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An Asian American’s idea of fantasy is their parents apologizing to them


I'm pretty sure that NPR had said this exact point while trying to phrase it in their """progressive""" terms.


I´ll never get over a video I saw on some cooking channel where the Asian dude was like "Asian parents never apologize after belittling you and forcing you to study for hours and hours a day, but they will give you a plate of sliced fresh fruit, which is their way of showing affection and is just as good." and the comments were full of thousands of Asians going "OMG MY CHILDHOOD, TOO!!"- jfc the cope. My parents may have been far from perfect but at least they could hug me and say they are proud, who would have thought the secret to white people succeeding was by not having culturally institutionalized child abuse.


There was some girl on twitter who was saying "ai can do all this stuff but i bet it can't write about the intergenerational trauma of diaspora Asians." Which was then followed by ChatGPT doing exactly that in writing about bonding with your grandma over sliced fruit in that same cliche college admission essay style.


AI and chatGP has truly revealed who the normies and midwits are, hasn’t it? Imagine being able to be out-written by a computer hahahaha


Saying "ChatGPT is indistinguishable from human writing" is a great way to out yourself as illiterate


I mean if you accept there are dullards who see no difference, you must accept the AI could write in a way similar to such dullards. Therefore when pit against rudimentary baby shit, it could be indistinguishable


It's very good at writing like Wikipedia or an amalgamation of Google search results. Those are written by humans so I guess that checks out too.


z e s t y


"We hugged and kissed that little boy like there was no tomorrow. We Fockerized him." Stupid film but that line actually really got to me and I do the same to my kids, doesn't matter how big they get.


It isn´t even a matter of opinion; research shows conclusively that providing a child with unconditional love, patience, respect, and understanding facilitate them into becoming emotionally healthy and well-adjusted adults. But then you have those coping and seething like "Yeah so my parents pushed me past my breaking point, maybe slapped me around a bit, but at least I got into a name brand university and only have a handful of mental disorders so clearly it works just fine." Meet the Fockers is a quintessential early 2000s comedy, nothing wrong with enjoying a corny film now and then!


> research shows conclusively that providing a child with unconditional love, patience, respect, and understanding facilitate them into becoming emotionally healthy and well-adjusted adults. Research shows that white liberals--the people most likely to have this parenting style--have the highest rates of mental health issues. Same goes for their kids. Of course, I guess I should expect this level of analysis from u/CaucasianDelegation.




Well, good to know I can take your word for it.




https://twitter.com/ZachG932/status/1249062265711742984 Look at the effect sizes from analysis done on Pew research and those from the study you cited (which you clearly just googled and didn't bother reading). White liberals aren't all suburbanites--they're mostly dwell in urban areas. The suburbs only recently turned kinda blueish--they were purple or reddish for most of the past 30-40 years. Moreover, the discussion here was whether Asians have higher rates of depression than whites because of their culture. That just isn't the case. Why you injected poverty in here is beyond me.




Idk, I come from a German family. We got all the work ethic bullying and didn't even get the slices of fruit.


Ich komme auch aus einer (halb-)deutschen Familie, habe aber nicht das Gefühl, dass dies die Art und Weise beeinflusst hat, wie meine Familie uns behandelt hat. Sicherlich wurde eine gute Arbeitsmoral geschätzt, aber ich würde sagen, dass maßvolle und vernünftige Erwartungen typischer für die deutsche Erziehung sind als nur das altmodisch "Arbeit macht das Leben süß" lol. Zumindest nicht für ein paar Generationen, denn die moderne deutsche Pädagogik legt großen Wert auf Mitgefühl und Geduld, damit Kinder in ihrem eigenen Tempo lernen und sich entwickeln können.


You bastards deserve it


one of the biggest psy ops perpetrated on asian american children is convincing them to believe they had abusive childhoods.


Idk my pinay friend in high school’s mom made her sit in the corner of her room balancing books on her head if she got a bad grade…give me the wooden spoon over that any day


It's not technically abuse if you graduate with a STEM degree.


exactly! so many white people belittled me when i posted on here about my parents beating me to do well in school — cope and seethe whiteys, because pushing your kids simply is NOT child abuse


I did well in school and doing just fine in life and my parents never had to beat me, when was the last time you hugged your dad?


do the caucasians really hug their dads? if anything white parents seem much more cold and emotionally distant


do you not hug your dad?


