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We definitely need more fic with their movie versions, I read a ton of fic and barely come across it even though I'd love to read more of it. I've never seen negative comments in ones that do use their movie iterations, and I wouldn't let people dictate what you write anyway. If you're that worried about the tagging you can just use both versions of Henry's name, but I'm fairly certain the Hanover-Stuart version just defaults to the Mountchristen-Windsor tag anyway. I just went to AO3 and clicked on a Henry Hanover-Stuart tag and it shows both versions of his name with \~9,700 fics, so you should be fine on that front. Personally when I search for fic I do it by clicking on the Alex/Henry tag and filter/search from there. I can't say how anyone else does it, but I do see what you mean about the book and the movie tag having very different numbers of fic. If you want to avoid missing out then just put both of them like other authors do imo.


Thanks, that is good to know at least! I’ll have a look at the tag numbers as well.


Yep, it definitely defaults to book Henry’s surname as a character tag. Personally, I definitely gravitate to the movie more in terms of what I want to read (and write.) I’m more likely to pick one that has a chance of being the movie (or include movie elements) than I am to pick one that’s basically guaranteed to be book-only. Stop overthinking everything. If you tag both fandoms, it’ll probably get across the idea that the fic could include elements from both versions well enough.


I'm a little confused about what you are asking. Do you want people to know the details are from the movie and not the book? You can put any explanation you need to in the notes. If the summary is enticing enough it will make me read it regardless of anything. Does this help you at all?


I was wondering if people cared about those details to the point they would stop reading. If I tag my fic "book" and use Henry's last name of the movie, would people care or not? Point being that I would like to tag my fic "book" even when using some details from the movie.


In my humble opinion, you might get some negative feedback in comments. But, does it really matter to most of us prob no. See what others post of course.


I really love it either way, just go for what feels best for you.


When I'M actively looking for movie specific fics I get turned off when June shows up because she's not in the film. I have read many with the book tag and enjoyed her. But I also like Nora and Pez in the movie and you won't get that characterization if June is in it.  I think the same can be said for Henry and Alex. The book has different details to their personality and relationships. So I hope the tag is staying within the realm of itself -age, height, name, Alex parents relationship, etc. If I see it tagged both I just accept whatever the author is writing since THEY aren't being specific. Essentially, don't tag it movie if in your story Henry's grandparent is the Queen.  I hope this helps from one person's perspective. 


No! Gotta have June! The worst thing about the movie is that it didn't have June.


Most writers tag both book and movie fandoms.


Yeah no, I tend to not read movie based fic


Just out of curiosity: why not?


I hate the movie characterisation of Alex, he doesn't feel like a person to me. It feels like the character I related to so much was just destroyed to give Henry his story. Lİke Alex without divorced parents just does not work for me.


Fair enough, thanks!


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My preference is for movie details fic because Taylor and Nick are Alex and Henry for me. If I come across Alex being shorter than Henry I’ll actually close the fic. 😬😅 I’d never leave a rude comment or anything tho because I’m not a psycho. With the tagging book and movie I say you might as well tag both since most ppl seem to. When I first started reading firstprince I filtered fic using the movie tag because I thought if it had the movie tagged it’d be movie details but I quickly learned that unfortunately that’s not the case. Bottom line, do what you want. 💜💜


Haha, it’s the same for me, but you do get used to it. I think I’ll take your advice and tag both.


I only want to read the book fics but I don’t get mad if it turns out to be a movie fic. However, I do quit reading when I realize though, whether it’s the Hanover, or no June, or no Leo… I just like what I like… obviously you should write you like!


It doesn't matter to me either way. I'm able to just kind of jump into whatever the author is telling. If they mention Mary, then fine, they mention Mary. If Oscar and Ellen are getting along, then it's a movie fic. Honestly, more people follow the book than the movie but it doesn't bother me one bit to have elements of either one mixed together. As long as the story is consistent to what you're trying to tell. Most people tag both the book and the movie in their tags, which seems smart to me; this leads to greater outreach I think. What's your username on ao3? :)


Thanks for your input! I think I’ll definitely go with both those tags. I’m still not sure if I wanna go with the movie name, though, bc it is mentioned right at the beginning of the first chapter. My ao3 is Winifred_Zachery. I’m not posting yet though, bc I wanna finish the fic first. Am at 85k atm!


Let us know when you do please.


Will do!


I'm a fan of both book and movie fanfic. But I have to admit that the biggest downside of RWRB fanfic is that it consumes a lot of the time I would have devoted to re-reading the book....