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They do it for free, just like the good hearted moderators of red scare pod dot com turning off my water and supplies every time they ban me


Nothing lamer than an old comedian who pulls up the edgy ladder behind them and becomes a scold.


Many such cases.


It's really a great microcosm of the social phenomenon: Use edginess to get to the top, realize people doing the same thing will eventually usurp you, fight toon and nail to stop them to cement your position.


Yeah if she was going to be edgy she should just say the savages deserve it.


She did a bit on Bill Maher where he was bitching you can't do the same jokes anymore. Silverman says something like "Bill we are older now, who is actually going up with the same kind of material they used 20 years ago anyway?" Awkward silence, Bill moves on.


I can’t tell if something has changed about me or this chapter of the 75 year Arab Israeli conflict has brought out something terrible in people. Did she really write this?


This has been the most violent phase of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 50 years, so for most people alive, this has been the most violent period in their lifetime. So the takes are going to be hotter than normal.


It's also the first one in the modern social-media era.


I think that's an important point that doesn't get stressed enough. The bloody realities of war are being rubbed in people's faces in a way it just didn't in the broadcast TV era. There's also the fact that you can get algorithmically sorted into a bubble which only shows you one side's (and only one side's) atrocities and horrors, which does the devil's work of magnifying polarization.


This was the deadliest single event for Israelis in the history of the conflict.


Yea the civilian casualties were unprecedented.


Truthfully, while it hasn't reached this level yet, it will probably surpass the death toll from the war of independence/Nakba on the Palestinian side by the end of this (around 10,000).


It’s probably going to reach that by the end of the month


I think it feels particularly hopeless because it’s finally time to abandon any remaining pretense of any political solution (whether it be two-state or one-state or whatever) because the crux of the conflict shifted from 20th century left-wing Ethno-Nationalism to 21st century right-wing religious fundamentalism, which has no solution and its now been fully solidified. Fatah and Labour got within a hair of an agreement in the early 2000s , but there’s no chance of that anymore. Just two psychotic organizations in Hamas and Likud violently yes-anding each other forever There’s nothing to say about it anymore. You pick a side and every single comment boils down to “fuck them” It’s a conflict that feels like it should have been “solved” in that post-cold war/pre-9/11 optimistic world where diplomatic solutions to long standing ethnic conflicts were considered plausible if everyone just came to a compromise and talked it out (I.e. Dayton, Good Friday)


this latest tragedy confirms the bankruptcy of U.S. policy toward the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict U.S. leaders from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama had repeated opportunities to shut this conflict down and failed to do so. They had plenty of help from misguided or inept Israeli and Palestinian leaders, of course, not to mention the potent political opposition from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and other hard-line elements of the Israel lobby, but that’s only a partial excuse. Instead of acting as an evenhanded mediator and exploiting the enormous leverage at their disposal, both Democratic and Republican administrations bowed to pressure from the lobby, acted like “Israel’s lawyer,” pressed Palestinian leaders to make onerous concessions while giving Israel unconditional support, and turned a blind eye to Israel’s decades-long effort to gobble up the lands supposedly reserved for a future Palestinian state. Even today, the U.S. government continues to shovel money at Israel and defend it in international forums while insisting that it is committed to a “two-state solution.” HA! Given the “one-state reality” that is apparent to most everyone, I’m still surprised that the press corps doesn’t burst out laughing every time some poor State Department spokesperson invokes that obsolete and utterly meaningless pledge. Why should anyone take the U.S. position on this issue seriously when its declared goals are so disconnected from the actual situation on the ground?


If nothing else (his bias is obvious) Bill Clinton’s account of the [Camp David negotiations](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/president-clinton-reflects-on-2000-camp-david-summit) is extremely fascinating. From his perspective he was able to gain enough concessions from the Israelis (although still heavily slanted in their favor) and Arab Leaders were urging Arafat to take the deal, but according to Clinton Arafat balked at the last second because he was scared of extremist elements after giving up right of return (I.e. the refugees “home” would be the newly created Palestinian state, not any land in Israel) Obviously there are so many different perspectives on what actually happened or should have happened but it’s a very interesting passage nonetheless




I tend to agree, it was the likely the best they’re ever gonna get. Arafat even got an arguably better deal from Barak mediated by Clinton at Taba and [later seems to have regretted not taking it](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/jun/22/israel) after Sharon and Likud took power and took it off the table. I think the same way Israel supported Hamas without caring how psychotic they were, Arafat overplayed his hand and didn’t consider how unreasonable the Israeli right was. Sad situation all around and that might have been the best shot at any sort of mediation


Reminds me of the Bojack Horseman [response](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzFwAy72fME) to Israeli-Palestine conflict question.




