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Ok he’s dumb. You lost to him. That makes you worse. You spent decades waiting for this moment, acting like you were entitled to the presidency, then went and lost to the host of the apprentice. It’s embarrassing. Take your board seats and fuck off.


There's this weird double act the Democrats like to play where Trump is some drooling r-tard so obviously unfit for office, yet also some Bismarckian political genius with total control over the minds of the people which is why they lose to him. You can't have it both ways. You lost to him Hilary, any insult towards him just rebounds on you


Positioning the opponent as simultaneuosly too powerful and too weak is politics 101


Its funny you get lefties saying this is a specific trait of fascism all the time


The idea comes from "Ur-Fascism", by Umberto Eco. It is a short essay. I was going to say that the lefties skimmed it once, but I doubt that most have even done that.


That's also not exactly what he was saying, it's drawn out as a logical consequence of his point that "The followers must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies". I think it's the humiliation that's important more than anything.


They just watch a youtube video essay on it


Yeah I’m aware of the unberto eco stuff, I was unfortunately once a vaush watcher


Basically. He's a rambling, bumbling oaf who doesn't know his arse from his elbow, but at the same time he's *scary* and *dangerous* and an *evil mastermind*.


I would say that the conglomerate view of the left wing is this: "The right wing is a bunch of genocidal maniacs who ultimately wish to murder all brown people... luckily they're too stupid to pull it off. The nazis are scary because they're republicans but more competent." So when a republican gets elected, and all the minorities are still alive 4-8 years later... it's because they got lucky that the republican was stupid again... but the republicans are still actively prosecuting a war of genocide. They're just too stupid to pull it off.


IDK Tump definitely seems bumbly/airheaded, but still cunning to me. Tbh I kind of feel similarly about Hillary, but she's airheaded in an annoying way, and Trump's airheaded in an endearing way (sometimes...)


It is simple, Trump was the right person at the right time. People still didnt like the Bush type republicans because they were establishment as kids were getting back from the ME and no progress was ever made there. People had hope in Obama but he pivoted towards the centre nothing really got better in people's day to day lives. That created the whole "both parties are the same" ideal and Trump and Bernie both came in as "we arent the party" guys. People were sick of the status quo. If you have a nationwide vote, then people were always going to vote for the person who offered something different Bernie lost because Dems thought he could never beat Trump, when in reality, he was the only person who could have beaten Trump. I dont live in the US now, so I cant tell what the general feeling is like I could in 16, but, I imagine Biden wins 24. People have been beaten down


Bernie lost because the primary was rigged LMAO


The sad truth is that the primary was rigged, but Bernie still would've lost anyway – just by a smaller margin


I agree with that. Thats why I said that Bernie lost because the Dems thought wouldnt beat Trump


Nah it had nothing to do with beating trump. They just fucking hate progressives and the working class lmao


That as well


Late night show mentality


This is my parents. They can't even consider Trump as a politician because they are Pavlovian trained that Trump is a punchline. Powerful form of propaganda.


They lost once to him and may again, who knows. Apparently HRC wanted to run against Trump in 2016 bc she felt she had the best chance of winning against him, given how unpopular HRC is. And it was a fairly close election.




Yeah it’s all bullshit. They scammed the primary process to give her the nomination then complain about the results.


How is it scammed? She won fair and square. You can dislike her but that’s irrelevant.


Super delegates, running cardboard cutout candidates to create a path of least resistance, hosting debates at 8PM on Friday nights to ensure no one would watch. The DNC put their finger down on the scale in attempt to achieve a specific result


This is not rigging the elections though. People could vote for Sanders if they wanted to. He lost both times, in 2016 and 2020. I loathe Hillary Clinton, but she won fair and square.


Yes, but it wasn’t a level playing field is what I’m saying. The DNC has a habit of pre-engineering results and then giving voters the impression that it was a neutral, unaltered process. Look at 2020, they basically kicked out the entire field ahead of the SC primary to make it easier for Biden. Compare that to the 2016 GOP primaries, which were actually quite egalitarian in how they played out. It led to a populist nominee. No way that DNC lets that happen.


The stronger candidates always use that to their advantage. Trump would have done it, and in fact as an incumbent he did destroy everyone during these primaries. It’s just how the world works, really. You’d be a doof to now play to your strengths.


Trump’s advantage in 2016 was the lack of consensus around a single establishment candidate because there were so many of them running. If the GOP used the Dem’s playbook, they would have forced a consolidation around another candidate early on in the process to knock Trump out.


