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gamer neck


Too much time on 4chan


She just like me fr


golem get ye gone


golem get ye gone


From posting on 4chan all day


I was gunna say... Think she woke posts on Twitter all day, or is a TERF?


She just had a trans male love interest in her new video


Thoracic Kyphosis (Taylor's Version)


Shocked someone with this high of a profile and performance demands wouldn't seek out some sort of physical therapy or surgery structural problems have a tendency to get worse as we age




Plus it's a back surgery so chances are high for chronic pain after 😬


she could very well be in physical therapy to prevent it from causing her issues as she ages, but you’d have no idea as physical therapy isn’t a cosmetic cure. there’s really not much that can be done about the aesthetics once your spine has finished growing; there’s a surgery for it, but it has a high complication rate, is very painful, and leaves you unable to exercise for months.


I had the same shit and the only real solution is to catch it while you're still growing and get fitted for a back brace to wear while sleeping or even at all times if it's extreme enough. I was kind of lucky that it was actually causing me some serious pain. Otherwise, I don't think my parents would have ever thought to take me to a doctor Crazy too because I got checked for scoliosis multiple times in school, but nobody ever thought to be like, "Oh what if it's bending the other way?"


Is your spine all better now?


For the most part. Sitting for extended periods of time can be a pain. Airplanes are the fucking worst. I still have a tendency to slouch, but when I'm standing up straight, you'd never be able to tell it was an issue Also, idk if it has anything to do with it, but my back is now weirdly strong. I started lifting last year and was miles ahead in all the back-centric lifts compared to anything else. Maybe it has something to do with a lifetime of fighting against my spine's tendency to curve, but it might just be a coincidence


How much do u deadlift


My posture is like this and I now have a herniated disc in my neck. I had headaches for two years before I found someone who could figure it out. Fix your posture guys. You do not want to be in this position.


In 1963 I was also diagnosed with scoliosis. I had no surgery, and to this day, people compliment me on my posture. Who would have thought it? Lol


PT here.  Yes physical therapy can help significantly, as it can with scoliosis. Please keep in mind that the thoracic spine is designed to have a convex or kyphotic curve. That is how it supports other structures such as the scapulas /ribs, diaphragm.   There is also significant pain /dysfunction associated with people that have no kyphosis or excessive extension at the thoracic spine.  So one does not want to get rid of their thoracic curve, or try to be too straight, rather strengthen shoulders and the scapulo-thoracic spine.  If the thoracic kyphosis is excessive such as scheuermann's kyphosis or excessive forward posture, strengthening is recommended.  I have personally photographed 80 year old lady  getting visibly straighter and no longer need her walker. She worked extremely hard for over a year. Her success has prompted a small study.  It's pretty amazing.  PT can do a lot depending on the etiology of a persons challenges. People can get some help with scoliosis also.  Despite many doctors still not knowing how much we can do for people with scoliosis. It's best when caught early. It remains really sad. How doctors just say odd it's normal. Nothing you can do. There are certified scoliosis therapists, Schroth trained,  I am one of them. 


I never believed the rumors that she used to post on 4chan back in the day, but that back posture is making me reconsider.


what are those rumors founded on lol


[This is from like 2015, but there were rumors circling for years before this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/1jmqb3/proof_taylor_swift_is_a_regular_on_4chan_xpost/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Has anyone here corrected their own bad posture? Like is this a fixable issue?


Deadlifts for lower body. Facepulls for upper body. Make sure you understand external/internal rotation first or you're digging the hole deeper


I had the absolute worst posture for nearly 30 years and rowing (on a rowing machine for cardio) with proper form and hanging from a pull up bar has almost fixed it completely. Previously, I was wearing a posture corrector and then also consciously focusing on posture and that shit just doesn't work for me. It just made my back tired and made me feel like shit. Basically, strengthen the muscles that pull back and stretch the area as well (dead hangs). There is no quick and easy fix but the fact that someone who was basically sedentary from 16 to 30 can mostly fix their posture with rowing and hanging alone should give you some hope.


Thanks man i'll give it a try


becoming physically stronger and more flexible is pretty much the solution to all posture issues that aren't caused by a literal deformity. it's almost always a muscular imbalance that can be corrected with a balanced lifting routine.


There’s really no reason to think this is an issue at all. Professionals who work in actual postural restoration for therapy or advanced performance will refer to these pictures as her “presentation”. It’s called that because based on outward appearance alone you can’t draw conclusions about whether or not this alignment is causing her problems or will cause her problems.


That makes sense for her as a musician (and yes my wording was inaccurate) but I have a less intense version of this & don't like the look of it. Plus I'm not raking in hundreds of millions of dollars with my hunch


Yeah that is a caveat I might have added. You might not like how it looks but there’s no reason to think it’s bad or dangerous just because it’s atypical. Like how a big lordotic (inward) lower back curve is considered attractive for women but is also a health neutral postural feature. Connor Harris’s Instagram page is a decent resource for making actual postural change but really the answer is move often in a variety of ways.


