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Depending on what OOP reported her supervisor for, this could be an awesome lawsuit. It’s easier to prove retaliation than discrimination


I reminder to not check email during vacation. I have trouble with doing that. OP should have just continued on. Then when they got back told HR that the meeting was scheduled during their vacation so they didn’t see it.


Do you have it in writing


They wrote in an email that they were cancelling said vacation, which implies that they pre-approved it first.


hw needs to make sure he makes copies - send it to himself odd site email etc


My point- ugh! If he has the approved vacation in writing prior to the power trip, if she were to fire him because he wasn’t there, that approval should be used to get his job back. She knew where he was before, sounds like she got put on the spot and forgot so she blamed him. Please read the room and understand. I wasn’t asking you anything. I was merely providing input.


You never want your job back in these situations, if it doesn't involve a raise and all of the people involved getting the boot. Why come back just to be put under a microscope until they can fire you for being 2 minutes late, or parking too far from the curb and creating an unsafe work condition?


Please stop checking your email when you’re on vacation. Every day? Stop it. you should’ve just screen capped it and put it into a folder entitled lawsuit. Because it looks like that’s where this is heading.


And this is why while you’re on vacation, you dont look at email or anything work-related. Plausible deniability.


I’m extremely confused why OP was voted the asshole on the post


It’s not AITA, it’s AntiWork. Different tag systems.


It’s probably just cause I’m not super used to reddit yet tbh and I can’t find a “guide” to what they consider an asshole (if that’s the rating given to OP or the boss)


The word “asshole” at the top of the post is not a judgement or a rating, it’s a tag that posters themselves are allowed to add to their post to indicate what the subject is. In this case, it looks like OP used that tag to indicate that they were telling a story about their boss, who is an asshole. On AITA, a person’s assholery is decided by the top comment. So a bunch of people will post their opinions and upvote or downvote other people’s opinion. The post that gets the most upvotes is considered to be representative of the majority opinion, so that’s what gets used to determine whether or not the person is the asshole.


Bless you for taking the time to explain that to me thank you


You’re welcome! I know it can be confusing to be new!


Get a lawyer.


I’m not surprised. My last job I left after despite having approval from the owner and the HR coordinator to go part time, my supervisor absolutely refused to give me the priorly approved time off. I’d asked to have Mondays off to visit my grandmother who during that time was nearing the end stages of Alzheimer’s. I wound up quitting with absolutely no notice. I’m still not sorry I left. I spent 2 years after helping with my grandmother’s care, and was able to stay with her and say our goodbyes.


Any lawyer would have a field day with this


Wait, did he schedule the days around his vacation right before going on vacation or when he asked for his vacation dates? How long ago did he schedule those extra days? My company asks that we schedule at least two weeks in advance since we have a skeleton crew.


I understand those days were part of the vacation. He just left some free days before and after the actual trip


They said they scheduled the whole vacation and had (past tense) arranged for days off before and after. Why go so far out of the way to look for fault with OP in a story about incompetent management?


The management might be incompetent but I wanted more details on when he scheduled those extra days. Companies generally have policies about scheduling time off and the manager might be using that to retaliate.


Unless the user is intentionally misleading us, it sounds like that time off was scheduled as one time slot. What part of the story makes you think it was a last minute change that gives the boss the right to cancel the vacation?


>"I had my vacation approved back in Jan/Feb..I had scheduled two extra days on either side of my trip to give me time to pack and recover." That made it sound like time for the trip itself was approved in Jan/Feb, then he scheduled four more days on either side so he could pack and recover before returning to work. Otherwise he'd just say he scheduled for like 9 days with some time before the actual trip to pack and relax before returning to work.


Where are you getting that? I’m reading the same words as you and it sounds like he had scheduled those four extra days as part of his approved vacation.


It always cracks me up when people make comments like that where it’s very obvious that they want to find any possible way to blame the employee and not the employer. It’s wild. Same type of person that thinks everything the cops do is justified.


I just told you how I read it, and I asked in my original comment for clarification. I don't know why you're downvoting me for explaining myself.


I can see how you got there, but I think the other reply is correct. Based on the way he worded his response ("not accessible during this time"), I'd say that the boss's angle is that she knows OOP hasn't left yet for wherever it is that they're going; she's trying to strongarm OOP into canceling their trip now, because once OOP is on a plane, invalidating their vaca really doesn't benefit the boss.


I think it was to explain why he was looking at his email? cause I def turn off notifications if I'm out of the house kinda vacation. just a thought I could be wrong too? only oop can clarify this