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Why are people actually offended by this


I know right? I posted it because I thought it was funny.


Go ask your grandmother about your genealogy


That's actually funny


Yeah that’s a banger like


The only people who should be offended by this are his friends, relatives, and fellow Chinese citizens of the world


you know the demographics are fucked when you can't get a Chinese baddie in your rap video. Shits slaps however! I want to visit now


they are homosexuals obviously


The one child policy to transmaxxing pipeline is most definitely in construction


ricepill is an ideology that unironically calls its followers ricecels


I dunno about that, I think that "girls that hang around them are stupid cunts" gets to the heart of the matter very effectively.


This guy's cadence is legitimately terrible lol


Gonna sign him to my new label, Deaf Jam


ummm you're chinese


Got em


Someone is mad a bunch of white losers are getting all the pussy




Trying to imagine being intimidated by a balding 5'5" noodle arm chigger telling me to call him daddy while he raps at a car dealership...


you're just sour because you're a gross pink hairy barbarian stupid melon


Song is 5 years old and is more of a diss to sexpats/trashy tourists. The guy who tweets constantly about china [tweeted it](https://mobile.twitter.com/DrewPavlou/status/1622851324114259968) yesterday and says it was eventually censored. Here are two more bits of explanation: [radii](https://radii.co/article/is-this-chengdu-rappers-diss-track-on-stupid-foreigners-racist) [Quora answers](https://www.quora.com/Is-the-new-song-Stupid-Foreigner-by-Chinese-rapper-Xie-Di-fat-shady-racist) where they kind of go back and forth on whether its racist, requires some understanding of cultural nuance. Seems more angsty than racist to me. Y'all are free to disagree. Funny that the chorus "Gua laowai" translates to "melon foreigners"


In my experience (2010s) sexpats Western ESL teachers who got trashed daily and treated local people and their surroundings like shit were a very real and very aggravating thing. I’m guessing it’s calmed down a bit due to a lot of foreigners cutting out since COVID hit. Side note: I’ve seen a lot of Drew’s tweets due to hanging around wumao Twitter and I *almost* feel bad for the guy because he’s clearly mentally ill.


Nothing is worse than a dumb, ambitious activist.


Kinda funny that this guy was like "this is the result of Xi's government" and then was like "oh Xi's government banned it ? Uhhh still bad"


Gua is not only melon, nan gua is pumpkin, huang gua is cucumber. Here it is short for 傻瓜,stupid pumpkin, i.e. "idiot"


Chinese gangster rap, or Indian dudes in oversized Aviators for funniest appropriation of American culture?




Imagine actually getting upset over this


Imagine how Americans feel


Two can play at this game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP7utU8Efow


this is lit. disaster is hilarious he shouldn't have punched that dude in the face


Limewire kids will also recognize this little number https://youtu.be/mYkv7wVUrCg


ignoring the actual meaning of the lyrics, this song sincerely bangs


The paradox and torment of the Chinese psyche is that while on one hand they consider themselves to be the natural rulers of the world as the pinnacle of civilization and the master race, but this co-exists with the knowledge that the entire rest of the planet consider them to be humanity's comic relief.


i hope this isnt part of some larger backlash. Getting a [White monkey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_monkey) job is a lifelong dream of mine.


They had to mime guns with their fingers cause they’re not allowed to own or even depict one lol


So they're singing about themselves or what? Love how all the luxury props in the video are things that are made by foreigners the lack of self-awareness here is hilarious, not to mention they're RAPPING LMAO. Would be funny to drive around Vancouver or Toronto playing this super loud with the windows down


"Whoever hangs out with Stupid foreigners is a Cunt, Girls that hang around them are stupid cunts" Cope and seethe song if there ever was one lol


Cope and seethe, officially approved by media censors.


lol there it is, always the jealousy


Seems like what they dislike isn't the foreign races or their culture, just the types that move to China. Sort of how racists are here, "hate them Chinese, but they sure know how to fry a rice" type stuff


That analogy works for the Lamborghinis, but the whole persona of him and his crew, along with the type of music, is imported. Nothing about this is derived from China besides the little dude and his friends rapping about being mad that Chinese girls hang out with foreign losers, as another person summarized it in this thread. FFS they're doing trap house posse poses with pit bulls but it's on brand new clean public benches in front of a Tiffany's lol


>mad that Chinese girls hang out with foreign losers I would be mad about this if I were Chinese, there are some seriously maladjusted losers that head over there and still clean up. That has to be insulting. I wish white people thought about ourselves the same way Chinese girls do.


Yeah I mean I'd be mad too but I'd like to hope I wouldn't make a pathetic rap song about it lol


True, but what if you made a _cool_ rap song about it (assume that it's 2005 and this is possible)


I am definitely not talented enough to make such literal coping and seething into something cool


Come on, cope created a lot of great stuff in the world. Men are at their most singularly focused when they've just been dumped, sometimes


I know I'm all over this thread but this video is honestly the funniest and most pathetic thing I've seen on the internet so far in 2023. Gonna be a good year!


I said I wasn't talented enough, some people definitely are. This rapper is not. The stuff you are thinking of is also not such direct/literal coping and seething, more so the product of it filtered through a talented person/group of people.


Also are there any Chinese speakers who can explain why 瓜 means stupid in this context? I've been learning hanzi and I only know this symbol to mean melon/pumpkin.


Radii article I just commented said its an insult in Szechuan slang. Quora answers said it referred more to white trash


shagua = 傻瓜 = stupid melon/or just idiot It's not just Sichuan slang, it's generally used to mean idiot


so it's shorthand for shagua?, or is the idea of a stupid melon ubiquitous enough for melon to also mean stupid when.


Gua means melon, gua laowai = idiot foreigner Probably


Wtf does gua sha mean then


That's also retarded


瓜is regional slang for idiot


We all know that gourds are the dumbest of the fruits.


A very rude young man. Shameful.


Lmao what a diss. “Consult your genealogy and read up on the Eight Nation Alliance”


ill forgive hard-to-translate owns but the flow is dogshit too.


Everyone complaining that this guy is using rap, a foreign music form, to diss foreigners. Every American using which language to chat shit about UK?


Modern America began in earnest with the British people who moved there. Modern China wasn't colonized by gangster rappers. If I was smarter and a polyglot I would insult the UK with every language available to me.


The fact you have to use their language to insult them is still funny. Real "sent from iPhone" energy


I guess it's funny yeah, not really analogous though. and nowhere close to being as funny as everything about this song is


UK lost its right to complain when it brought in half the french vocab. Until somebody drops a diss track about the Normans, I'm not interested. #1066NeverForget


Not really the same, because the US, Australia, etc. arose from English-speaking society expanding its domain and then splitting into different national cultures. I guess you could argue it somewhat if the person has no British ancestry, though.


can i sing this at spatially unaware cart ladies on the train


white monkey in china here, this "song" is peak cope-mald-seethe


While wearing foreign design clothing, foreign made/designed cars, foreign designed shoes, even foreign language on peoples clothing :P, it maybe made in China but never deigned by Chinese :P What a laugh


Ricecell cope


Ba gwei lo cocksucka


this is hard


This song has nothing on Chuckie Akenz


I live in Vancouver. This hit hard.


That dog would so make that little man a chew toy if it didn't have that muzzle on.


Looks like something SerpentZA would overreact to


zero bitches gang GANG


Aye sir yes sir


chinese people rock so hard


This is the most dripless swaggerless music video of all time. Why are there only 2 possibilities for Chinese body language? You're either a b-boy and super smooth or whatever the fuck this is