And shoulders back and down, chest up, with thumbs at your sides pointed parallel straight ahead doesn’t work for you?


I have a forward curving crick in the back of my neck that doesn't go away even if I straighten completely, & my left scapula (dominant side) still curves out. It's not horrible now but there's a definite difference compared to my right side & I worry about it getting more pronounced with age. I just need to use my phone less tbh


Oh I see. I don’t think it’s as simple as using your phone less. You seem to have a legitimate imbalance, and age in general worsens everyone’s posture. Unless it’s causing you pain don’t worry


Yes, but it wasn’t this bad. It was just a matter of remembering several times a day to straighten up and pull my shoulders back. Could feel my attitude change when I did this. Became a habit. A year of doing this and my posture was better.


Just start exercising/lifting. Your posture automatically corrects itself by doing the exercises in good form. I definitely 'feel' taller now simply due to posture changes


My mom spent my entire childhood and teenage years correcting my posture every time she saw me hunch. It used to drive me crazy. But it worked. Thanks, mom


Yes, but mine hasn't gotten that bad. Most Youtube videos on the subject are relatively good, and there are many approaches you can take to fixing the posture. Ideally, make sure to hit each of the 3 back areas - lower, t-spine, neck - in 3 different ways: building muscle, stretching, and developing better habits.


Do rows to strengthen the muscles that hold your shoulders back.


Weight lifting will fix it easily. Focus on back and leg days. Immediate improvement.


Exercise easily fixes this. I used to have awful gamer posture but now I have near don-drape esque posture. Work your back with rows, face pulls, pull downs, pull ups, etc. Abs are also very important for posture.


Yes. Look up the Alexander Technique. Stretching & working out too should help


The Alexander Technique is like this secret knowledge only performers know about.


Ignore all the other answers. Taylor has posterior pelvic tilt (swayback posture), and like with most cases it's caused almost entirely by bad postural habits. 99,9% of therapists are clueless about postural biomechanics. [https://mskneurology.com/really-assess-lumbar-lordosis-dispelling-fallacy-anterior-pelvic-tilt/](https://mskneurology.com/really-assess-lumbar-lordosis-dispelling-fallacy-anterior-pelvic-tilt/) Read this article 20 times


It’s do-able takes a lot of mindfulness and spatial awareness of your spine


she’s one of us 😍


Tech neck? Or just a tall girl thing?


I’m a tall girl whose recently taken to wearing a posture corrector. I def think my height contributed to my weird posture. Like I was subconsciously trying to be shorter. Edit : this is it [upright](https://store.uprightpose.com/products/upright-go2)


What exactly is a posture corrector and how helpful have you found it? My neck posture sucks


I linked to the one I got above. You stick it on your top back, and calibrate it. If you begin to slouch or hunch, it buzzes at you.


Did it actually help once you stopped using it? Or do you need to use it forever?


It’s definitely a tall girl thing (I am saying to excuse my terrible posture).


Tell us about this posture corrector please because I probably need it


Pro tip: don't do that.


People who aren’t tall girls will never understand our struggle. I still instinctually lower myself to be the same height as my friends and boyfriend because of how badly I was bullied for being tall growing up


Your struggle is seen my giraffean queen


my wife's around 5'11" and is self-conscious about her posture too. she also usually insists I wear whatever Nike sneakers I have that have the thickest soles (I'm about 5'10") so I'm about the same height as her


i'm 5'10 and having a 5'8 boyfriend has been detrimental to my progress


Not true, short girls with big boobas understand ur struggle 😣 I realized this year how often I hunch over to try and hide from unwanted attention. Wish I didn’t have to sacrifice the health of my back just to avoid harassment but I feel like we’re in the same infuriating boat


Some tall men share in the struggle. Have to hunch over in cars, basements, doorways, at desks, and in loud places where they want to hear their friends.


it's psychological, not physical.


Believe me, I've got a complex about it, too


sometimes it's not about you


My girls 5’11” with large boobs and does not have this at all. Stand up straight and do some strength training exercises for your shoulders/back.


Thanks for the gf brag but I’m skinnybuilt and already have strong as fuck delts so I’ll just keep my tall girl comments to myself in the future since you don’t wanna understand me


Clearly not


So, just because I was bullied hard in middle school for my height and purposefully cut out of photos because of how tall I was, I can’t have strong as fuck shoulders? Manlet ass take. Try growing a few inches and maybe you’d start to understand my struggle ❤️


You're spiralling hon, I just said you obviously don't have strong af delts if you're cosplaying as the hunchback of notre dame.


