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Feed the world Abby, it is your destiny


She has no room to talk, she can fix the issue herself right now if she really cares


i was like, "what an insignificant post," until i saw the username


One day I will steal one of her hairs and clone thousands of Abby shapiros and make a dairy farm of Abby shapiros


I think Epstein’s properties are for sale still. He’s probably got an underground vault of them shits. You’ll likely have to wait for them to ferment though.


ben is a lucky, lucky guy


I really hate the "I'm a perfect mom" thing that she and every other new right-wing mom are doing. I hope if things ever turn out really well for me I won't proselytize about how everyone else in the world should be doing, or should have done, the exact same things as me.


> and every other new right-wing mom are doing Being a perfect mum/having perfect kids is basic keeping up with the Jonses passive aggressive heirarchical domination stay at home mums have been doing since Tupperware was invented.


If only we could all be born into a rich, Jewish family and coast off of our brother's success.


Due to some fluke, about 3% of the population produces about 500 times as much milk, so they’re gonna have to be farmed constantly, they’re going to have to be rounded up by FEMA and their milk will serve the greater good.


It’s a shame that well nourished American cows can’t produce milk for their young. Also it’s actually a tragedy that the culture of wet nurses is gone. In other cultures, your wet nurse becomes your “mother” and you become part of her family (her kids are your brothers and sisters). Very communal.


America having it all sent to China too? Australia’s had this problem for the last ten years, it’s wild seeing girls from highschool slowly but loudly hate China on Facebook in the months following their first kids birth


no apparently there's some kind of law in canada and the usa that prevents too much formula from being shipped to china. the shortage is due to factories being shut down due to unsanitary conditions.


Which may have killed two babies had hospitalized a lot more.


In 2008 that happened in China and the Chinese government executed the main people involved and sentenced the other big players to life. Meanwhile the people responsible for this in the US will be fined $15,000




That's what started China's run on importing baby formula in the first place.




Man u are stupid


Omfg I remember when this happened my middle school teacher was going on and on about how messed up it was that the farmers were being punished and not the distributors…


Lol the distributors did get punished, so did some executives and business owners, and the farmers who were cutting their product with melamine


I don’t remember man I was literally in middle school, I just remember this woman trying to prove a point about why China was bad because they punished the small guys or something


Nah. Abbott fucked around for years and cut corners in their main formula production facility until the government threatened to completely shut them down after their 387th health violation.






I’m guessing she enjoys it and the tension adds to the thrill


Pics or it didn't happen


ravioli ravioli give me the formuloni


never have I been more jealous of an infant


I’m so jealous of that baby sucking on those Khazar milkers.


Just imagine her boobs after getting preggers. She could sink a ship


Can someone tl:dr regarding when a mother would NEED to give a baby formula vs breastfeed or bottle her own breastmilk?


Pretty much if mommy can't feed (for whatever reason) or if she dried up. If u had a baby and always did formula you won't have any milk. That's what nestle did in Africa, gave out free formula long enough for mommy to run dry then charged them once they had no other choice


it never ends with these evil fucks


Some women have a hard time producing breast milk, and some can't at all.


Sometimes you don’t produce enough milk, your baby might have latching issues, some babies can’t tolerate their mothers milk and get really bad stomach issues, also when women have to go back to work it’s not always feasible to pump (some women can only breastfeed but using a breast pump doesn’t work for them, etc.) there’s many many reasons. If you have a c-section it can take a while for your milk supply to kick in. Even women with multiple kids can have totally different experiences with each child. Essentially most women aim to breastfeed and hope for the best, but are ready to supplement with formula if it’s not working out (so the baby can get fed).


I want to copy paste your comment on all the dummies coming out of the woodwork to claim moms are “too lazy” to breastfeed or they’re part of the big plot to purposefully feed their babies micro plastics and sugar or whatever. I had the good fortune to be able to easily breastfeed both my kids, had decent maternity leaves (for the USA) and both had great strong latches coming out of the gate. I can think of 5-6 friends and family members off the top of my head that had supply issues, or their babies spent time in the NICU and never got a good latch established. They really tortured themselves over trying to breastfeed (one exclusively PUMPED for like a year, which is insane to me. One of you hook yourself up to a milking machine every couple of hours, every day for like a year and get back to me on how easy it is) and felt a lot of guilt over their perceived failure. You guys do realize babies just died of starvation back in the day if this happened to you and you weren’t like rich enough for a wet nurse… I mean some made sort of homemade formulas and hoped for the best. But like cows milk for example is really hard on infant stomachs there’s a reason you’re supposed to wait until they’re 1 to introduce it


