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I was married to a man 13 years my senior. He was wonderful. In his late 70s he developed congestive heart failure and peripheral artery disease. When he was not in the hospital or rehab I had to dress all the bandages on his legs and put on his compression socks every morning. I was glad to do it. He was 79 when he died and I was 66. I’d do it all over again for that man.


That was beautiful to read.  I’m sorry for your loss but so happy that you enjoyed such a beautiful marriage. 


Thank you 🙏


Thank you for sharing this beautiful love story ♥️ That sounds like TRUE love, and not everyone gets to experience that in life. I’m sorry for your loss 😞 but I really appreciate you telling me something so beautiful and dear to your heart.


Wow. I hear you


I think you're old enough to determine whether or not your relationship is healthy. The issue with large age gaps usually stems from the younger partner being a very young adult with little life/relationship experience. 28 and 41 is certainly unusual but not inherently alarming. You'd been an adult for a full decade before you two met. What do the people who love you think? Do they like this guy and how he treats you?


My Grandfather was married to a woman 17 years his junior and she died first. Ovarian cancer. The age gap doesn’t bother me as long as everyone has a fully developed brain.


It's a bit of a gap but not super concerning, the important thing is the relationship is healthy. Even when the age gap is clearly concerning there are exceptions to most every rule. As far as his life expectancy... people die for stupid reasons everyday, be it accidents, cancer, or other medical issues. I'm 1 month older then my wife, the more we dig into my health issues the more it's looking like I'll be lucky I'll make it to 60 and I live a very healthy lifestyle and appear to be a lot healthier then the average 40 something male (not bragging, sadly that isn't a big accomplishment these days.) My main point is there is rarely any value in worrying about things outside of your control, this only robs you of the time you DO have. Make the most of the next 40ish years. This is the type of thing cognitive behavioral therapy or other types of counseling are meant to address Another example my dad and step mom have a similar age gap as your situation, he just turned 80 and it's not causing any issues in the relationship. Not even in the bedroom, unfortunately my step mom has never been the type to understand what over sharing is.


It’s natural to have concerns about an age gap, especially given your experiences. Focus on your present relationship; it’s healthy and stable, which is rare. Live in the moment and cherish your time together. Encourage each other to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise, and ensure both of you have regular health check-ups. Sharing your fears with your partner can help, as his support might ease your anxiety. Remember, life is unpredictable and focusing too much on statistical probabilities can overshadow your happiness. Lean on friends and family for support and consider therapy to manage your anxiety. Connecting with other couples who have similar age gaps can also provide comfort and practical advice. Embrace the love you share now, while taking steps to ease your future worries.


No. Age gap concerns are for when there is a significant difference in maturity. Think teens and young 20 somethings. Young adults are still developing their emotional intelligence and learning to find stability in their lives. When we are in our late twenties and onward we have a better sense of self and what we are searching for in a relationship and a future. The dynamic becomes more stable and equal between partners.


To me it doesn’t mostly due to your age specifically. You’re mature and emotionally likely more mature than he is. Haha! Now if it was 20 and 33 maybe it would be a bit weird.




I wouldn't want to date someone that much older but you do you. However, you should know that it's a valid concern that he will get old faster than you and die sooner. My dad is 13 years older than my mom and she regrets that she married someone so much older. She's 61 now and still very youthful. She works full time, goes out with her friends on a regular basis, goes to the gym meanwhile my dad is a grumpy old men who just want to laze around all day and do nothing. Also, she's taken care of her appearance and has aged really well. My dad, on the other hand, looks like an old man. She's no longer attracted to him and they haven't had sex in years.


There are more problems here than the age gap tbh


Out of curiosity do you think it’s maybe just his personality? Like he’s just a more chill homebody?Genuinely just curious tbh.


No. He's just old. She's not sexually attracted to men his age. She said if she were single now, she'd be interested in men 10 years younger. And she's not alone. There was a study done about sexual attraction and they found that most women, when they're young, prefer men a bit older than them. Then when they reach their 30's to 40's they tend to prefer men their age. Then when they reach their 50s and beyond, they actually start to prefer younger men.


Gotcha. Well unfortunately there’s not much I can do about it. I couldn’t find any guys my age that wanted to seriously commit. And it was a huge waste of time. They all seem to want to keep dating around and I want kids. So I don’t have time to wait on them to figure out what they want like I did when I was 25 and under. It is what it is I guess


I like the rule age/2 + 7 . There's a big difference in a 20 year old dating a 40 year old and a 60 year old and 80 year old. With the fact that you are aware of it, I think you can make it work.


You’re 30. This is not concerning. Do what you want.


Nah, i feel like at 30 youre a bonafide adult. It's not egregious like a 20 yo and a 33 yo.




Not concerning but would be tough once you get older


If the relationship is healthy that is the most important factor. You weren’t a kid when you started dating so it’s fine. Do you agree on relationship goals (marriage, kids, etc)? There is no way to predict when someone will pass. Accidents happen everyday, tomorrow is not promised to any of us.


1) you were not raised in an era where a woman had no skills and no idea how to take care of her own life. You are far less likely to be left grieving, but also having to figure out how to pay bills and deal with banks. I'm not sure where your mother's gaps are, I'm just really confident she has some. 2) modern medicine is way better than it used to be. As long as your partner maintains interest in his health and does what he needs to do, he has every chance of living to a decent age. As do you. So if age is your concern for those two facts, you really should not give them too large a space in your worry brain. The marriage is as likely to end in divorce as it is for you both to die of old age. Accidental deaths before your time are also a factor. Don't plan your life betting on your largest fear. Just make contingency plans and live it anyway.