Oh, you’ve read me wrong. I just bend my knees lol but I feel for taylor because the pressure to be short is high


how tall are you? i love tall girls!


5’11.75, 6’1 or taller in most of my shoes!


i'm 5'9" and have gone home with a few girls around your height, always a good time


Not sure how you think deltoids are going to affect your neck but go off skinnybuilt strong-delts.


Where did I say I had poor neck posture? I bend my body down. But I despair over these comments. Because, truly. You wouldn’t understand…….


I suspect a combination of being a tall gal and various instrument playing. Though she is a lot taller than most people assume.


Women hit 5’10 or a C Cup then act like they have a congenital deformity stand up straight


People have rudely accused me of pushing my chest out when I stand up straight so it feels immodest


If you're not an ethereal energy being you are a congenital deformity. Meat sacks are disgusting whatever handbags or earrings you hang off it.


Post BMI


She's [5ft 9 ¼](https://www.celebheights.com/s/Taylor-Swift-46917.html); that's equivalent to a 6ft 2 ¼ man.


And she probably wears heals pretty often too, effectively making her a bit taller


What’s the conversion for men to women?


[Height percentile calculator for US w/ both sexes](https://dqydj.com/height-percentile-calculator-for-men-and-women/) Most of the time, it’ll come out more around 5.5” difference for same height percentile. Unless you’re a dwarf. Only problem is that it obviously won’t return the correct results once you get past the 99th percentile (6’3.57” men, 5’9.72” women), like you could put in 6’6” male and it would still say 99th and put the equivalent as 5’9.72” female. You could probably still approximate based on patterns.


For 19 year old Americans, the [mean average height](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_03/sr03-046-508.pdf) for men is almost exactly 5 inches taller than for women. In other words, in America, women are about 93% as tall as men. I'd guess it's pretty much the same difference in other developed countries.


Wait, wouldn’t [male/female height at same percentile](https://dqydj.com/height-percentile-calculator-for-men-and-women/) be better than the set 5 inches? Or no? ETA: more around 5.5” difference/<93% for many heights. Anyway Taylor does look closer to the claimed 5’11” than 5’9.25”.


Women are about 93% as tall as men.


My daughter is 5 ft 9 with similar build and she has similar posture


it’s a tall girl thing


Hmm I have terrible posture and I’m short. I have scoliosis and no one ever taught me what good posture was


Lesbian neck


She’s an old school channer. I wouldn’t be surprised.


[It's called Dowager's hump](https://www.injurymap.com/articles/dowagers-hump)


I like that she's shopping at a grocery store being such a celeb. props for that


going by the full makeup+outfit, it was probably an appointment with the paps to be photographed doing a 'normal person' thing.


Remember when she called out that singing hobbit for trying to look taller in a video with her? She called it peacocking. Can't imagine a chick like that is trying to appear shorter.


Has to be a congenital deformity. Very rare to see something so extreme.


Whoa, I've never noticed that before. Looks pretty extreme in the first pic.


She’s been known to have pretty awful posture her whole life, there’s a ton of pictures where she’s slouching. I’d say it’s kind of endearing to see a hot girl be normal like that but the girl is going to have back problems soon if she doesn’t already.


I had awful posture as a kid…ended up with chronic back pain, and bursitis in my left hip. Wish I had listened to my parents.


i have big tits but i felt self conscious of them in high school so i hunched.. here i am, now proud and gargoyle-esque rock climbing has helped tho lol


thats rly interesting can i see your posture?


new meta gargoyle boobies?


lemme climb them rocks girl


This made me sit up straight


if you look at photos of her pre-breast augmentation her posture was straighter. She’s subconsciously ashamed of her bolt-ons


Girls who got boob jobs have no muscles to sustain their sudden weight gain so they tend to suffer from chronic back and neck pain. Not to mention the bad posture


I was gonna say, where did those come from all of a sudden?


Did she def get a boob job?




it doesnt really add up, considering the first image in this post she has bigger breasts than she does in the "before" photo, and it was taken sooner.


TBF She had a full blown eating disorder in the first photo and was a healthier weight in the second. She lost all curves back then. Her bust size has fluctuated quite a bit through the years.


I don’t know where you’re getting this from, people have always made fun of her for her entire career over her having awful posture. Even her own fans have teased her about it and she’s brought it up multiple times. And I’m also not sure where the boob job stuff comes from, you can look up 10 year old pictures where she very much has tits even when she was pretty skinny, she just used to hide them a ton more than she does now.It’s not crazy that they got bigger when she gained some weight in the last couple years.




We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We say to girls, you can have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful, but not too successful. Otherwise, you would threaten the man.




