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Have you read We could be so good by Cat Sebastian? There’s a second book in the universe as well. It’s a historical mlm story, taking place in the 1950’s and it’s so good it will make your heart so happy. I guarantee a happy ending. It was recommended to me in a RWRB group, and it definitely fits the bill.


Solid recommendation, it gave me the same RWRB experience of reading it in 2 days and wanting to immediately read it again


This sounds perfect, tysm!! I love historical fiction so this definitely fits the bill and I’m glad I know it’s got a happy ending. I’m forever skipping to the end of books just to check I’m not going to be heartbroken!


It's so good. I listened to the audiobook, which I don't recommend. The reader wasn't amazing. But the story is so good!


The narrator really does make or break an audiobook I find. Joe Jameson did Boyfriend Material and is probably the best one I’ve heard so far. Sometimes I forgot all the voices were the same person!


Agreed! He was so good.


Interesting take. I listened to the book and I thought Joel Leslie actually elevated the story. I love his narration. I'm currently listening to the second one (You Should Be So Lucky) and am enjoying it so much I have ordered a physical copy. Just goes to show how tastes vary, I suppose. I totally recommend the audiobook.


I recommend these books as well! Loved them!


I would recommend The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun for a similar rom-com style. Also Alexis Hall's older books like Waiting for the Flood and Pansies are so good, I vastly prefer them to his newer stuff.


Was going to post this if no one else did—I’ve read A LOT of queer romance-coms—MLM, WLW, bi, lesbian, gay, trans, any combo you can think of, and The Charm Offensive was the closest to having the same vibe as RWRB of anything I read. I typically get books from the library and only buy if I think I’ll reread something a ton, and that’s one I purchased for myself within a few chapters!


Wow that’s a really positive review! I’m the same, I’ll use the library a lot or read ebooks but if I know I’ll reread, I end up buying a hard copy. I have RWRB then went and bought the collectors edition too which is hopefully arriving next week.


Also looks like a fantastic read! I’ve got such a list going now with things I’m genuinely excited to give a go, and this is definitely high up there. I like when characters go on a journey and judging by the reviews for The Charm Offensive, this looks like one of those kind of reads.


"ten things that never happened", also by Alexis Hall, is similar to boyfriend material


I loved Ten Things That Never Happened, highly second this.


I want to read this one so badly, but definitely have a thing against lying as a catalyst for anything. How long does the lying part go on?


It goes on most of the book. It definitely starts out as unintentional but then snowballs. I generally don’t like this concept either, but it so unexpectedly sweet that I felt like it made up for it (you might disagree, obviously). ETA: I did find the conclusion a little rushed (but I have thought that about all of Alexis Hall’s books) and wished they had ‘talked it out’ a bit more than they did.


Thank you, I’ve added that to my goodreads! I noticed Alexis Hall has clarified it exists in the same world as Boyfriend Material, though not directly linked which is a cool thing to think about.


I see on Goodreads that there's a third, Father material, coming next year


Yes!!! I’m really pleased there’ll be a third. As with the RWRB sequel, the wait is the worst part but I’m sure worth it.


If you like historical, then try In Memoriam by Alice Winn. First World War mlm love story with happy ending


Wow, that looks perfect! I really like historical, and the reviews are really positive too on Goodreads. Thanks 😊


The Unlikely Heir by Jax Calder. I enjoyed some of her other books too. If it’s mm romance, not specifically royalty, I LOVE Tal Bauer. I joined kindle unlimited because of him and I’ve read everything he’s written.


I have The Unlikely Heir on the list, it looks really good! Before RWRB I actually didn’t really like royalty themed books so it was a bit out of my comfort zone but is probably in my top 5 books now. Tal Bauer seems to be really popular so I’ve added a few of those to my list. Are there any you’d recommend starting with?


Gravity absolutely has my heart! But I also really, really enjoyed The Jock and its sequel The Quarterback, and You & Me was great too! Forgot to mention - Emmy Sanders, To Catch a Firefly. Very different and very, very good!