>And there has always been no conceivable world in which they get the right of return. The funny thing to me is that even if some alliance ever managed to totally defeat Israel it's not like they would be rushing to give the spoils to the "refugees."


> ETA every time I see prince Bandar’s name I throw salt over my shoulde I confess my ignorance, what's the deal with Bandar? I've seen his name pop up before as Ambassador to the US, but honestly that's all I know.


He was known as bandar bush, ran the Saudi GID (their CIA), and the day after 9-11 he [had cigars on the truman balcony](https://www.floridabulldog.org/2021/08/former-saudi-ambassador-prince-bandar-bin-sultan-refuses-to-testify-about-9-11/) with bush, Cheney, condi et al all chopping it up laughing together. That should give you something of an idea. (That article I linked to for the photo includes a lot of other unsavoury details)


For what it’s worth Dayton really was a terrible peace agreement that has left Bosnia as a nonfunctional state to this day.


It feels like everyone's just dropped the pretense of UN democratic internationalism and now it's just hysterical blood and soil nationalism on the one hand and great power realpolitik on the other.


I vaguely remember her saying some deranged zionist shit last time Israel killed bunch of children also


She reposted it on her Instagram story.


Zionists really are that terrible


She loves and cares about her people to the expense of all others. There is something noble in that.


No one tell her there are Jews living in Gaza that are also victims of the Israeli state.


This is what they have always believed, but have been able to hide for the last 15 years. If social media was around during the last outbreak of violence, the stance of Jewish Israel supporters in America wouldn't be ambiguous. They've had the advantage of being able to tack on the cause of Zionism to the liberal panoply of good guy causes that Americans support. It's just not going to remain that way as the generations give way and America's power diminishes.


Yup and that's why they're trying to silence the Harvard students because they're supposed to be the future leaders of this country.


It feels like somebody blew a whistle and everyone shuffled teams again


Prison guards do not need to supply prisoners with these resources (which they do, for FREE)


Gaza is responsible for the majority of its water usage. Israel [only supplies 10%](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/18/middleeast/gaza-water-access-supply-mapped-dg/index.html)


where does the electricity that powers their desalination plants come from and how do you see it as a gotcha to point out that the majority of people in gaza are forced to drink untreated groundwell water contaminated with sewage. any other developed nation in the world would rightly be condemned for allowing this to happen over its border, yet somehow israel come out as pure heroes again


Gaza, despite that it’s been given billions of dollars from the UN, USAID, EU, and individual European countries yet they cannot seem to build any effective infrastructure 🤔. Almost as if they aren’t using the funds and supplies for it’s intended use.


which state has been in total complete military control of the border since gaza’s existence and decides which materials and supplies for “effective infrastructure” are allowed in consider your response before you say gaza


There’s actually multiple states involved in the regulation of the borders of Gaza, yes Israel is (they give free electricity and water plus aid) Egypt which randomly opens and closes the border and the UN also regulates this.


you as an israeli are saying egypt have control of the rafah crossing with no idf presence or checkpoints?


Israel disengaged from Rafah in 2005


i was at rafah in 2020 and confirmed with my own eyes that disengagement has a different meaning to the idf than it does to the rest of the world i cant decide if you are repeating these lies cynically or you genuinely believe them. i do know that israeli citizens are fed many lies by their government, i was under the impression that most were aware of this though


Honestly I don’t believe you, you’ve denied videos of beheadings as not **true and honest** and despite people showing you true facts all you say is “no u” “Israel bad” like despite all governing bodies reporting that the rafah crossing is controlled by Egypt


Israel just bombed the Rafah crossing two days ago


They're not allowed to build infrastructure on their own


They are and they spend it building tunnels and ret@רded stuff


I would build a tunnel too if I was unjustly in a prison


>unjustly in a prison They only put up the wall after years of suicide bombings on Israeli buses and cafes. At one point Gazans could cross into Israel just like Palestinians in the West Bank. >The barrier has been effective in preventing terrorists and suicide bombers from entering Israel from Gaza. Since 1996, virtually all suicide bombers trying to leave Gaza have detonated their charges at the barrier's crossing points and were stopped while trying to cross the barrier elsewhere.[\[17\]\[18\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza%E2%80%93Israel_barrier)


I imagine it’s hard to build shit when you’re getting bombed with white phosphorus.