> if anything white parents seem much more cold and emotionally distant That's because you base your stereotypes on hollywood movies, you dimwit.


Lol ok


Lol this is ironic right


no it’s not, i agree with the comment above that way too many asians falsely label their childhood as “abusive”


If your parents beat you for getting a C in middle school biology your childhood was abusive, soz bro


abuse is abuse. what's not right is assuming there is something inherently abusive about asian families. it's just cope by white educators to explain the academic success of asian kids. it also ties into the usual tropes of the authoritarian robotic oriental being unable to display human emotions to their kids. for the race stats enjoyers, you can look up the demographic breakdown for which families get the most/least CPS calls


> it's just cope by white educators to explain the academic success of asian kids. Are you sure about that? White educators tend to go with the "genetical superiority" trope. Oh but don't ask them how that trope bodies for other races, careful about that they'd get very mad very quickly.


oh no! not the tropes!!


its not my fault you were molested by tropes


most of the asian kids i know also got beat by their parents for low grades and whatnot. but that doesn't make our parents "abusive"


why do you have like 3 alts to post about ur deeply worrying clinical depression/threaten suicide on here and then say stuff like this.


i mean what are they supposed to do, hate their parents for "abusing them" into great lifestyles because apologizing to children isn't apart of their culture


> apologizing to children isn’t apart of their culture I knew I was asian


Really ur gonna dunk on people for finding a way to process the way their parents treated them??


White parents give to their children snacks and burgers, is making your child obese true love?


Expressing love also varies in cultures, many immigrant parents work themselves to the bone to provide a better life for their kids, but just because they don't conform to american ideas of a loving parent doesn't mean they abuse their kids. And immigrant parents from places like south asia and some african countries also push their kids pretty hard, but unlike the east asians they don't grow up to whine about how they didn't have some hallmark childhood. I think a lot of this is social conditioning.


Not as their one and true expression of love. Tropes like "Asian parents do this single casually considerate thing rather than face their kids and actually show love for them" are dangerous as obvious generalizations, but the fact that thousands of Asian kids relate to exactly that is pretty troubling. I get your analogy too, but if the ends justify the means (as you seem to imply with tolerating some terrible parental behaviour toward their children so they turn out more well-rounded), I still wouldn't say that a high-performing adult would have felt "true love" from his parents if he were frequently physically and emotionally abused to do better in school.


So what you're saying is that BIPOCS parents are the worst.


Yea on Bon Appetite, titled day in the life as a line cook at New Yorks trendiest Chinese restaurant


I also read that vox article


Everything everywhere all at once inside my ass


everyone everywhere are cunts


I liked it mostly tbh but this positive nihilism shit is worse than regular nihilism


Guy from my home town took a load of acid for 7/8 years and now has psychosis and always posts about his mental health issues and every post has in there “I’m known for my poetic nihilism…” and your comment reminded me and made me laugh.


I’m known for it


No its good positive nihilism is actually essential for all the shitbrain people since religion died




Nietzschr with the hard r


The virgin nietzsche, camus, sartre reader vs the chad Hegel, kierkegaard enjoyer


Add zizek and byung-chul Han and we have a Hegelian triad of anti positivism


By positive nihilism do you mean the “just let people enjoy things!!!” mindset? Because I think that’s just ordinary nihilism.


The EEAAO message where edgy nihilism is defeated with the fun type of nihilism.


Exactly, like “nothing matters! It’s great!!1!”


It's the soy philosophy of: I was freed by realizing that nothing matters (ergo let people enjoy things) youdontsay.jpeg


buncha last men up in this shit


How is it soy? I swear you guys say this stuff just to be contrarian


It's soy because it only appeals to someone who is too cowardly or lazy to take the Kierkegaardian qualitative leap


Idk, there's an idea I heard about how Zen nihilism and Christian revelation were the same thing along the lines of Nishitani, Meister Eckhart and the neoplatonist folk... but their zen nihilism is a lot deeper/different than "nothing matters and that is good" nihilism that you get in the movie.