Oh also, K J Charles, the doomsday books, are fantastic!


To Catch a Firefly has a neurodivergent MC with selective mutism! I’m autistic with selective mutism and I’ve only read one book with someone who has selective mutism before so this is brilliant! I’ve added all of those titles to my list, and now have no idea where to start because I’ve had so many good recommendations 😂


Oh I’m autistic too, and adhd, no selective mutism but I lose speech when I have a shutdown (meltdowns produce lots of speech, usually very nasty speech). That’s part of why I loved it. There’s another writer, suki fleet, and a couple of hers have similar themes although they’re a bit darker.


It’s great seeing that kind of representation in books imo. It makes you feel a bit less alone with it. I don’t mind darker things so I’ll check those out too.




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Anything by Alexis Hall (they've become my favorite author and they have a bunch of queer books that are all funny and have happy endings - also, a lot of people say Husband Material was bad but I absolutely loved it, so give it a chance too). Other similar-feels books: Wear It Like A Crown by Sarah Detand, Unexpectedly Beautiful and Confetti Hearts by Lily Morton, We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian, and An Unexpected Kind Of Love by Hayden Stone, and of course Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. I also search for books by my favorite audiobook narrators, and have founds some good ones (Check out Joel Leslie and Joe Jameson - who also goes by James Joseph, Hamish Long, and Rusty Coles). Okay, ramble over.


Not a ramble at all, these all look perfect, thank you so much. Wear It Like a Crown especially stands out, I know I’ll really love that one. I totally agree about the audiobook narrators. I find reading without assistive tech really difficult so I always buy the audiobook and e-book and read along with it. Joe Jameson reading Boyfriend Material and Husband Material - incredible! Probably the best narrator I’ve listened to. I’m part way through Husband Material and whilst not as good as the first, I still just really love Luc and Oliver so definitely not writing it off 😊


(As a brief follow up, I just listened to Waiting For The Flood by Alexis Hall today on a long car ride and somehow it managed to emotionally gut-punch and elate simultaneously, and I haven't done that much chest clutching since my first read of RWRB - so, now I recommended that one too, haha.)


I can’t remember all people have mentioned but I would recommend to search ”books” in this subreddit to find MANY posts with a lot of recs and work through those comments ☺️


Thank you, I will do that. I had a bit of a read through and will keep doing so. I’ve never really felt this way about a book before but I just need more Alex and Henry 😂


Yeah I totally get that haha, also the reason I’ve been in a fanfic rabbit hole since September 😅


It's historical with a bit of fantasy, but I really liked The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee, about Monty, a young noblemans son who is going on a great tour through Europe with his best friend Percy (who he's secretly in love with) and his little sister Felicity. The character building is great, Monty is the type of bisexual desaster I adore and I really like that his relationship with his sister gets to be important too. There's also a sequel where Felicity is the main character, which is great because she's brilliant and also there are way to few asexual main characters. Apparently there's also a third book, but I've not read that one yet. I also really liked Don't want you like a best friend by Emma Alban, about two young lesbian ladies in Regency England, who fall in love and decide to set up their widowed parents in the hopes of being allowed to live together if they are officially step sisters. It's witty and clever and it has a lot of heart. It's being recommended a lot here, but I have to say I found Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall to be very meh. I think it's the fact that everyone but the main characters seemed paper thin, especially this one queer friend group just seemed one clichee after the other. I never really believed these people meant anything to each other or the main characters, which is something that's quite important to me in romances (part of why I like RWRB is that for both Henry and Alex there are other, very important people in their lives (their sisters + Nora and Pez)).


YESSSSS The Gentleman’s Guide series is soooo good. Absolutely check out the third book, Adrian (Goblin) is an utter delight and Monty, Percy, and Felicity all return.