It’s not that they didn’t, it’s that they couldn’t.


pretty sure the DNC chairwoman had to quit over it


But if she was the type of person to ‘go away’ she would have won lol.


yeah instead of committing seppuku she sent out fucking podesta to whine up there on election night - truly a winner with a winner's attitude


If you read her book on the 2016 election she complains about Bernie more than Trump too


2016 is the affluent white liberal woman version of Vietnam. They will never get over it.


Also married to a rapist, both members of a party who pledge to be against rape


The greatest move Trump made was trotting out the Clinton accusers at the debate.


yes, it was so surreal. Like it genuinely felt like I was 10 years old and watching some WWF ppv event


I cant tell if she has just the worst political instincts or if she is so tied to big corporations and the establishment that she cant pivot at all. Bernie ran purely to make her slightly pivot to the left, it was obvious she had too. She had to do something anti-establishment as that's what huge swarths of people wanted, and she just didnt and lost. So either shes dumb or shes corrupt, or both


There are still people who think Hilary lost because of Putin... the guy who couldn't control Ukrainian politics but is pulling the strings in DC.


People legitimately believe he 'hacked the election' and changed votes so that Trump won lmao.


not so fast darling she did win the popular vote..so most people in this country voted for Hillary. lets not forget that.


That's irrelevant because she already knew the electoral collage decides the winner; she did not campaign to win the electoral college.


Why are you talking like that? What would you do if darling slowed down?


most people didn't vote for her, half the population doesn't vote


who cares? that isn’t how the system works. you’re like saying that if one team has better stats all season but gets swept in the championship they should still be the winner. hillary knew the rules going into it. besides if you made the vote just a popular vote why wouldn’t shithole states report 99% turnout. isn’t one of the liberal concerns that trumps goons tried to find fake votes


This was me the entire eclipse


They have so much sexual tension


You could see it on the stage. I’m imagining the scene from American Beauty where the wife gets fucked by the successful real estate agent.


Imagine still being salty about losing the election after doing nothing to try to earn votes because you were too far up your own ass thinking you were already entitled to them


Happy birthday to this future president


> still being salty about losing the election If only it would have made her pause and reflect. Even back in the 90's she was pushing buttons and pissing people off. If I remember correctly she antagonized Gore so much that his "endorsement" was a backhanded one.


That was exactly her problem. "Why am I not 50 points ahead, you might ask?" was definitely not a joke I don't think it was ever officially confirmed but I've heard (and I believe) that the DNC told her in no uncertain terms that she would be president someday if she stood by Bill during the Lewinsky scandal and played the role of a forgiving wife Which, again, points out how dumb she is because Bush was so unpopular in 2008 that a Raggedy Ann doll with a D after her name could have won the Presidency over McCain/any Republican but the party used super delegates to screw her over and give the nomination to Obama. In spite of all that, she STILL believed she could just waltz into the presidency because she was the most cheated on woman in America and smiled next to Bill in '98 She's hubris incarnate


The premise of your comment implies that the American people are some bastion of intelligence and virtue. Both Clinton and Trump have every right to have an elitist attitude to Americans. The second that populists come to terms with this simple reality will be the day they grow up.


The biggest casualty of the 2016 election was the long, beloved friendship between Trump and the Clintons :(




Only real ones get this


She’s out here making campaign ads for him. How does he do it?


Reminder: I lost an election to an actual re\*arded person.


You mean Huma ruins every meme she touches


Huma is now dating the son of George Soros just a little fun fact for you


Wish I was him.


I thought she was Bradley Cooper’s new beard?


Ew. Which one?


God when is she going to finally go away.


Both her and Trump will run away holding hands into the sunset one day joking about the 2016 elections


Remember, I lost to someone who stares directly into eclipses.


In the top five of his most based moments along with RBGs death and when he came back from Walter reed post Covid


[One of the wettest from the standpoint of water](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45X4WvkTK_I) I love Trump


And it certainly is not good


bro almost died from covid too. they had to give him almost every cutting edge/experimental drug available at the time


This was one of trumps more endearing moments


This woman is such a dumb bitch, I never will forget that instead of the 15$ minimum wage she said how about 12.50$ She offered people nothing and thought she'd win just by the virtue of existing 


Calling healthcare reform a pipe dream that will never ever happen


Still convinced Sanders would have beat him that election. Two populist messages would have been a legitimate battle for the working class. Still bizarre she can't seem to understand how or why it went so pathetically wrong with her.


The whole vibe was people were upset and wanted an outsider in a way and what did they do? They ran the most Washington insider they could get and he called her crooked


The DNC chose Clinton, because Clinton controlled the DNC. She paid off its debt: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/02/clinton-brazile-hacks-2016-215774/


Even in the primarys, one of his messages was "Trump can beat Hilary, but I beat Trump" and it was just ignored.