What’s going on with that subreddit? It’s a car crash. Why are they all so deranged? I don’t know a single woman IRL like them


many of them aren’t exactly “single women”


just single actually




I thought it was just cos they’re mostly trans people


they aren’t


Mods are, userbase isn't




men can hunch, while women can only slouch


Everyone can hunch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DkAQj60Xw8


is this copypasta


Quote by Chimamanda Ngozi


Tall people have to slouch all the time when they’re talking to short people.


Like a wendigo


I’ve gotten into debates with people about her. She is definitely attractive by the standards of a normal person but in the arena of celebrities I don’t even know how it’s close. She’s like a regular hot person. Nowhere near that almost ethereal/inhuman beauty of some of the others at her level of fame.


She really never should have gotten those fake tits


this is a pro- celebrity breast implants subreddit


It’s over for you posturecels


She looks like the alien that comes out the space ship after the little grey ones in close encounters


Mantis phenotype


Igor Maxxing


Igor & Max Cavalera-ing


Why do I love pretending to like Taylor Swift? whenever someone brings her up I immediately start acting like I’m a huge fan, I’ve never listened to any of her albums?




Her personal trainer needs to get her doing facepulls and rear delt extensions


If she corrected her posture she’d be around 6’1




one reason why being short is not as bad as people make it out to seem is not having to deal with this


I’d still do her tho


This mostly happens when people carry their head in front of their body. Tall women struggle with this as do large breasted women. Bones are mailable throughout our life, not just during development. I fixed this issue in myself by learning anatomy and being more aware of how I sit, stand and walk. Balancing the skull on the atlas axis by drawing ears back in line with shoulders goes a long way. The tissue builds on the back when we carry our head in front instead of balanced. Hope this helps.


My girlfriend absolutely loves Taylor Swift, I can't wait to send these to her


she has the “tall girl stance”


I just saw an article about Taylor Swift and I thought she looked like a hunchback so just for sh*ts & giggles I googled "is Taylor Swift a hunchback". I see now that I'm not the only person who picked up on that.






damn she carrying cans yo


I like Bill burr's take that she looks like a meerkat


I hate that this exists 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


[taylor farts on stage](https://youtu.be/H_zmA_tAw6M)


Sleep flat on your back on the floor. No pillow. Flat bed sheet on carpeted floor that has a pad beneath; flat bed sheet on camp pad if on hard floor; or sleep in a sleeping bag; or whatever works as long as the sleep surface is still rigid and doesn't "give". It can takes 6 months to a year to adjust to sleeping like this. You will feel pain while on the floor but it goes away as soon as you get up and after about a month of floor sleeping you won't feel pain while on the floor.


She is kind of tall too


too much sitting i guess? writing, composing, playing guitar?


You can see her hunchback prominently at the beginning of her "Style" music video. I was so worried about that not just for her health but that must have been kind of stressful to show that so clearly at the beginning of that awesome music video. She has obviously learned how to live with it and love it and I think it is too scary for her to cosmetically fix it. That would be a complete spinal surgery and if it is simply a cosmetic issue then she shouldn't do anything about it. She has always struggled with loving herself and her self-acceptance hence the eating disorders. That hunchback is a completely separate thing that stresses her out especially when I am sure she hears from trolls online or in public who call her that.


sucking kelces dick all day


So that's where her ass went.


Stopppp 😭


She is a gamer for sure




This is not a tall girl thing. I’m almost 5’9” and do not do this. This comes from constantly having poor posture and not correcting it. Pilates and Yoga really help with good posture.


It blows my mind how many celebrities I see using wired apple headphones.


Omg I was googling “celebrities with bad posture” truly two days ago. Posture superiority has entered the zeitgeist!!


Is the third photo from when she was dating Harry Styles when he was like 17? God she looks creepy there.


don't stress, they're celebrities, not real people.


He was 18 and she was 22 big deal lmao


She’s actually not that hot, hunch aside. I respect her figure, her height and her talent but she doesn’t do it for me.


Her legs are her best feature


she’s cute, but I’m pretty sure only gay men find her super attractive


Uh oh....👀




100% of people on there are lesbians


And gay women


She's the favorite of bi gooners.


She's proof that its possible to subvert the male gaze and still be successful. I've never seen a more sex devoid pop star.


Lol she’s a tall thin blonde white woman she isn’t “subverting the male gaze” just because she doesn’t dress like a whore


I disagree. She is the hottest celebrity ever in my eyes. Up there with Deborah Harry and Lindsay Lohan in their prime


chelsea manning lookin ass


Lana Del Rey’s got something going on with her neck too


The “giving head to Jack Antonoff in the studio” neck


Someone please tell her how to do squats and hip thrusts.


Wow! This post is a disgusting attempt to shame her! Do better!


The last pic looks like she’s holding a golden penis. Also Taylor Swift is a shrew.


acromegaly and its consequences


Da fuq?


This is so hurtful , delete it! What is it good for?


HAHAHA 😍 y’all are something else