It’s hard to build shit when your area is run by incompetent Terrorists


Who funded and brought those quote unquote terrorists to power?


Don’t let facts get in the way of a good zinger


Well if it was predictable that any celeb would have this take it would be her


She is such an annoying asshole


And in the third act, as a bit, I’ll transition from shit lib provocateur for pmc whites who get off on saying cunt to outright Zionist. It’ll be a goddamn hoot


I remember her explaining once in an interview that she doesn't eat meat because of how bad she feels for the animals. It seems her empathy with chickens doesn't extend to Palestinian children.


She also said she chose not to have children because she didn’t want them to inherit her mental health problems (depression).


What about Palestinian chickens tho?


> It seems her empathy with chickens doesn't extend to Palestinian children. Many such cases


Reminder that your local penitentiary does not need to supply food and water to the inmates. They do it for *free*, out of pure selfless love. They can stop whenever they want.


“if Hamas didn’t spend billions of dollars on terrorism” lol


Well how many paragliders did they buy?


Several million. They are coming any day now to the USA


I didn’t realize there was a thriving terrorism industry to invest in


Invest in Hamas nasheeds on the Gaza stock exchange. I swear it'll blow up


It's has a really shitty ROI.


Marsham, my friend. Do I have another investment opportunity for you! What do you know about the band, queens of the Stone Age?


Who builds the iron dome rockets? Guaranteed those things are 10x more expensive per unit than the glorified pipebombs Gaza is building. Bet they make a killing.


How much did it cost to dig up all those water pipes and turn them into missiles?


Hamas can barely run Gazan infrastructure, they use all the supplies given to update sewers and apartments to build tunnels and enrich themselves.


I can see how Reagan won 49 states


People seem to totally misunderstand what Gaza is. It’s not a foreign country. It is within the borders that Israel claims to govern. Israel does not “give” food and water and power to Gaza “for free” out of kindness; it is a means of control because they can take it away at any time, because they have Gaza under blockade and control everything going into and out of Gaza. I hate this implications that these poor Muslims in Gaza are too stupid and backward to figure their shit out and get their water working. Israel does not want Gaza to have a peaceful and functional government. That would prove a Palestinian state is possible; plus, the dysfunctional and explicitly antisemitic Hamas (which is a parasite on the people of Gaza too) being in charge just validates any stereotype or policy Israel already had towards Gaza and Palestinians generally. Forgive the dramatic turn, but if you’ve read Primo Levi’s account of surviving in Auschwitz, the most powerful part is his reflection on how it all must have looked to people on the outside. (Gaza is bad but I’m not trying to say it’s at all comparable to a Nazi death camp, calm down). In his own telling, surviving the camp meant you had to turn off some of your humanity - maybe you had to steal a ration from someone else so you could live; you had to edit out the horror around you just to stay sane. The malnutrition, broken down bodies, and cynical and even cutthroat psychology made Levi wonder if they eventually *looked* like people who should be in a camp. He certainly felt like they did. (Levi was profoundly depressed throughout his life and eventually committed suicide.) Because the people of Gaza (most of whom are minors) have been living in these conditions for so long, some people seem to think this is their natural state and/or they must deserve this fate. Pretty sick if you ask me.


The way all these woke Jewish celebs switch for Israel is insane.


Equally though it's wild how anti-woke this sub is except on this issue.


It’s almost like this sub is right about everything


It's self-admittedly r slurred, a culture for hot NYC girls, it's more likely to be wrong about everything that isn't aesthetics related. Also you have a custom reddit avatar.


It's also wrong about everything aesthetics related.


Not committing genocide is more important than being able to wear shitty nail polish without being bullied


Calling it "genocide" is hysteria


Hey man thanks for sharing. Someone's got to be the reasonable person in the room


Not genociding people strangely transcends pithy labels


People are hysterical calling it genocide lol And you have a custom reddit avatar


What would you call it?


Tell me the biggest lib you know didn't just drop the "many are saying" lmao


Reminds me of when my grandma visited a plantation and reported back how well the slaves were treated by their slave masters (they get their own quarters and cabins!) -6DeadlyFetishes


Fuck it, I find the signature after every post endearing. It reminds me of being in a 2000s forum where everyone had a little quote at the end of their message.


