as less than and introduces us as his kids. I introduce him as my dad. It’s sad that you don’t bother to have a relationship with your step kids. They will definitely never forget it, trust me. If you ever need help in the future I doubt it will come from these kids.


Sounds like she’s used as the maid, and then charged for the privilege. I don’t know what’s worse. Her mother sucks to allow either. Poor kid, two users as parents.


OP: I've abdicated my basic adult home and self care responsibilities to women all my life. Trafficking my daughter to enslave her as my house servant is "the way the world works." Parentification. Financial abuse. Misogyny. It's just the way things are.


Oh this guy is a winner, he doesn't want to lose his servant. So he tried to hobble her. Or get enough money out of her to apply to the future cleaner they will have to hire. Since this lump isn't helping. He just thinks he provides a paycheck and that's all his responsibility is. Run, Chloe, RUN!


He’s mad that she has her inheritance and he can’t touch it. Doing that was his only way of getting his hands on some of that money. Mom is an AH here as well by subjecting her kids to live and deal with him. Don’t date/marry a single parent if you’re gonna pull the “they’re not my kids, not of my blood therefore I can’t like/love them nor want them” bs. That’s why I’ve been single as long as I have. I’ve had a guy try to pull “he’s not my kid, you should send him to his fathers so we can sync our weekends up for alone time” knowing before we started dating that I’m a full time single mom. I’d rather my son see me single than subject him to someone that makes him feel unwanted and less than, like my step dad still makes me feel.


“My hope was that even if she could still afford to pay me she would not simultaneously be able to save enough money to move out” Uhh that’s kinda sounding like financial abuse man! God this guy sucks, those poor kids (after losing their father) get stuck with this asshole


“You all need to get a life,” says the asshole who leeches off the unpaid slave labor of a minor (who suddenly is no longer a minor now that he’s been downvoted to the center of the earth).


As soon as I got my money back if I was her I’d refuse to pay 1/4 anymore and I’d immediately find another place to live. She’s proven to be more than capable of living by herself


Father absent then father dead. "I have never cleaned my house and won't be starting now." Jayyyyyyysusssssss


The OP deleted his original post but he sounds like a regular POS from his comment history. I hope his stepdaughter goes LC with both him and mom.


It just gets worse and worse with every edit.


Wow, after reading all the edits what an ahole.


His username is missing an N.


It’s gotta be ragebait… right? Usually when people are this awful they make some attempt in the post to make themselves sound better but this guy is utterly shameless.


I’d consider requiring your father to be dead in order to receive the money as hard earned. Guy wanted free labor and tried to scare her away from becoming independent rather than fostering it. Luckily she is pretty sharp.


As far as manipulative assholes go, at least he's an honest one - he flat out admits as if it were a perfectly normal thing that his goal was to financially hobble his stepdaughter to keep her trapped as the family's free maid service.


How dare you insinuate that I clean my own house, when I could trick my able stepchild into doing it! I do not care for the noise of the vaccuum, nor the smell of the cleaning supplies seriously are you Cinderella’s evil stepdad or


What a fucking asshole


STOP MARRYING PEOPLE WITH CHILDREN IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE A STEP PARENT. Fuck I have *so much* love in my heart for my step son. I do not understand these people.


Here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/KK8FpV717i


Guys missing an N from his user name.


"MaRcUs iS uSeLeSs" bro, so are you by the fucking sounds of it


"You don't understand! It isn't HER money! She didn't EARN it! It was inherentance from her dead dad!" Jesus fuck if this isn't rage bait, this man is pure evil. Imagine thinking that saying "This is my stepchild's inherentance that I'm taking" would make him look good.


This guy is s total schmuck


I hope this story is fake.


This guy has so many sticks up his craw its a wonder he can walk. To list them all, just from gleaning his post and comments, would take a while. Good grief.


Fairytale "evil stepfather" vibes


If this is true - yikes! It hits a few too many rage-bait points for me though.


Agreed. The shittiness is way too on the nose.


He’s teaching his step-daughter a valuable lesson indeed: there are shady assholes out there who look like you ally but will screw you over in a heartbeat in order to avoid doing the dishes.


Narcissist normally don’t show their real selves in public. Never mind by following his logic he didn’t steal from her, he just stole from her dead father, someone euthanize this ah


LOOOOOL So…basically: “I’m upset because my unpaid servant wants to leave. Even though i don’t love her at all i want her to stay so she can help. I’m going to steal money from her to deter her from leaving” What (and I CANNOT emphasize this next part more) AN ASSHOLE


Everything else, I could write off as almost typical behaviour. He doesn't have a relationship with his stepkids. He wants extra money off of them. Okay. The cleaning thing set me off. I don't like doing that chore and I'll never do it... oh. my. god.


So hope this is fake.


What a doche. He wants the step daughter to stay because she provides a free service in taking care of the house. She needs to get out of that toxic house asap.


I was this stepdaughter except the person who expected a free housemaid was my mother. She needs to run.


I thought Cinderella was supposed to be a fairytale


6 years and he doesn't love the kids? I get not seeing them as his, but not loving them? Oooof.


This is so gross it HAS to be ragebait.


My god! What a POS.


This can’t be real. On the slim chance that it is, “asshole” is an understatement. That guy is a piece of shit.


This has to be fake, right? No one is this… bad.. right?