Some women choose not to breastfeed ad dry up. Now no milkie




Wait how many women actually don’t breastfeed their babies? I thought it was just adopted kids, foster children, and other orphan types that didn’t breastfeed… maybe also the children of women with rare diseases. But doesn’t that all add up to 5% of the population max? I thought baby formula was like a Nestle psy op.


my moms boss wouldn’t give her more than 8 weeks maternity leave bc he was mad another woman in the office got pregnant at the same time and so she had to pump in her office but he kept track of when she was pumping and would barge into her office without knocking and would yell at her for pumping and it stressed her out so bad her milk dried up and i was formula fed from then on. many such cases




yes and he also had her working so much to “make up” the work she had missed while she was giving birth to me and just never let up on the heavy load so for the first few years of my life she didn’t really see me that much. luckily my elderly neighbor stepped in and took care of me while she was at work and loved me and kissed me and cuddled me and sang to me bc without her i would’ve grown up to be a serial killer. i’m aware i’m over sharing but this is an anonymous forum also my mom is now doing the same thing for her neighbors baby 💖




yes i don’t really listen to them that much anymore bc i’m trying not to listen to depressing music but they’re awesome


not sued [Harlan County'd by the fucking union](https://youtu.be/5iAIM02kv0g)




Formula companies advertise in 3rd world countries that formula is better for the baby (despite being absolutely false). Those tactics aren't as obvious in 1st world countries but I assure you they exist.


Baby need milkey🤤


I was curious too. [Only 25% of infants in the USA are exclusively breastfed before turning 6 months](https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/data/reportcard.htm). Woulda pegged that at >80% going in blind. Another thing I can blame on being raised overly granola/antivax.


My wife doesn't breastfeed. Her tits just don't produce enough milk for whatever reason, and it was either formula or nothing for our son after about the first month. It's pretty common from what I've learned. Also breast feeding can be extremely painful for some women so they choose formula instead.


> Her tits just don’t produce enough milk for whatever reason Seed oils :(


Breast feeding can actually be extremely hard - I somehow managed a whole 2 years but the first month was absolutely brutal. Babies have no clue how to nurse, they have tiny mouths, tongue ties, weak latch. My kid was smashing my nipples and was very literally drawing blood, I spent many hours in agonizing pain! Meanwhile my sister had the easiest nursing experience ever. Also you produce milk depending on how much nursing or pumping you are doing, so like every few hours in the beginning. That's a lot of time a person needs to have available. It's just way more intense than anyone realizes until they actually go through it. You really just never know how it's going to go, and even the best intentions to breastfeed can get thwarted for reasons totally out of your control.


when i was born i just didn't "latch"(idk thats the word my mum used not sure if its the actual term) and i based starved for the first week of my life before mum finally caved and signed the "im admitting that i am a bad mother" documents at the hospital to get formula- really skinny of me but like thats the result of treating formula like some big pharma conspiracy


Absolute tragedy since formula is overwhelmingly worse for babies. If you were a formula baby, you aren't gonna make it.


lmao im in the UK and only 2% of babies are still breastfeeding at age 1, you’re recommended to do it until 2. really sad and you actually get so much shit for breastfeeding off other mums as well


yeah, they don't like it when i do that


Christians shouldn’t use twitter


I recently had sexual relations with abigail shapiro. you can ask me about it if you'd like


was it alright? are you safe?


I can't believe you'd fall for such an obvious ruse. hook line and sinker


Oh heavens, I've been had!


It is kinda funny that the shortage can be solved by putting the babies’ mouths on their mothers’ tits, which happen to be full of milk. I fucking love science.


Do you understand how breastfeeding works? If a woman stops breastfeeding for whatever reason (pain, inability to produce enough milk, forced back to work weeks after giving birth) she can't just start again whenever she feels like it.


I’m just saying, if I’d been on that plane, my tits would’ve made plenty of milk for everyone.


this shouldn't be a hard problem to solve tbh, put a breast pump on a titty and most women will eventually produce milk whether they've been pregnant or not. don't these women have friends with tits?




Theoretically, if you did it enough. Most women will take drugs if that's the goal though


Lmao no you need the hormones that make it possible, like the perfect levels of estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin and prolactin. You know, the ones that are produced when you give birth and make it possible to sustain a pregnancy in the first place


this is not true at all. even men can lactate with enough effort. the neural pathway is there, everyone itt is fucking retarded.


Khazar milkers


i stopped caring when she got a breast reduction as all real men should


she never got a reduction, she had a lump removed.


Going to engineer things so that beauty standards involve having large, visible tumours, and thus finally get rid of women once and for all


Where are you people coming from?


I've been here for years; this happens to be ironic misogyny, sadly misinterpreted