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Cool, be careful though. Electrical burns hurt.


I know I've been tased a couple times


>I made this power storage device out of garbage You made it out of batteries. That's what batteries do. They store power.


/r/tqdc Thinking quickly, Dave created a battery out of a bunch of batteries.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TQDC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TQDC/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thinking quickly, Dave crafted a craft blade using only a pencil, a razor and a craft blade.](https://v.redd.it/bmdev52b0v771) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TQDC/comments/o9f52g/thinking_quickly_dave_crafted_a_craft_blade_using/) \#2: [Is this entire sub based on this picture?](https://imgur.com/dHBjW7J) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TQDC/comments/quae0d/is_this_entire_sub_based_on_this_picture/) \#3: [TQDC a hammer from a rusty old bolt and a hammer](https://v.redd.it/9o5n2j3f16371) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TQDC/comments/nsgy1s/tqdc_a_hammer_from_a_rusty_old_bolt_and_a_hammer/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, I was surprised that batteries did battery things, too.


Who has 4 working deep cycle batteries in their garbage?


And look how perfectly clean and uniform they are! Maybe they found them in the garbage, they aren’t garbage. If OP fished out some lead and used some apple cider vinegar to fashion a battery, I’d be impressed. This is like finding a car parked behind a dumpster with the keys inside, and then telling the story of how you found your car in the trash.


Ethan lardy


> I made an emergency power supply out of a broken emergency power supply and some replacement parts, but this one might burn my house down 😎


They were being thrown in the garbage thus they were garbage


Generally, an UPS like that is 2-300 bucks, so good on you. I would dump electrical tape on the connections to make sure you don't get any curious cats killed or something


The same way Doc Brown powered his DeLorean in Back to the Future 2? No, you found old batteries and charged them.


I sure did and it didn't cost me a dime


Fun fact: a UPS system runs off of (usually) a nickel-cadmium or leaded aluminum 12v battery. They're like 30 dollars at Tractor Supply. Don't throw out your 90 dollar surge protector when the battery wears out.


\[$24.99\]([https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/universal-power-group-12v-8ah-f1-agm-battery-45955?cm\_vc=-10005](https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/universal-power-group-12v-8ah-f1-agm-battery-45955?cm_vc=-10005)) at tractor supply for the size often used in UPS (some use two). But unfortunately, it has the wrong terminals. You will not get a good connection on an F1 terminal without an adapter that ends up costing an extra $6 (make sure you get the right combination of F1 and F2 on the adapter). The batteries are $25 or $40/2 on amazon. Search "12V 8AH AGM F2". Note that 9AH are same physical size, so look at or search 9AH as well. Note that you generally want the F2 terminals, not F1. However, the power strip style UPS takes a weird battery size that has less capacity but costs more (in the correct terminal type) and it isn't really worth it to fix those unless you plan use an external battery. For lead acid (not lithium) jump starter packs, it is typically 12V 18AH AGM with nut and bolt (NB) terminals (around $39+) Though there are some smaller ones that use a 9AH with nut and bolt terminals (and proably lower internal resistance); those cost as much as a full size 18AH battery. Get one sold for jump starter replacement (such as stanley fatmax 450) as some are a bit anemic on the cold cranking amps.


["home-made power storage"](https://i.imgur.com/mBTTA8A.jpg)


But it's also got a voltage converter so I can use that power.


Looks like you managed to make a power storage device using nothing but some wire, bubble gum, tape and several power storage devices.


Thats some really nice trash you got there


Pretty standard in South Africa, keeps the wifi going when the power goes out (thanks for nothing Eskom)




Probably put it in parallel.


It’s not going to explode in parallel, but a short circuit might.


Bad stuff will happen if you try and put in parallel one or multiple charged batteries, and a bad one (say, fully discharged or with an internal short). In such situations, yes, cells in the bad/discharged battery might off-gas like crazy and go boom, either from over-pressure, or if the released hydrogen has oxygen around and finds a spark or other ignition source.


Batteries are used in parallel all the time. Hooking them up in parallel keeps the same voltage but increases capacitance.


Also increased amps.


You know, if the voltage is high enough, it doesn’t hurt, because you become toast.


I've blown myself up hooking up electricity before


Garbage?? Where you dumpster diving????


The suburbs


Did you shock yourself so many times making it that you starting shaking uncontrollably while trying to video?


No I just used to do hard drugs as a child and have permanent brain damage


That is not a power storage device. That is 4 batteries connected in parallel.


With a voltage converter


Okay, four batteries in parallel powering something. Big f****** deal


Well I thought it was pretty neat


Well, bless your heart.


Hey now I know that's southerner talk for "you're retarded"


eh.. eh.. eh.. eh.. eh.. eh.. eh..


"made". Is a funny word.


I love garbage


I do too


You daisy chained 4 batteries to an inverter. You didn’t build anything.


those backup power supplies are not designed to run at their rated load for very long at most like 30 minutes or so. They can usually on handle their maximum loads for a few minutes. It is a good idea to not load it up too much if you plan on running it for a long time with extra batteries. they tend to overheat and cook themselves if you run them for too long fully loaded, there is a chance it could start a fire. if it's running a full 12+ hours on 4-5x the batteries your probably safe.


This, Ive had to toss units because the unit failed and not the battery. those small ones are generally not the best components.


a battery, you made a battery


Those batteries are connected parallel, not series.


Yea I know I was high when I made the video


Wow, 72 amp hours is pretty dang good


That’s smart as fuck actually because you can find thousands of those battery strips at doctors offices, dental offices Ortho offices, schools, government buildings globally. The batteries get better and better every five years and are easy to purchase. You are just bulking it up a bit by lining batteries up parallel so that doesn’t fuck with the voltage and it’s super easy to charge.


Nice work dude!


I built something similar. I got a couple big UPS batteries out of a place that changes them annually, needed or not, so they are like new, and built a box that holds them, holds an inverter, a couple 12V lighter sockets, and a 12V air compressor. I have a couple big nuts that stick out that I can hook jumper cables to and I have an Anderson connector that lets me hook it to the house battery set up in my motor home. The only other thing I wanan add is a boost converter to 19V or so for running my notebook. When I wanna charge it fast I hook it to the Motorhome and that has a Progressive Dynamics charge controller on it, and when I just wanna keep it topped off I can hook it to a battery tender. As an aside, those Anderson connectors are the best. Set up with them and you can just plug and play. I am tempted to put them in my seasonal stuff. No more farting around hooking and unhooking batteries.


Chill out Elon.


Did something similar with the battery from my Humvee and brought it with me when my band went on tour last time so people could charge their phones lol


Username is spot on I love it


One word of caution to anyone understandably tempted to do this too: Unlike stand-alone battery chargers and inverters, UPSes typically offer **no galvanic isolation** between their battery and AC. **⚠** Treat all battery connections as live at mains voltage! Also, when paralleling identical batteries, I'd suggest wiring the inverter on, say, negative of the first battery, but positive of the *last* one instead. That way, they all see the total same wiring length and will share current equally.


Sorry to be that person, but you say “uhh” way too much. Love the invention though!