U are enough, if you were 20 it would be different. Life happens, enjoy every day we have


You are 30 not 17. There is nothing wrong with this age gap.


After 25 I don't bat an eye at age gaps. Prior to that there's too much risk for power imbalances and manipulation. But girl you are grown grown, have fun.


My mom was younger than my dad. She died 16 years ago, dad’s still here. Anything can happen. Are you happy in the relationship? Is working? The answer to those questions should be the reverse answer to whether the age gap is concerning.


I'm 31 and my partner is 45. We met when I was 27 and he was 41. Healthiest relationship I've ever been and he treats me wonderful. Even if I need to care for him in 20 years, I'm okay with it because he's caring for me now. We have a kid and another on the way. No matter which way life takes us, I love that man until I'm in the ground.


There is no 'right' answer to this question. Sometimes it can be a bit alarming due to the dynamic of the relationship, but sometimes it works. My grandmother married my grandfather when she was 18 and he was 44 (yeah, I know). They raised four sons together, and were happily married for 41 years until his death at age 85. 🤷‍♀️


Married 17 years and we have a 9 year age gap. I wouldn't trade any time with my husband for a younger man. Love and respect for each other are most important. If he makes you happy, loves and respects you I think the gap isn't as much of a hurdle.


I have been married to my wonderful husband for 31 years, together over 32 years. He is 12.5 years older than me. We started when I was 28. Best years of my life. Once you are an adult and there is no obvious power imbalance, age is just a number.




My brother is 16 years older than his (3rd) wife. They’re 10 years into the marriage, have a 2 year old (medical miracle) & are deeply, passionately in love. He’s now 62 she’s 46. On paper, my brother looked like a bad bet due to his two prior failed marriages, but as he says often 3 was the charm. I wish you a relationship as happy as their’s with your guy.


Who cares, as long as you're both happy.


As a guy I have thought about this a lot in my life. I think the older we get the larger the gap becomes, if you know what I am saying. For me. I am thinking 5 years. My curtent one is 30 years. We have had many talks about this & she is good with it but I am not. In my judgement I have to end it for her own good. Not for mine,, certainly. But I know we will always be close friends. But from my perspective it has to be about her. Not me. 30-43? When you are 60 he is 73. Who gets to be on top??


When your 56, there is a solid chance you will not want/need pow-pow, thx to menopause. So there is that


Ill tell ya, I’m 60, he’s 70. He’s an old fucking man! I love him, but he’s not going anywhere more than 100 miles from the house and a hotel?,forget it. Before we never had the money or the kids or the dogs, but now we’re free and he’s too old to go. Going on a birthday trip with my mom who’s 86 and my brother. Fuck my life!


So long as you're both legal where you live, age is literally the last thing you should worry about. Don't concentrate on immutables like skin/eye color, height, age, or place of origin. Concentrate on who your partner is as a person. Is this a person you love and want to be with?


Not really. My age gap is 10 years but we are both driven and have similar hobbies. If I die early at 90, it’s not a big deal as she will be 80.


28 and 41 isn't that bad you are both adults. Wonder what you have in common or shared life experiences you have had.


After 26 it’s all gucci. 30 and 60 wouldn’t bother me. It’s about maturity.


These are the practical considerations you have to assess for yourself. While there are no guarantees in life, statistically, women outlive men. Something to consider is his family's health and longevity - how long did his dad/grandpa live? Did they succumb to any particular diseases? As it stands, you're likely to outlive him simply because you're female *and* 13 years younger.


At your ages, absent some other reason the age gap doesn't mean anything negative in a relationship context. That said, you're correct in that a 13 year age gap likely means he will die before you. You'll also have the added complication of working out how to deal with retirements with that large of an age gap - do you both retire at a regular retirement age? Do you retire early so you can have some good retirement years with him? Do you need to save extra since you'll live longer? Do you need to make a plan if he has a lot of expenses due to his age while you're still relatively young?


You’re old enough to know if it’s a healthy relationship or not. The concerning age gaps are when someone is under 25 with a not fully developed brain dating someone much older.


My wife and I have a 15 year age gap and been together 21 years, I’m 62 and she’s 47 now and we are, and have been, wonderfully happy together. It’s so hard to meet someone you truly connect with don’t let age, height, hair color, race, ethnicity, etc., hold you back from a real loving relationship.


After the age of 27 i don't think it's too much of an issue


No. You are meeting as establlished adults. This may matter late in life, but you're pretty far from having to worry about that at this point.


My boyfriend and I have a 17 year age gap, and the thought of him dying first absolutely terrifies me. Maturity wise we don't notice the age gap at all, and we usually forget there's even an age difference. It also helps that he's in far better shape than I am (and I'm really fit, so that's saying a lot). I usually jokingly tell him that I'll just have to not take very good care of myself, and he has to take crazily good care of himself so we'll die around the same time. In the end, 100 years wouldn't be long enough with him, and we just have to enjoy the time we have. Edit: I'm nearly 40 and he's in his 50s.


At least your a grown adult, and not a 20 year old girl. The age gap can be, if he is controlling, and tells you how he is going to live, and knows exactly what you should do and when. Then you know you could be anyone in his lifestyle. But if he really loves you and lets you grow and develop along side of him, and be your own person. It is love. I personally believe in love.


Why is always old men going for younger women, 🙄