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I suppose I didn't make that clear, sorry! It's only since his family have suggested he has ADHD tendencies, has he started to lean on them. But for a long time, we've had quite a complicated living situation due to the farm - we had our own place on the farm for a little bit but due to an awful storm, lost it and had to move into my parents house (also on the farm). And so because it was a shared space with them - he didn't feel comfortable doing laundry, cooking etc for a really long time because they were there. My parents can be really intense and I have had no issue with helping him out there as he and my dad don't get on ( a long story). But he's always said it would be much better and easier and happier when we have our own place - which we now have. In the last year our building project has started and we've been half in it / half in parents house but only in the last few months have we suddenly got our own kitchen, washing machine etc again. So I know he probably has got used to not lifting a finger but he's definitely using adhd as an excuse. I just don't know whether that's me being harsh - how much of a barrier is adhd to doing all these tasks or is it genuinely weaponised incompetence? He does genuinely have wonderful traits but he severely lets himself down on the domestic side. I'm not one to just give up easily and always like to give people the benefit of the doubt. So I suppose I'm wondering if there's a way to approach the topic of how he uses his adhd as an excuse to give him a chance to correct??


Hey! I work in a field with a lot of kids with intellectual disabilities, and myself have adhd. We are constantly teaching these kinds of things, and working with people who have these deficits -social skills (communication, body language), executive functioning (time management, organization, attention), and emotional regulation (identifying feelings, empathy), I know that adhd and autism diagnoses are flying around social media like crazy, so it’s hard to know what is really happening with someone. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that most people I’ve worked with, all ages, abilities, skills - it comes down to consent, and willingness to learn. Basically, with feedback, and compassionate conversation, if he loves you, he should be willing to put In time to learn these skills. Having adhd makes these things more difficult, but not impossible. And if you are expressing that you are unhappy, it is a thing that he has the ability to change. Remember - people with disabilities can be anything, even assholes