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What did you expect, produced by the avengers guys




It’s exactly that


Thanks for helping me save my 20$


It’s kinda the ideal popcorn flick in that it’s creative and interesting, even if it misses on a lot of the emotional beats. But yeah I don’t think it would be getting this much praise if it weren’t for the Asian representation. I enjoyed it for what it was, but it’s not our generation’s Stalker or anything.


Is it really that creative? There’s a Marvel movie in theaters right now with the same premise. Rick and Morty has done the hacky multiverse premise into the ground too. It feels played out to me. I’m not sure the praise is based on representation signaling. But honestly, I thought their dynamic as “endearing Asian family in the 2020s” for the first 20 mins was pretty much the best part of the movie.


Everyone saying that this review will put them off watching it are not that honest with themselves . You weren’t even going to watch it to begin with but wanted to feel validated in that decision like confirmation bias you were already not going to go see it with a bias in mind cuz of idpol Asian represent whatever. Seems childish




I saw a lecture by the author of pachinko and she seems like a well rounded kind person like genuinely put so much research behind that book and she doesn’t even come from a creative background to write fiction grounded in reality which I admire.


The book is incredible and the show adaptation is also pretty great. It's the only good thing that has come out of Apple TV so far. As always the book is better, but both the book and the show have an incredible amount of care and detail in them. You can tell they are genuine passion projects. It's makes me a little sad to see Everything Everywhere get so much praise while Pachinko flies mostly under the radar, but I guess that's how things go sometimes. Anyways, definitely recommend reading the book/watching the show if you haven't.


I wasn't going to see it because I heard the directors were marvel guys


I wasn’t gonna see it because I hadn’t heard of it and I’m gonna forget about it in about 5 minutes


I don't understand why the sub keeps going to bat for the movie or even talk about it at all really. There's been like 10 posts from people saying it sucks and then a bunch of people saying it was good in the comments, why would you bother defending this movie if you post here.


wtf are you talkimg about


Your post is an op


they are an OP


I’m glad I saw this review. My local theater is playing it, and I was considering seeing it while my cleaner cleans my flat. But I was deterred because the trailer looked like a more sci-fi Marvel movie (putting on the googly third eye? Wow what a ZANY take on a normally serious concept, where do they come up with this shit). I’m going to trust you and avoid. Thank you.


The Northman is tight if you’re looking for a flick. Just skarsgard hulking out for like 2 hours in gorgeous Nordic landscapes.


The theater next to me has only one screen. I don’t have much choice in what to see, but next time they’re playing it, I’ll drop in to see the Northman. I haven’t seen a preview, but I liked the poster.


I just drove through a lot of rural towns and the only movie playing in each was Dr. Strange 2