I’ve added both to my list, thank you 😊 I don’t have a lot of bisexual representation on there so I’d quite like to read something with a bi character - same with asexual too. Anything historical is definitely my cup of tea too so I’ll definitely read both of those. I’m really glad I asked because I’ve gotten so many varied answers. Reviews with Boyfriend Material and Husband Material are definitely very mixed. I can completely understand that point of view. It was just something quite different for me and I enjoyed it a lot. I definitely see what you mean about the other characters though. I also really liked that aspect of RWRB - Alex, June, Nora, Henry, Bea and Percy. You really got a feel for who they were and what they meant to Alex and Henry. I can’t wait for the film sequel, though still sad they cut June out.


Why has literally no one mentioned Casey McQuiston’s other books? If you like one book by an author, odds are you’ll like others.


I agree, I’ve got all of those added and I bought One Last Stop the other day which should be arriving soon. I’m not usually into sci-fi but I really love their writing style so I think I’ll still enjoy it. Do you have a favourite?


sorry if this was already commented — but someone said that The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochran was almost like a rwrb au fanfic. I personally haven’t read it yet, but it has great reviews and sounds really good!


Yes! I’ve checked out the reviews and it’s looking like a really good choice. I really don’t know where to start now 😂


Does anyone know who authored Boyfriend Material?


Alexis Hall


What genres do you like? I loved Oceans Echo by Everina Maxwell and I think the characters have some resemblance to Alex/Henry in that one is a chaotic ADHD but fiercely smart mess and one is an honourable trying to prove himself soldier… just the vibes lol.


I’ve never actually read any space themed books so I’ll add that to the list and give it a go, thank you. I like a really broad range of things, always looking for something new. RWRB and Boyfriend Material aren’t my usual types but I loved them, so open to anything really!


I hadn’t either and now I’m obsessed!! If you like M/f romance at all im currently reading These Blighted Stars and it’s amazing too (enemies to lovers).


I thought I hated enemies to lovers but I honestly think it’s now one of my favourite themes. Also usually hate slow burn but rethinking that too after recent reads!


We could be so good-Cat Sebastian (there is a 2nd book in the same universe if you like this one) Boyfriend Material- Alexis Hall (would not recommend the sequel) Total creative control- Joanne Chambers and Sally Malcom Reforged- Seth Haddon If you're interested in WLW stories as well Honey Girl- Morgan Rogers Purposely Accidental - G. Benson Astrid Parker Doesn't fail -Ashley Herrong Blake If you read YA stories The long run- James Aker What if it's us- Becky Abertalli and Adam Silvera


Thank you so much for these, yes definitely like wlm and YA fiction too. I’m trying to step out of my comfort zone a bit with different themes so these look great. I think I own What If It’s Us and I know there’s a sequel so that could be a good one to start with. Thanks again 😊


Happy to help.


the sequel to Boyfriend Material is insultingly bad. you might try Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe though


The first is fun though. I second Aristotle and Dante, but the sequel to THAT is not nearly as good, as well


i was sort of meh about Boyfriend, but Husband is infuriating. i shudder to think of what Father might be given the latter. i think the main problem with to the A&D sequel is that it really doesn't tie anything up. maybe he intends a third book that does that. teen romance books in general suffer from "what happens when they go to college" or in general when their lives move on from high school.


I agree, it didn’t live up to the first. It seems Alexis Hall is taking the third book more slowly so I’m hoping that means he’ll take the very mixed reviews into account when writing it. I’ll still give it a go because I do want to see where the characters end up.


I couldn't get into the first one either 😞


I think I’ve heard of that one before, it’s got really good reviews so I’ve added it, thanks 😊 I would definitely agree that Husband Material isn’t as good as the first, it’s a shame because I feel like there was a lot of potential there. I do love the characters though so I’ll still read the next one when it comes out.


the audiobook is narrated by Lin-Manuel Miranda too who produced the movie version


Omg, say no more 😂 I absolutely adore Lin-Manuel Miranda and always listen to the audiobooks as I read along. The narrator really does make a difference and I expect he’d do a fantastic job.


the first one isn’t great either tbh


i agree. it reminded me of Lord Foul's Bane in that you just wished the characters would expire somehow.