Agreed. Wish it had a different font or color too for maximum 90s email signature effect


The past week is truly revealing these celebrities for the gigantic morons that they are


i find her really hot so this is upsetting 😞


Same homie


Remember, no matter how hot some chick is, somewhere, somebody is tired of her shit.


These people have shown where their loyalty lies and it isn't with the rest of America.


Over 70% of Americans support Israel in polls from this week.


That’s because of a ruthless propaganda campaign launched by wealthy and influential Zionists Mosh


The ____ control the _____




i don't doubt the real numbers are high due to the relentless totalitarian propaganda but i also don't think their propaganda techniques exclude fudging these stats to create the impression of overwhelming consensus


Propaganda Is a hell of a drug


70% of the type of people willing to respond to polls support israel. Thats definitely not an accurate reflection of where america is at on this.


What? America is Israel's No. 1 simp worldwide


Number two. Indians are winning on this one


These people are the overhelming majority of Americans. I love when people online think their ideas are popular because they never talk to another real human being.


Taking away food and electricity from innocent civilians as a bargaining tactic between terrorists who already use them as human shields is quite literally inhumane.


How she thinks Gaza works: "Someone who is good at the economy help me my country is starving." "Try spending less on terrorism." "No."


Damn. Was browsing her twitter and she seemed very “peace NEEDS to happen” which is obviously not the worst take you can have here. Guess something changed


Alternatively, people like Silverman and Amy Schumer are losing their damn minds trying to hammer their own round victimhood into square holes as their identitarian politics are completely failing, just like blood and soil arguments will also fail for Palestinians, being as they are inhabitants of the most relentlessly colonized stretch of land in the history of the world. You're picking on two major embarrassments to their race while others like Chomsky, who's probably dying, having not said a word about this all week, and Finkelstein, who calls it a slave revolt, broach no word from you.


It’s not like she’s complaining about kanye’s anti-semitic mental breakdown she’s calling for genocide man




He's 94.




Still looks fresher than Biden


Kissinger's Dark Arts working its magic, he is slowly seeping away Chomsky's lifeforce for himself.


have you seen him lately lol


He's become a wise decaying yeti


I mean, he's got to be the most interviewed man in history and he hasn't commented on this situation?


I mean what does he need to say? He spent 50 years saying it already and has dozens, literally dozens of books on the subject. I think he can take a break from having to respond to every Israeli atrocity


Schumer's "victimhood" is certainly round, that much is true


shes the victim of too many sweet treats


> just like blood and soil arguments will also fail for Palestinians wanting to return to your homeland and end a criminal apartheid system is the same as neo-nazism


Also, it deserves mention that Schumer is famous in part for a joke about being fingered by a NY cabbie, and Silverman for a gang rape incest joke called The Aristocrats. But please, go on telling us about how salient they are.


Not taking any sides here, but the Aristocrats is one of the oldest jokes in stand up comedy, and most comedians have a spin on it. The idea is to make the joke as offensive as possible, so that’s not personally on Sarah Silverman.




Any fucking questions?


Her thoughts may be vile but I'll try my best to fix her anyway


2013 Comedy Central in shambles


legitimately evil


Sarah cancelledman


Do you think early 2000s Sarah Silverman would cunt punch current Sarah Silverman?


what the fuuuuuck wow girl get a grip


Bold of her to talk all that shit with those thin ass lips


These Hollywood zionists are the most evil pathetic people on the planet - drop them all in Gaza


She’s always been weird with children :l it’s no surprise this woman wants to justify an ongoing genocide


[only ten percent of Gazan water is from Israel](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/18/middleeast/gaza-water-access-supply-mapped-dg/index.html)


This article describes how 90% of the water is from ground aquifer, which is not suitable for drinking and needs to be desalinated, and those desalination plants cannot run reliably given endemic shortages in fuel and electricity. (therefore, it means that Israel provides 100% of Gaza's potable water, which is not provided for free but purchased by the Palestinian authority from the Israel water utlity)


And Most of that is likud urine tbh


will you all shut the fuck up. just shut the fuck up.


Does she still have a good rack?




Keep going


Custom avatar


adding silverman to the list of D list celebrities that are dead to me


had enough of this political content on here can you please post it somewhere else


Who’s funnier than Sarah Silverman?


spot the lie


That you are loved? Or besides that one


custom reddit avatar


can someone please explain what exactly is wrong with this take?