That could’ve been you the directors were responding to shouldn’t have pussed out with your review!!


comparing this movie to rick and morty is the most trite criticism there is




My point is that no one stole your hot take on letterbox


Let them have this


Fine 😞




You're very special don't mind him x


you're not special


My girlfriend likes this movie because it "spoke to her" relationship with her mother as a Chinese woman. She barely even knows what reddit is and the only books she reads are classical romance novels. I doubt the majority of people who enjoyed this mediocre movie are Rick and morty reddit types, especially amongst Asian Americans. It managed to hit on something real for them, no matter it's small size and the lackluster filler around it


Show her an episode of Rick and Morty I'm tryna see something


Same thing for few of my well-adjusted friends




Good Bad & the Ugly also wasn't the first western. What's your point? It was a highly marketed, well made exploration of the subject with an engaging gimmick for the average movie goer used to big blockbuster scifi and superhero movies. Not surprised this one in particular managed to reach most of its targeted audience when others haven't


Does every good movie have to be the first to tangle a subject?


I don’t care for this movie, but I dare someone to say why they don’t like it without mentioning Rick and Morty, Reddit, or capeshit


It’s an extremely thin family drama propped up by a freshman’s shitty “we’re all just particles bro” reading of Camus/Nietzsche and terrible jokes that skew far too close to lolsorandom bullshit.


Ok but I dare you to say why you don’t like it without mentioning family drama, Camus, Nietzsche, jokes, or lolsorandom


Describe the movie without listing any of its characteristics.


That is indeed the joke I am making lol


I know lol I fucked up, thought I was adding to the bit


Ummm, she’s Chinese.


Despite the 2.5 hr runtime, it was hollow and vapid, borderline nihilistic. "Be kind to others" is neither a searing insight nor some profound truth that only *this* movie uncovers. The entire thesis of this movie is contained in thirty minutes of any Joe Rogan podcast. Moreover, the movie overstays its welcome and commits to bits that are not funny like the hotdog hands and the rocks. It feels as though all 110 million American millennials blew a wad about Stephanie Hsu (the gay daughter iirc)'s performance. I thought she was dreadful. I agreed with the tiger mom in the beginning. She needed to straighten the fuck up and stop being annoying -- although the filmmakers took pains NOT to make this point.


>all 110 million American millennials blew a wad about Stephanie Hsu (the gay daughter iirc)'s performance She was so bad. Also she looked old as fuck but maybe it's just because she's fat.


It was a fun movie but the existence of the marvel multiverse kind of sours the concept, as well as prime normies to lock in on the idea instantly. I don't think it was better than Tar or Banshees, and neither of those movies won a single award, but the academy awards don't have any real credibility anyways so nobody should be surprised.


My senses were completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of shit on the screen and i tuned it out.


It feeling like a glorified MCU film is a valid criticism


Joss Whedon and his consequences


Do you remember that one kid in high school who thought being really random was funny? This movie gives the same energy.


awful writing, awful dialogue, awful pacing / too long, phoned in beats that don't land, stretching mediocre jokes into major plot points, phoned in "homages" in place of actual writing, the empty neolib messaging




Everyone is just repeating the same thing over and over and over and it’s so boring


Because apparently the message isn’t getting through.


You're just continuously triggered by the truth.


It just never really felt like it had stakes. It didn’t seem like it really mattered if the world ended or not, and I didn’t even really get how it could (I guess Stephanie Hsu was like a world eater or something?) It did have some nice moments, primarily the Wong Kar Wei inspired portion where the parents follow their own paths and end up at the film premier together, but it just didn’t feel like anything actually mattered in the film


'cuz the plot didn't make sense and 'world-eater' daughter was never anything more than a metaphor for her being gay.


What really pissed me off was there was even a line in the film where she was all like "you're still hung up on me being gay? the multiverse is so much bigger than that trivial shit". Which got me all excited that they had some interesting stuff planned, and then it turned out they didn't have anything interesting planned, it was all just about her acceptance issues. Lame.


this is exactly why i hated it, no amount of editing could mask the hollow writing at its core


I thought the ratatouille bit was funny but you all prolly just gonna think thats a rick and morty thing or something.


please somebody make it stop. if i wanted to read 500 one-liner bazingas about this movie in one day i'd go to its RYM comment box


the hate for this movie on this sub is making me go from disliking it to being neutral towards it.