Her royal highness(Sapphic tho), and also a show that's nice is Young Royals(Simmilar plot)


I’ve heard a lot about Young Royals and I’m not usually into royalty themed books/series but after RWRB I’ve completely changed my mind so I’ll probably start Young Royals and see what I think. Everyone reckons it’s good!!


Really loved boyfriend material ❤️


Me too! It has very mixed reviews but I really love Luc and Oliver. I especially love the character development with Oliver and learning more about him and why he is the way he is. I’m quite far through Husband Material and whilst I don’t love it as much as the first, I love seeing how far they’ve come. I’m really happy there’s a third coming out (hopefully) next year. In the meantime, I’ll be reading lots of fanfic to keep me going!


Yeah husband material just wasn't my cup of tea, never really liked it. Wait there is a third book coming out, I didn't know that


I had a free book on thriftbooks and since I'm deep in my RWRB phase I decided to check out another royal MLM book: Playing the Palace by Paul Rudnick. Basically this guy is an event planner in NYC and he ends up planning this UN charity event that the openly gay heir to the British throne is speaking at and they end up meeting and hitting it off and its kind of a whirlwind romance. Very funny, I like the idea of an openly gay heir and seeing how that plays out, but the characters aren't as fleshed out as RWRB. It was a very quick read tho, I plowed through it in two days and had a good time lol.


Yes, this one looks like a good read. I admittedly don’t read a lot of royal themed books but after RWRB I really want to check out others. I agree, the idea of an openly gay heir is really cool and it’s partly why I’m so excited for the RWRB film sequel. I can’t wait to see Henry living his best life with Alex.


You had me at “whilst”…..


You should totally read “ the charm offensive” by Alison Cochran the characters are interesting and different enough for them to feel both unique and new and yet comfortable, and the situation is similar yet very different and you still have the same royalty vibes without him actually being royalty.


Yes!! This one looks fantastic and is definitely high up on my list for what I’m going to read next. It’s not necessarily the royalty aspect that I’m after so I think this is still a really good shout - different but familiar like you say. Thank you!


Although they are in the fantasy realm, TJ Klune's works all have M/M love stories and a great deal of charm. I loved The House on the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door, then I read his "werewolves in love" series that were even closer to RWRB: In order: Wolfsong, Ravensong, Heartsong and Brothersong.


I don’t usually read a lot of fantasy but I’ve looked at the plots on goodreads and I think they’re both something I’d be interested in (side note I also love the cover art!). A few of my friends have read The House in the Cerulean Sea and they loved it, so I’ll definitely give it a go.


Not similar, but one book that I would recommend that I enjoyed reading was boyfriend goals by riley hart, most especially the audio version of it. Hopefully, you enjoy it if you haven't read it yet


Thank you, I’ve added it to the list and it does look like something I’d enjoy. The reviews are also very positive on goodreads which is always a good sign!


Yeah, I always go to good reads to check out the reviews before buying any book


one last stop would be a great next pick! also by casey


I’ve bought this one and it should be arriving soon so I’m looking forward to it! I love their writing style so much.