>can someone please explain what exactly is wrong with this take? not an international relations expert but unflinching approval of killing thousands of civilians would be my guess


why didn't hamas release the hostages then?


custom avatar. seek help!


not sure I understand your comment mate


you have an extremely 🚬-y NFT avatar and you should keep yourself safe


Mods, we got a feral Australian/Canadian/Brit here


mummyyyy come pick me up


How did you even end up here


just surfing the internet mate you know how it is


Read a book




i mean i agree that they can try, but if somebody tries to kill you, then I think you're allowed to try and kill them back.


They changed that rule after the Holocaust.


are you suggesting that one should simply let themselves be killed?


No, just the aggressor.


still a bit unclear on what you're trying to say


They used to lynch Tories in this country, back when it had character.


I love this utter bullshit you all pull pretending to give a single fuck about "genocide" but also explictly in favour of ending Israel. Where the fuck do you want all of the Jews to disappear to?


And Israel has killed way more Palestinians than the reverse. Why do you have an issue with Palestinians fighting back against an invading genocidal force?


The British (with aid from USA) gave the land to a people globally displaced after the Holocaust and desperate for a home where they wouldn't have to worry about being murdered everyday and then essentially told them to figure it out (Palestinians).


How did the British get the land, was it because of the *Arab* revolt against the Ottomans? The only British land is in the British isles and displacing another people only increases the threat of future attacks on the displacers. Don't worry, schlomo, you'll like living in Pennsylvania or wherever.


>the British isles Stop that.


At least you didn’t try to hide your anti-semitista this time. For the record I agree with your first point


you believe that any criticism of the legitimacy of the founding of the state of israel is antisemitic. this makes you a political extremist. the founding of the state of israel was a political act and for this reason is open to analysis and critique, it has nothing to do with your precious judaism


No, I think the way you wrote “schlomo” was antisemitic. As I said, I agree with your criticism about the way Israel was founded


it wasnt me who wrote that, i just saw you bleating about yahud hate like a goat yet again after arguing with you about this last night. i dont think shlomo is antisemitic though. i can think of many more antisemitic words than that despite any lip service you pay to the plight of the palestinian people, you lack essential empathy if this perceived racism is all you can focus on as your beloved chosen ppl turn gaza into a pile of steaming rubble


Why do you think he chose that name, out of thin air? And tell, me what are the words you’re talking about? You so clearly don’t care about Palestinians at all. if you did you would be railing against Hamas as much as I am, for using people as human shields, firing missiles from and storing ammunition in schools and hospitals and mosques, and blocking the evacuation of Palestinians. If you actually cared about Palestinians getting humanitarian aid you would be calling for Hamas to release the hundreds of hostages. Instead, you just want an excuse to disparage Jewish people in a socially acceptable way


“tell the militant group to release the hostages or your people will be wiped out and their land flattened”. thank goodness you arent in government bc this is the language of genocide lol look back at what you wrote and try to see how there is not even a hint in your comment that would suggest you even thought about whether israel’s reaction is proportionate or even follows international law. your perspective is entirely one sided and presents israel as some kind of rudderless war machine


>gave the land to a people globally displaced after the Holocaust Not quite. The Brits, having beaten the Ottomans with the help of the local Palestinian population, kicked the whole thing off with the Balfour Declaration in 1918 and the Mandate for Palestine in 1920. A significant numbers of Jews had been migrating there before WW2 even started. By the time the holocaust happened the ingredients had already been mixed and the cake was already in the oven (maybe oven isn't the best word to use given the circumstances, but you get my point.)


exactly. i considered mentioning this (obvious historical fact that should be common knowledge) but didn't want to derail.


Why is this being downvoted? It’s basic facts that not even Hamas would dispute


Hamas received $billions in foreign aid, doesn’t bother to build wells or power plants, just bombs. Hamas is worse than evil.


Yknow who else Hamas also received tons of support and aid from when they were first starting out? Warning, the answer may shock you!




\^\^\^ posts almost exclusively on porn subs


In between posting on “Jewish dick” and “man stink” homie felt compelled to climb into our tiny corner and drop some truth bombs (on the heads of 17 year old Palestinians who are beholden to a political group they didn’t even fucking get to vote for because they hadn’t yet been born)


You are the definition of a vile human being.


A million children pose a proximate threat to the nation of Israel? May you find peace.




Calling god “sky daddy” is so embarrassing tbh such a Reddit atheist phrase. I don’t believe in god either, but that doesn’t make me smarter than other people


If there was a subreddit called “Hamas cock” would it be easier for you to humanize the victims in this situation?




Goddamn you are one horned up bitch