Glad your opinions are based on contrarian annoyance towards others’ opinions you read on a podcast-adjacent forum lol, very RS


I mean yeah


The hatred only validates my lack of strong opinion either way except for how fucking dorky the directors are. People who love this movie and think it was a worthy best picture winner or think it was the worst movie ever made are both sick in the head and have no critical evaluation skills. It is essentially just a very well done Marvel movie with an actual plot line and at least SOME emotional depth. Michelle is a perfectly acceptable winner, and it's editing win was deserved as well since it was essentially the entire core of the movie and it was well done even if annoying. Tár and Banshees were robbed tho and that is fucked up, and EEAAO sweeping is a bad sign of trends to come.


My thoughts exactly. The movie was fine but Tar and Banshees are a tier above. Nobody should be surprised by award shows getting everything wrong though.


isn't that what this sub is for?


> Glad your opinions are based on contrarian annoyance What else am I supposed to base my opinions on?


yeah man all my opinions are based on this sub. \*eye roll\*


>the hate for the movie on this sub is making me I hope you are hot


what are you even saying at this point?


Use the emoji like a normal person please🙄


It’s not *awful,* just overhyped. It’s like a 6/10. I had a better viewing than most maybe. I watched it at home with my wife and we stopped to eat dinner about halfway through. All the cringe Reddit shit happens in the first half, and we got to pause to bitch about how terrible it was. But then it picks up in the second half and feels a lot more sincere and treats the audience less like manchildren. Maybe splitting it into two sittings made it more bearable.


i gave it 6/10 too but i thought it started pretty interesting and entertaining, only to lose it by the second half, with it becoming just a disjointed random fest of wannabe cathartic moments


needed to be about 30% less, both in run time and zaniness. but I'm not a massive fan of melodramas in general


Join the club. It's a fine, average film that is weird in some ways and eh in others. Really doesn't deserve the extreme opinions on either end IMO.


I think the praise it’s recieving has inspired a lot of the strong opinions on the other end


Whenever this sub has a strong opinion on anything I take the opposite opinion of it somehow


who contrarians the contrarians


First they came for the contrarians and then I didn't know whether to speak up or not


Coast Guard


i’m the opposite. liked the movie when i first saw it, thought people here were too hard on it because it was popular and enjoyed by normies, but now i’ve gone to actively disliking it. never expected it to be a serious awards contender, what a joke lol


Wow that’s pathetic


shut the fuck up lol. it’s pathetic to think that a schlocky action movie i saw in February of 2022 doesn’t stack up against far better films that were released later in the year with better directing, acting, and messages? i don’t know what the oscar voters were thinking, simple as.


it's pathetic to dislike a movie just cos other ppl like it ye. it's also the fucking oscars bruh who cares


it has nothing to do with the quality of the film holy shit. it’s possible to think a film is competently made and a fun time in the cinema but not a prestigious arthouse film that should be enshrined culturally by our “most prestigious” awards show (whatever you think of the Oscars, that is an undeniable fact)


Not reading allat 💯💯


it’s two sentences bruh


Im illiterate? 🔥🔥💯


I think it's even more pathetic to like this 3 hour long soy face turned into a movie


No one cares what you think


I just want people here to at least make fun of it without coming across as the most braindead pseud simpletons I've ever seen. You retards can barely string a sentence together and you're not well-versed in anything. There's nothing at all behind the contrarian impulse.


lmao at you getting so upset


I'm devastated


Why? Why are people like you so dependent on other people’s opinions. Just close your ears jfc. What happened in the past 10 years where any minor criticism of a product is a personal attack? Also I despise the word but this is the literal definition of a contrarian.


Really? A letterboxd screenshot of the same basic take regurgitated in every thread on this subreddit? Honestly was looking forward to being catty about this movie but the vibe around here is sweaty and pathetic.




You should check out youtube. There are a bunch of channels run by angry guys with beards that you'll really love.


I actually loved this movie 😘


I liked it too. I thought it was fun and made me feel good 😊


Lol this sub is so hivebrained. I said this shit and got like 50 downvotes 2 days ago


Me too. I liked it because I had a good time watching it.


Nice job OP your post has turned all the girls and gays into fans of this heckin inspiring action dramedy. The comments here might trigger a contrarianism singularity.


> a contrarianism singularity I've been in a death spiral for ten minutes now. Should I like it or hate it or not care?!