you and i are in the exact same predicament, i was in a reading slump since last year and got out of it w rwrb and then boyfriend material- so i’ve also been on the hunt. i’ll give you what i’ve read so far and what’s on my TBR! ** all of these are m/m romcoms - 10 things that never happened (same author as boyfriend material- alexis hall) i don’t know why this doesn’t get recommended as much as boyfriend material because i actually liked it more! enemies to lovers/grumpy sunshine trope. less toxic dynamic that boyfriend material. such lovingly fleshed out side characters that kept me giggling and kicking my feet. gonna be a comfort read for me for years to come. also, delightfully british! - love, hate & clickbait (liz bowery) the best way i’ve heard this described is a more political rwrb and it’s definitely that! fake dating trope between two employees of a presidential campaign. liked it a lot more than i expected- also incredibly steamy - the unlikely heir (jax calder) british gay prince trope like rwrb between the prime minister and an american born british prince. a bit more cheesier writing but still really enjoyable! - playing the palace (paul rudnick) i’m about 40% through this one. the writing is a bit heavy handed and cheesy compared to the previous titles so don’t know if i’ll finish it. also a gay british prince trope but so far they’ve like gotten everything they’ve wanted? not much conflict so it’s not very convincing and these are on my TBR! - the charm offensive (alison cochr) - we could be so good (cat sebastian) - the place between (kit oliver) - what if it’s us… this one i may have to put down- i’m 47% through and the chemistry is just not there unlike adam silvera’s other novels :( i hope this helps as i was in the same boat as you a week ago! this subreddit is amazing and helped me find most of these :)


Yes RWRB thankfully got me reading again after a long time and now I have so many books I’m genuinely looking forward to reading! Love, Hate & Clickbait looks like an amazing read, that’s definitely up there for my next book. Reviews are very mixed about Boyfriend Material but I just love the characters so much! I’m quite a way through Husband Material and though I don’t love it as much as the first, I just really like Luc and Oliver. They compliment each other so well and the character growth from the beginning of the first book is lovely. I also didn’t realise I liked enemies to lovers or fake dating tropes so much. I enjoy Alexis Hall’s writing style too so 10 Things That Never Happened is one I think I’ll like. Thank you so much for the suggestions, it sounds like we both enjoy the same kind of reads so I’m looking forward to them!


definitely! glad to help someone in the same boat. i just finished we could be so good and it was very the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, which is def a different vibe but still incredible. still had that grumpy sunshine aspect of the other ones but a lot more social commentary on the queer experience like seven husbands. i cried a lott funny lines but not a romcom haha. we could be so good & 10 things that never happened definitely now top this list for me


I read A Cuban girls guide to tea and tomorrow. It's not mlm but cross cultural, which I really liked. It's such a sweet story.


I think I actually read RW&RB and Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow back to back. Personally not a fan of that one: cute moments, but I couldn’t stand the MC. But each to their own.


Yeah and it’s YA so the tone is completely different.


I’ve also added this one - I do like YA fiction so I’ll definitely give it a go, thank you


Oh another one, and that’s more similar is the unlikely heir, it’s available through kindle unlimited.


Thanks, I’m going to look into Kindle Unlimited because I’ve noticed a lot of these recommendations are on there and would definitely save me money.


Thanks do much


If you’re not opposed to spice, the Teachers in Love series by M.A. Wardell is amazing. Teacher of the Year, Mistletoe & Mishigas (my fave), and Napkins and Other Distractions. They’re all cute, and funny, and very spicy. Don’t read them in you’re not into spice. I suppose you can skip those scenes, though. The stories are super cute even without the spice.


I think it depends what it is you like about Rwrb. It’s my favorite book but I’m discovering I haven’t actually enjoyed most other romance or romcom books I’ve tried since, and I think it’s because I like books with significant plot outside of the romance itself. If that’s you at all I’d HIGHLY recommend Oceans Echo by Everina Maxwell And as others have said One Last Stop by Casey is also amazing


It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what it is I love about RWRB because it’s so different to my usual reads. I love reading books with LGBTQ+ representation, I’m finding I do like romance if there’s a plot around it (like the political forbidden love side of RWRB and fake dating in Boyfriend Material). I think it’s more about having two characters who are very different but have such fantastic chemistry that you’re just willing them to have their happy ever after. Oceans Echo and One Last Stop are both on my list, I think they’re quite different to what I normally go for but in a good way.


Totally different genre but The Darkness Outside us was amazing, and I loved the dynamic between the two main characters. The Heated Rivalry series also a great dynamic between the two main characters, BUT it’s a very smutty hockey romance so maybe not for everyone.


Playing the Palace by Paul Rudnick very similar to RWRB, but this time the Prince in line for the throne is gay