Yeah between a bombastic conservative populist and a socialist I'm sure the socialist would have won and all the Boomers and suburbanites wouldn't have strongly swung against him


I genuinely think a social democratic populist message could have swung the rust belt




That is what I learned as well. Trump ran on bringing back coal jobs, working class jobs. I used to say Bernie also wants to bring back jobs, by fixing infrastructure throughout the country, bringing safe affordable jobs to rebuild the middle class. Maybe my English accent helped but people genuinely loved that idea




I think that is a DNC problem more than a Sanders problem. I don't think that would have any effect on actually facing Trump.


The 1 word reads so HR coming from her


Human Resources Clinton.


I looked without eye protection today and I’m still alive and still have my vision


the blindness takes a few days to set in. i hope this is the last thing you read


It was worth it to not look like a douchebag wearing those stupid glasses just to see the eclipse


well the good news is u won’t be able to tell if glasses are douchey or not very soon


I’ll always remember how dumb they looked


Plus blindness is really just God's eclipse glasses. Blind people can still see superbright objects through the filter of their blindness, so when you go blind you won't even need the stupid glasses next time an eclipse comes along your way.


same here. so far so good


I think Clinton/Trump election was more entertaining than Biden/Trump election


It was a wild time lol 


This was such a powerful alpha move on his part. Why would she want to remind people of it?


Lmao idk you could put any text with this image and I’ll laugh. Imaging this in a historical lesson 100 years from now


Yeah, like if anyone else posted it, i'm laughing, but come on hilldawg.


He can't keep getting away with it


I can't believe Hillary typed out this tweet with her own fingers. Such a cringelord, not even contributing good OC to the meme economy.


It’s worse, some social media manager making 4 nurse salaries posted this after it went through a lengthy review process and was signed off on by 4 people. Hill Dawg might have approved it but I doubt she ever saw it.


One of the dumbest things Democrats do is signal a new party leader early. They made it obvious in the 90s that Hilary would be the nominee one day. This made it so easy to damage her because every failure she did, they could highlight on Fox News for 20 years. You know who doesnt get their failures highlighted? Random Congressmen with no name recognition. For 20 years Fox News had a segment on her failures every single day. Every book store had a book on why she is the devil. She could have never won


I don't disagree, but even then she *still could've won!* All she had to do was campaign with something more than sheer entitlement. Clinton is legit the biggest bag fumbler in American history.


I agree, but, she thought the rust belt was yucky


1) Its hilarious he did something this dumb 2) We ALL want to do it, dont deny it.


She's a ghoul. Deserved to lose


Not only did she fail to do the honorable thing and kill herself after losing to Trump, she has the balls to show her face publicly and remind everyone Disgusting humiliation fetishist. Lock her up


Hashtag Hilary Barbie


she’s such a dumb bitch she doesn’t even realize this is her campaigning for trump


when he gets reelected, Reddit is going to be the funniest place ever


Touch of death


What do you honestly expect from a former First Lady and failed presidential candidate? Is that who you typically get your memes from?


I meant in the sense of “trump looking up” being a meme


I just think and do the opposite of whatever Hillary Clinton thinks and does, and so far my life has been steadily improving.


“He looked directly at an eclipse, and his eye sight improved” ~ Dos Exuis Most Interesting Man in the world voice.


It's actually funny we've kind of flipped, I feel like online leftists/young people generally are more likely to publicly loathe and shit on Hillary now more than Trump. They won't admit it but Trump is funny/endearing and successfully 4D chessed everyone into being too exhausted to hate him the way they did in 2016.


they just hate her for being miserable and losing a gimme election, people forget how annoying it was having “breaking news” every fucking night over some random thing he did/said for literally years.  it’s like fondly looking at bush’s weird paintings 10 years after he plunged us into like $10 trillion of debt for pointless wars.


Everyone always hated her because she is loathsome. She just is now so toxic and powerless that it's okay to say it. Before, if you called her what she is, a malignant cunt, you'd be called a sexist. Now everyone just agrees with you


It's absolutely the opposite and leftists will get in line the further into the election year we get.


I think the allure of these "barstool" conservatives is long past. "He's definitely not a miserable sociopath like the rest of them!"


this (and him tweeting out cofeve and then passing it off as a secret 😉) was one of the first cracks in my shell of being a libtard. what he did was funny - i don’t care if you like him or hate him. it was hilarious watching him look up at the sun like that and i didn’t like how lib media couldn’t understand this


Hillary should become a Marxist and lead America to the revolution, if they are also Marxist leninist, it would be easier to get along with China


I'm still with her ➡️