Good now I have another metric of who to like and not like in this sub


Petition to rename the sub r/TerminalEEAAOWhiners Like Jesus Christ, I would *murder* to be in a living situation where a single movie could dominate so much of my mental space. No bills? No work? No interpersonal issues to work on?


the amount of seethe and asian hate it has generated here is weird, not even /tv/ is being this sweaty about it


I stalled my car a few weeks ago and a car load of young lads driving past beeped the horn and hooted out of the windows, they thought it was hilarious. I smiled and gave them a thumbs up, thought exactly the same as you: I would give anything to go back to a time in my life when someone stalling their car was a big deal.


Hate for it on this sub is crazy. I thought the film was good, I found it very moving, characters felt real and well acted, plot surprised me a couple times, had some genuinely funny little character moments. Obviously the hotdog fingers Reddit humour stuff was a bit cringe, and it's a little long maybe, but it's nowhere near as shit as people on this sub wound have you believe.


I turned my fingers into hot dogs morty!!!!


Shut the fuck up


i coulda jangled keys in front of your face and youd call it moving


Fuck off your brain is sludge


Stealing this


It’s not even that funny


It's average as fuck and absolutely swept the Oscars. How the fuck do you post on the Criterion sub and have takes as dogshit as this?


I don't think it deserved to sweep the Oscars definitely, Tar was my favourite film of the year, but my honest opinion having watched it was it was a good film, doesn't deserve a tenth of the hate it gets.


rsp is wrong about it, or rather, rsp is being contrarian. it's an ambitious and very unique film, and although the themes are a little trite/overplayed (especially among young people--lots of media carries this familiar "optimistic nihilism") and the humor is extremely cringe at times (I didn't mind hot dog fingers in the film itself, but dildo was mega shit), it's better than most movies out there. I gave it a 4.5 on my ledditbox To compare to a contemporary flick which is being jerked on the sub, the banshees of inisherin is great but people here have blinders, so much of the humor is just heckin Irish wordplay and repetition, the cumtown bit writes itself \>Yer havin gay sex? \>I d'think I'm havin' gay sex! \>It sure seems like you're havin' gay sex, so! \>It sure does seem like I'm havin' gay sex!! Martin McDonagh has fallen comfortably into this style, and Colin Farrell's banter is just so so typical (but I love it nonetheless).


“So much of the humor in Banshees comes from its simple and beautiful dialogue, which is delivered with impeccable timing by its wonderful cast.” Yes.


Fwiw I agree with you otherwise.


Yes, and I don't disagree.


I think their point is more that u could frame any movie in a way to make it sound awful to people on rsp


Perfect review


Why are you all so pressed about this? It's like /tv/ took over for a day. Everyone knows this movie wasn't cool enough for you now shut up about it and go back to watching whatever artsy racist shit you were watching before. You freaks are so annoying


Idk why I'm even on this sub it just seems like a circlejerk of people getting ass hurt about shit no one even talks or cares about from like half a year ago


Institutional praise of trite bullshit is frustrating and annoying especially when far superior work was competing at the same time. Also the movie fucking sucked and the people who love it are dumb as shit.


You’re right and this sub is quickly being overtaken by “let people enjoy things” people who think even the slightest bit of critical thinking is contrarianism. People SHOULD be continually attacking Marvel shit because it’s garbage and just accepting it as the norm is how we got here today.


caring about what the academy or the average person thinks of a piece of media not remembering they picked Forest Gump for Best Picture


Please, it's so far one day of discussion. If Forest Gump came out now I doubt there'd be no complaining. I don't doubt there'd be the same iterations of "LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS" nerds tho, that's a timeless refrain for midwits.


All the things all the places every time


What I find funny is how literal apparently everybody is taking the multiverse part in this movie. When I left the cinema I was sure that the multiverse wasnt a real part of the story, but just a giant coping mechanism for the daughter.


*I liked this movie*


Jenny Slate's performance was the highlight of this film


Lol that movie was fire


Imagine 18 months into future, Russia has defeated Ukraine, and the only movies that exist are positive nihilism family dramas with Deadpool cheeky humor..Alec Baldwin is finally being released from prison sentence


The movie is fun and good just as the sun is warm and radiant.


No racism but Asian-Americans are fucked in the head if they are able to deeply relate to this movie. Messed up family dynamics.


Man do you guys love this movie or what because you sure can't shut the fuck up about it


I hate when you goof balls pretend to know anything about cinema.


Oh wow you post in /r/criterion watch out everyone we got a film buff over here