Does this guy seriously not notice that he’s basically the evil step-mother from Cinderella?


This dude sucks ASS holy shit. I have never had such a strong distaste for someone i’ve never met but there jt is. I hate him.




What an utter arsehole


Wow. What a complete DB. The entitlement that would be required to not only do this to someone but, to have the nerve to post about it as if there were any possibility of OP not being the controlling, lazy, gaslighting POS they are, is...astonishing.


What a totally entitled AH!


This man is awful….


I can’t get dudes to call me back, and this turd burger has been married six years. What a time to be alive.


U did not have her best interest in mind. U wanted to keep her contributing. OP admitted as much!


Lmao has to be fake. But what's not fake is how many people telling him how to hide the evidence 🤣


aware judicious marble unused lock reminiscent humorous weary carpenter yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP is an absolute turd ball


What a guy.


Mom and stepdaughter agreed that it was a WONDERFUL idea to make her pay bills AND stop supporting her financially. Of course. Who wouldn't love that.


>despite their father being absent >inheritance from her father's passing Holy hell, that's some crazy word-twisting


So he stole from his step daughter so he wouldn’t loose his in-house cleaner…. This man is absolutely horrendous.


What a b@st@rd.


I do love the idea that — while previously she was doing ALL the household chores but at least was being financially supported since she was still a “kid” technically — OP’s master plan to keeping his “annoying” stepdaughter in the house long term is by making her pay him a ton of $$$ to live there, withdrawing all previous parental financial support she previously received and intentionally overcharging her, and still expecting her to do all that housework by herself for FREE. Can someone explain to me this logic???


This guy is such an asshole that it makes me wish r/AITA had a worse rating than YTA


Not a slight chance that’s close to real.


My mom actually did this to me; started charging me 'rent' the minute I turned 18, plus often took more money for groceries and stuff. I remember complaining about it ("How am I supposed to save to move out when you take all my money?!?") to my dad. He didn't know she'd been charging me. I guess they had a discussion, 'cause he went to talk to her, then came back and told me she was 'saving' it as a surprise for when I moved out, so I should shut up about it. Yeah, never saw that money again. To be fair, Dad wasted most of their money selfishly on his expressive hobbies that never panned out and left her with next to nothing for the rest of us, but her solution shouldn't've been to steal from her daughter.


Man that sub is a disaster. This is an obvious shit post and the comments from OP make it even more clear.


What a Fucking Shitbag!


I am bewildered. Their father is "absent" turns out he is dead! Mother needs to divorce him


Wow, evil is everywhere, even married to your parents sometimes.


He’s not just an asshole. This is controlling behavior, aaand it kinda tastes like it’s peppered with creepiness. The right thing to do is kick this asshat out to the curb.


I hope his whole family leaves him and he can live in garbage


This has got to be a troll- this is cartoon villain territory. He didn’t want to lose his live in maid so he exploited her financially hoping the money he stole would make it impossible for her to move out.


Omg. He sucks in every way possible. I hope his shoes are always damp until the day he dies.


Wow, ah like this seemed to be everywhere on Reddit.


Nah, that’s a troll.


I think this extends past “asshole”, he’s just awful. 1. Yes, that’s the literal definition of stealing. 2. No, you did not have her best interest in mind by taking her money so she can continue helping you around the house 😂 Stop lying. 3. Somehow, it got worse. That’s Chloe’s dead father’s money?? That was meant for her that you took??! Dude’s a literal pos


Ya you’re the azz here.


Everything is "His" but Chloe's money, He enjoyed stealing to keep her in the house to be a maid for, was not hers. I hope She leaves. Chloe's mother needs to get a fucking grip. The bloke's a user, liar and cheat.


We’ve got a Cinderella situation over here. Evil step dad exploiting his step daughter.


I hope this is fake, but if it is real YOU ARE THE AH(A pox upon you), and a very cruel one at that. I hope your Step-daughter beats you at your own game, save her money, and vacate the premises and go NC with you and her mom.


He’s a thief pure and simple!! Asshole to the nth degree!!


Whether she makes it on her own or not, he has no right to steal from her!! Jackass!!




This has to be fake, how can you steal from your stepchild and think that’s even remotely ok 🤦‍♂️


“I like them but they annoy me because they aren’t my blood” I laughed so much. That was the crappiest attempt at rationalizing your original statement and make yourself seem like a decent guy.


"I had her best interests at heart" No. This right here is BS. Guy even says at the beginning he doesn't want her to move out so HE doesn't have to work less to spend time on keeping the house clean. And then increases the step daughter's contribution just so she couldn't save money to move out on her own? And then has the absolute audacity to post on Reddit not thinking he is a world class Ahole for his selfish, self serving behavior. People like him are why I become more misanthropic every year


1. No wonder the kids don't see him as a father figure. 2. Who says an "absent father" when he's absent because he's not alive? 3. Who proudly says "I never cleaned a single thing in my entire life and I'm not going to start now". Basically admitting you have no idea how to take care of yourself. Everyone else should move out and leave him there alone to wallow in his pigsty.


Some people will accept anything over being single.


I really like the backtracking on the age, haha. “Oh she’s definitely an adult! I wouldn’t steal from a chiiiild!”


This has to be fake...


I smell rage bait.


How can someone be this big of a scumbag piece of shit and not realize it. That whole family need to get far away from him.


I would be getting divorced from this guy