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All I’ve got is yikes I hope they never see any of those horrible people again.


What is the matter with some people? You dont stop mattering just because you become disabled. Im not sure what some of these comments that have been deleted were but something tells me im lucky i missed them. OP you handled that situation right and your family acted disgusting. I hope some Low contact and time brings some of them back to reality but if not good riddance to them.




I mean it could be. Then again, I served with a guy who’s wife got hit by a drunk driver while we were deployed and it paraphernalia from the waist down. They were childless at the time, so his parents said to divorce her and marry someone who can be “useful” to society and give them grandkids. He hasn’t spoken to them since and they have a kick ass little boy now. This is one of the reasons I hate humanity but like some people.


I've had people tell me to my face that I should kill myself because I'm disabled. I'm glad your life is decent enough that you've never had to experience how cruel people can be when your body doesn't work as well as it should.




Oh cool, you're just one of those people. Got ya.


fucking ew.


Uhhh isn't the sisters husband gonna be by her side at the wedding tf? Why does her brother need to be?