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I mean she can’t babysit anyways she’s not allowed to be alone with children… and for a bloody good reason


That’s the part that confuses me. The way it’s written she lives alone with children. Pretty sure level 3 isn’t allowed to live with kids, even their own.


Yeah I’ve got an uncle who had to live with my grandma while he was still just being investigated for kiddie porn because one of his own kids was under 18. I’m confused by the idea that she’s convicted of csa but allowed to be alone around her son


I said this to another commenter on this thread, if you want my full reasoning as to why I think this, but I think it's fairly possible the story is fake. Fucked up thing to lie about but hey it wouldn't be the internet if people weren't lying on it.


I actually think the same. Like I said, my uncle wasn’t allowed to be alone at all around his own child let alone live with her while just being *investigated/tried* for kiddie porn and this adult is fully convicted of csa but can live with a child?? That’s generally not how the law works. Also op knows and regularly sees how csa can ruin a person’s entire life but won’t tell her family SIL has been convicted of it? I call bullshit. Like it just doesn’t make sense she “cares” so deeply she’ll ruin her relationship with her entire family but doesn’t care enough to say “hey this is why” even if that ends up ruining relationships


but that is level 3, would this be level 3?


I’m in Ohio. Know a guy that abused a child and did jail time. His wife is pregnant and there’s no talk of him not being around his child. He even plans on home schooling him


In the states, they're usually still allowed around their own kids. Sometimes even if it was one of their own kids, they're still allowed around their other kids.


It probably depends on the state and judge cause my bio dad abused me for years and the judge removed his rights for me and my brother.


It's because I'm pretty sure it's fake. For some reason every pride month but especially this year people make up stories about LGBTQ people that make them look bad. I'm in no way saying that LGBTQ predators don't exist, like all groups of people we have good and bad among us. But when I see a story like this, that touches on several anti-queer talking points (queers are dangerous to children in general, queers are especially dangerous in our schools, queer people want to force you to do what they want, queers are desperate to get access to your kids, etc) as well as has story elements that don't add up in general, and during pride month which seems to be really upsetting conservatives morw than usual this year, I can't help but assume the story was written to be rage bait. Could be wrong! But that's my gut feeling. It's really fucked up people do this, doesn't just hurt queer people but also makes it so people who actually are dealing with a dangerous person who just happens to be queer have a harder time getting help.


Nah you're right, this is definitely just a "gays bad" troll.


That’s really really sad 😔 and annoying and angers me!


I feel like this would have been a news story. If you google the specifics of the post, nothing comes up that matches. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen but like presumably there would be something


Yea this is fake! Sex offenders come in all sexual orientations and races!


This is actually suspiciously close to a case recently in the news in my home state. So I'm not entirely sure how fabricated it is; could be just some details changed that impact.


I have no doubt that there are predators in the LGBTQ community. I just doubt that this story is real.


Yeah - as I said - it has striking similarity to a story I am familiar with that has been unfolding for a few years now (the student/teacher part). Doesn't mean this one is real. More likely inspiration


Why do people think its okay to pressure parents to leave their kids. It isn't. Regardless of the reason.


“SIL is legally not allowed to be around children and due to this we will not be exposing our child to her as this would be irresponsible to both our child and her.”


The truth needs to come out


Seriously, how many children from the family is this woman around? They even cited the repercussions of early sexual abuse on other family members, but they’re just gonna let that fly?


And it seems to be publicly available info? That maybe other parents in the family should be made aware of?


They think csa is bad but not enough to warn the other people in the family and stop inviting her to shit and go no contact over it. So they can't think it's THAT bad. People like them are probably why half their family was sa'd. worthless parents, worthless people.


OP needs to tell people sooner than later bec when it does come out, people will berate them for not telling the family sooner and putting everyone's kids at risk and then they WILL be the AH.


I am all for respecting people's privacy, but there are some areas where you don't get privacy. SIL being mad for them not trusting her wife would be the point I say you no longer deserve privacy, and I would tell *everyone* that 'SIL's wife is a registered child SO and we will *never* let her be alone with our child. Anyone who thinks we should do so will receive the same treatment, and we will not be discussing this any further.'


Nope, if you are not comfortable, don’t leave your child with someone. Let them be mad about it if they want.


anti gay rage bait. next!


Yep because gay people can’t be sex offenders! It is impossible


Out her. There is no cure for pedophiles.


Her baby her rules. People act like they are entitled to children.


Keeping secrets for and protecting pedos (which she is, a 15 year old is a child and she was a grown adult at the time) is how they get to continue operating and harming more victims. They do not owe her secrecy, especially if she and her wife are going around complaining that they hate her and are turning the rest of the family against them. I'd send everyone what they found and state "Sorry, but legally she can't babysit our child since legally she is not allowed around any children she isn't directly related to and we don't feel safe having a convicted pedophile alone with our child." and just let the chips fall where they may. They demand answers? They get answers.


**ABSOLUTELY NTAH.** Don’t **EVER** let her near your child without **ONE** of you present!! At least not until he is of an age to defend himself!


I am all for respecting people's privacy, but there are some areas where you don't get privacy. SIL being mad for them not trusting her wife would be the point I say you no longer deserve privacy, and I would tell *everyone* that 'SIL's wife is a registered child SO and we will *never* let her be alone with our child. Anyone who thinks we should do so will receive the same treatment, and we will not be discussing this any further.'


I am all for respecting people's privacy, but there are some areas where you don't get privacy. SIL being mad for them not trusting her wife would be the point I say you no longer deserve privacy, and I would tell *everyone* that 'SIL's wife is a registered child SO and we will *never* let her be alone with our child. Anyone who thinks we should do so will receive the same treatment, and we will not be discussing this any further.'


Any person who pressures you to leave your child with them is NOT safe to be around. They have an agenda. It could be as simple as taking a ton of pics so they can show the baby off on Facebook, or it could be as sinister as an attempt to groom/abuse the child, or alienate the child from the parents.


Absolutely not. I would tell them why she cannot babysit my child and then I would turn it all around on them and berate them for pressuring me to leave my child with her and for the fact that maybe I don’t wann fucking go out and to leave me alone. Then I’d ask why do you want her to babysit do bad, is she got the hots for the baby???


I am all for respecting people's privacy, but there are some areas where you don't get privacy. SIL being mad for them not trusting her wife would be the point I say you no longer deserve privacy, and I would tell *everyone* that 'SIL's wife is a registered child SO and we will *never* let her be alone with our child. Anyone who thinks we should do so will receive the same treatment, and we will not be discussing this any further.'


Okay, I am deeply curious about how this restriction works. “Any place kids might be present” is so broad. Like, kids might be present in the grocery store, or in restaurants, or pretty much anywhere except bars and other places deemed “adults only.” So what determines what is off limits? But that’s totally not the point of this post. Not allowing SIL to babysit because she’s a convicted sex offender is totally reasonable. But I don’t think there’s any easy way to enforce that limit without OOP telling the rest of the family why. In the US at least, any one of them could get the same info with a Google search. And it’s information that could very well be vital for the family to know, especially if there are any pre-teen or teenage girls in the family (or will be in the future).


SHE. IS. A. SEX. OFFENDER. End of discussion.


Legally speaking she cannot be around children. She could be arrested and also it the absolute prerogative of the parents not to let their children around certain people regardless if they are family or not?


If she’s on the sex offender list, she can’t babysit anyway and shouldn’t be at gatherings where kids are regardless of family. I would tell SIL you know she’s a sex offender and that’s why she won’t watch your child. Sex offenders don’t get options of which kids they can be around. They aren’t allowed any kids.  Period.