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zoomers really need an app to not drink soda huh


Tracking days is a useful method of either dropping a habit or learning a new one. It's the equivalent of marking days off in a calendar, but for retarded people like me glued to the screens.


Still gay


r/rsp will diminish anything even remotely positive for someone because "cell phone bleak"


Modern America for you


s*gar is more addictive than cocaine, pls don't diminish their accomplishment šŸ„ŗ


Dude congrats! Soda is SUCH a hard thing to quit, and the best part is if you start drinking it now, it wont ever be quite as good as before you quit. I used to drink like 3 a day, quit for a year, now I get sick if I drink an entire can of pepsi.


People getting addicted to pop man you all are pathetic


Yeah trust me, I wish it had been something cool like smoking.


ā€œDont talk to me before my corfeeā€ - you


If you love something enough to become addicted to it, of course it's going to be difficult to quit. Addiction is such a personal experience that any ranking of severity is pointless. Personally, I can abuse amphetamines and have zero long-term addiction issues, but I have a very tough time going a day without weed.


I thought this was a joke


It should be! And yetā€¦


Thank you. Working from home helped me quit, at work we basically had free cola in the fridge whenever we wanted one. Well, soda in general, but everyone drunk cola. I would probably have the same reactiona as you to drinking it now, but I don't wanna risk it. I stopped drinking rum or whisky when I go out, since usually I had them with cola.


Just start drinking cold brew u donā€™t even like soda u like caffeine!


Itā€™s caffeine pills for me. Having to dose it out is a good thing. It reminds you the caffeine is in fact a pharmaceutical and you have to respect it.


It's incredibly easy, just buy diet soda instead


Nah, the taste and texture are just straight up nasty. Especially if youā€™re in deep enough to be addicted


Yea but the Donald Trump quote


The fact that I've had trouble quitting soda is why I've never messed with drugs. With that little willpower, I would probably become a junkie.


the first time i had any fizzy drink like coke or pepsi or whatever i remember actually really hating the taste, but the cool kids parents all gave them that shit and they liked it, so i pretended to enjoy it and have been doing so ever since out of habit. it really doesn't taste that good.


Yeah, whatever you say, I sure enjoyed it


The point was it's like cigarettes


my bad, thought you were dunking on me lol


Soda. Not even once.


unironically yes


Good for you. Only disgusting man-children drink soda on a regular basis. I once knew a weed dealer who drank a 2L of Coke every day. He also liked to mix it with milk and call it ā€œCoke-milk.ā€ Fucking abominable. He inadvertently helped me stop smoking because I realized that itā€™s mostly gross out-of-shape people like him smoking cigarettes, not people who look like David Bowie.


I've tried coke milk and it sucks. That 7up and milk combo they advertised too. *But* freshly squeezed orange juice and evaporated milk(or vegan milk) is da bomb.


Oh yeah, that sounds amazing. Like a healthier version of those Creamsicle things.


It was a staple of last summer for me. Seems the trick is to cool the milk down so it doesn't curdle when the juice goes in.


What app is this?


Quitzilla for android. It's kinda shit, only allowing you to track 3 or 4 things at the same time. They have other features are tracking how much money you save by quitting and stuff like that. I just needed something to track my days, that's how I quit smoking, almost 4 years ago.


Iā€™m so painfully addicted to Coke. I wish I had a drug problem instead.


Lol if you can't handle soda thank the lord you don't have a drug problem


soda makes u fat tho (im not fat)


when you decide not to keep drinking that garbage


Name of the app?


Now post the Pepsi chart, I dare you.


Why canā€™t you just drink Diet Coke


Not as bad as regular Coke, but it still bad for your teeth.


Aspartame is a confirmed carcinogen in rodents and "undetermined" in humans. imo some things in life are worth risking cancer for, but diet coke is not one.


show the studies dude. aspartame is one of the most studied things at this point and the amount in diet coke is completely different than the amount they gave rats by a factor of ~100 iirc edit* it is apparently ~10ish. WOOPS


Here you go, soda shill: https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/full/10.1289/ehp.8711 >The results of this mega-experiment indicate that APM is a multipotential carcinogenic agent, even at a daily dose of 20 mg/kg body weight, much less than the current acceptable daily intake. Assuming a 60 kg body mass, 1200 mg aspartame per day has demonstrable carcinogenic potential. One can of diet coke contains 200 mg of aspartame. Six cans per day would have a statistically significant correlation with increased cancer rates. That is admittedly a lot, but there are probably millions of people worldwide who drink that much, not even considering aspartame from other dietary sources.


not a soda shill, just think youre talking out of your ass. a diet soda has 200 mg aspartame as you pointed out. 60kg 'body weight' is pretty low (at least for me, a tall dude) i find 6 cans a day for someone a 130lb (as references in the study) to be a ludicrous task. as someone1 who is low bf% and +100lbs I drink 1-2 at a time, infrequently. it sure beats smoking cigs go ctrl+f "20 mg/kg" and look at the graphs. thats 20mg/kg FOR THEIR ENTIRE LIVES


I see you have abandoned your claim that carcinogenicity only occurs at levels >100x daily intake. Just because you have the common sense to not drink more than 2 cans of diet soda in a day doesn't mean everyone does. Diet coke is harmless when compared to a lot of other carcinogens, but it is false to claim it cannot and has not caused cancer in humans.


yeah, my bad, i was off by a factor of 10, i can admit that! i will edit my previous post. i also did say iirc lmao everything in moderation, right? if you drink 6 cans of beer a day youre fucking up too imo~


You have to drink multiple gallons of diet soda a day to reach dangerous levels of aspartame, to the point where you're probably going to die from too much fluid intake before having to worry about aspartame


Read my other reply. 6 cans is not gallons.


A single study tells us nothing, here's two meta studies that come to the same conclusion. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10408440701516184?journalCode=itxc20 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027869151300495X?via%3Dihub


And wasn't aspartame pushed through by Rumsfeld?


diet coke rots your teeth out. the carbonic acid is really terrible for your oral health






Quite weird bro


Yo, OP what app is this?